Read One Funeral (No Weddings Book 2) Online

Authors: Kat Bastion,Stone Bastion

Tags: #Romance

One Funeral (No Weddings Book 2) (28 page)

BOOK: One Funeral (No Weddings Book 2)
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“I’d like that.” But then I frowned, thinking of all the people, and brought myself back to the present, where only two people on Earth existed. “I will always love this moment, though.”

He made a low humming noise. “Because it’s ours.”

I nodded.

We grew silent, watching the stars glitter overhead. Then he turned toward me, squeezing my hand. “When’s your birthday?”

I glanced at him. “Why?”

“You said it wasn’t your birthday today. Now I’m wondering when it is.”

“December 11th, I’m a Sagittarius. When’s yours?”

“May 17th.”

I gasped and yanked my hand free, punching his shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me your birthday was a couple of weeks ago?”

He shrugged. “I hate making a big deal about my birthday. It’s just a day. Besides, Candie was celebrating her death that day, so it seemed wrong to bring it up. I got major closet snog, though. Best birthday ever.”

I burst out laughing. “Closet snog? What are you, British now? And how very sexy.”

He sent me a heated glance. “Were you there? It was hotter-than-the-surface-of-the-sun sexy.”

I chewed on my lower lip, remembering. Exhaling slowly, I tried to calm down my rioting pulse before my thong melted between my legs. I forced my thoughts elsewhere, so I wouldn’t pounce on him right there on the dock. “So May 17th. Taurus?”

“Yep. The bull.”

“Ha! Why does that not surprise me?” I sat up, tugging him with me. “C’mon, Romeo. I’m thirsty, and I saw an ice bucket up there.”

“Yes, Maestro. I’m at your service tonight. Your every wish is my craved command.” He pulled me up from the dock, then raced up the grassy hill toward the bistro set, dragging me along as I laughed.

Jumping out ahead of me, he pulled one of the chairs out, gesturing to the seat with an outstretched hand. I tipped my head in thanks and sat as he tucked the chair beneath me. “Tonight, if the lady desires, we have a delicate ice wine. Schloss Vollrads Eiswein. I’m told it’s the best, but we’ll be the judges.”

Two black cloth napkins lay folded on the table. He snapped one into the air and slid it below the table, landing it on my lap. The other napkin he folded over an arm he’d bent out in front of him, like a sommelier. He tilted his nose up into the air and imperceptibly shook his head with a self-important expression. I burst out laughing.

From a basket behind us, he pulled out two tulip-shaped glasses and placed them on the table. With an arcing swoop of his arm, he swiped the slender bottle from the ice bucket by its neck and angled it out for my approval.

I took a moment, tilting my head and examining the bottle, as if I knew what the hell I was looking at. I had no clue. But I did my best to mimic the pronunciation in a German accent with a nod. “Schloss Vollrads Eiswein.” Yeah, I’d slaughtered it.

The corners of his lips twitched, but he fought it valiantly, pressing them together in a firm line while he popped the cork. He lifted one of the glasses and poured in a pale golden liquid.

After he’d poured a sample and began to hand it to me, he sighed, shaking his head as he pulled it back out of my reach. “Forget it, I’m pouring the damn things.”

Clapping at his winning performance, I laughed and watched him pour both glasses before taking his seat. Without a word, but clearly dissatisfied with the distance between us, he moved the table forward and dragged his chair beside mine, our thighs touching.

He held up his glass, and I lifted mine.

His gaze drifted up toward the night sky, then fell back to mine. “To lantern launches, first dates, and firsts of all kinds, starting tonight.” His dark sapphire eyes glittered, staring deep into mine.

My pulse kicked up. The excitement of being so close to the man who felt like a force of nature made me dizzy, and I hadn’t even had my first sip of wine.

The tent beyond him was set up like a bed, so I was under no delusion here. He wanted a very serious first for us.

He’d been patient. He’d not only waited, but he’d given me every kind of support imaginable to get me ready for tonight—to take the next step with him in confidence without ever looking back.

And I was ready. I wanted to take that step.

