Read Menage on 34th Street Online

Authors: Elise Logan

Menage on 34th Street (13 page)

BOOK: Menage on 34th Street
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Liam cleared his throat.

Visibly irritated, Hunter glared across the table at the other man. “What?”

“I can’t be bottom all the time. And, yeah, you’ve gone down on me a couple of times, but even then, you’re driving. I need to be able to control the action occasionally.”

Kat blinked. It shouldn’t surprise her anymore that their thought processes ran so parallel. She might not have been really willing to push that issue now, but she would have pushed it later. Liam just moved up the time table.

“What are you talking about? You set this up from the beginning, so what the hell do you mean?”

He was right, but Kat was pretty sure that wasn’t what Liam meant. “Physically, Hunter. I think Liam means you have to let him be in charge of the action, not just setting up the situation.”

Hunter frowned. “Is that it? Do you mean I have to let you fuck me? I don’t know about that.”

“No. I’d certainly enjoy that, but if I can’t make you enjoy it too, that’s a non-starter. Kat’s right. Yes, one or both of us may start something, but when it comes down to who is fucking or sucking, you are in control. Sometimes I need to be in control. This isn’t an issue with Kat because we naturally swap. But you’re used to being in control, to being the one in charge.”

“So what does that mean, exactly?”

“It means you have to let me and Kat tell you what to do, to push you to do things that you might not be thinking of doing right then. Even if you aren’t sure how it will go, you need to be willing to at least try.”

“Hey, if you don’t like what I’m doing, all you have to do is tell me.”

“Don’t be deliberately dense. You know that isn’t what I mean.”

“I don’t know if I know
to do what you’re asking me to do. I’m not really sure
you’re asking.”

“It’s easy. Let go a little,” Liam suggested. “Ease up on having to be in command all the time.”

“You’re asking a lot. I like being in the driver’s seat, sure, but when it comes to sex, I’ve never just let it happen.”

“Not true,” Kat murmured.

“Excuse me?”

His tone was so offended it almost made her smile. Almost.

“In the shower Christmas morning. For a little while, at least, you let me have control.”

He looked as if she’d told him the moon was made of green cheese and Milk Duds: completely blindsided.

Liam studied her with interest. “Did he?”

“Yes. Not for very long, but he did.”

“That’s a step in the right direction. I can take that as a down payment. If it becomes a problem, we can deal with that later,” Liam offered.


“What? Oh. Yeah, we can work on that.”

He seemed out of it, and she waved a hand in front of his face. “Hey. Earth to Hunter. You in there?”

He shook his head as if to clear it. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m here. Just got distracted.”

“Must have been some distraction.” Liam smiled.

“Yeah. I was just thinking about an idea Kat had while she was being in control.”

Kat’s pulse thickened. That certainly shifted her focus. And gave her an idea. She cleared her throat, pushing back the sexual tension. “Any other issues?”

“No, I’m good for now,” Hunter shrugged.

Liam shook his head slowly. “I’m done.”

Kat didn’t think they were done but she did think they had hit a wall. As much as she wanted to back up and talk about Hunter and Liam standing together against her, she didn’t want their first relationship meeting to devolve into an argument.

Hunter started to stand but stopped halfway out of his chair. “Kat? Do
have anything else?”

“No...nothing else to say, anyway.” Admiring the way cotton stretched across his flexed pecs, she relaxed in her chair. The first meeting was done and hadn’t been a disaster. Hopefully that meant future meetings would be similarly disaster-free. Though, of course, they’d have their issues.

Liam cleared his throat. “Do you want me to clear out for a while, babe?”

“Nope.” She tore her gaze away from Hunter’s chest and shook her head.

“Why don’t you go up and shower,” Liam suggested.

Kat let the last of her irritation go. It wasn’t productive, especially when she could think of better things to do than stew over something that wasn’t going to be fixed today. “Sure. I’ll get cleaned up and you two can come upstairs and get me all dirty again.”

Liam’s eyes widened slightly before he grinned at her. “That sounds like a plan to me. Hunter?”

They both switched their attention to Hunter.

“That works for me. I need to be back for an early call, so I can’t stay tonight.”

“All the more reason to enjoy the time we have,” Kat said firmly.

