Meeting Trouble (New Adult Rock Star Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: Meeting Trouble (New Adult Rock Star Romance)
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I closed my eyes again and sang. I just let the music move me. I felt it pounding through my body, the vibration of it on the stage itself tenfold compared to standing down there on the floor. When the song finished, I wasn’t prepared for the applause. It shocked me and I flushed, fumbling to put the microphone into the stand. Rob helped me, then took my hand and had me bow with him.

Voss came and whispered in my ear,
“Let’s do another one, pretty lady.”

I shook my head, waving him off, although part of me wanted to. Part of me wanted to stay there on stage all night.
You could get addicted to that kind of high,
I thought.

Let’s thank them, folks,” Voss said into the mic as Rob and I walked down the steps and off the stage. “Rob Burns and Miss Sabrina.” The crowd whooped and cheered. I knew my face must be red because it felt like it was on fire.

They liked you.” Rob’s breath tickled my ear.

It’s probably just the fishnets,” I joked, tugging at my thigh highs.

I know I like them.” He grinned and ran his hand over my leg. His touch was like white lightning and I closed my eyes for a moment. My heart pounded in my chest and I felt weightless. I didn’t know if it was the alcohol, or my brief stint as a singer, or the closeness of Rob’s body to mine—maybe a combination of all three.

Voss went into another song while people came to us, saying
nice things, but half the time I couldn’t hear them, or really remember what they said. I think the shots and the beer were catching up to me. I felt high and I probably was—an altogether unfamiliar feeling.

Sabrina, let’s go.” Rob slipped his hand around my shoulder.

I looked at him, surprised.
“Don’t you want to hang around after the show? Talk to Jimmy or Uncle Joey for a while?”

No.” He shook his head, glancing at the stage before turning his eyes to mine. “Let’s get outta here.”



Chapter Five

I stood and the world tilted again, forcing me to grab at the table to keep myself from toppling over. Rob held my arm as I plucked my jacket and purse from the chair and we made our way through the crowd toward the door.

“It’s freezing,” I murmured as we walked together in the cold. I realized I was still holding my jacket over my arm but Rob put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close, a familiar gesture that made me immediately warm, at least on the inside.

Shivering, I fumbled through my jacket pockets, looking for my keys. I
’d made two attempts to get the key to connect with the door lock when Rob took me by the shoulders and steered me around to the passenger side.

What are you doing?” I asked as he unlocked my door.

Rob pressed me into the car with his hip.
“I think you’ve had a little too much to drink.”

He got into the driver
’s side as I pulled my jacket over me, cold but not thinking clearly enough to actually put it on. He started the car, turning the radio down. Janis was still singing. I’d never hear her sing again without remembering, I realized, and it made me smile.

How come you didn’t want to stay?”

I didn’t like the way he looked at you.” He put the car in reverse.


Voss.” Rob pulled from the parking lot onto the road, heading toward the expressway.

I blinked at him in the dimness, the streetlights flashing by
, giving me a strange, broken view of his expression. He had that same dark look I’d seen earlier when the security guard threatened not to let him into the venue.

Do you know where you’re going?”

Nope.” He glanced in the rear view mirror and changed lanes. “Where do you live?”‘

I swallowed.
“Don’t you want to go to the hotel?”

He shook his head.
“I should get you home. I’ll call a cab to take me back.”

I nodded, feeling tears sting my eyes. I didn
’t know what I expected. My chest felt tight and I turned my face toward the window.

Take the expressway. North.” I leaned my forehead against the glass. We drove in silence and I edged down in the seat, looking out the window at the embankment wall passing by, a myriad of graffiti.

Sabrina?” His voice was soft.

I didn
’t look at him. “Hmm?”

Are you and Katie roommates?”

I turned to face him, but his eyes were on the road.

“No. I’ve got a little house in Ferndale. Katie lives twenty miles from me. Which is why we were late, tonight, actually…” My voice trailed off as I remembered climbing all those steps, pounding on the door.

Good.” I saw the flash of his smile.

Can I ask you something?”

He nodded.

I wanted to ask him what he was doing, what we were doing, what I was doing, where it was all going to go, but I didn
’t know how.

