Read Natural Witchery Online

Authors: Ellen Dugan

Tags: #Body, #Mind, #Spirit, #Wicca, #Witchcraft, #Rituals, #Spells, #magick, #magic, #spirituality, #natural, #nature, #moon, #psychic, #ethic, #earthday40

Natural Witchery (18 page)

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Fabrics also influence the flow of magick in your life. Not surprisingly, clothing made from natural fibers is the best energy conductor. Since polyester and rayon are man-made, they aren't going to conduct energy and magick on their own. It's sort of like expecting an artificial flower to hold any magickal energy. Keep that in mind when you get dressed for work in the morning, or before you choose the fabric for your next ritual outfit.

The following textile information is simple, straightforward, and very self-explanatory. Bear in mind the way you react to certain textures in fabric. Does slipping on a favorite pair of denim blue jeans help you unwind, or does denim make you feel like you are ready to do yard work? Does wearing a wool blend suit help you feel more professional while at the office, or does wool make you itchy and uncomfortable? Cotton allows energy to flow or breathe, which makes sense as it is a breathable fabric. Cotton also increases your clarity and is associated with the element of (you guessed it) air. Wool is an earthy fabric; it is considered formal and protective, sturdy and secure.

Silk is the most magickal of all fabrics. When worn, silk creates a one-way psychic mirror. This material is protective and shields whatever it covers from outside influences and psychic energy. This is why it was always considered correct to wrap tarot cards in silk—to shield them from other people's emotions and vibes. So if it will protect and shield tarot cards, imagine what it can do for you. I have read that silk is not considered appropriate for the office, as it is too sensual or suggestive. Bah! I'd say that is completely up to you. A gorgeous silk blouse paired up with a nice suit would be stunning, in my opinion. Or you could be really discreet and wear silk underwear; that ought to put you in a good mood all day.

Silk is linked to your emotions, intuition, and the element of water, which isn't a big surprise, as this fabric “flows” across the body. Also FYI, a silk tie can even be used as a sort of psychic shield for businessmen, as a tie lays directly in front of your heart and solar plexus chakras. There it provides a shield from the negativity of others as it keeps your own power centers protected, so you don't fall victim to personal draining tactics. And everyone knows there is always one idiot in the office who seems to suck the life and energy right out of the room—or you. So enchant that silk tie or blouse, choose the color carefully, and think of it as subtle and very effective mirrored psychic armor.

Colorful Clothing Conjuration

With all our discussion on colors and fabrics in your wardrobe, here is a spell to coordinate with the information that will help you enchant the clothes you wear to work. To begin, choose the colors and fabrics of your outfit with your intention utmost in your mind, such as to project an aura of power, to boost your own confidence, or to blend in and go unnoticed at work. Whatever your goal is, picture it and keep that vision firmly in mind as you choose your outfit carefully. Once your magickal goal is set, then get dressed, finish the rest of your grooming for the day, and stand in front of your mirror.

Stand up straight, and take a good look at yourself. Then you should say something positive—a declarative statement like one of the following affirmations:

  • Today I work with the powerful energy of the color red to manifest success.
  • Today I utilize the gentle energy of the color blue and will be more open-minded, sympathetic, and compassionate.
  • Today I harness the power of the color yellow; may it bring illumination and boost my communication skills.
  • Today I work with the magick of the color black; I build my shields with strength and reject my coworkers' power to make me uncomfortable.

(Remember to refer to the discussion on colors beginning on page 149 to customize this spell to suit your personal needs.) After you have made your opening statement, visualize light and energy flowing around you and wrapping you up in its strength. You may notice that you feel a bit warmer or experience a tightening at the solar plexus area. That's fine; just keep going. When you are ready and are feeling that you have woven the magick around yourself snugly, then repeat the following verse:

As it is within, now so without,

Circle the magick 'round and about.

Fabrics of cotton, wool, and silken strings,

Weave around me now while success you bring.

By color and my will, this spell I cast,

May it create change that surely lasts.

Finally, take a deep breath in. Hold it for a count of four. Let it out slowly and center yourself. Now flash a cocky smile at your own reflection. You look fabulous! Head off to your job with confidence, secure in the knowledge of your personal and practical magick. Go get 'em!

Who is the Goddess,
and what's she doing in the office?

Z. Budapest

Influencing the Psychic Atmosphere
at Work

I have yet to meet the person who hasn't dealt with some type of problem at their jobs. Over the years, I have personally had bosses I swore were either sociopaths, had multiple personalities, or were just certifiably insane. I've worked alongside friendly, easy-going employees and angry, mean, and petty coworkers. And so, I imagine, have most of you. Sometimes these dramas made me nervous or unhappy, and sometimes they just made me laugh.

Over the years, I learned to develop a few techniques that would influence the psychic atmosphere at work—and that was not always an easy task, especially in an office-type of environment or a large retail store, when working with different departments and numerous employees. So I had to learn to keep it subtle and to fine-tune my magick to the troublemaker and to my immediate workspace, wherever that happened to be.

Now, there were plenty of days where everything went smoothly, and no magick was necessary. And then there were days when I was ready to pull out my hair—not to mention the days when the people I worked with, employees and supervisors alike, would pounce on me the moment I walked in the door. They would follow me to my locker, with a hopeful look on their faces, and ask me to do something—anything—to settle down a troublesome manager.