I grinned. “I will
drink to that.”

e clinked glasses, the mood intensifying between us with every pounding beat of my heart. After a deep breath and a slow exhale, I brought the dainty glass up to my lips and sipped the Eiswein. Citrusy with the mildest hint of tart apple, the wine rolled over my tongue like a delicate dessert kiss.

Cade’s gaze darkened when I licked my lips. “How does our esteemed lady-judge rate the wine?”

“Hmmm, I need another sip to know for sure.” I watched him over the glass, pressing my lips to the rim with gentle pressure, like a soft kiss. Then I opened slightly, letting the sugary liquid pass, flooding my mouth. Tipping the glass upright, I pulled away and licked my lips for him this time, with seductive intent.

He didn’t move. I’m pretty sure he didn’t breathe. Two heavy blinks were his only response. I wondered if that was Cade’s version of Morse code for “holy shit.”

I smiled and tilted my head, assessing him. A larger-than-life, perfect specimen of the male species sat across from me, and I’d shocked him motionless. And speechless.

“I give it a ten.” My words came out breathy.

Another set of rapid blinks.

Morse code for resuscitate STAT?

He leaned forward, sucking in a deep breath, finally coming back to life. “Fuck, Hannah. That punched right through into fifteen territory, easy.”

I smirked. He wasn’t rating the wine, but I teased him anyway. “And that’s just this cold, tiny wine glass.”

He gaped, shaking his head. Then he downed the rest of his glass in a swallow. He grabbed the ice wine from the bucket and poured himself a brimming second glass. “I need more wine for this.”

I put my glass down but floated my hand over it when he offered to refill it. Instead, I pulled his glass closer and sipped off the top inch, so it wouldn’t spill.

Emboldened by the adrenaline thrumming through my veins, I stood and offered a hand to him. “You sure you don’t want to remain sober for the rest of the night?”

He blinked again.

I laughed, tugging him up. “Dance with me, Romeo.”

He stood and twirled me into his arms. Holding tight, he gazed down at me. “I don’t hear any music.”

Thinking for a minute, I hummed.

He paused mid-sway, then burst out laughing. “
The Sound of Music

“No?” I arched my brows. “Doesn’t the gazebo scene play our song?”

“No.” He shook his head and put his hands on my shoulders. “That is a song my sisters made me dance to, over and over and over again. The
thought I want of my sisters tonight is deep appreciation for how they helped set this up. There. I gave it one single thought of thanks. Now no more thoughts of them tonight.”

My shoulders shook with silent laughter as he pulled me close again. “Well, then
hum our music.”

We twirled slowly in silence until his low voice serenaded a haunting melody in my ears. “
What are you doing for the rest of your life…

I sighed, melting into him as we danced in the cool night air under the stars. He hummed most of the song, but the strains in the low timbre of his voice were beautiful.

When the song ended, he dropped his head down and brushed his lips across my ear. He held me there as we continued to sway, his solid body embracing mine. And even though Cade’s music stopped, the night music took over, crickets chirping out notes around us. It felt like a Disney scene brought to life.

That is, until scorching kisses went down the column of my throat, careening the G-rated moment decidedly later in the alphabet. I shuddered, heat searing through my body with each sensual touch.

His lips drifted over my collarbone, and with a slide of fingers across my skin, he slipped one side of the straps of my blouse and bra off my shoulder and left them dangling, placing a kiss where they’d been.

He did the same to the remaining side, only his lips never made it there, finding a path up the other side of my throat instead. I leaned my head to the side, giving him access, but he shifted and captured my mouth in a soft, teasing kiss. Moving in slow motion, he pulled back and sucked my lower lip gently before pressing in again.

His hand cupped my breast, and I gasped. When his tongue flicked across mine, I groaned and leaned into him, seeking more. Then his thumb flicked over my hardened nipple, and I felt my knees giving way, like my body was melting into the ground.

He pulled back, searching my eyes, looking for something. Guidance? Permission?

“Touch me, Cade. Please.” My entire body trembled.

