Read Lure of the Jaguar: Hades' Carnival, Book 7 Online

Authors: N.J. Walters

Tags: #Shapeshifters;paranormal;curses;vengeful god;death threats;hot romance

Lure of the Jaguar: Hades' Carnival, Book 7 (9 page)

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He frowned. “Is that a problem?”

“Ah, no. Not a problem.”

He caught her face in his hand and stared at her until she caved. She couldn’t resist the plea in his dark eyes, and if they were going to be together for eternity—and how weird was that—then honesty was important.

“I have enough money to support us until you figure things out. I mean, you’ve been imprisoned for thousands of years, are used to running around as a jaguar.” A strange expression crossed his face, but she forged onward. “Face it, you don’t exactly need money to survive as a big cat. You could catch your own meals, sleep in the trees. And I’ll shut up now.” Damn, in her experience, men didn’t like being called out on their work, or lack of it. And she’d practically accused the guy as living like an animal. But he was one, or at least partly.

Nervous butterflies fluttered in her stomach and she clenched her hands. Why hadn’t she kept her mouth shut?

Then Stavros did the most amazing thing. He threw back his head and began to laugh. Not a light chuckle, but a deep-down belly laugh. He laughed so hard tears began to roll down his cheeks.

Okay, now she was starting to get annoyed. She crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her fingers on her upper arms. He noticed the gesture and swiped at the tears. It took him several tries and some throat clearing before he could speak.

“You think that was a joke?” Toni admitted to herself that she was a little hurt by his attitude. She’d been offering to support him and he’d laughed at her.

Stavros immediately sobered and caught her hands, bringing them to his lips. “No, I don’t think it was a joke,” he said in between kisses. “I think you are the most amazing woman in the world.”

That made her feel marginally better.

“The world has not changed so much since time began. Men are meant to take care of their women.”

“Hey.” She pulled her hand away and thumped him lightly on the chest. “I can take care of myself.”

“And me.” He smiled and squeezed her hand. “But you don’t need to worry about money. I can take care of you.”

She narrowed her gaze. “It’s not illegal, is it?”

He chuckled again. “No, it’s not illegal. The short version of the story is that one of my brethren was released decades ago. He started a company and made us all shareholders. He invested in oil and minerals because we know where to find all the world’s wealth. He also invested in computers and technologies.”

Toni knew her mouth was open, but there was no containing her surprise. It had never occurred to her that immortal warriors would adapt so well to the modern world. She’d underestimated him. And she wouldn’t do that again.

“So you’re doing okay?” That was probably an understatement.

He nodded and smiled. “There is an account in my name with millions.” He frowned. “Or is it a billion?” He shrugged. “I haven’t paid much attention to it. Mordecai handles the details.”

Toni felt lightheaded and swayed. “Millions?”

“At least.”

Stavros didn’t seem fazed by that amount of money, but she was practically hyperventilating. “You’re rich.” It came out more as an accusation than a statement.

“Does that matter?” He lifted her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her. “What is mine, is yours.”

“I can’t contribute that much.”

Stavros shook his head. “You give me something more valuable than money—love and acceptance.”

Her heart ached and her insecurities melted away. How did he always know the right thing to say to ease her worries? “You’re one in a million, you know that?”

He gave her his sexiest grin. “More like one in a billion.”

She started to laugh, but it was quickly smothered when he kissed her. She was breathless when he finally released her. “Again?” she asked. His cock was pressed hard against her hip and she recognized the gleam in his eyes.

“Again. And again. And again.”

She feigned tiredness and sighed. “If I must.” He tickled her sides and she began to laugh as he rolled her beneath him and slid home. They both moaned and Toni wrapped her arms around her warrior. “I can see you’re going to be demanding.”

“You can’t fool me,” he reminded her. “I can smell your arousal.”

Toni laughed again and arched her hips. “You can’t fool me either. I can tell when you want me.”

“I always want you. I love you, Toni.”

“I love you too.”

Then he proceeded to show her just how much.


