Out of the Darkness (Untwisted #2) (11 page)

BOOK: Out of the Darkness (Untwisted #2)
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Given the limited movement I had I began to writhe shamelessly in my restraints as his ministrations shifted to my other breast, but that was nothing compared to the delicious sensations that swept through my body as one of Nathan’s hands finally slipped between my parted legs. After only seconds of teasing my wet lips, Nathan’s fingers slid up my folds to the sensitive nub that was screaming for his attention and he began lazily circling it and driving me wild with sensation.

I was so turned on and sensitive that it almost hurt, and as much as I found it hard to believe, I felt myself slipping towards an orgasm almost as soon as Nathan had touched me. I knew he had serious amounts of sex appeal, but I had never,
in my life managed to achieve a climax from anything other than missionary position, let alone from a man’s hand, so I hadn’t expected this to be any different. But after mere moments of Nathan’s skilled touch I felt my abdomen begin to tighten with my approaching orgasm.

‘Come for me, Stella.’ He murmured against my mouth and as if on cue I arched my back and let out a moan that verged on a whimper as a climax smashed over me, my body pulsating so hard it was almost painful. He hadn’t even needed to put a finger inside me for goodness sake!

Just wow
. That had been
, but before I had a chance to voice this fact or even briefly start recovering, Nathan dropped to his knees in front of me and replaced his fingers with his tongue which immediately began to lick along my folds and run circles around my swollen clitoris, making my body weep with moisture all over again. Christ, this man was good.

The feeling of his hot probing tongue on my already over-sensitive clit was just too much to take and my head began to swim hazily. ‘Oh God … Nathan … 
, I can’t …’ I begged haphazardly, seriously doubting my ability to stay conscious if Nathan chose to give me another amazing orgasm like the one I had just experienced.

In response Nathan merely chuckled against my quivering flesh, which in itself sent vibrations seeping through my already over-sensitised skin, but he made no effort to move away. In fact, if anything he doubled his endeavours plunging first one and then two fingers into my moist depths making me cry out from the deliciousness running through my body. ‘You can, and you will.’ Nathan ordered, his words vibrating through me as he spoke. Holy fuck, this guy had serious skills in the sex department.

Nathan increased the pressure of his tongue and the speed of his fingers until unbelievably I felt my body tensing again towards a second peak. This felt so good it was like Nathan was introducing me to a whole new reality of pleasure. Sensing my imminent release Nathan did a quick swap, moving his thumb to my clitoris and plunging his tongue right inside my tight channel, causing me to shriek embarrassingly and then shamelessly thrust my hips up against his face as I came hard around his lapping tongue and screamed my release though heaving sobs.

Completely exhausted by the earth-shattering start to my weekend, my head rolled to the side as I struggled against the sudden tiredness that swept through my entire body. Crikey, no wonder Nathan had a gym in his apartment; he’d need it to keep up his fitness and stamina if this type of sex was usual for him.

As I was left feeling floaty and groggy Nathan seemed completely calm as he speedily removed my bindings and cuffs before spending several minutes gently massaging my wrists and ankles where the cuffs and scarves had been. Then, scooping me up he carried me to the bed where he laid me out and thankfully allowed me to relax momentarily while he stripped us both of our clothing.

Even in my exhausted and disorientated state I wasn’t allowed to rest for long though, and over the next two hours Nathan continued to bombard me with his incredible sexual prowess in a variety of different positions and opening my eyes to the astounding new world of sex that I could expect during my time with him.

I quite literally had never known it could be

Surprisingly I found calling Nathan ‘Sir’ during our session wasn’t a problem at all, in fact he was so in control and compelling that it had just felt natural to me.

I had, however, earned one brief punishment, a swift spanking, after I forgot myself and gazed into Nathan’s eyes for what he obviously deemed to be too long. Much to my surprise, I had enjoyed even this aspect of the evening, probably because Nathan had followed it up with such a deliciously fast orgasm for me that the mild pain of the spanking was soon forgotten. Something about the stinging slaps had been incredibly arousing for me though, and now as I lay there in my post-coital afterglow I wasn’t entirely sure how to feel about that – did it make me some kind of freak?

It wasn’t my most elegant pose, but I was currently sprawled across the bed on my stomach completely naked and seriously struggling to keep my eyes open. I was so tired I felt like I could sleep for a week. Apparently, Nathan had finally had his fill for the night and after gently cleaning me with a damp washcloth he had disappeared into the bathroom where he had been showering for an absolute age. He seemed to be just as thorough with his own hygiene as he had been with mine when he washed me. Mind you, I didn’t really give a hoot about his odd washing habits when he was as good in bed as he was! If tonight’s performance was anything to go by then the word insatiable really didn’t begin to describe him.

Giving in to the temptation to close my eyes I felt the mattress dip as Nathan finally returned from the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bed. He was silent for several moments but I was just too shattered to open my eyes.

‘So Stella, with regards to your inability to climax … was this issue present tonight?’ he enquired mildly. A smile broke on my lips even though my eyes stayed shut, I was just too exhausted to try and re-open them, too deliciously sated from the mind blowing sex session. Even with my eyes closed, the smugness in Nathan’s tone was easily detectable and I was fairly certain that if I looked he’d be smirking darkly.

