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Authors: Megan Smith

Tags: #The Love Series, #Book Five

Made To Love You (24 page)

BOOK: Made To Love You
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She wipes away a tear and takes a second to regroup.

“Ugh, this is so stupid,” she looks away from all of us. “I know that no matter what I say or do it can’t change the past.” Brittany stands up and puts the strap of her purse on her shoulder. “I’m sorry for everything,” she turns to look at me with tear-filled eyes. “I’m sorry about your mom. I know what you’re going through, if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here.”

And with that she glances towards Hunter who is looking at the floor and walks away. No one says anything or even moves for a full minute. I know what she’s done is inexcusable but if mom has taught me anything in life it’s that people deserve to have a second chance.

“Brittany,” I call out.

She turns and glances up.

“Thank you.”

I see her nod her head as she turns around and walks around the corner.

“Jesus,” Hunter says falling down in a chair beside me.

Glaring over at Eli I open my mouth but he speaks before I do. “I know. I know, alright. I saw her down here crying, I just asked if she was okay and then one thing led to another and she spilled all that shit out on me. I only know bits and pieces of everything that’s happened but I knew you guys should have at least heard her out.”

“Don’t try getting in the middle, Eli,” Hunter warns. “She’s toxic.”

Can’t argue there but maybe, just maybe, she can walk away from all this with a little dignity. If what she is saying is true then I do feel sorry for her. Jason, our dad more appropriately referred to as our sperm donor, is a piece of shit who deserves to be lying in that bed upstairs and not our mom.

Eli holds his hands up again. “Like I said, I don’t want to get in the middle,” he gets up and holds his hand out to Hunter. “We good?”

Hunter shakes Eli’s hand. “We’re good.”

“I’ve got to get over to Fierce, let me know if you need anything.”

I stand and wrap my arms around Eli and whisper in his ear. “Thank you for everything and for that.”

I feel him nod. “You’re welcome, thought you should have heard it from her.” Even if I didn’t want to hear a damn word Brittany said, but Eli asking me to listen means I would have done anything for him. He’s a good friend and I know he’d never do anything to hurt me.

“I’ll see you later.”

“Let’s get back and check in on mom,” Hunter says as he wraps his arm around my shoulder.



It’s been a week since mom got out of the hospital. I’ve moved most of my clothes back into my old bedroom. I’ve barely been at my house anyway and with mom needing the extra help, it only made sense.

Mom’s cancer has spread. It’s not just in her lungs and lymph nodes anymore, it’s also in her liver, too. The treatments that she has been receiving have stopped working. Dr. Carter, mom’s oncologist, has given her about three months to live. When Hunter and I got that news, it was a hard pill to swallow. It was suggested that she have a home health aide but mom refused. Hunter and I talked it over and agreed. We would do it. Which is how I basically came about living at home again.

I take care of mom during the day. Make sure she eats, bathes, takes her medicine and clean up around the house. MacKenzie, Elle, and Hunter come each night to give me a break for a little while. It’s hard watching your mom disappear before your eyes. She now has to walk around with an oxygen tank since breathing is such a hard task for her.

Elle is here tonight sitting with mom at the kitchen table. Mom still insists on fixing her own plate. I try all the time and she says each and every time, ‘I’m not dead yet, I can do it.’ So I let her do it. I can hear them chatting about the weather. It’s quite funny.

My phone rings and I pick it up from the patio table. “Hey.”

“Hey, babe,” Cooper’s voice sounds sexy as ever. “What are you up to?”

I lean back in my chair and look up at the sky. “Relaxing out on the back deck. Your mom is here eating dinner with my mom.”

He chuckles. “Are they talking about the weather again?”

I laugh. “How’d you know?”

“Because I bet someone asked how she was doing.”

“Ah, so far away and yet you know how she deflects.”

He sighs. “I miss you.”

“I miss you, too.”

“How’s the baby doing?”

And, as if the baby heard him, I get a good kick. “Baby is fine. My ass on the other hand is a different story.”

Cooper groans. “Can we not talk about your ass?”

“How’s the weather?” I giggle.


“You said no talking about my ass.”

His deep chuckle causes goose bumps against my skin. What I wouldn’t do to see him and have him in my arms.

“Want to hear something crazy?”

“Depends on what kind of crazy. I’ve got enough here to last me a lifetime.”

I picture him rolling his eyes. “I’ve got three days of down time the middle of July. I was talking to Mason the other day and he’ll be home, too.”

“Peak of the season and you’ll both be home? That is crazy,” my voice is all animated.

“I swear,” he laughs. “I need you to get on the crazy train with me.”

“I’m already there, remember?”

“Marry me.”

I pull the phone away from my ear. No way had I heard him right. “What?” I have to ask to get clarification.

“Marry me when I come home,” Cooper clears his throat and I feel like he’s a little nervous. “We don’t need to wait for the fall. We’ll have a small wedding just like Mason and Hailey did.”

I look down to my stomach. “You do realize I’m just about seven months pregnant. I’m going to look like a whale in a wedding dress.”

