Read Natalie Acres Online

Authors: Sex Slave [Cowboy Sex 7]

Tags: #Romance

Natalie Acres (31 page)

BOOK: Natalie Acres
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“And you want to teach me?” Kimberly asked, a light of mischief in her eyes. “I know the difference, Cherie. I was raised between two close families with substantial differences in the way they lived and the way they viewed the lifestyle. My mother is a submissive woman, but she tests my fathers at every turn.

“Vicky McKay, on the other hand, as you’ve witnessed today, is definitely a sex slave. She depends on her men for every decision. She gave up the right to free will because she didn’t want it.”

“And you’re saying you’re ready to embrace the same life?”

“Yes,” Kimberly replied.

“So you realize if you do this, if Sebastian and Wyatt tell you to get on your knees and eat my pussy, you’re expected to comply.”

Her lips twitched. God love her heart. She probably thought this was a preplanned test.

“I understand,” she said, glancing up at Sebastian as if she expected him to intervene.

“Don’t worry. They won’t share you with me and I like cock as much as you do,” Cherie said. “But I’ve had my share of women. Remember, I told you I know Sweden well. He was the one who taught me the difference between domestic slaves and submissive women.”

“So which are you?”

“Ah, there’s a good question,” Wyatt said, shooting Cherie a sideways glance. “And I don’t think she knows.”

“Yes I do,” Cherie assured him. “My problem is I always have two big old burly fellas standing in the way of my happiness.”

Kimberly frowned. “Why do you allow that?”

Cherie laughed. “And here you have it, boys. Kimberly, think about this before you push these two into another realm of Domination. If you want to know why I allow something, you may later ask yourself the same thing. Submissive women are constantly using their safe words. Depending on the terms of your relationship with your Doms, you may or may not have that choice.”

“Yes, but you aren’t submissive to these two,” Kimberly said, but her statement resounded like a question.

She shrugged. “Maybe I wanted to be. Maybe I just wanted someone to protect me and they’ve done that.”

“Until I came along?”

“You’re not an obstacle,” Cherie assured her. “If anything you’re a treat.” She studied Wyatt before she walked to the door. “Now hurry up and dress like a skank so Sebastian and Wyatt won’t be able to keep their hands to themselves during dinner. I’m starving.”

“I am, too,” Kimberly said, snatching the clothes from Sebastian’s arms.

“Hang on there a minute,” Wyatt said, stalking her as soon as Cherie left the room. “Before Sebastian dresses you, I need to give you something.”

Kimberly stilled as he moved closer. Wyatt dug in his pocket and pulled free a small egg-shaped vibrator. “Spread your legs.”

“You surely don’t want me to wear this to dinner.”

“You won’t be the only woman operated by remote control,” Sebastian promised her.

They shared a laugh and when the room quieted, she searched Wyatt’s eyes as if she had detected a hint of lust in the air earlier when Cherie had taunted her. “Would you ever order me to go down on her?”

“Heavens no,” Wyatt replied.

“Would you trade me or sell me out in any shape, form, or fashion?”

Sebastian squeezed her breast. “I should spank your sweet ass for asking such a question.”

“I only asked because I wanted that spanking,” she teased.

“Then you don’t need an answer,” Wyatt said, dragging her away from Sebastian and bending her over his knee.

Massaging her globes, he lifted his hand and swatted her behind. She yelped in pleasure and he rubbed the spot he’d smacked.

“This isn’t for pleasure, darling,” he whispered, popping her ass again. “I want these pretty cheeks charred by the time you sit down for dinner. Maybe then you’ll never doubt us again.”

Chapter Thirty-Nine


“Joshua, is that Jason Neely over there?” Vicky asked, leaning against her husband.

Patrick and Aspen froze. Neither one of them peered over their shoulders. Instead, Aspen studied Joshua, probably gauging a reaction while Patrick stared at his plate, acting as if his meal had been spoiled at the mention of Neely’s name.

“Looks like him,” Joshua replied, shoving a fork between his lips and chewing a piece of steak.