“I’ll second that,” Liam agreed.

“Then you’d better hurry up with that shower, kitten, or you won’t get one.”

She hesitated a moment, gave them both a flirty little wink, then headed upstairs. It didn’t take her long to scrub off the attic dirt, but she lingered over making sure she was smooth and soft for her lovers.

With the steam from the bath still clinging to her skin, she stood in front of the dresser. Hunter’s chunky, utilitarian watch was placed neatly on top of his wallet, his cell phone tucked neatly beside it, his dog tags forming a small pile behind. It contrasted with the messy tray, which held the haphazard collection of items from Liam’s pockets and her own purse.

Seeing his things with theirs made her happy. She wanted more of that. His T-shirts in the laundry, his boots by the door, his damp towel over the towel bar. And she didn’t want those things in the guest bedroom or the guest bath. Eventually she would have to re-introduce the matter of their living arrangements. She didn’t want Hunter to be a come-and-go booty call who carried a change of clothes in his car. He belonged in the very center of her life, the same way he belonged in her heart.

“You’re thinking too hard, Kitty-Kat.” Liam’s teasing words pulled her from her mental wandering. She blindly chose a filmy negligee from her lingerie drawer and, tucking the gown against her chest so Liam couldn’t see it, smiled at him over her shoulder. “A sharp mind is a sexy mind.”

Liam stood just inside the door, his jeans riding low on his hips and clinging to his lean form. His blond hair caught the light from the bathroom and for an instant, her world just...stopped. A moment later, everything resumed, and he stared at her quizzically. “Kat?”

She shook her head, more at herself than at him. “Sometimes you just hit me, Liam, and I remember all the reasons I married you.”

His expression softened. “Aw, K-K.”

Hunter stepped around Liam into the room. “You guys want me to bail?”

The words were casual, but the tension underlying them was not. Hunter wore only his boxers and his rigid muscles gave him away. Kat told herself someday they would all find a comfortable dynamic and Hunter would be able to read her and Liam as easily as they read each other, just as he’d found his oasis of order amid the chaos of their dresser. Likewise, she and Liam would develop more refined sensitivities to Hunter’s needs. But they weren’t there yet.

She glanced at Liam, who raised his eyebrows a fraction.

“Not at all.” Kat rubbed her fingertips over the silk she held. “That wouldn’t be at all what I had in mind.”

“What did you have in mind?” Wariness and curiosity twined together in Hunter’s question, and the idea that she made him nervous soothed her ruffled ego.

She smiled at them both, and from the looks on their faces, it wasn’t a reassuring smile. It wasn’t really meant to be. Exactly.

“A little of this, a little of that. Why don’t you come over here and find out?”

Liam cocked his head to the side, a hint of caution tempering the growing interest. He knew her well enough to distrust her playful invitation. Still, he stepped toward her, unbuttoning his jeans.

She licked her lips, tracking every movement as he stripped. By the time he reached her, her skin prickled with the first edges of real arousal. She dropped her forgotten nightie along with her towel. Liam reached for her but she side-stepped and walked to the bed. Neither man said a word but both followed her. She could feel their gazes on her body as she crawled onto the mattress. When she turned to face them, her core flexed with anticipation.

Hunter stood behind Liam, a larger, darker presence radiating heat and wary anticipation.

They were such a contrast, her men. Hunter with his dark warrior’s body and chiseled face told the tale as much as anything. What you saw was what you got. Liam’s bright hair and pale skin combined with his lean body and almost pretty face to give him a nearly ethereal quality. Of course, that was just looks, since Liam was earthy and could be downright nasty if properly motivated.

That was her task—her very pleasurable task—here. She needed him to be motivated tonight. So much hinged on her ability to pull this off.

“Mmm,” she murmured, laying her fingertips along Liam’s hip. “Kiss me?”

Liam leaned down, bumping his ass into Hunter, who grunted at the contact. Liam’s eyes lit with wicked amusement as Hunter shifted his stance. Kat stifled an answering grin. Instead she closed the slight distance between their lips, melding them together.

She kissed Liam slowly, enjoying the taste and feel of his mouth. She wasn’t in a hurry; they had all night. Liam braced his hands on either side of her hips on the bed, his weight pitching her forward into the kiss. She floated on the surface of the kiss, sensation holding her afloat, allowing her to drift lazily along in the ebb and flow of their tangling tongues.