“You could never look like a whale, Jay. Come on just think about it.”

“I am thinking about it and all I see is a whale waddling down the aisle.”

“Jay,” Cooper pleads. “For me, please.”

I don’t respond because I honestly don’t know what to say.

Cooper sighs loudly. “Remember a while back when you said you have two wishes that you would love to come true?”


“Well, I want to make one of them come true and have your mom walk you down the aisle.”

With everything going on I never even thought about that, hadn’t thought about the wedding at all recently. Mom and this baby have me spent. As I let it sink in I blink away the tears. He wants to make one of my dreams come true. How could he be any sweeter?



“Let’s do it.”

“Finally!” I hear him yell. “I’ll be home July thirteenth to the fifteenth. I’m glad I didn’t have to call MacKenzie and Hailey and tell them we had a change of plans. We’re keeping it low key like you asked for.”

Shaking my head, leave it to him to already have the ball rolling. We did, after all, only have about two weeks. “How long have they known?”

“Since your mom went back into the hospital, I knew I had to move it up, for you and for her.”

“One request.”

“Name it.”

“We have it at your parents’ beach house. It’ll be easier on all of us on such short notice.”

“Done, no complaints here.”

“You’re like my very own Prince Charming.”

“And you’re my princess.”



MacKenzie and Hailey are animals. After I hung up with Cooper I called MacKenzie who happened to be out with Hailey and Chloe. They were meeting with a caterer. I asked what had been handled already and what I needed to do. Their response, ‘Nothing, we’ve got Cooper’s credit card.’ I laughed at that and said ‘Have a great time, let me know if you need any help.’ All I had to handle was the dresses; they’d take care of everything else. I’m kind of glad I told Hailey that I wanted a simple causal beach wedding a few months ago when we were in the beginning stages of planning. She’ll know what to do.

I hung up with my crazy friends and suddenly felt exhausted. I drag my lazy ass inside and find Elle helping mom to her room. The kitchen is dark, dinner is put away and dishes are done.

I go into the bathroom, wash my face, brush my teeth and change into a tank top and shorts. When I come out, Elle is leaning against the wall. I immediately start panicking thinking something is wrong. “What? What happened?”

Elle smiles and I’m relieved. “Nothing is wrong,” she glances down to my belly. “You know I don’t ever think I’ve told you this. Jaylinn,” she shakes her head. “You are your mother’s daughter through and through. You never let anything knock you down.” Her eyes tear up but she’s still smiling. “You adapt and keep going. There aren’t a lot of people who could endure everything you’ve been through.” Elle nods her head towards my mom’s room. “She’s lucky to have you as a daughter, Jaylinn.”

I step over to her and wrap my arms around her. “Thank you.”

She sniffles. “You’re welcome. My son is a lucky man.”

I need to lighten the mood…I cannot cry. “He is pretty lucky.”

Elle laughs. “Give him a run for his money, sweetheart.”

Now I chuckle. “Well, his money is on the run with this wedding.”

“Oh dear,” Elle pushes my hair off my shoulders. “I told Cooper that wasn’t the smartest idea but I’ll make sure they don’t get crazy.”



I lock up after Elle leaves and wander back into mom’s room. She’s propped up on the pillows with her oxygen mask on and the hat she wears to cover the bald head inches away from her. She’s so fragile and lost amongst the bed. I crawl onto it with her and together we watch a little TV. After a while she reaches over and grabs my hand.



“I’m getting married in two weeks.”

“It’s about damn time. I didn’t think I’d get to see the day.”

I laugh, she’s always got jokes. “Can you do me a favor?”

“Anything for you.”

“Walk me down the aisle?”

She sits up and, of course, winds up coughing until she lies back down. She takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out. “I thought you’d ask Hunter.”

I shrug. “I’d rather you walk me down.”

“If that’s what you want.”

“It is.”

Mom starts coughing again. I lean up and adjust her pillows so she’s a little more elevated. “How are you feeling?”

“Did you know it’s going to be ninety-seven with a chance of showers tomorrow?”

I sigh and lay back on the bed. “How’s the humidity?”


Eventually we fall asleep hand-in-hand just like we did when I was a little girl and feeling horrible.




I seriously don’t know what I would do without my family. They’ve spent countless hours helping Jaylinn and I make this day as special as it can be. This isn’t how I pictured our wedding but time is running out. I’m also lucky that Mason and I were able to be home at the same time. It’s really rare that it happens and I’d like to think that someone up there is trying to make this just a little easier on me.

Having Sadie walk Jaylinn down the aisle is a wish Jaylinn had, and it’s a wish I’m making come true for her. She deserves this and so much more. I would have married Jaylinn months ago but she wanted to wait until after the baby was born. Can’t say I blame her but times are different now than they were back then.

Sadie is getting sicker and sicker with each passing day. The doctors told Jaylinn that Sadie’s body is starting to shut down and it’s starting to really show. She’s in constant pain and is now even walking with a cane and the oxygen tank is a permanent fixture.

BOOK: Made To Love You
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