Instead, I asked,
“Where’s your wife?”

His eyes flashed over me for a moment and he made a noise in his throat, something between a snort and a laugh.
“That’s a damned good question.”

I didn
’t reply and just looked out the window.

He cleared his throat.
“She left me just before the tour started.”

Oh.” It was all I could think to say. I stared at him, my mouth dry.

Life on the road sucks.” He sighed, adding, “Life sucks.”

I nodded, pointing toward an exit sign.

He took the exit.
“Tonight’s the first time I’ve felt good about something—someone—in a long time.”

Turn here.” I pointed right.

He did, taking the opportunity to look at me.
“I feel like I’m walking around empty all the time.”

I’m sorry.” I reached over and touched his arm, my eyes soft.

He shrugged.
“Where am I going?”

I don’t know.”

He laughed.
“No, I mean, where’s your house?”

Oh,” I blushed. “Up here on the left. Just past the stop sign. The yellow one.”

He pulled into my driveway, cutting the engine. It clicked in the silence.

“I’ll walk you to your door.”

We got out. I shrugged my jacket on before pushing the automatic lock button on the passenger door and then closed it.
Rob moved to my elbow, helping me up the stairs. I still felt dizzy but it was starting to fade.

Thanks.” I held a hand out for my keys.

No.” He twisted my key ring around his finger. “Let’s not do that.”

What?” The air filling my lungs was cold compared to the heat in my chest. I knew it was the alcohol making me feel so warm—either that or the toe of Rob’s boot touching mine.

Pretend. Play games.” He pressed my keys into my hand.

Okay.” I looked for my house key, trying to distract myself. “Then let’s stop.”

He moved in, his hands sliding under my jacket and behind my back. I lifted my face to his, aching for him to kiss me, and he did, pressing me against the screen door and sliding his thigh between mine. I couldn
’t breathe and didn’t want to, his tongue licking at my lips, begging for entrance. I slipped my free hand around to the back of his neck, slanting my head and pulling him in. I didn’t know how long we kissed, but I had to break the connection, afraid of getting lost.

I pressed my
forehead to his and gulped, eyes still closed.

That was better,” he whispered. “Let’s try it again.”

His full weight pressed against me as he c
aptured my mouth once more, hands roaming over my back. I whimpered, my keys slipping from my hand and plunking onto the cement porch as I hung onto him, arms around his neck, letting him explore my mouth with his tongue. The dull ache of excitement and anticipation which had thudded along with the music between my legs all night long came rushing in and I squeezed my thighs around his, my skirt riding up.

Yeah,” he murmured against my mouth. “Now this feels real.”

Does it?” I looked at him, his eyes just dark, shining orbs in the dimness, my heart pounding in my chest, my breath coming fast.

How about this?” It was the alcohol making me brave, I knew. I reached behind me, grabbing the hand pressed flat against my back and pulling it between my thighs. My panties were soaked with the wildness of the night and the moment.

Mmm, now that’s beyond real.” He smiled, his fingers rubbing me there.

He pulled my panties aside, making a small noise when he felt my smooth, wet
labia. His mouth found mine again in the darkness as he pressed his fingers into me. I moaned, grinding my hips against him and sucking at his tongue. I lifted my leg, hooking it around his, pulling him toward me hard and rocking.

He groaned against my mouth and I leaned my head back as his lips moved over my jaw, his tongue making delicious circles down my throat. His fingers found an easy in and out motion, his thumb making exquisite circles against my clit, a heightening rhythm that had me spreading my legs wider and gasping at the stars.

“Deeper!” I squeezed his fingers, trying to draw him in. Together we sent white streams of breath between us wafting out and disappearing into the cold night air. I glimpsed the headlights of a car passing by on my quiet little suburban street as Rob slid his fingers as far into me as he could, his thumb still working round and round my clit.

Rob…” I felt a tight, swirling ache in my belly, something coiling and waiting to spring. “Don’t stop.”

No,” he panted, moving faster instead, the wet squelch between my legs the only sound now besides the buzz of the streetlights and the rasping of our breath. “I won’t stop. I promise.”

