Read Marshal Law Online

Authors: Kris Norris

Tags: #Paranormal, Multiple Partner, Historical

Marshal Law (9 page)

BOOK: Marshal Law
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Ethan leaned in over her, his mouth caressing her neck. “We realize this was rushed, and we’ll wait as long as it takes for you to believe in us. A day, a week, a year. We won’t pressure you into our bed. Being mates is about love, about trust, not simply sex.”

McKenna sighed, allowing Ethan to shoulder some of her weight as her strength waned slightly, enjoying the play of his muscles against her back. “You don’t even know me. Hell, I’m a gunslinger. And you two…you’re marshals. You’re supposed to be taking me in to be sentenced before a judge.”

Ethan’s growled against her ear, the sound conveying the same warning she’d heard in Jude’s the previous night. “As far as we’re concerned, Bret and Frank Wilson’s actions have justified yours. Hell, the mayor in Ralston only contacted us as a means of getting you to agree to be their damn sheriff. Consider yourself pardoned.”

“You can’t—”

“We can and as soon as you’re strong enough to ride, we’ll head to Ralston…make it official. It’s like you said. You didn’t murder those men. You were simply defending yourself. We both saw that last night. And don’t think we missed the fact you were willing to sacrifice your life to save us, not to mention those people in the saloon. A killer wouldn’t have done that.”

Jude somehow got closer without intimidating her. “As for not knowing you…we know the important things. That you have an honorable heart. That you’re fearless. That your scent, your touch, your smile makes us feel more like men than we ever have.” He trailed a single finger along her jaw. “The rest will come in time. But we don’t have any doubts.”

The honesty in his voice humbled her, the truth of his statements gleaming in his eyes.

She took a deep breath, not quite sure how to answer. “I’m not a shifter.”

“Not important, though you’re closer than you think.”

“What if I have doubts? I haven’t stayed in one place long enough in the past ten years to make a friend let alone consider a permanent relationship.” She pushed a hand through her hair. “I don’t even know how to let you boys in without wanting to run.”

Ethan released a slow breath, the whisper of air drawing a low moan from her. “All we’re asking for is some time. A chance. Rest. Heal. Once you’re feelin’ better, we’ll talk some more.”

“That’s it? You’re going to be content just watchin’ me sleep?”

Ethan slipped his hands around her waist, tugging her firmer against him. “Make no mistake. If we thought we could tempt you into our bed for more than just sleeping, we would. But we both know you’re not ready. To push you would make us just as guilty as the other men you’ve come across. We have a lifetime together.” His tongue flicked across her nape. “But you’re foolin’ yourself if you think there’s nothing between us…that your desire doesn’t burn as hot and pure as ours. We can smell what we do to you. And sooner or later, you’ll have to address that.”

Each word sent a tremble of longing through her, and she tilted her head in response, granting him access to where he’d marked her. The rasp of his lips across the small punctures made the room spin, and she reached for him before she’d even realized her legs had buckled. Ethan’s strong arms gathered her close as he covered the short distance to the bed. She looked up at him as he placed her on the mattress, a sinful smile making her heart race. The man was dangerously handsome, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to deny her feelings forever.

“Jude and I will take turns checkin’ the surrounding area. I’m hopin’ Bret stays put in Tombstone until his brother’s wound heals…that’s if your shot didn’t kill the bastard outright. We should be long gone by the time they come lookin’. But either way, stay put. No going outside until you’re steady.” He pressed a finger against her lips. “And yeah, I know that sounds bossy, but it’s our best course of action until you’re fit and we can get those warrants on you taken care of.” He grinned. “You’re still worth quite a hefty sum to someone should they be able to bring you in.”

She glanced at Jude as the man stood at the foot of the bed. “Are you boys sure you wouldn’t rather collect that money than wait for me to come to my senses?”

Jude chuckled. “Trust me, darlin’, it’s tempting. You are all sorts of ornery.” He winked. “But we’ll wait it out, though it’s good to know we have options.”

The easy teasing soothed the unsettled feeling still swirling in her stomach, and she relaxed back, allowing her eyelids to drift shut. She’d think about mates and love later—once she could stay awake for more than a few minutes at a time. When she’d found a way to tuck her heart back inside, instead of walking around with it exposed. Vulnerable. When she might have a chance at convincing herself she didn’t care.

