Mated for Keeps Boxed Set: a BBW Werewolf Shifter Romance (The Lost River Pack) (13 page)

BOOK: Mated for Keeps Boxed Set: a BBW Werewolf Shifter Romance (The Lost River Pack)
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“You’re prepared?”

She took a slow, shaking breath. “I don’t know,” she whispered. “But I want it. I want to feel like you can’t get enough.” Over Nico’s shoulder, Jackson’s jaw strained as he tipped his face up, tore his gaze from her and closed his eyes.

Was it jealousy?

Was it an effort at control?

She couldn’t tell. All she knew was that the smell of them, powerfully aroused and so uniquely male, rolled over her body, eased into places she desperately wanted them to touch. Her sex pulsed in time with her heartbeat, tingled as the breeze caressed her skin.

“Oh,” Nico drawled. “Don’t worry. Whether here…” He tugged her gently forward, sidestepped with her until she faced Jackson, her back pressed against Nico’s chest. “…Or in the cabin…” The hot, slick jut of his cock nestled between her naked cheeks. “Anywhere. We’re never going to get enough of you.”

The thought should have frightened her. The promise implicit, that they’d never let her go, felt too much like a threat.

But Natalie relished it. She sank her hands into Nico’s sides, eased her palms down his flank until he shuddered against her. “Yes,” she breathed.

Nico’s long fingers wrapped around her throat, cradling her against him with firm resolve. “Look at him, Natalie.” His fingers bit into her cheeks, forced her gaze to Jackson. “Look at how badly he wants you.”

There was no way to hide it—no way Jackson would try. She knew the taste of his cock, knew every line against her tongue, in her body, but the way he faced her, erection strong and proud, no apology or fear, never failed to amp up her own arousal. He jammed his hands behind him, causing muscles to ripple across his chest. “Alpha,” he growled. A reminder as much as a question.

Nico chuckled against her ear. One hand reached around her to pluck at her nipple. This time, she couldn’t hide it—her gasp spilled into the clearing like glass on velvet. “That’s it,” he breathed. “Don’t hide your voice. I want to hear your reactions, Natalie. Every last one.”

Jackson’s fists were white at he knuckles, seared through his tanned skin with violent effort. She could see the toll his patience took on every line of his body, but he waited. His gaze seared her skin. His cock twitched as she arched into Nico’s hand.

“Tell me how you want it,” Nico whispered.

She opened her mouth. Cried out when he palmed her breast, squeezed hard enough to sting.

But the sound that spilled from her only bordered on human.

“More,” she groaned. It cracked as his other hand tightened around her throat. “Fast. Hard,” she panted. “Hot.


“Finally,” the other man snarled, savage accompaniment to the straining effort of his control. He surged forward, taut muscle and leashed hunger, and she reached for him even as she pushed back against Nico. The alpha steadied them both as they came together, his chest to her back, Jackson’s heavy muscle to her breasts. With Nico’s hand taut around her throat, Jackson wasted no time to cup her sex, sliding his fingers through her already wet curls and into her body.

She almost choked on her cry, but let it out when Nico’s teeth nipped at her ear. His other hand left her breast, but flattened at the small of her back. Pushed just enough that more of her weight settled against him, forced her hips slightly forward just as Jackson rammed two fingers so far into her body that his knuckles bumped her clit and sent her reeling.

“God, you’re wet,” he muttered.

Nico growled his approval, even as his hand eased over her tailbone. Skimmed the cleft between the flesh of her backside, and nudged the fingers Jackson already had inside her.

Were they going to touch? Inside her? They were only fingers, but the thought of it—the feel of Nico’s fingers sliding inside her, slick against Jackson’s as he thrust them in and out—was almost too much to bear. Her nails bit into Jackson’s shoulders as her body clamped down on all four fingers inside her. Two of Nico’s. Two of Jackson’s. Stretching her. Filling her.

Her knees buckled.

Jackson clamped an arm around her waist, held her upright. “Stand,” he ordered.

“Y-yes,” was all she managed as Nico coated his fingers in her. When he withdrew them, Jackson replaced them with his own, until he four fingers deep inside her.

And Nico’s wet fingertips touched the virgin ring of muscle at her ass.

His breath wafted over her cheek. “I’m going to put my fingers inside here,” he said roughly. “Slowly. One at a time.”

