Read Love Under Two Wildcatters Online

Authors: Cara Covington

Love Under Two Wildcatters (5 page)

BOOK: Love Under Two Wildcatters
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He filled her and drained her, and she collapsed, the strength seeping out of her.

“Susie Q, your cunt damn near sucked me dry.” Colt’s words brought a smile to her face. And then she squeaked as he raised them both off the chair and carried her to the kitchen table.

He set her down, laid her flat, then stepped out from between her splayed legs. Ryder took his place. Colt left the room for a minute. It didn’t take a genius IQ to figure out where he was headed.

Susan blinked, lured from the lull of satiation when Ryder grasped her legs and spread them wider. A classically vulnerable position, she couldn’t deny the tiny thrill it gave her to be so exposed and, yes, so vulnerable. Colt returned from the bathroom, his gaze focused on her pussy as he made his way around the table. She now had a man at either end of her body. Two men who would do whatever they wanted to do with her. As if he’d just heard that thought, Colt reached down and drew her arms above her head, cuffing her two wrists with one hand.

Ryder ran the back of his fingers up and down across her slit.

“Mmm, is there anything more appealing than wet pussy? Let me say wet, shaved pussy. Your lips here are pink from attention.” His gaze darkened, and met hers. “If you had anything planned for the rest of today and into tonight, you’ll have to cancel your plans. We won’t be done with you anytime soon.”

She caught the expression, the sense of being dared to argue. She opened her mouth and said, “Fuck me.”

Ryder shifted then thrust his cock into her, hard and fast and deep. Susan arched her back, pressing her cunt closer to him, then dipped her hips to try to rub her clit against Ryder’s pubic hair. She succeeded with a soft brush, and the shiver of arousal made her gasp.

“No.” Ryder used his palm to lay a stinging slap on her bare hip.

The heat of contact only served to add more fuel to her rekindled fires.

“You’re not in charge here, Susie Q. Your role is to spread yourself and take what we give you, when we give it to you, in the way that we give it to you. I dare you to tell me that’s not what you want.”

Susan couldn’t control the whimper that came out of her because that was exactly what she wanted, and thank God these men seemed to know that. So she gave him her response by spreading herself wider for him.

“Do you want me to hold her down for you?” Colt’s voice had deepened. Susan turned her head, the sight of his newly re-hardened cock making her mouth water.

“Yeah. Hold her so I can ride her.”

Susan’s sense of humor responded to the play on his name. Before she could laugh, Colt moved.

He placed his left arm behind her knees, then pulled, bringing her legs toward her head, as if he would fold her in half. The pressure changed the angle of her slit, and Ryder’s cock felt so much larger inside her.

With Colt holding her arms and legs, she couldn’t move, couldn’t so much as twitch her hips.

“Oh, look at that pretty little anus. You’ll have our cocks there, too, soon, baby. But, right now, I’m going to fuck you…for my pleasure, not yours.”

Susan cried out as her arousal surged, as Ryder began to move, his thrusts fast and furious, direct and deep. He stretched her, angling his hips so that he just missed rubbing against her clit. His plundering cock stroked her G-spot, battering her with waves of Eros she couldn’t lasso, couldn’t force into orgasm. Over and over, he thrust into her, and for the first time in her life, Susan experienced her secret desire—to be taken, controlled, used in a way that all she could do was take and

“Oh, God, yes, oh, please!” Here was a kind of pleasure she’d never known, something both more and less than orgasm, something that shimmered through her in a way nothing had ever done before.

“She’s so wet. I think our little Susie likes being taken hard.” Ryder’s gaze speared hers. His strained expression spoke of a titanic battle, and she knew he held back his own completion, savoring the same kind of pleasure she’d only just discovered.

“More.” Susan closed her eyes, the pleasure becoming sharp and with such beauty that she wanted to clutch it close and hold on to it.

“You want more fucking, woman?”

Ryder’s tone demanded a response. She’d thought him the shier of the two, but she’d been wrong. There was nothing shy about Ryder Magee.

“Yes, more, fuck me more, fuck me harder.” How had she thought she’d known what good sex was? Susan couldn’t even command her own orgasm, her body no longer belonged to her. Her body had given itself to these men completely, would only answer to their will, their whims.

“Turn your head toward Colt. I want to see what you look like with cock in your mouth.”

Susan complied, her need to taste, to suck cock suddenly acute. They shifted her, a quick, short jerk that had her at the edge of the table, closer to Colt. Knowing these two wildcatters would keep her safe, she put all her attention on the cock that bobbed so close. Sensing what these men wanted, she opened her mouth.

“Yeah, that’s it. Just open to us, baby, just let us have you.”

Colt began to move his hips, to fuck her mouth at the same time as Ryder continued to fuck her cunt. The sounds they made met a need in her that had been buried so deep she’d never before known for certain it was there. The swirling colors of passion formed behind her closed eyes, blocking every thought until she became a vessel,

“Surrender, woman. Surrender to the demands of your men. Do it, now!”

Ryder’s angry sounding command washed over her. She nearly told him she’d surrendered already. In the next instant, she knew that would have been a lie. There remained one tiny part of her held back, one tiny scrap of will that longed to exercise some control, to determine the moment of purest bliss for herself. But that moment wasn’t hers to steal or force. It would, it should, be a gift, from these strong men who now owned her body.

Susan cried out and tensed every muscle, relishing the sensation of cocks fucking her, using her tongue to stroke and her cunt to squeeze. And then she let it all go, relaxed, gave over.

“Yeah, that’s right. You’re ours!”

