Naima: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 7) (28 page)

BOOK: Naima: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 7)
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"I want to apologize, but I can't. Whatever Victor has done to put me in your path again, I owe him everything. I'll give you time to decide on us, but the company must be worked out immediately. The rest of the world is waiting to move in and do exactly what I'm willing to do right now."

"What are you proposing?"

"A split. Run the company with me, and you and I as partners will split the revenues down the middle."

"My clan is barely surviving on what we have now. If I agree to this, it will leave half of them hungry and without. Most of them work for me as well."

"We will grow the company. I have plans that we can work through. Let's just agree on the split for the next year and then put in the contract that we will renegotiate next year. If the company has not doubled in size, I will yield and give it back to you."

"And if it has?"

"Then we sign a lifetime contract that Varetec will be under common control with us as partners."

"Deal. I cannot imagine you being capable of pulling the company out of its current position." She looked down at her plate and ate for a few minutes. He did the same, wanting to tell her a million things, but knowing the timing was bad.

The last ten years had been a lifetime without her. Nothing had felt right or tasted good. He put his free hand in his lap to keep from touching her and leaned back, picking up his glass and watching.

"You're upset with your father about what he's done. Feels like deceit?"

"Yes, but I know him well, Alec. He loves me and wouldn't do anything that would harm me in the long run. In the short run, it will break me in half, but I'm sure he knows what he is doing." She sighed and sat back, her eyes slowly moving across him. Lust flared in her gaze and the delicious aroma of her desire filled his senses.

He growled softly as she watched him.

"I agree. I hope I have a child one day that respects me as much as you respect him."

"I've given up more than I care to discuss to honor that respect." Sadness brushed across her beautiful face briefly. He swallowed his need to ask if she regretted giving him up.

"So we're good on Varetec?" He took another sip of his wine and sat up, the chill in the wind feeling good on his bare back.

"Yes. Draft the papers and I'll sign them."

"Let's talk about the threat to your pack."

"No. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but mating or joining with someone just for the sake of saving my people is something I cannot do. I won't." She wiped her mouth and smiled. The expression did not reach her burnt orange eyes. Heaviness sat on her like a well-worn coat and Alec wanted to remove it and replace it with security and peace.

"Don't go yet. I know you don't want to discuss the pack, but let me at least offer you protection. I'm not sure how it would work, but I can't bear the thought of seeing someone take over your people."

"You mean over me?" She smiled slyly and stood, stretching and giving him a perfect view of her budded nipples as they pressed through the soft cotton of her gown.

She was magnificent. A treasure to be held and coveted. No other man was going to have her. He would kill anyone who tried.

He stood as well and picked up their plates and the bottle. "Grab our glasses and help me get this inside. I'm glad we came to an understanding. You won't be disappointed. I'm not the boy you remember."

They walked into the house as he smiled, loving how relaxed he felt around her. It was most likely going to be the death of him, but it would be a good one. He chuckled as she moved in beside him near the sink, turning on the water and glancing his way.

"You're not the boy I remember? No more adventure? No more loving good food, strong liquor, and slow dancing?" She smiled and he turned toward her, his body screaming for him to grab her before she disappeared again. "No more long nights of passion?"

"That only made sense when it was with you. You know that." He reached out and touched her shoulder, pressing his fingers into the tense muscle. "Stay with me tonight. Let me love you. Just tonight."

She moved back, her face turning down as her hair slid over her shoulders. It made her appear angelic and soft. How he could be turned on by her hardness and her softness was a puzzle. She was so complex and yet he knew he needed a woman just like her to sustain him for the rest of his days.

"I can't, Alec. I'm confused. I need time to think through this...through anything related to us."

He backed her up in the kitchen until her waist hit the counter. She looked up and he regretted his actions.

He had backed her into a corner again.

He growled and balled his fist, turning and walking away before he picked her up and carried her off to the bed to fuck the hell out of her. "I'm going nuts to touch you, Sonya. Just leave and we'll talk later this week."