Natalie’s hands clenched against Jackson’s shoulders. “N-no…”

“Yes,” Nico corrected. His index finger tapped the flesh—she jumped.

Jackson forced his fingers deeper. Forced her to rise up on her tiptoes, riding his hand as if her body didn’t care what her brain was saying. “We’ll get you used to it first,” he said, and dipped his head to lick at the pulse hammering at her throat. Warm, wet, his tongue dragged over her skin and sent all her nerves dancing.

It wouldn’t take much for her to orgasm here.

But the fingers pressing gently at her backside distracted her. Worried her.

Until the very first dipped inside. Just a fraction, the very tip. “You are so tight,” Nico whispered. “So soft and wet and gorgeous. Open for me, Natalie. Let me feel you.”

She shuddered in wordless sensation—fear and lust and hunger and
So much more.

She wanted to tilt her body, to expose herself for Nico behind her, but Jackson fingered her sex from the front, thumb brushing against her clit, and she couldn’t decide which was better.

She hissed out a breath as a second finger stretched her from behind.

“Breathe, baby girl.” Nico paused, but Jackson didn’t, catching her clit between his thumb and her own flesh. She sucked in a breath, let it out on a shuddering moan. “You’re perfect.”

She didn’t know about that. All she knew was that her nerves were stretched to the breaking point, and Natalie was beginning to lose track of what parts of her were doing what. The cool air ghosted over them all, but her sweat-slicked skin barely registered anything other than the men who touched her, fingered her, delved into places she’d never even dreamed about.

Not until Jackson.

His head dipped, his mouth closed over her nipple and sucked it deeply into the hot cavern of his mouth. His fingers splayed just enough that it burned—delicious and almost too much.

Almost enough to mask the feel of a third finger widening her from the back. Almost.

Pain burned out from the ring of muscle unused to invasion. She stiffened, fear suddenly clamped around her lungs. “W-wait—”

“No.” Nico set his teeth into her shoulder. His whisper swept over her skin like steel and velvet. “Now.”

And suddenly there were three large fingers inside her, pushed where she’d never even touched herself, just as Jackson twisted his hand against her sex. Ground his fingers into her G-spot. As if they’d planned it, Nico immediately withdrew his fingers, then curled them and thrust again. Pain cracked abruptly to a pleasure so intense that she couldn’t even
through the haze as her vision went white. “Oh,

“Fuck, she’s gushing in my hand,” Jackson managed through gritted teeth.

“Use it,” Nico said, his fingers still inside her. He ground against her, forced her harder into Jackson, and she couldn’t do anything but cling to him as she panted for breath. “She’ll handle you fine.”

“But I—”

The air trapped between them males, already hot around her, crackled. She couldn’t raise her forehead from Jackson’s shoulder, but she could feel the weight of something thick and powerful roll into the space. Feel the way Nico’s body roiled against her back.

“Jackson,” Nico growled.

The other man’s arm tightened around her waist. “Fuck.”

It was as good as acknowledging Nico’s dominance, and Natalie knew it. She gasped when Nico’s fingers left her, groaned when Jackson’s did the same, but he simply wrapped both hands around her waist and lifted her—
of her, as if she weighed nothing. Her feet left the ground, but quickly found purchase again as Jackson set her back down.

This time, she faced Nico.

His features had sharpened. Hardened until the animal all but roiled beneath the thinnest surface of his skin. His eyes seared white hot into hers, hungry to the point that she couldn’t take a breath without smelling his lust.

The air thickened. The feel of the breeze vanished beneath a heat so intense, she couldn’t breathe.

When Jackson pushed her into his arms, Nico fell back to the ground—carried her down on top of him. His body provided a cushion against the dirt, but he wasn’t any softer. His muscles gleamed in the light. His cock jumped between them, long and sleek and as golden as the rest of him. She wanted to taste it. To lick it.

To suck it deep into her mouth, her throat.

But it wouldn’t salve her hunger.

Her wolf wanted to fix her teeth on the side of his neck and draw blood. Not kill him, but taste the coppery heat of his flesh.

Mark him.

Be marked by him.

It was such a visceral instinct, so deep and overwhelming, that she froze.

Both seemed to know. Seemed to

Nico’s hands dragged at her waist, brought her to her knees on either side of his hips. Her sex hovered just over his cock, so wet that she dripped on him as he watched her. His mouth, always so expressive, twitched as the wet heat of her own arousal touched his skin. Like he was trying not to snarl.

