Read No Fantasy Required Online

Authors: Cristal Ryder

Tags: #Romance, #Resorts & Spas, #Erotic Fiction, #Erotic Romance, #Contemporary Romance, #menage, #mff

No Fantasy Required (8 page)

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Of course Brian’s choice was excellent and it warmed me all the way down.

“Lovely,” Tauni approved after a sip.

“It’s our favorite. We are adventurous with wine, but seem to always come back to Amarone.”

“That’s not all you’re adventurous with.” Tauni smiled.

For a moment I didn’t think Brian was going to answer, but then he surprised me with a reply, “Maybe you would like to explore with us?”

I thought we should take the conversation to a safe place for the moment. The three of us seemed to be very good at getting ourselves all excited. There was time for that later.

“Tauni, we don’t know much about you. I would like to know more, would you be willing to share anything?”

“Yes, of course. We haven’t done a whole lot of talking, have we?” She raised the glass to her lips and took another sip. “Well, I’m here for an escape, plus I’m scouting out the location.”

That intrigued me. “Are you a location manager for movies?”

Her throaty, sexy laugh was music to my ears. “Oh, no, my company manages events so I’m always on the lookout for amazing new places.” With an appreciative glance around the room, she continued, “This resort definitely has its merits.”

“How interesting and fun. What a great job. I bet it takes you to some of the most wonderful places.” How easily could you combine business with pleasure in that line of work.

“Yes, it can be very fun. I’ve met some of the most amazing people.”

A strange feeling came over me. Instantly I recognized it as jealousy, which surprised the hell out of me. Did she meet up with people often? I was dying to know, but couldn’t bring myself to ask her. I knocked my knee against Brian’s under the table. A signal to him to ask her that, but he never said a word and just took another sip of wine.

I wanted to think our encounter with her had been special, a one-off, but maybe it hadn’t. In fact, I’m sure it hadn’t been. She was far too knowledgeable and confident for it to be something she hadn’t done before. Taking a good couple of drinks from the glass I decided I couldn’t let it matter. We had all just met, there were no expectations placed on each other and it was best left that way. The only expectation in my mind was we were going to enjoy each other tonight.

“I bet you have.” Finally he speaks. Brian, the man of a thousand words, says something. “Where are some of the places you have visited?”

“Most of the major cities in North America and some abroad. But I try to find smaller, more exclusive locations, much like this place. Of course, it depends on the client and the size of their event.”

“Do you have a favorite?” I inquired, enjoying the small talk. Conversation came easy now, it relaxed us and gave us a chance to get to know each other a little more.

“I adore San Francisco and have been there numerous times. Toronto is also a wonderful place to visit and they offer up some great conference sites.”

“We were in San Francisco once and quite liked it, except for the earthquake. I didn’t enjoy that too much, a little scary.”

“Well, being in California, I have experienced my share of them as well.” Tauni sipped from her glass. “How about you both? What do you do in your serious time, when you’re not playing?”

“We try to just play.” He was flirting! But I couldn’t be upset with it. After all, he was a major player in the rest of the evening too. Not just me. This certainly was going to be a new adjustment with all the feelings being roused up.

Our waiter approached the table and politely interrupted us so he could share the list of delectable appetizers and main courses with us. It always impressed me that the finer establishments did not use a menu; instead the dinner offerings were memorized, repeated to the guests and then doubly memorized once we gave our orders.

Our wine glasses were topped up and we mellowed even more. A hush fell over the table. A comfortable silence, not the type of silence that needed to be filled. We were content with each other and there was no need for words.

The waiter set freshly baked bread and flavored olive oil on the table along with an antipasto tray and we noshed on it for the next little while.

We chatted about nothing in particular and had a second, then third bottle of wine. We relaxed more and I felt wonderfully serene. Brian seemed very comfortable between us. I snuggled up closer to him and he leaned over to kiss me. A soft gentle brush of lips then he turned to Tauni. I watched as he kissed her, the same as he had just done to me, soft, gentle and her response to him.

My hand rested on his thigh under the table and I squeezed it. He turned to me with an inquiring look. I didn’t know what to say and simply smiled at him. The warmth of the wine, and the heat from his lips notched up my sensitivity. I reached for my glass and sipped as our entrées were brought and presented with flourish.

