Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-One-Night-Stand-with-a-Werewolf.doc (3 page)

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He was actually going to do this. He’d come here for work, but  there was always time for play.

Markus hadn’t been kidding. He really did know the area. Just  when Lance was about to ask where they were and if he was sure they  were going in the right direction, Markus suddenly turned off the trail  and started leading him right into the tall trees and bushes.

He probably should have been scared, but his curiosity was  getting the better of him. Then the trees had opened up to reveal a  scene that even the world’s best artists couldn’t do justice to.

“Wow,” he said, his eyes scanning over the water that shimmered  in the sunlight but was so clear he could see the green plants growing  at the bottom as well as the minnows and frogs that swam around  between them.

One-Night Stand with a Werewolf

Strong hands gripped his shoulders, massaging nicely, and

Lance’s muscles turned to mush.

Warm breath ghosted over his ear. Lance thought he felt Markus’s lips touching down on the outer shell of his earlobe. “You think that’s something, you should see the pond on the property where I live.”

“This is beautiful. How can no one know this is here?”

He practically felt the shrug behind him. “There are lots of ponds and small or large bodies of water in the area. They’re all fed by the river, and it’s hard to keep track of them all.”

Markus’s fingers gently touched down on Lance’s chin, turning him into a kiss. It was when their mouths met that Lance felt he’d

crossed the point of no return.

* * * *

Markus hadn’t expected it to be so good. There was like a miniature explosion of awareness inside of him, something he’d never felt before. He liked it.

When he reached his tongue out and was met with Lance’s, that miniexplosion turned nuclear, and now Markus wanted nothing more than to just stop with the easy-and-slow stuff and throw the guy down onto the grass and moss and fuck him until he couldn’t walk straight.

He got started with the throwing down part. He grabbed Lance by the shoulders, turning the man around so they were no longer back-to-chest, but now facing each other at least. He hooked his leg behind  Lance’s and pushed backward enough that Lance lost his footing and went down.

He made a shocked sound as he lost his balance, but Markus held

onto him, keeping him from hurting himself as he put the other man

on his back.

Lance grinned at him, and Markus could hear how quickly his heart pounded with the excitement of what was happening. “You’ve done this before.”

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It wasn’t an accusation. Lance clearly knew what this was supposed to be, and Markus was glad.

The funny thing was that he hadn’t done this before. He’d taken lovers, sure, but he’d never done the cheesy thing he was doing now, bringing someone he wanted to a pretty place for privacy just to set the mood. He’d never really cared for setting the mood beyond a few bad one-liners and making sure the stall he had them in was clean.  Sharing this location was a first for him.

He decided not to get into the details of that with the other man as he reached down and started kissing his neck.

Lance’s hands went to his scalp, his soft fingers threading through his hair. They weren’t rough and callused like Markus’s hands. Lance might like the outdoors, but he definitely didn’t work outdoors doing any kind of heavy lifting, that was for sure.

Markus worked on the buttons of Lance’s plaid shirt, quickly removing them and even ripping a few off, revealing a white T-shirt beneath.

He could feel the man’s erection between his legs as they lay together. Markus was becoming impatient to have it in his hand, in his mouth, and bobbing between them as he fucked Lance raw.

“Wait, let me up,” Lance said, pushing Markus back a little so he could sit up. He shrugged the rest of the way out of his button-down and then lifted the T-shirt over his head.

Markus was slightly disappointed with that. There was something a little naughty he enjoyed about having his partners partly dressed instead of entirely naked.

When Lance began to shimmy himself out of his jeans, Markus didn’t complain in the least.

“Take your clothes off,” Lance demanded. “Right now.”

Pushy. Markus was going to enjoy this so much.

“Give it a minute,” he said, gripping the hem of Lance’s jeans and pulling them down as the other man fought to get out of them. The jeans weren’t exactly tight or anything, but they fit well enough that

One-Night Stand with a Werewolf

when Markus did that, the underwear came off with them, sliding  down his hips and legs.

The sight of Lance’s cock, thick and uncut, sent all sorts of signals  to Markus’s brain, all of which he again pushed back. There was only  one message he wanted to pay attention to, and that was the instinct  yammering inside his mind to take Lance as hard and fast as the other  man could manage.

Lance seemed to get the idea of what Markus wanted by the way  he stared, and the other man grabbed him by the hair and started  pulling him down toward his dick. “Put me in your mouth. Suck me,”  he commanded.

Markus gladly did as he was told. He was alpha all the way, but his lovers could command him during sex as much as they wanted.

Strange, since he normally hated giving head, but now the idea didn’t bother him so much. He wanted this. He wanted to put Lance’s prick inside his mouth and make the other man scream for him.

Markus put his lips over the swollen head. Lance shivered, and the skin of his thighs and legs pebbled with goose bumps. The tip of flesh was pulling back a little with how hard Lance had gotten. That looked a little painful even. He was going to do something about it.

Keeping his mouth still firmly pressed around the shaft and his hand gripping the base, Markus sank down.

He couldn’t really see up so well from the position he was in, but it kind of looked like Lance had let himself fall back into the grass, his head banging backward.

If it hurt, then the other man didn’t say anything about it as he moaned and shivered. Markus felt that shiver all the way down into  Lance’s legs and cock. Lance lifted his knees and started pumping his hips, all the while keeping his hands on the back of Markus’s head.

“Fuck, that’s nice.”

It was nice. He especially enjoyed the little sounds of pleasure  Lance made as he lost himself to what Markus was doing to him.  Markus sucked back hard, moving his head up and down while

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periodically tightening his mouth. He did everything he liked to have  done to him, and then he reached his hand up, pressing his fingers  against Lance’s asshole.