And he didn
’t, his hand working between my thighs as I writhed and ground my pelvis against him, arching my back, my whole body a tightening spiral of need. I closed my eyes and pressed my forehead against his neck as he shoved me against the door, his hand buried between my legs.

Close. So close…” I didn’t know if I was telling him or me, feeling the delicious, rising hum of my orgasm approaching. He pressed his fingers deep, just his thumb moving now against my clit, focusing the sensation and bringing me into it. I moaned and rocked, biting and sucking at his neck as I came, gushing around his fingers in pulsing waves.

Ahhh, God! Yes!”

He held me close with one arm as I started to sink
, buoying me up. My knees weakened and the world tipped upside down. He lifted his other hand, still wet with me, to his mouth, sucking his fingers. I flushed, watching him, very aware now we were on my porch, resting against the front door.

My keys…” I made an effort to reach for them but found myself trapped. Rob stooped and handed them to me. I found my house key, pulling my skirt down and turning toward the door, head still swimming. My hands trembled and I couldn’t seem to get the key to go into the lock. I looked at him, smiling an apology.

Here.” He took the key, sliding it in and turning it. I pushed the door open, taking out my keys and switching on the light. It hadn’t occurred to me the place was a mess. I turned to say something, but he filled the doorway, his eyes only on me. Shutting the door behind him, he lifted my chin and kissed me. I could smell myself, taste my juices on his lips.

Bedroom,” was all he said, kissing me backward. I nodded, dropping my purse and keys, slipping my jacket down and tossing it on the couch as I passed. He shrugged his jacket off and threw it over mine, following.

There were clothes all over my bed, remnants of a night spent changing, trying to find the perfect concert-going outfit, the one that would attract Rob
’s attention the most. I smiled at the pile of skirts and blouses, belts and shoes.

I leaned in and swept them all to the floor. Turning on the bed, I looked at him. He slid off his boots and unbuttoned his shirt, looking at me sprawled on the bed.

“Here.” I pressed my boot to the middle of his chest. He caught it in his hand. “Unzip me?”

The boots were knee-length, the zippers long. His
gaze followed both zippers down, first one, then the other, tossing the boots to join his on the floor. I admired my legs in fishnets, stretching them out and resting them on his shoulders. I knew he could see straight up my skirt, my panties askew, the material pressing between my labia.

You know you’re sexy as hell.” He grinned. “At least, after a few drinks, you sure know it.”

Quit teasing.” I nudged his shoulder with my toe, making a face.

Look who’s talking.” He spread my legs with his hands, gaze lingering between them. “I’ve wanted to see up that skirt all night.”

This skirt?” I wiggled my hips, tugging it upward.

Yeah,” he breathed, his hand moving over the top edge of the elastic on my black bikini panties. He pressed his hand to my belly, stroking the sensitive flesh just below my navel. I shivered and started unbuttoning my blouse.

I didn
’t remember the buttons being so small and difficult when I put it on. Rob helped me, kneeling between my thighs as he worked the buttons from the bottom up, our hands meeting in the middle. He spread my shirt open, gaze moving over the black lace of my bra, my nipples hardening, pressing against the silky material.

You’re like a painting.” He traced one finger between my cleavage, over my belly, dipping into my navel. “I could write a song about you.”

That would be flattering.” I felt dreamy, seeing everything in soft-focus. “What would you call it?”

Siren Song.” His hand moved to undo my belt and slip my skirt over my hips and thighs. He tossed it on the floor, spreading my legs again with his hands and kneeling between them.

I’m not sure that’s a compliment.” I caught his hand in mine, bringing it to my mouth and kissing his fingertips, one by one.

It is,” he assured me. “You’re quite irresistible.”

He moved off me.
“Roll over.”

I obliged, letting him pull my shirt off. He unhooked my bra, his hands kneading warmth into the flesh of my back. I slipped off the straps, flinging it over the side of the bed.

“Up.” He lifted my hips, pulling me to my knees. I let him lead me, lost in the soft kisses raining over my back and bottom. His hands roamed over my legs in the fishnets and when he pulled my panties down my thighs, I moaned, feeling completely exposed to him now.

BOOK: Meeting Trouble (New Adult Rock Star Romance)
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