Toni sat next to Stavros on a luxurious leather couch that was the color of dark chocolate and stared at everyone else in the room. She’d gotten to know them all over the past few days and liked the women very much. The men were all like Stavros—gorgeous and intimidating.

“Will you be staying in New Orleans for a while?”

Toni turned to Sabrina. It was her living room they were all gathered in. Well, hers and Arand’s. When Stavros had told her he had an apartment in New Orleans, she hadn’t expected it to be one of several in a grand old Victorian in the French Quarter. The group owned two houses that sat alongside one another, and there were enough apartments for everyone, even though some of the group didn’t live in the city but were visiting.

“Probably,” she answered Sabrina’s question. “I want to take some photos of the city, and Stavros and I still have to decide what we want to do after that.”

“Are there any more of those puff-pastry things you made?” Arand asked Sabrina.

“I’ll get them,” Sabrina told him. Arand blew her a kiss and went back to conversing with his friend. Sabrina turned back to Toni. “Excuse me. It’s better to keep them well fed so they don’t get into trouble.” It was said in such a wry manner that Toni laughed.

She took a moment to sit back and stare around the large, comfortable room. There were three sofas creating a cozy seating area and two large wingchairs as well. The colors were all earth tones and the furniture was large to fit such big men. The artwork on the walls was vibrant and beautiful, all created by Sabrina herself.

It was really amazing when Toni thought about it, and she hadn’t stop thinking about it since they’d arrived in the city. That she, Toni Richards, was sitting in the same room as a bunch of immortals and was one of them. Furthermore, some of the women she’d met were famous in their own right.

Aimee was a graphic artist and had created her own graphic novel, which coincidentally was the same one Toni had seen at the comic shop in New York. Her mate was Roric, the white tiger, and he kept a close eye on her.

Then there was Kellsie Morris, who Toni had recognized immediately. The woman was a big star among the horror movie crowd. Toni was a big fan. Kellsie had been very kind to her when Toni had gushed about her movies. And Marko, her bear of a mate, had seemed pleased by Toni’s praise. And that was a good thing, because he was one dude Toni didn’t want to get on the bad side of. He was huge.

And then there was Leander, the lion, who was mated with Araminta, a romance author. Toni couldn’t wait to read her books. Tilly owned and operated a popular coffee shop in New Orleans and she was mated to Phoenix, who was an actual phoenix. That boggled the mind.

But it was Mordecai, the serpent, who was the most dangerous of the bunch. Toni knew that deep in her gut. She also knew that Jessica, a talented jewelry maker, had him wrapped around her little finger. Mordecai was also the one who’d invested and made all the money for the warriors.

They were an incredible group and she was among them. She grabbed her glass of red wine and took a large gulp.

“Are you all right?” Stavros asked.

He looked concerned, so she smiled. “I’m fine. It’s just a lot to get used to.”

“We are all family now,” Roric informed her as he eased down beside her. The rest of the room went quiet and all eyes turned to Roric. “We have beaten the curse once and for all. It is done. It is now time to live our lives.”

Everyone in the room, including Toni, raised their glass and toasted Roric’s pronouncement. Then everyone was talking again and, as the evening progressed, Toni began to relax and really enjoy herself.

“You should drop by the coffee shop tomorrow,” Tilly told her. “Jessica and Sabrina will both be there. And I know the other ladies are planning to do some shopping while they’re in the city. We could all hit the shops together.”

Toni still couldn’t get over the idea that they’d all dropped what they were doing in their busy lives to come and meet her. She’d expected the third degree, after all, Stavros was their friend. But they’d all been nothing but kind and accepting.

“I’d like that,” she told Tilly. “What time?”

“About ten. That way we can get some shopping and sightseeing in before lunch. Plan to be gone until at least supper time.” Tilly seemed to sense some of what Toni was feeling, because she smiled. “We ladies have to stick together. After all, no one else knows what we’re going through or how to deal with an immortal warrior when he’s cranky.”

Toni started to laugh, and that caught Stavros’ attention. He wrapped his arm around her and frowned at Tilly. “Don’t tell me you’re spreading tales about me already?”