“What do you want, Hannah?” His dark gaze penetrated through me, promising anything I wanted.

I swallowed hard, trying to formulate thoughts with blood rushing in my ears, throbbing everywhere. Our slow dance had made me dizzy with need. “I want you.”

A wicked grin on his ruggedly handsome face melted me further. He dropped his mouth down to my ear, sucking on the lobe. With a tug of his teeth, he slowly released it. “Be more specific. This is our adventure, Maestro. Ask for what you need.”

I needed everything. Anything.

His sinful lips teased my skin, while he waited for my answer, stealing away my ability to think. In the chaotic whirlwind, nothing seemed tangible, but all seemed possible. And I found myself very greedy. Somehow, I found my voice through the haze.

“I need your hands, your mouth, all over my body. I want you buried deep inside of me.”

His low growl startled me. His teeth sank into the tender spot at the crook of my shoulder, not breaking the skin but sending raw heat below the surface all the same. “Everything you want, plus things you’ve never imagined—they’re all yours.”

I pulled away. When he began to stalk after me, I held up a hand, stopping him. “Watch me undress.”

He shook his head slowly, not in negation, but with an expression of awe-filled wonder. Then he backed up a couple of steps, like he didn’t trust his legs to not lunge after me and take what his body instinctually wanted.

Smirking, I pulled my shoulder straps back up, then grabbed the hem of the gauzy spaghetti-strapped top and pulled it over my head. Not remembering which bra I wore, I glanced down. Ah yes, my black lace demi bra. Feeling naughty, I dragged my fingertips between my breasts, then along the outer swell of one, tracing where the lace hugged me.

Cade’s fists tightened and released repeatedly by his sides, like he was only holding on by the barest threads of control.

“Now you.” I nodded toward him, wanting to see him without his shirt on.

In a flash of movement, he ripped his shirt off, tossing it onto the grass behind him.

Holy Mother of Christ.

I’d traced those ripped muscles beneath my fingers, but it was another thing entirely to see his beautiful body here in the candlelit dark, bared just for me.

He grunted, nodding. “You.”

He’d gone from Cade-Morse code to monosyllabic caveman speak.

Enjoying the power of reducing the incredible man in front of me into a primal creature, I unbuttoned the fly of my jeans. With a slow shimmy, I bent over, slid the denim over my hips, and pushed it down to my ankles. I paused to pull down the straps of my stilettos before stepping out of them and the fabric.

His jaw dropped open a fraction, but he must’ve stopped breathing, because his chest suddenly expanded with a huge breath, as if he needed all the oxygen in the vicinity to remain upright.

Fucking amazing.

I grinned, then bit my lip, uncertain about the distance between us, feeling suddenly shy. “Shall I continue?”

His expression flickered from concern to lust, then confusion, as if torn. Finally, he shook his head and crooked a finger toward him. “Come here, beautiful. I want to take those last scraps of lace off your body. With my teeth.”

Padding in bare feet on the cool grass, I crossed to him. Blood pumped hot under my skin, and I was thankful for the sweet relief of the fifty-degree cool night air, which prevented my total meltdown before we even got started.

I gasped when he grabbed me. My breathing reduced to rapid pants as he slid his hands between my arms and my ribs, pulling me closer.

He noticed. His gaze dropped to the rise and fall of my breasts, eyes widening. With a quick twist of my bra strap, he unfastened the clasp and let the material fall slack as his lips captured mine. Hot, demanding. He sipped and sucked, tasting me like the sweet wine.

Fire arced to my every nerve ending, setting me ablaze as it weakened my knees. He increased the intensity of our kiss, teasing inside with his tongue, retreating when I tangled mine with his.

Then he pulled away, his fingers hooking into the loose bra straps on my shoulders. As we separated, he stepped back, holding my arms wide as the bra pulled away. My breasts hung free for his viewing pleasure, heavy peaks tightened from the cool air and my arousal.

His gaze had a primal intensity, wild and feral. I’d become the prey before the hunter. And I loved being caught.

BOOK: One Funeral (No Weddings Book 2)
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