* * * *

“No! Don’t touch me!”

The sudden harsh sound of her own voice jolted McKenna from sleep, bolting her upright as she jerked against the blanket. It tangled in her arms, spiking a wave of panic, before she tossed it aside, chest heaving, fear weighing down the air until just the effort needed to breathe seemed monumental. She palmed her head in her hands, hoping to banish the damning images when feet padded along the wooden floor, the warm glow of a lamp followed by the dip of the bed on either side. She didn’t need to raise her head to know Ethan sat on her left, Jude her right. She could feel them. Smell their individual scents as they leaned in, a hand from each man landing on her shoulders.

A voice in her head warned her that this was simply further proof they were more than men—more than a tight fluttering feeling in the pit of her stomach. That the connection she’d felt from the start had grown far beyond any reasonable explanation, other than that they were mates. Hell, she’d heard her great-grandmother talk about the side effects of the bond from an early age—how with shifters, the partners simply knew when it was right—but McKenna had never given it much credence. Not when the ability had seemingly vanished within her family. The fact she’d inherited some unusual traits had always just been a coincidence…until now.

Jude shuffled closer, gently dragging her against him, one hand cupping her waist as the other stroked the length of her hair. She waited for her body to stiffen, for her reflexes to push him away. But instead of fear, a warm, soothing sensation settled in her core, and she leaned into his chest, savoring the way his simple presence chased away the images that had woken her. She reached out, linking her fingers through Ethan’s, content to sit there sheltered between the men.

Jude sighed, resting his chin on the top of her head. “Another nightmare?”

She shrugged. “Didn’t realize I’d already had one.”

“The other night. The fever…”

“Fever wasn’t the reason. I get them most nights.”

His body tensed, his breathing roughening. “Don’t suppose you want to tell us about them?”

She pulled away enough to meet his gaze, nodding in Ethan’s direction. “Didn’t I tell you already? Ethan said I talked a lot.”

Ethan shook his head. “You mentioned something about Bret and Frank killing everyone. Something about Bisbee, but that’s all. No details, and you weren’t in any shape for us to ask.” He reached out his free hand and cupped her chin, giving her fingers a squeeze at the same time. “If you’re not ready to tell us what happened, we’ll understand. But it sounds as if it’s tearin’ you up inside.”

Jude dropped a chaste kiss on her cheek. “You’re not alone in this anymore. We know it’s a lot for you to take in at once…being mates and all. But we’re here.”

She snorted, glancing down at the bed. “Not a pretty story to tell.”

Ethan lifted her chin until their gazes clashed. “Nothin’ you say will change how we feel about you. What we share goes beyond that. Though it might make us want to hunt those boys down the first chance we get.”

“Only if you promise to take me along with you.”

Ethan smiled, and her stomach dropped. How had she not noticed the perfect symmetry of his face, the way his hair teased his eyes when it wasn’t spiked up in every direction. The rough calluses on his hands, which were at direct odds with the smooth feel of his fingers along her skin.

Ethan brushed his thumb along her jaw. “We’ve both seen you shoot, and while we’ll concede you’re more than impressive, don’t think for a moment either of us would willingly put you in danger. And yeah, we know that’s being overprotective, but wolves are protective by nature, sweetheart. Might as well get used to it.” He leaned in closer. “However, should you have to defend yourself…”

She huffed, though she had to admit, a part of her found his claim comforting. She hadn’t felt as if she belonged since she was fifteen, and just the thought that there were two men invested in her wellbeing made her pulse quicken.

She raised a brow. “And you two will be in for the ride of your lives if you think I’ll stand by and wait for you to rescue me.”

Jude chuckled. “Would you concede to having us fight with you? Side-by-side?”

Her heart flip-flopped this time. “As long as you don’t slow me down.”

“We’ll do our best.” His expression sobered. “The dream?”

Indecision clawed at her, Jude’s hand brushing along her hair swaying her decision. She released a weary breath, wondering if they’d truly feel the same once she’d revealed even a hint of her past.

Ethan tsked. “You’re still doubtin’ us.”

She stared at him. “How…”

“Sweetheart. Mates. Though it’s also written across your face.”

“Can you blame me? Do you know what they did?”