"It's not that easy, Alec. I can't spend the night here and walk away tomorrow. You were a childish ass when we were younger and I was the responsible one. I was the one that walked away because you wouldn't relent and come live a grown-up life with me. Now you show up out of the blue and have your shit together? And somehow you're in cahoots with my father? This isn't fair," she yelled and walked past him as he reached out and took her wrist.

"Why did we fight the night you left me?"

"Because you wanted to force me to love you, just like you want to do again now."

He released her, her words penetrating his heart painfully. "Force you? Is that how it was? How it is?"

"That's exactly what's happening again." She walked to pick up her purse, stopping before she walked out. "Send the papers over and I'll get them back to you."

"Your father thought this might turn out differently. I think he'll be surprised to learn that my predictions were more on the mark. Forever alone seems better than being loved so deeply nothing could break it. Right Sonya? That's what you're saying by walking out again, right?"

"You don't know what my father would want, and you know nothing about me."

"I know enough."

"Fuck you. Forget that I came here tonight. If you want to talk business about Varetec again, I'll send a representative. I don't need your pity or your help. Fuck off." She turned and walked out of the house.

He stood there in stony silence. She wanted him to come after her. She needed him. He was sure of it.

Alec picked up the bottle of wine and finished it as he listened for her car to start, but it didn't.

He was right. Time to go collect his girl and teach her a lesson or two.

He set the bottle down and walked to the front door, throwing it open and walking with purpose as desire and anger swirled in a dangerous combination. She got out of the car, her eyes narrowed like she wanted a fight.

"Don't think you can..." she started and he crashed into her, pressing her to the car and lifting her dress as he cupped her butt and forced her to wrap her legs around him.

"Shut up. You don't get to talk right now." He pressed his mouth to hers, his tongue ramming into the sweet warmth of her taste. She growled and rocked against him.

He was spot on and she was going to be his, whether she liked it or not.

"Mine," he growled as he broke the kiss and worked his way down to her breasts, sucking hard at the fullness of them. She whispered one word, followed by a soft whimper, and he knew the fight was over. She was his mate and he was claiming her that night, no matter what.


Chapter 11

His attack was relentless and she needed it. Sonya wrapped her arms and legs tightly around Alec as he devoured her mouth and walked them back into the house. She slid her hands down his back, tightening her arms around his neck as she sucked at his tongue. He growled low in his chest and she knew without a doubt that he was the missing piece in her life.

"More," she whispered as he broke the kiss. The smile playing on the side of his sexy mouth tore her apart. She pressed herself to him and moved one hand to slide through the back of his hair as she moved to kiss his neck and the top of his chest.

"I have a lot more for you, baby. Such a wicked little thing, Sonya. Trying to play games with me like I don't know how much your body needs what I'm going to give it."

"Shut up." She licked the side of his neck and sucked his ear into her mouth, panting softly to drive him mad.

"Shit, baby." His fingers dug into the soft flesh of her rear as she dipped down, rubbing her need against his erection. He was large and exactly the kind of man she lamented losing so many years ago.

"Hurry, Alec."

She hated how much he turned her on. He was controlling and dominant – an alpha through and through. To let him know how much she needed him outside of a mating would give him dominion over her, which was something she wasn't comfortable with.

Unfortunately, the decision to deny him was trumped by the hungry animal pacing deep inside of her.

How many pathetic men had she taken to her bed, hoping for some small portion of what Alec was capable of?

Too many.

She sighed with relief as he dropped her on the bed, his fingers working fast to undo his jeans.

She lifted up on her elbows, watching him as he kicked his pants off, his cock thick and standing ready. She moved toward him and he pushed her back, his large hand in the middle of her chest.

"No. You can do what you want with me next time. Tonight my bear isn't allowing for anything but taking you hard until you scream my name." He growled and she shuddered.

