Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility) (31 page)

BOOK: Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)
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His eyebrows furrowed and he asked,
“Pardon me?”

Tell him. I can’t wait ‘til we get to the marina. I need you now.” I felt his log of an erection beneath me as I begged for him.

With a scowl
, he reached up to push a button. “Ray, take the scenic route until I instruct otherwise.”

Yes, sir,” Ray’s calming voice complied through the intercom speaker.

I went to kiss him again and after seconds of indulgin
g me he pulled back and asked, “You think we should talk about the events at the gala?”

I looked deep into his eyes.
I had thought about what events he could be referring to. Then it hit me.

About Thompson...

Sebastian is a fucking ass. I was two minutes from smashing his frames into his cranium.”

Then who...Thompson?”

He said nothing
, but had answered my question. 

Not now...not with how I'm feeling

“Azmir, I’
ve told you, Thompson isn’t an issue for me. And quite honestly with how I'm feeling right now I resent him for being a topic of discussion while I'm trying to reconnect with someone who means more to me than—”

So that I didn't have to go any further
, I lunged my face at him again, kissing him ferociously, pleading with him to put me out of my misery. He grabbed me, holding me tightly, eventually working his way down to the nape of my neck. I moaned and with a pull and tug released his bowtie. He reached beneath my gown for my hips to soon learn that I was bare underneath. He stopped and regarded me with suspicious eyes.

Why do you think I went to the bathroom?” I offered over panted breaths.

He didn't budge. I fought off my pride because I felt a grave amount of desperation for him. I couldn't force him into the sphere of love and need to share and express the adoration that I was floating in at the moment. It would be pointless for me to even be there myself without his willingness. But I wanted it...I wanted him badly.

“Azmir, please. Indulge with me. Here. In this moment. No one else matters. Just you and me.” My plea was primal and desperate.

At the sound of my words his mouth shot open, I thought I’d heard him gasp. He searched my soul through my eyes and I pleaded once again with mine. Within seconds his face softened and his posture relaxed as he embraced me
, holding me to his chest. 

Okay,” he murmured into my neck.

I reached down taking his face into my hands to meet
 mine once again in an oral embrace. I released the first few buttons in his shirt taking my tongue down to his neck then clavicle then his upper chest. My desire for this man was heady. I felt his breathing increase and could even hear mine over the soft music flowing from the speakers. 

Azmir,” I moaned his name in anticipation of him being inside of me.

My hands traveled down to his waist where I unfastened his pants and he lifted so that I could pull them down just enough to release his
heavy and jutting appendage. I stroked him from based to head reeling over how ready for me he was.

I lifted my hips to
 position myself to take him in. His expression favored mine, ready and in deep need. As I sank down onto him I felt how tightened I was
and recalled how large he was
but stayed my position, working him into me. Azmir was wide and long, filling me to the hilt. His fullness caused hot flashes to scorch through my body and sweat beads to accumulate above my top lip. I learned this when he brought his thumb up to wipe it off and swept it over my lips before kissing me savagely. He was losing control just as I had.

Damn. Brimm, you're tight,” he spoke intoxicatingly, with heavy eyes and lips ajar.

I've missed body has missed you,” I cried, just above a whisper as I continued working him in, on ward and up ward, in and out.

The spikes of pain caused by my thrusts were mixed with the pleasant throbbing of my walls and the sensation from my body expelling juices to welcome him in. Before I knew
it, my attempts were rewarded by pure unadulterated bliss of my sex moving silky, up and down on his steely cock. Azmir reclined by scooting his lap forward allowing me to take full control and I was more than happy to oblige.

As much as I tried to calm my cries of ecstasy, the divine feel of hi
m inside of me, his alluring scent, the utopian music, and our carnal behavior in the back of his limo with his driver just a few feet away sent me over the edge and in no time I felt my orgasm nearing. My strokes started to accelerate and I jolted forward taking him into my mouth. As my orgasmic spasms quickened I sucked on his lip. It was the only way I could keep from screaming. My back jerked as I exploded all over him. I needed this...I needed to give this to
. To demonstrate what he does to my body. To show him what it's like after going so long without his touch. In that moment no one else mattered, not Thompson and not Sebastian. It was just this man who had stolen my heart and had claimed my passion. A man who I felt emotions for that I couldn't describe. He had meant so much.

I felt his hands
travel up to my neck, gently pushing my torso back, anchoring me as he pumped mercilessly into me, and I didn't resist. Azmir opened his mouth to release a silent cry plunging himself into me with mighty flexing of his hips prolonging my outer orbit experience until his orgasm ended its course and he was depleted.

We sat there for close to
three minutes until he interrupted our respite. “You're dripping,” he whispered causing me to jump up, wincing as he separated from me. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and held it out while I ascended from his lap, catching excess fluids. 

“Here, use these.”
He grabbed the cocktail napkins displayed near the stereo panel. Taking a few of them, he gently wiped my inner thighs until what was left of him on them was smeared and dried. As he instructed Ray to proceed to the marina, I cleaned my most private part and I could see Azmir in my peripheral touching his face.

Do you have a mirror of some sort? You went a little H.A.M. on my lip.” His deep, baritone voice sounded all but afflicted. I was too languid to be as embarrassed as I would have typically been.

I'm sorry.” My tone was indifferent as I attempted to straighten my gown. “Look in my purse. I should have a compact in there.”