I ordered the rack of lamb, Brian a perfectly prepared tenderloin steak and Tauni medallions of veal. Our conversation continued about nothing in particular while we enjoyed our meal.

“That was the best lamb I’ve ever had.”

“Yes, my dinner was wonderful as well,” Tauni replied and set her cutlery on the plate.

Brian, ever the connoisseur of beef, gave his stamp of approval. “I couldn’t have done it better myself.”

“Oh, I’m sure you could have. You’re a fabulous cook.” I leaned forward to get a better view of Tauni. “He really is. Being in the food and grocery industry, he’s always getting wonderful cuts of meat and coming up with new and unique ways to prepare them. You’ll have to come to our place sometime so he can cook for you, us.”

A bright smile lit Tauni’s face. “I’d love that.”

My hand rested back on Brian’s thigh. I stroked up and down, letting my fingertips flutter against his crotch. Other fingers were also exploring there and bumped against my own. I looked around Brian. My gaze met Tauni’s and we both laughed out loud. We had a similar thought process going on.

Brian was in his glory. Two women were stroking him. He leaned back with his eyes half-closed. I brushed the back of my hand over his cock. It strained against the confines of his pants. I wasn’t ready to free him yet, and continued to tease. Both Tauni and I worked our magic under the table, discreetly and quietly. No one would know what we were up to. We rested our elbows on the table, facing each other and it simply looked like we were having a conversation around Brian.

This secluded booth perfectly met our need for privacy.

I noticed the waiter approaching us from the corner of my eye, but Brian waved him off with his fingertips, giving him the signal to leave us alone for a while. As quietly as the waiter approached he turned and left. But I swore I saw a knowing smirk hover on his lips and I didn’t care in the least.

We were starting to have fun.

Chapter 11

My fingers found Tauni’s under the table, hidden by the linen cloth. I squeezed them and placed them over Brian’s cock and gently pushed her hand firmer into his crotch. Brian’s body jerked and a low moan came from his lips.

It was up to me to turn this into our mutual fantasy. In the hot tub Brian had been the supporting hands. His selflessness let Tauni and I play together without him. Now was the chance for him to be completely included.

Leaving Tauni to work her magic, I reached up to the button at the waist of Brian’s pants. I worked it through the hole and slid the zipper down, fanning the edges wide so we could reach his engorged shaft.

My fingers danced with Tauni’s as we played under the table. Who would be first to feel the hardness of Brian’s cock without the barrier of fabric?

“Me first.” Tauni smiled, swept her fingers under mine and pulled down the edge of Brian’s shorts. He sprung free and we both grasped him.

“Ah.” Brian was close to speechless, and groans were about all he could manage.

“I love your cock.” It jumped in my hands as I whispered the words in his ear.

Up and down we slid on him, providing him double pleasure.

“Are you going to come for us?” I heard Tauni ask him and she gently twisted her grip on his cock.

Catching her cue, I continued to talk to him on one side as Tauni did on the other. “Come on, baby, don’t let us down. We’re working hard, we want you to come and come hard.”

“Don’t know--” Brian barely managed the words through quick breaths. I knew he was close.

“Of course you can.”

I grabbed some extra napkins and placed them under the table over his cock. I let Tauni take control and she brought him closer. I was ready for the explosion with the strategically placed napkins. His breath came in short bursts, and I could feel the tightness of his muscles. “You’re so close, come on, honey. Show us what you can do.”

He drew in a long breath and I knew if I didn’t quiet him, he would vocalize his pleasure. “Look at me, now!” He turned his head and I pressed my lips to his, just as his last short breath exhaled into a groan. It would have been much louder had I not silenced him with a kiss.

He moaned against my mouth and I could hear Tauni say to him, “There you go, keep it coming.” She continued to stroke him and his body jerked. I glanced around, relieved we hadn’t caught anyone’s attention. Slowly he sagged back and took a deep, ragged sigh.

I gently held his super-sensitive cock and wrapped the napkins around him to make him presentable. His strong hand closed over mine and held them still, while his other arm draped across Tauni’s shoulders.