He and Aspen exchanged another quick glance and Aspen left his chair. Kissing Vicky on the top of the head, he adjusted his bowtie and whispered at her ear. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

“What’s going on?” Vicky asked, searching Patrick’s face before turning on Joshua.

“Eat, Vicky,” Patrick said, glancing up with those cold, determined eyes. Patrick wasn’t one to challenge when he thinned his lips in a tight line.

“I wondered when the four of you would notice me,” Jason Neely said, joining them before Vicky realized he’d left his table. “Good evening, Doc. How are you tonight?”

“Jason,” Patrick said, dotting his mouth with the linen napkin.

“How’s the McKay brute this evening?” He flashed Joshua a tight smile.

“Still a brute,” Vicky said, quickly remembering the night Joshua dragged her away from Jason’s arms. She still shivered when she thought of Jason dropping his pants, telling her to give him head, and Joshua coming to her rescue.

If she’d known her best friend’s daughter, her godchild, would one day end up in Jason Neely’s bed, she never would’ve used the man for a jealousy play. Then again, the ploy had worked. She was pretty sure Joshua never let her out of his sights again.

Outside of the fact that Joshua, Aspen,
Patrick still wanted to kill Jason whenever they saw him, no real harm was done.

“So how did you twist these legendary arms and get your men to take you out of town?”

“By twisting her legendary legs,” Aspen informed him, reclaiming his seat.

“Aspen, good to see you,” Jason said, offering his hand.

Aspen only stared at his outstretched arm.

“This is ridiculous,” Joshua said, drawing Vicky against his side and planting his possessive, splayed fingers against her hip. “What are you doing on this train, Neely?”

“Traveling like everyone else,” he replied, pointing at his table. “Heather and I are attending a function in—”

“Do we look like we give a damn?” Joshua asked.

“You asked why we were on the train,” Jason reminded him.

Patrick took a deep breath. Finally, he lifted his gaze and said, “In case you didn’t know, Kimberly Cartwell is on this train, too.”

“Really?” Jason’s face was blotched with red blemished patches of skin. “No one told me.”

“If one hair on her pretty little head is plucked, you and I will have a problem,” Joshua said.

Jason studied Vicky. “Has it ever occurred to you why your men are always the three looking out for Kimberly Cartwell?”

“She’s our goddaughter,” Vicky told him.

“Do not speak to him again,” Patrick said, pushing away from the table. “Let me walk you back to your table, Jason. I’d like to say hello to Heather. Before I met Vicky, she and I spent a lot of time together—in bed. She was damned good, which is why we all shared her back then. I want to say hello. She’s a patient of mine, you know.”

“Asshole,” Vicky grumbled, shaking her head as Patrick led Jason away from the table.

“You knew what he was when you married him,” Joshua said, apparently amused.

“That was uncalled for,” Vicky said.

“Take it up with him.” Joshua averted his gaze and studied Aspen. “What’d Kane have to say?”

“I’m glad I called him. They had just received confirmation Neely was on the train. After dinner, I’ll make my way to Sebastian’s rail car. Maybe I won’t catch them in any compromising acts with our goddaughter.”

“You might want to phone ahead,” Vicky said, glaring at Patrick when he returned to the table. “Kimberly spent over five years with Jason. From what I hear, he can teach a woman to appreciate good loving.” She leaned around Patrick and shot Jason a smile. “I can see where he might.”

Aspen laughed. “You’re punished.”

“Whipped until she can’t sit down,” Joshua agreed.

Patrick’s eyes darkened. “Heather wasn’t that great in bed.”

“Well you shouldn’t have mentioned it at all.”

“He was trying to get under Jason’s skin,” Joshua said.

“It won’t work,” Vicky informed them. “The only woman Jason Neely has ever loved—regardless of what the three of you think—is Kimberly.”

“He cares for Heather,” Patrick said.

“About as much as he cares about getting tested for STDs.” Vicky took a sip of her wine. “And I’m upset with all of you, by the way. Why didn’t you tell me you were bringing me on this trip with ulterior motives?”