At first, I thought my friends at work and fellow employees were just gently teasing me in sort of a friendly “Hey, we're cool with what you do” type of thing. But they were serious. When people find out they're working with a Witch, they expect you to fix these little situations, which at first surprised, then amused me. It's very difficult to keep a straight face when your coworkers tell you that votive candles are on sale in aisle three, ask what color you'll need for a spell, and then offer to buy them for you—all so you can get the psycho boss to chill out and to leave them alone.

Creating a Psychic Anchor

Here are some nifty tricks that you can easily do at work, as they are subtle enough that no one will know what you are doing. These can help you to protect your feelings, retain your composure, and to even keep a grip on your temper. These spells will come in handy when you work with an aggressive, combative type of personality or when you have to work in close proximity with an emotional or psychic vampire.

Remember that both types of negative personalities enjoy putting you at a disadvantage, either through fear or through draining the good mood, creativity, and positive energy right out of you. These folks are all about power; they want it all, and they don't have a qualm about sucking you dry. So if you are tired of being their midday snack, you need to change your reaction to them. Shifting your mood and the psychic energy you put out will accomplish this, as it will throw them off for a moment and allow you to throw up a psychic shield to protect yourself from any more abusive treatment or draining tactics.

A psychic anchor is a type of magickal trigger. This is a gesture that immediately will summon a positive reaction or emotion. Many people use these types of power gestures and never even realize it. Here is an example: placing the hand on the heart is a common gesture that folks often make to remind themselves to calm down or for comfort when they feel that they have just had a close call. It is a way to slow your speeding heart rate and it is a subconscious way of telling yourself to take a breath and to relax.

The trick here is to create a neutral gesture that you can do easily and without drawing a lot of attention to yourself, and then to practice it so it becomes second nature. When you work the hand gesture, you will be shifting your emotional state to one of serenity, composure, and peace.

First things first: choose a hand gesture. Some practical suggestions are crossing your fingers, touching the center of your forehead with the index finger, or even placing the palms of your hands together. You could also place your thumb and first finger together in a sort of relaxed “okay” type of hand sign—just don't flare out your other fingers, let them stay relaxed, curled close together, and natural.

Once you have chosen the trigger, make the hand gesture and relax so it can begin to trigger a different state of mind. Close your eyes, take a stabilizing deep breath in, and slowly release it. Repeat twice more. Now visualize that as you are performing these nice slow and controlled breaths, you are breathing in peace and tranquility and then blowing out the stress and bad vibes. Keep holding the hand gesture. This will help to “anchor” or program this physical act in your mind, so the psychic and emotional shift that you are going for occurs. Finally, say quietly to yourself:

I create peace and tranquility with this sign;

May it work for me in any place or any time.

Then open your eyes and allow yourself to come back to a physical awareness. You shouldn't have to ground and center, but if you think you need to, please do so. Open your hands, and allow them to relax. Practice this often so you can trigger the positive psychic response that you are looking for without giving in to anger.

Crafting Psychic Armor

I first wrote about this technique several years ago in my book
Elements of Witchcraft,
and it is a quick, no-fuss way to create that psychic armor. It has always worked well for me, my circle mates, and my students, in many situations. Imagine yourself encased in a big, bright blue sphere of light. I like to hold my arms out at my sides, with my palms out. (You can act like you are stretching, if you want to be discreet.) Then take in a big, strong breath, and say to yourself, “Shields up!” Then picture a bubble of light and protection closing around you with a soft “pop.” Slowly let the breath out. Imagine this large, glowing sphere of light being large enough to surround you easily, both over your head and under your feet. Then gently lower your arms. This psychic protection shield can be enhanced by adding the following phrase:

As above, now so below;

All around me protection grows.

If the Witch's sphere of light seems too big or awkward for you to put together while you are at work, you can always try the following variations. You can visualize yourself in a medieval style of armor that glows electric blue, or you can create in your mind a circle of mist that coalesces and then wafts around you. With the mist visualization I like to picture a large, brewing, sapphire-colored cauldron at my feet. The contents of this deeply blue cauldron bubble, boil, and then spill over the sides.

As the liquid hits the ground, I imagine it forming a mist of glittery, blue-colored protection around me. Depending on the situation, the mist may spin clockwise or counter-clockwise; typically I see clockwise as protective and counter-clockwise as banishing, meaning that it typically “banishes” or removes any negative person right out of my workspace. While using this visualization, I have had negative people abruptly back away from me and then complain about how warm they suddenly are feeling.

Try these for yourself; after all, a Witch should always have a few clever tricks up their sleeves.

Look, there's no metaphysics on earth like chocolate.

Fernando Pessoa

Witchy Tricks and Treats

Never underestimate the power of baked goodies; simple, subtle, and very effective, they are the fastest way to positively change the atmosphere at work. This way you can spread a little positive influence and share the love—fudge brownies, chocolate chip cookies, or even fresh cinnamon rolls. By enchanting some homemade sweet treats, you allow them to bring happy and more friendly vibes to the work environment. You could go with the cinnamon rolls—cinnamon promotes protection and prosperity—but personally, I'd go for the chocolate. There is a reason it's called the “food of the gods,” after all.

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