The cool air at her back warmed as Jackson settled to his knees behind her.

His hands splayed over her breasts, dragged her back against his chest until her world became
—Nico’s firm muscles under her hands, Jackson’s at her shoulder blades. Two cocks hungry for her.

Her body desperate to have them.

“This one’s all you,” Nico growled, his tenor blistering—shaking. His fingers dug into her thighs, but it lacked the bite of nails.

Jackson’s were harder at her breasts. Calluses scraped her skin, ground into her nipples. “First, him,” he said, a throaty command. A promise. “Take him inside that pussy and let him feel exactly how wet you are for him.”

“I-I—” The words, if she even had any, wouldn’t come. Just a sound, an animal groan.

Nico cupped himself. Lifted his cock so that all she had to do was lower herself on it. His teeth bared, as if even the feel of his own hand on sensitized skin was too much. “Drive yourself down on me, baby girl.

As if that was all she’d needed, the resistance bled out of her legs. She jerked away from Jackson’s chest only to brace herself against Nico’s muscled pectorals, angle her hips and sheathe herself on Nico’s cock so completely that her body tightened from head to toe in sudden, sharp surprise.

He was longer than she’d thought, hard enough to fill her but so deep that it bumped the very back of her. The dull ache should have hurt, but all Natalie felt was fierce satisfaction, a wild ride of pleasure that had her forcing herself up on her knees to slam back on him again. Nico’s shoulders drove back into the earth, his jaw tight, cords in his throat standing out as he growled his approval.

And as she did, Jackson’s fingers slid down the center of her ass. The wetness he’d palmed from her own body glided over her skin.

She didn’t realize that she’d leaned forward until his thighs came to bracket hers. His cock slid over her ass as she rode Nico’s, who caught her by the hair and held her level with him so that Jackson could stroke himself against her, over and over with every one of her own thrusts.

“Please,” she cried, burying her face against Nico’s chest. “Please, please…”

“Please what?” Nico demanded. “Please tease your ass more while you ride my cock?”

Natalie shuddered.

The head of Jackson’s cock positioned itself just at the wet ring of flesh. “You’ve softened,” he rasped. “It’s so wet, sweetheart. Is this what you want?”

She trembled violently, her thighs shaking, the muscles in her hips burning. All she could do was nod in silent, manic anticipation.

Nico tugged at her hair. “Say it.”

“Oh, God,” she managed.

Jackson’s cock nudged her ever so gently. “
Say it
, Natalie.”

Ripples of pleasure rolled out from the flesh he teased. Nico’s cock jumped inside her, his hips twitched and drove it deeper, and Natalie couldn’t help herself. She opened her mouth over Nico’s pectoral muscle, set her teeth into it and bit hard enough that the hands in her hair tightened. Nico cursed, but it was pleasure that made it hoarse. “Fuck me,” she said against the reddened flesh. She squeezed her eyes shut. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me—
Oh, my God
,” was the last she managed as Jackson eased his thick cock inside her.

Two cocks.
One in her pussy, one in her ass, and the pain of the intrusion didn’t last long enough to take away from the sheer pleasure rocking her.

Jackson’s hand eased down her trembling, sweaty back, and even Nico went still—as if they wanted to make sure she was okay.

She was. Better than okay.

So much better than okay that all thought crystallized to a single, desperate need—
All of them, every inch,

She rocked. Awkward, at first. The fullness inside her, the width of both filling her, hitched her rhythm, but Natalie clenched her jaw and tried again.

This time, with a gasped hiss, Jackson rocked with her.

“Fuck,” he managed as she pulled enough away from him that his cock slid out a few inches, only to ease back inside as she sank back down on Nico.

“Yes,” the alpha whispered, an encouraging, throaty sound. “Like that.”

“More,” she demanded, and this time, there was nothing human about it. Her wolf spilled form her mouth in hungry demand, a guttural order that didn’t care who was alpha—who was dominant. Right here, right now, it was
. Her body accepting both men, her sex wrapped around the alpha’s cock and her ass sucking in Jackson’s.

And they knew it.

Their wolves knew it.

Here, now, in this clearing, Natalie called the shots.

BOOK: Mated for Keeps Boxed Set: a BBW Werewolf Shifter Romance (The Lost River Pack)
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