Tilly just smiled and sauntered away. Stavros turned to her. “Should I ask?”

Toni shook her head. “Probably better not to.” She took his face in her hands, unable to stop the flood of emotion filling her. “I love you.”

His smile was the slow, sexy one she loved so much. “I love you too. Thank you for making my life complete.”

“The pleasure is all mine.” She met him halfway and they kissed amidst the laughter and teasing of their friends.

About the Author

Once upon a time N.J. had the idea that she would like to quit her job at the bookstore, sell everything she owned, leave her hometown, and write romance novels in a place where no one knew her. And she did. Two years later, she went back to the bookstore and her hometown and settled in for another seven years.

One day, she gave notice at her job on a Friday morning. On Sunday afternoon, she received a tentative acceptance for her first erotic romance novel and life would never be the same.

N.J. has always been a voracious reader, and now she spends her days writing novels of her own. Vampires, werewolves, dragons, time-travelers, seductive handymen, and next-door neighbors with smoldering good looks—all vie for her attention. It’s a tough life, but someone’s got to live it.

N.J. enjoys hearing from readers, and she can be reached at
[email protected]
. You can check out her web site at

Look for these titles by N.J. Walters

Now Available:

esville Series

Discovering Dani

The Way Home

The Return of Patrick O’Rourke

The Seduction of Shamus O’Rourke

A Leg
al Affair

By the Book

Past Promises

Legacy Series

Alexandra’s Legacy

Isaiah’s Haven

Legacy Found

Quinn’s Quest

Finding Chrissten

Damek’s Redemption

Craig’s Heart

Spells, Secrets and Seduction Series

A Touch of Magick

Dreams of Seduction

Love in Flames

Hades’ Carnival Series

Night of the Tiger

Mark of the Bear

Pride of the Lion

Howl of the Wolf

Heart of the Serpent

Flame of the Phoenix

Salvation Pack Series

Wolf at the Door

Wolf in her Bed

Wolf on the Run

Coming Soon:

Salvation Pack Series

Wolf from the Past

Wolf on the Hunt

Don’t miss the other titles in N.J. Walters’ Hades’ Carnival Series!

There’s enough heat between them to send them both up in flames

Hades’ Carnival, Book 6

Tilly Ledet has long been a friend of the immortal, shape-shifting warriors who follow the Lady of the Beasts, a willing helper in their battle against Hades. But now that Hades is free and unable to touch the warriors, Tilly is fair game.

When Phoenix shows up insisting she drop everything to go into hiding, Tilly balks. Phoenix is strong and courageous, but when she imagines being in his arms, the protective barriers guarding her heart slam down.

For the first time in his immortal life, Phoenix feels fear. Not for himself, but for the woman whose beauty and forthright nature heats both his mind and body. While one kiss easily ignites her passion, claiming her as his own will take more than heat.

It may require a sacrifice that could send them both up in flames.

Warning: This steamy love story may cause overheating and the possibility of bursting into flames. Read at your own risk.

Just when you thought the Devil had gotten his due, he’s back for more.

Hades’ Carnival, Book 5

Now that the five-thousand-year curse that kept him and his fellow shapeshifting warriors trapped in animal form has been lifted, Mordecai doesn’t quite know what to do with himself. He is free—in theory.

Hell left its stain on his soul, and his relationship with the warriors who once trusted him is uneasy. The only bright spot in his life is Jessica, whose shining innocence he dare not taint with his inner darkness. But it’s getting harder and harder to stay away from her.

Jessica longs for the days she and Mordecai shared an easy friendship. Now he seems as distant as the stars. He denies there’s a problem, but she’s determined to penetrate his shields.

Hades has been plotting his revenge from his prison. He can’t harm Mordecai without harming himself. But there’s nothing to stop him from wreaking havoc by hurting the one woman Mordecai would give his life to protect—Jessica.

Warning: Vengeance, hot steamy sex and heart-melting romance.

BOOK: Lure of the Jaguar: Hades' Carnival, Book 7
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