Susan’s body erupted into an orgasm more intense, more exciting than anything she could have imagined. Colt’s cock began to pulse in her mouth, and she drank gulp after gulp of his ejaculation as she felt Ryder’s cock quiver inside her pussy. And when he held himself deep, when he poured himself into her, she clenched her inner muscles, drawing the hot male essence if not into her body, then into her very soul.

Chapter 4

The men had no trouble locating her bedroom, which was a good thing, Susan mused. She might have managed a grunt and a point, but that would have been it. She tried not to give too much credence to the shiver of pleasure that raced down her spine when Ryder scooped her into his arms and simply carried her up the stairs as if she had been a petite miss.

He didn’t ask, just carried her into the shower. Like most of the bathrooms in most of the Benedict homes, this one hosted a shower and a spa that would each hold four to six adults, easily.

When she’d ordered the fixtures, it hadn’t occurred to her to have it any other way, even though she’d thought she’d given up on finding men of her own.

Ryder adjusted his hold on her, and she immediately put her arms around his neck while her legs dangled. She heard him working the faucet then felt the warmth of water raining down on her.

“Some shower you’ve got here, Ms. Benedict.”

Susan smiled. “Glad you like it.”

The glass door slid open. “Well, now, room for us to play.”

Colt shut the door, and the heat and steam began to build. Ryder lowered her and turned her around.
Ohh, I’m about to become the filling in a man sandwich
. Her gaze slid to the high shelf when Colt grabbed the bar of soap. She spied several small foil packets that hadn’t been there last night when she’d showered.

“Let’s see how you feel under our wet and soapy hands.” Colt handed the bar of soap to Ryder and then set to washing her. His hands boldly caressed her breasts, cupping and squeezing as if they belonged to him. It felt so good, she nearly melted. But she wanted to be an active participant in water sports.

“I want to touch, too.” It pleased her to put just a tiny pout in her tone. She felt lax and loose and tired, but curiously energized, too.

“I don’t believe anyone is stopping you, sweetheart.” Ryder’s deep rumble rattled around in her belly, tickling her clit and making her juices flow.

He held the soap over her shoulder then let it drop. Susan caught it and wasted no time lathering her hands then setting the soap back on its shelf. Shivers wracked her as Ryder began massaging her back, and she wondered for a moment if she’d be able to do what she wanted, right at that moment, to do.

Grabbing hold of her self-discipline, she reached out with both hands, one in front and one behind, and wrapped her fingers around hot, turgid male cocks.

The men’s hands faltered, and Susan felt her smile slide just this side of sultry as she slid her closed fists up and then down, the water and the slippery soap aiding her in giving the men a taste of their own teasing.

“God in heaven, Ms. Benedict, you have a fine touch,” Colt said as sucked in a breath.

“Like I’m being stroked by an angel,” Ryder said.

“She has the mouth of an angel, too,” Colt said.

This wasn’t Susan’s first ménage, but it certainly was the first with men who seemed so suited to it and so perfectly at ease with it.

“Gentlemen, your choreography leads me to believe I’m not the first woman you’ve shared.”

“It’s not nice to kiss and tell,” Colt said. He lifted the shower wand and rinsed her breasts. “Let’s just say we never take on a project without having a pretty good idea what’s involved, first.”

“I’m a project?” Susan gave them just enough extra pressure to ensure they knew she was just a little ticked with that comparison.

“The sweetest kind.”

“I see.”

Colt reached for the soap, lathered his hands again. She could see he flicked a glance at Ryder and wondered what they were thinking. Before she could ask, every thought dissolved as he cupped her pussy and began to rub.

He lifted her hand from his cock. Ryder extricated himself easily, too, and she knew it wasn’t just her thoughts that had deserted her. She’d enjoyed sex in the past, on occasion. She’d never gone weak-kneed before.

“You know, honey, you play your cards right, we might see our way clear to giving you a discount.”

Ryder’s words shocked her, a fine line of outrage that grew and swirled to gigantic proportions in mere seconds.

“Why, you son of a…”

Colt laughed and spun her around. Ryder combed his fingers into the short, wet strands of her hair and yanked her close. His mouth took hers in a kiss that was instantly hot, totally carnal. Susan sank into the kiss, drinking him, reveling in him.

In total control, Ryder broke the kiss but left his hands in her hair. Downward pressure told her what he wanted before his words did.

“On your knees, woman. Suck me off.”

She’d tasted Colt and discovered a new addiction. Slowly, she slithered down and prepared to discover another.

* * * *

“Yeah, just like that.” Ryder closed his eyes as Susan Benedict showed him a glimpse of heaven. Her mouth, hot and wet, surrounded his cock. Her tongue stroked up and down his shaft with slow, lusty strokes. He spread his fingers in her hair and couldn’t resist the urge to pump into her mouth just a little.

She immediately surrendered control, loosening her suction just enough that he could freely, and oh so sexily, fuck her mouth at whatever pace he chose.

“You do look good with cock in your mouth, Susie Q,” Colt said.

Her hum of pleasure at his friend’s compliment felt fucking fantastic on his dick.

Colt finished his shower and left them, but Ryder didn’t worry he’d been miffed. Ryder put his attention back on the gorgeous woman kneeling before him.

“You have a great mouth, honey. Will you drink me?” He’d have thought he couldn’t come again so soon, but this woman turned him on more than any he’d been with in a long, long time. He could feel his seed collecting as his balls got heavier, and he knew it wouldn’t take much of Susan Benedict’s particular brand of lip service before he erupted.

BOOK: Love Under Two Wildcatters
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