“That’s why we’re askin’. The things you said… Shit. I think you need to tell us as badly as we need to know.”

She ran a shaky hand through her hair.

Ethan nudged her. “I’ll take a leap of faith and guess that Bret and Frank threatened your family?”

Anger burned through her self-doubts. “They didn’t just threaten my family. They killed them. All of them. Stole what they could, left me and my sister for dead. But after what they did to her…” She rubbed her hands along her skin. “She would have found a way to kill herself if she hadn’t bled to death, first.”

“They raped her, didn’t they?”

Bile crested her throat. “Repeatedly. And in ways far more cruel…” She clenched her jaw. “She was a few years older than me. Blonde. Curvy. The kind of beauty men noticed. When they grabbed her… She screamed the entire time. Then it just stopped. As if she’d never been there. I remember staring at her, but…she was already gone. I guess her body finally gave up sometime after they’d left.”

Jude tensed, his hand pausing halfway down her hair. “Is that when they turned their attentions on you?”

She nodded, her breath lodged in her chest, her throat too tight to get the words out.

“Fuck.” Jude’s hand moved down her back, his grip on her waist tightening. “How old were you?”


“Bloody hell. And they took you after everything they’d done to your sister? While she was obviously lying there, dying?”

“Jude. Don’t.”

“Don’t what? Care?”

“I told you it wasn’t a pretty story.”

He mumbled under his breath, finally giving her a squeeze. “I promise you, those bastards will pay for what they did. Don’t think we didn’t notice the knife wound on your side. They did that, too, didn’t they? Left you for dead, bleeding. Broken.” He paused, his muscles tensing at her guarded nod. “How many times did they—”

“More than I want to admit to.”

“I’ll fucking kill them. We both will. No hesitation. No regrets.”

“That goes against being a marshal. Besides, I’ve taken care of that. Most of it, anyway. But now you know why I’ve spent the last decade preparing. Learnin’ how to shoot, to fight. Huntin’ them down. When I woke a few days after they’d left me there, bleeding in the mud, the knife they’d used lying on the ground beside me, I made a choice.”

He took a deep breath, seemingly pulling his emotions back. “Hell of a choice to make.” His fingers brushed over her scar. “Is that when you realized you were different?”

“I guess. Honestly, I wasn’t feeling much of anything. Haven’t since that day. Don’t stay long enough anywhere to do more than find my next target and move on.”

“Can’t say we blame you.”

“That’s not the point.” She tugged free of his hold, scooting off the bed. She took a few heavy steps away, stumbling against the wall before twisting to face them, one hand braced for balance. “I’m not the person I was. She died that day. What’s left…” She shook her head, waving at herself. “This is what I’ve become.”

Ethan motioned to Jude as he slowly rose to his feet. “Nothin’ wrong with who you are.”

“You showed up at that saloon to
me for killing seven men. That’s not normal.”

“Those men aren’t normal. And as far as we’re concerned, you simply saved us the bother of killing those bastards ourselves. Because we would have. And we’ll challenge anyone still standing.”

“Because it’s justified or because I’m your mate and you don’t have a choice in the matter? Because it’s purely instinctual?”

Red flashed in Ethan’s eyes, the same shade she’d seen in the tavern. He took a few steps forward before his muscles flexed, and he fisted his hands by his side, visibly calming himself down. “You being our mate has nothing to do with the Wilson gang being outlaws or what form of justice their indiscretions deserve.”

Jude rolled off the other side, walking to the end of the bed. “I won’t lie. The animal part of me wants to rip their throats out for what they did to you. What they most likely did to other families, other women. But you’re right. The man inside knows they should be brought before a court. Tried for their crimes. And we’ll try to do that.”

Fear churned through her gut. “Then why not me? I’m just as guilty. Just as heartless.”

Pain creased Jude’s forehead, and he glanced at Ethan before taking what looked like a fortifying breath. “McKenna. You’re nothin’ like those men. What you did… Shit. It doesn’t even compare.”

“You don’t know that. What I’m capable of.”

“So if you’d managed to kill Bret and Frank the other night, then what? Are you going to stand there and tell us you’d line up the next string of men to kill? That it’s the act of killing that brings you pleasure now?”

BOOK: Marshal Law
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