Nothing had ever taken her breath away like he had before. This moment was something to lock into her memory and cling to later on. She nodded, feeling the overwhelming power of his position, yielding to him for the night.

He grumbled, his eyes locking on her as if checking to make sure she understood. She kicked off her sandals and slipped her feet up to his chest, pushing at him a little. He smirked and took a hold of them, pulling one up to his mouth and biting the soft inside flesh as she groaned.

"Tell me you like what you see, woman. I want to hear it out of your mouth." He kissed her foot and moved to her calves, his movement concentrated and sensual.

Sonya jerked her foot from him and moved back to the center of the bed, sitting back on her knees as she pulled her dress over her head. She smiled as his eyes widened. His cock twitched, begging him to move fast before she disappeared. She wanted to taste him so badly, but he wasn't allowing it.

Fine. She could play his game.

She reached behind her and undid her bra, chucking it across the room and kneading her breasts as he watched.

"I've wanted to feel the power of your fucking since the last time you were pressed to the back of me," she purred, unable to help herself.

"More," he growled and moved onto the bed, his eyes hooded. Alec licked at his lips and crawled toward her, the gleam in his eyes giving way to his thoughts. He was in charge and she would like it – a lot.

"How many nights has it been?" She turned her back to him, her g-string giving him the full view of his favorite part of her, from what she remembered. She glanced over her shoulder at him, her long chestnut hair spilled out across her back.

"Too many," he whispered as he reached her and moved up to balance on his knees, his hands sliding over her ass as if it were a treasure to behold.


"All those nights of wishing for someone as big as you, as good as you." She turned and slid her hands out in front of her, pressing her breasts to the bed as he pulled at her panties. The snap caused her to jerk. A moan leaving her lips as she pressed back against him.

"Rub yourself against me. Cover me in your scent, baby." He leaned over and pressed his teeth into the thick curve of her hips as she rolled herself, wanting to feel him take her.

"Don't make me wait. I'll kill you for it." She growled loudly and shifted her hips to position herself to give him entrance to her depths.

"I believe you. Crazy bitch." His words were soft and loving. He slipped one hand into her hair, wrapping it around the thick locks, and pulled her head back. She gave a sound of pain wrapped in pleasure and trembled.

"Yes," she whispered, needing him to be rough. No one else had been capable of keeping up with her, but Alec..."Fuck me."

"Only me." He pressed into her, but held a tight grip on her ass, not letting her push back on him as she tried to.

Frustration began to build up in her chest and he only had a few minutes to give her what she was after before she flipped his ass and mounted him. Their sex was a fight for dominance, but her choice of position spoke volumes of her willingness to give in to him. She hoped.

She pressed back and he jerked her hair harder, twisting her enough to have her face almost turned toward him. Moving her eyes to focus on him, she nipped at him and jerked away, the pain causing a fire to spread down her back and coat her skin with chill bumps.

"Tell me that I am the only one."

"No. Stop talking and fuck me. You want me as badly as I want you. Stop dicking around and drive into me." She pulled again and he smacked her ass hard before clamping down on it again. She groaned, rocking backward and taking in the extra inch he gave her. He was dragging her into depravity. She was an animal, a beast with no need for modesty or subtleness.

"Tell me or I'll get up. I'll stand beside this bed and stroke myself until I explode, screaming your name just so you know what I've looked like for the last ten years."

"Don't do this." She tucked her pelvis and stroked the thickness of what he gave her. "I need you. I know you feel it."

"Sloppy wet, Sonya. So fucking sexy, but I'm not here for a night of pleasure. I'm here to claim you."

She extended her claws and swiped at him, catching his chest and opening the skin slightly. He sucked in a quick breath between his teeth, his hold on her hip lost as he reached up to wipe the dots of blood away. She took advantage and pushed back, impaling herself on him. A long scream left her as pleasure exploded from her stomach.

"Sex. Nothing else tonight," she choked out as she panted with need.

BOOK: Naima: A SciFi Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 7)
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