Gradually, she realized Liam was using his leverage on the bed to torment Hunter. Liam pushed up and back, swiveling his hips a bit. The movement had to be grinding Liam’s ass against Hunter’s crotch, and the idea of Liam teasing Hunter that way sent a spike of hot arousal through the hazy veil of pleasure.

Kat leaned back to break the kiss. “Nice. You deserve a reward.”

Liam’s eyes were lit with slow-burning heat. “I like rewards.”

“I know you’ll like this one.” Kat lifted her hand to trace his jaw.

“Does it involve you and Hunter and this bed?”

The corner of her lip quirked when she suppressed a smile. “It does.”

“Sounds like my kind of reward.” With a smooth twist, he shifted his weight and flipped onto his back next to her. The move was so sudden that Kat tipped sideways. She saw as she caught herself that Hunter stayed planted in his spot, unwavering. The man’s physical self-control was uncanny...but he couldn’t control everything. His raging hard-on was proof of that.

Kat righted herself and rested her hand on Liam’s thigh. She met Hunter’s eyes, a smoky green in this light. He returned her gaze with a level look, completely at odds with the urgency of his stiff cock.

“Hunter,” she began, but stalled at the hoarse quality of her voice. She cleared her throat and started again. “Hunter, could you get me the things in the bedside drawer, please?”

He quirked one dark brow before moving with animal grace around the bed to the nightstand. He opened the drawer, paused, and looked over his shoulder at her. The flat expression, that closed and cold stone face, plucked at her temper. She knew
wasn’t ready for what he was thinking but his lack of trust irked her. It didn’t stop her, though.

She held her hand out in silent demand.

He stared at her for a moment before pulling out the lube and tossing it on the bed next to her. He hesitated again before pulling the vibe out of the drawer.

It looked almost delicate in his hands, the bright green plastic emerging from the rectangular base holding the battery and flowing in a narrow, curved arc to a bulbous head. Like the bizarre sexual organs of an exotic flower. She loved that shade of green.

Liam made a sound of anticipation and arousal when he saw the toy. Whether he used it on her or she on him, it was a favorite for a reason. The vibe was designed especially for p-spot and g-spot stimulation, and she and Liam had enjoyed many sessions employing it to mutual satisfaction.

Hunter had given her the idea for this little bit of fun. It wasn’t quite what he’d suggested, but she wanted more intimacy, more contact than a strap-on really allowed. The three of them were still raw from the earlier discussion and she craved the closeness this scenario provided. Hopefully Hunter would be willing to push his boundaries a tiny bit.

Hunter placed the vibe in her hand, but made no move to join them on the bed. That was okay. She intended he watch. At least for a little while.

“Do you remember what you told me in the shower? When you gave up control for me?”

He looked away. “I said a lot of things.”

She smiled. “A few things stood out. But in this case, you told me you wanted to watch me fuck Liam with a strap-on. Remember that?”

Liam made a strangled sound on the bed next to her, but she ignored him, focusing instead on Hunter. Wariness gave way to arousal, and the heat staining his cheekbones told her she’d hit a definite trigger.

“Yeah.” He swallowed convulsively.

“Well, you can watch me fuck him with this vibe. Give me your hand.”

Without question, Hunter extended his hand. Kat hid her surprise at his rapid compliance. It was what she’d hoped for, but she was still surprised to get it.

She flicked the switch on the vibe, holding the rounded tip against Hunter’s wrist.

His hand twitched in hers, but he didn’t pull back. “That’s weird. Almost tickly.”

“Yes. It’s on the lowest setting.” She inched the intensity up. “But you have to imagine that not against your wrist, but stroking over your prostate.”

Liam rolled so his hard cock pressed against the curve of her ass. “Less talking, more doing,” he murmured, nipping her shoulder.

He surprised a laugh from her. She switched off the vibe. “Be patient, Liam. You’ll have it in a minute.”

“God, I hope so,” he said fervently.

“You really like it?”

isn’t strong enough,” Liam crooned. “Gimme.”

She playfully swatted his hand. “No. I get to play, so lie back.”

BOOK: Menage on 34th Street
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