“Why didn’t you tell us Peyton had told you why we were taking this trip?” Aspen asked.

Vicky sighed dramatically. “I can’t pull anything over on you guys. It’s quite tiresome actually.”

“Save your strength then, doll,” Aspen said, shooting her a wink. “You only have three reasons to exert yourself in life.”

“I’m reminded of that fact every day of my life.”

Joshua placed his hand on her inner thigh. “Lucky for us, we are, too.”

Chapter Forty


Kimberly took her seat after greeting the McKays. “They’re here for a reason.”

“Your fathers sent them,” Sebastian told her. “And their distrust is beginning to grate on my nerves.”

“They don’t trust you?” she asked, placing her napkin in her lap.

“No,” Sebastian replied, reaching under the table and sliding his hand under the tablecloth. “Part your legs.”

Kimberly trembled under his touch as he slipped his fingers on the outside of her panties, massaging the
crotch with his middle finger while reaching for his glass of champagne. Wearing a black lace halter mini dress with a flared skirt, Kimberly had kept her arms folded over her chest while talking to the McKays.

Now at ease, she relaxed at the table, enjoying the ambiance and the slight grating noise underneath them as the train moved easily over its tracks. Turning her attention to Cherie, she said, “I love your outfit.”

“Thank you. Wyatt and Sebastian shop for me.”

Striking her as odd, Kimberly started to ask why, but Wyatt placed a small reminder on the tabletop. The vibrator remote was like a double-edged sword. One minute, the device represented her enemy. And the very next, she thought of it as her best friend.

A breeze shot through the rail car and Wyatt looked up from his bread and butter plate. As if she saw her prevailing future by gauging his hardened expression, she started to turn.

“Sit still, sub,” Wyatt said firmly.

Cherie ducked her head and Kimberly couldn’t resist. The tension was too great, and the suspense nearly suffocated her.

Wyatt picked up the small handheld device and aimed it at her as if to warn her, but she didn’t care. Whipping around in her chair, she immediately grasped the arm as her body was thrown into a pulse of wicked sensations, the vibrator thrumming inside her channel with a savage beat.

Jason marched over to the table immediately. Eyeing the remote control, he said, “If you don’t click that to the off position, I swear you’ll wish you had.”

Kimberly threw her head back and gripped Sebastian’s arm, the orgasm rolling over her like a powerful storm. As suddenly as the violent twitches began, they ended.

“Stay seated,” Wyatt said, averting his gaze and glaring at Jason. “What can we do for you, Neely?”

“Sub, I need to speak with you,” he said, ignoring the men at the table.

Sebastian slid his arm around her shoulders and drew her against him. “She won’t be talking with you tonight, Neely.”

Jason’s nostrils flared. “Do you think you have that much control over her?”

“Would you like proof?” Sebastian asked, glancing around the dining car, perhaps in an effort to gauge the expressions on the other patrons’ faces.

Kimberly nervously brought her glass to her lips. Cherie lifted her gaze, almost as a way of warning her not to defy them at this point.

Perhaps this was the test, the lesson to learn, the line to cross. Cherie certainly thought so because she nudged her with the toe of her pointed shoe.

“I don’t need proof,” Jason said, flipping his hand over and holding out his palm. “Shall we, Kimberly?”

Her nipples tightened as Wyatt removed his shoe and rubbed his foot up and down her calf. It was a soothing, near mesmerizing gesture, but it was one with plenty of meaning, too.

He wanted her to remember her loyalties, the men who were working hard to make her happy.

Staring at Jason’s upturned palm, she finally said, “I know what you did to me.”

“That’s more than enough said,” Sebastian grated out, placing his napkin on the table and sliding his hands under the table. This time, he unbuttoned his dinner jacket, loosened the snap on his slacks, and lowered his zipper.

“Kimberly,” he said, nodding at his cock. “I’m horny.”

BOOK: Natalie Acres
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