The dress was pretty long and stubborn to my correction. I had only needed space to stand and allow it to fall into place. It didn't help that my body was overcome with exhaustion brought about, no doubt, by the writhing orgasm I'd just reveled in but also from the taxing past few days I'd had. Azmir's oversized firm and plush bed and Mr. Sandman was calling.

“What the fuck is this?” Azmir's voice was even but greatly commanding.

My head snapped over to him
, startled by his audacity and begging his pardon.

He was holding a place card from the charity dinner, flipping it back and forward so that I could see both sides. The front of
it displayed Azmir’s name scripted in fancy calligraphy, but it was crossed out by a pen and the back contained Brian Thompson’s name and from what I could deduced, his telephone number. I quickly figured out why Azmir’s place card wasn’t next to mine.

When did he do that?
And how in the world did it end up in my purse?
Common sense kicked in bringing my memory back.

I left my purse at the bar next to Thompson when I went to the bathroom earlier.” My lungs contracted releasing massive amounts of hot air, taking my exasperation of this Thompson character with it.

He's not an issue for you but he damn sure wants you.” Azmir threw my words back at me.

My eyes were pinned to his as my mouth hung open. I wasn't expecting his fury, he was beside himself with animosity for some insignificant guy that didn't stand a chance with me?

“Do you know how ridiculous this is?”

He scoffed,
“Ridiculous? He’s bold enough to discard my place card and use it like a napkin in a bar to slide you his number...
slip it in your purse? That's ridiculous to you, Rayna?”

I was losing my patience. He was blowing this out of proportion.

“Azmir, you find it difficult to learn that a man finds me attractive and tries to make a pass at me? Everyday I’m with you, without fail, there are women gawking in your face not caring that I'm there. I'm fully aware that you are...beyond gorgeous so I tolerate it, you know why? Because as long as it doesn't follow you home I can deal. I expect the same level of flexibility in return. Thompson is an insignificant part of life, just as your legion of admirers. I have
interest in him. End. Of. Story!”

to follow you home,” he hissed, staring aimlessly out the window. 

I suddenly realized that I was out of breath. I couldn't believe his temerity.

“You didn’t introduce me as your man,” he muttered like a petulant child, his eyes still fixated on outside passing objects.

Is that what this is all about?
Is it?
What should I title you? Tell me! Since when has this been so significant? Because I can't recall a time when you've referred to me as anything other than my name!”

Since when?

Azmir shot me a look of incredulity
“When you're living with and fucking someone exclusively that counts as significant in my book,” he scoffed and in a nanosecond I saw that there was something other than anger behind his eyes, I saw fear. But what did he have to be fearful about? We were good. We were together. I’d done everything he asked of me in terms of joining lives.

Was that not enough?

With a hoarse throat that I could barely recognize I admonished him to see things from my perspective. “Not now. Not after...this.” I gestured of our recent carnal episode there in the limo. “Azmir, when you’re away it’s like my happiness is put on hold until you return. It's like I’m forced to hold my breath until I see you, inhale you once again. Baby, if I’m not breathing I certainly don’t have the capacity to give attention to another man. I’m sorry you can’t see that and honestly, I realize there isn't much that I can do to make you understand that.”

Defeat engulfed me and I shut down, tuning everything and everybody out to nurse my broken ego. I was wounded. The remainder of the ride home, the elevator ride up to the apartment and even preparing for bed was met in pure silence. That night I slept hard and sound. Although I was beyond hurt by him, his presence back home and nestled next to me in bed brought an undeniable sense of comfort that allowed me to r
est for the first time since he’d left almost two weeks earlier.




I woke up to a streak of glared sunlight escaping into the room. My body's internal clock came with an alarm. I didn't need to look at the time to know it was just before six thirty. Just months ago I'd wake at five twenty-five daily. Perhaps having Ms. Brimm as a new bedfellow had brought about my increasing ability to rest at night.

I rolled over to her and reveled in her beauty. She looked so peaceful and
beatific while asleep. I also couldn't deny her fresh-face sex appeal. Her skin was fair and virtually spotless. The burning temptation to touch her bare shoulder was overwhelming, but I thought not to considering our fight. Flashbacks of events from last night's gala began flooding my head.

I tried shaking off Brian Thompson
’s impudence of pulling a switch-a-roo with my damn place card.
The fuck this prick think I am?
I had to fight off the urge to make a trip to his office because I don't want to be too forward.

And that clown, Sebastian! I had wanted so badly to ask Rayna what incited her to give his ass the time of the day. I hid my detestation for him beneath my false naïveté last night though I had fa
r more revelatory things to say to him, but the last time I used my discretion with him I damn near lost Rayna and I wouldn't risk that again.

As I showered and had breakfast
, I couldn't shake how Rayna made so little of Thompson's offenses. He was way out of line and I'll be sure to be a little more aggressive the next time I see his ass. That morning Rayna and I exchanged very few words. I could guess she was still upset from last night and truth be told I was still perturbed my damn self. I was sure that Chef Boyd could cut the tension in the kitchen with one of his high-end cutlery pieces.

By the way she was dressed, I could tell Rayna was planning to workout before work. Before parting ways I gave her
a slow and meaningful kiss on her head, grateful that she would still allow me to. We said our goodbyes and parted ways.

BOOK: Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)
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