“That…was amazing.” His eyes were closed and his breath slowly came back to normal.

“Glad you enjoyed.” I leaned closer to him and kissed his still pulsing vein under his chin. “It should take the edge off you so you have more staying power later.”

He gave a contented laugh. “I’ll be just fine.”

“We aim to please.” Tauni snuggled closer to him under his arm and we all looked like a perfect cozy …couple? Triple? What would you call us? It didn’t matter, we had just enjoyed ourselves and now it was time to relax and let Brian get his energy back for the bigger fun and games late on.

“I think I will slip to the ladies’ room.”

“I’ll join you.” I slid out from the seat to follow Tauni.

“Mmm, okay.” Brian was slowly coming back to his normal self and reached for his wine glass, taking a long sip.

I noticed the looks Tauni and I received as we weaved our way between the tables to the ladies’ room. I guess we did create a bit of intrigue. It made it just a little more exciting.

She reached for me and I followed her across the room. I didn’t feel any concern at all about holding her hand.

Once in the ladies’ room, after the door swished shut behind us, Tauni turned and pushed me up against the wall. Her palms were on my tits, pulling the top of my dress aside to expose the nipples. She pulled at them while she kissed me, forcing my mouth open with her tongue. I was so unprepared for her assault it took my breath away, and I would have slipped down the wall had she not pressed me firmly in place.

“I’ve been dying to get you in here. Pleasuring Brian kick-started me into wanting you. God, your nipples are wonderful.” Her lips ran down my neck and she bent her head to grab one in her teeth, sucking and flicking her tongue until I could barely stand it.

“Oh God.” I held her head.

“Just think, we have a full night ahead of us.” She reached down my side and scrunched up my dress, until she felt my bare thigh. Swirling her fingertips along my skin and tracing until she came to the silk of my panties. I held my breath. She pushed the material aside and stroked along my soft flesh. She found my clit and pushed gently.

“Tauni. Not here.” But there was no way I wanted her to stop.

I stood there sagged against the wall with my knees open, giving her easy access to me. “Is this what you want?” She plunged her fingers into me, in and out.

“Yes, yes.”

After a few more thrusts and with an orgasm lurking in the distance, she stopped and stepped back. I blinked and couldn’t say a word.

“Not yet, my darling.” She fixed the top of my dress and smoothed down the skirt. “You are even more beautiful when turned-on.” Her hand tucked a wayward strand of hair behind my ear. “I couldn’t bear to not have a taste of you, something to hold me over until later.”

No more time for more words when female voices approached the other side of the door to the ladies’ room. I quickly stepped into a stall. I needed to re-group and get control of myself. My body hummed with desire and every nerve was acutely sensitive. How would I make it through the rest of the dinner?

A bit more under control now, I stepped out of the stall. Tauni was putting some finishing touches to her lipstick and I joined her at the sink. I found my lipstick and reapplied it, then fussed a bit with my hair.

The other ladies came out of their stalls and smiled at us. Did it show? Could they tell what just happened between us?

We smiled back at them.

“I’m looking forward to dessert.”

Tauni followed. “After what we just had, I can’t imagine anything better.”

I laughed out loud. “You’re right.” And only the two of us understood what she was referring to.

I was dying for something sweet. Brian signaled he waiter to our table and he shared the dessert offerings with us. It always amazed me how they remembered the menu so well. He tempted us with a variety of chocolate, cakes, fruits, creams and other delights. But I fancied bananas foster. Decadent and wonderfully delicious.

“Well, I know what I’m getting,” Brian announced to both of us. He didn’t have to tell me, I knew exactly what he was going to get, crème caramel.

“What about you, Tauni? Are you getting anything?”

“I’m not sure, everything sounds so wonderful. Have you decided?”

“Yes, the bananas foster.”

She considered and pursed her lips. “I haven’t had that before.” She turned to me. “Would you like to share?”

“Sure. You will love it.” It pleased me she suggested sharing.

We also placed our order for after-dinner drinks. All three of us relaxed into the plush seats. What an evening. Lots had transpired since meeting on the deck earlier this evening, and of course it all promised an even more exciting night to come.

BOOK: No Fantasy Required
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