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Authors: Dorothy Dunnett

Niccolo Rising (5 page)

BOOK: Niccolo Rising
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John Reid of Boston, Scots merchant trading in England and Calais
Muriella, sister of John Reid
French and Franco-Scots
Louis, Dauphin and heir to King Charles VII of France
Charlotte, daughter of Louis, Duke of Savoy, and 2nd wife of the Dauphin
Gaston du Lyon, chamberlain and equerry to the Dauphin Louis
Raymond du Lyon, brother of Gaston and man-at-arms in the Dauphin’s guard
Isabelle, sister of King James II and widow of the Duke of Brittany
Antoinette de Maignélais, mistress of the rulers of France and Brittany
Sir William Monypenny, seigneur de Concressault, adviser to King Charles
Jordan de St Pol, vicomte de Ribérac, financial adviser to King Charles
Patrick Flockhart, captain of King Charles’ men-at-arms
Andro Wodman, archer serving under Flockhart in France
Lionetto, a French mercenary captain serving in Italy
Flanders galleys: Venetians
Alvise Duodo of Venice, commander 1459
Piero Zorzi of Venice, commander 1460
Quilico, ship’s surgeon to Alvise Duodo
Loppe (Lopez), Guinea slave from Alvise Duodo’s galley
Piero Bembo, agent of Venice
BOOK: Niccolo Rising
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