Lance moaned as Markus circled his fingers around the entrance,  and then he bucked hard when his fingers pressed inside.

“Oh, fuck! Yeah, just like that.”

A feeling of victory swept over Markus. Lance wanted it. He  wanted it so much, and Markus was going to give it to him. The need  he felt, and the musky smells right under his nose, nearly made him  come. It was torture to still be wearing clothes. His body throbbed for  the need to touch himself or have Lance touch him, but he was going  to wait. He wanted to enjoy this and draw it out.

Even though his cheeks and jaw were both starting to hurt,  Markus bobbed his head up and down faster. The more Lance  moaned, and the louder, the better. Humans took longer to recover  from their orgasms, but Markus wanted the other man to come. He  wanted Lance to fuck his mouth until he came down it and Markus

swallowed him.

He wanted Lance to claim him.

Lance’s hands vanished from Markus’s hair so he could grip his own. He pumped his hips with wild abandon, yelling out his pleasure.  He was a screamer, it seemed.

That’s right, baby. Come for me.

He did. Lance came with another long shout, emptying himself down Markus’s throat with hard jerks of his body. It was one of the most intense orgasms Markus had ever seen in a human. He’d never been with many, but enough to know that the nearly ten-second experience Lance had just had wasn’t exactly common.

Markus kept his mouth moving the whole time, suckling and swirling his tongue until Lance stopped twitching, his body turning to slop on the ground.

His breathing rate slowly returned to normal, and so did his heart.  Markus pulled his mouth away and looked down at him. He was

One-Night Stand with a Werewolf

somewhat disappointed to see that those glasses he was wearing  hadn’t fogged over or anything like that, but maybe they needed to be  in a more enclosed space.

Markus hurriedly began to undress. Lance might need some  recovery time, but Markus hadn’t even had his chance to come yet,  and just the friction of pulling down his jeans was enough to make  him spasm and moan.

Lance looked at him, some awareness coming back into those blue  eyes. “Shit!” he laughed. “Sorry, I’m a bastard. Let me help you with  that.”

It could have been a cheesy line for all Markus knew, but right now the only thinking he was capable of doing came from his dick, so when Lance sat up and reached his hand out, taking hold of Markus’s engorged dick, he let him. Markus happily pumped his hips into that hand. It wasn’t even cold, so he was able to better enjoy himself.

Markus stayed on his knees, pumping against Lance’s hand and gripping the man’s shoulders. All the while, Lance stared down at his prick, like he was being mesmerized by it or something.

Well, it was a pretty awesome piece of equipment.

“You can return the favor if you want,” Markus said, gently putting his fingers into Lance’s blond hair and pulling him down toward his swollen cock.

Lance hesitated slightly. “This is going to sound like a flattery line, but Jesus Christ, you’re big. Seriously, I think your cock is the size of my wrist.”

“Yeah, it’ll look even better with your pink lips wrapped around


Markus allowed his thumb to stroke the edge of Lance’s bottom lip. Those blue eyes snapped up to him, staring with just a hint of shyness through those wire-frame glasses.

Then he laughed a little. “We’re going to have a hell of a wait before we can actually get to the good part.”

To Markus, getting someone to suck on his dick was always the

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good part. It was one of his favorite parts, and there were often times  when he had trouble deciding which he liked best, the actual fucking  or receiving some nice, long attention to his cock via a talented  mouth.

Thankfully, Lance didn’t put up anymore of an argument. He just wet his lips and put them around the head of Markus’s cock. He shivered and allowed his eyes to fall shut. His back arched as he started thrusting into Lance’s mouth. He didn’t have a small mouth or anything, but neither was it very wide, and Lance hadn’t been joking when he’d said that Markus was big. Markus knew he was big, and he wasn’t just stroking his own ego thinking such things either.

Being a werewolf meant he saw a lot of naked men. Sometimes that was difficult to deal with, considering his sexuality, but it was something he’d gotten used to. It also meant he had practice sneakily comparing his size with the other members of his pack, preventing them from noticing what he was doing.

He wasn’t about to be cocky enough to say he had the biggest dick in the pack, since there were definitely those with slightly bigger, but he was up there, and everyone knew that the sexual organs of a werewolf were always larger than their human counterparts.

Yeah, it really was a gift.

When Markus was able to finally open his eyes and look down, he noted the way Lance had closed his eyes as he sucked back on  Markus’s erect cock.

Like Lance, Markus wasn’t cut, but he was definitely larger than the other man. Despite that, and Lance’s half-worried observations, he went at it like a real trooper and seemed to be genuinely enjoying himself, much the same way Markus had been.

Markus shivered and moaned as Lance took his balls in hand and

began to gently massage them. He pumped his hips, fucking Lance’s  mouth, all the while staring down at him, not taking his eyes away  from the other man.

He was beautiful. It wasn’t just a realization Markus had come to

One-Night Stand with a Werewolf

either, he’d known if from the second he saw him in the diner. This

was a gorgeous man Markus had kneeling before him, sucking on his

dick like it was his favorite treat.

And he belonged to Markus.

Lance began bobbing his head quickly, and instead of using his hand to stroke the base of Markus’s dick, he deep-throated him.

Markus gripped his shoulders tightly and shot down Lance’s throat suddenly and without warning. His body trembled and shook with the incredible sensation. No one had ever done that to him

BOOK: Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-One-Night-Stand-with-a-Werewolf.doc
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