‘No, Sir,’ I replied with a contented sigh that verged on a delirious giggle. I really was

‘How many times did you come?’ he demanded next, although I guessed from his tone that he already knew the answer.

‘I gave up counting after number three, Sir,’ I admitted, a lazy grin spreading across my bruised lips. In truth, I’d lost count as time slowed down and one delicious toe curling climax had blurred with the next. Until today I hadn’t even thought that was possible.

Lost count!
I giggled again. I had never dreamed I would be able to use those words in relation to my own body and an orgasm total.

‘It was at least five, although after I spanked you and took you from behind it felt quite like you came twice in quick succession, so perhaps six,’ Nathan stated informatively. ‘I believe you had referred to your previous inability to climax as your “peculiarity”. I hope I’ve proved there is nothing at all peculiar about you, Stella.’

‘Yes, Sir.’ Stretching my blissfully achy body, I rolled beneath the sheets and tugged the duvet around myself to form a cocoon. ‘Or perhaps it’s just you, Sir,’ I mumbled softly. ‘Clearly up until now I’ve been sleeping with the wrong men. Least I’ve rectified that,’ I murmured drowsily before a deep breath escaped my lips indicating that sleep was finally claiming me.

Chapter Sixteen – Nathan

With her eyes closed as she drifted deeper in her sleep Stella didn’t see the satisfied smile that slipped onto my lips at her complimentary words, nor did she witness the possessive way that I gazed at her as she began to doze. That was definitely something to be done when no one was watching.

Once she was soundly asleep, I allowed myself to crawl below the covers and curl protectively around Stella’s back feeling a deep satisfaction sweep through me that I hadn’t felt for a very long time. If ever.

The sex this evening had been incredible, more than incredible, and now that Stella had finally built up her trust in me I was surprised by just how euphoric I had been left feeling. Almost like I imagined it might feel if I were experiencing a particularly good high on drugs. Not that I’d ever experimented with drugs – too much risk of losing control, something I would never do. Control was everything to me, had been for such a long time now.

As I allowed myself half an hour wrapped around Stella’s soft sleeping body, I thought back to how this first night with Stella was literally a million miles away from my first ever attempts at sex. An ironic smile curled my lips as I thought again of how David Halton in Club Twist had arranged for me to meet with a submissive for the first time, Louisa, she’d been called.

Using the example set by my father I had probably been too violent with her really, but thankfully as luck turned out Louisa had been a bit of a masochist and had loved it. Reluctantly I had to give David Halton the credit for this; I have long suspected that he had had me figured out right from the start and deliberately selected Louisa and her love of pain to be my first. Clever man.

At the time I had felt an overwhelming confusion swamping my life. My parents were gone, my brother was damaged, and my sex life new and totally bizarre. The upheaval had left me with tumultuous emotions and I’d gotten angry very easily. The rage inside me was just another source of confusion, unsure whether to be annoyed at my father for beating Nicholas, Nicholas for getting my father imprisoned, or myself for not doing something about the whole screwed-up situation earlier. Thank God for David Halton at Club Twist; he might not know when to shut the hell up, but he’d practically saved my life. And God did he have a knack of interviewing new applicants and finding them compatible partners, Louisa couldn’t have been a better starting partner for me and now the partnership with Stella was looking like an almost perfect match.

Now, some 13 years after my first experience with Louisa, I was 31 years old and could at last admit that I’d finally burnt out the initial anger that had consumed me for so long, settling myself into a more manageable lifestyle. Control was still important to me, vital really, but the violence that had ruled my father no longer had a hold of my emotions and the punishments I used with my submissives were related to power and pleasure, not pain. I looked down at Stella sleeping beside me and smiled at just how well she’d followed my instructions tonight. She’d been fucking perfect, just as I’d thought.

Not wanting her to think me weak and emotional if I stayed in her room I gave Stella one last lingering gaze and then made myself get up and move to my own cold bed so she would wake up alone tomorrow morning.

Chapter Seventeen – Stella

I woke up grinning. And I’m talking a face-stretching, lips-splitting, eye-crinkling grin. This isn’t exactly a usual thing for me, normally when I wake up it’s with a yawn, a stretch, or a grimace at just how bloody early it is, but today I was definitely grinning like a Cheshire cat. The cause of my smile? Easy – the delicious dream I’d had last night about Nathan. Ooooh, the things I’d imagined him doing to me!

Rolling over to quench my thirst I suddenly forgot my drink as I realised just how stiff my body was. Sitting up I blinked myself more awake and began experimentally to move my limbs one by one. Interesting. My body was achy and tired in some very unusual places. Some very intimate places.

It took me a while, but my brain finally woke up and allowed me to realise what had happened.
 – also known as my bad boy, or my sex God – had finally taken me to bed again. Wow, after so long waiting for Nathan and I to have sex I had genuinely thought I’d dreamt it – it certainly wouldn’t be the first time I’d had an erotic dream about a certain Mr Jackson – but now as I felt my deliciously achy muscles and the soreness between my legs I realised it had been real.

Very real and
good. Flopping backwards, I hugged myself gleefully then glanced around to see if he was still there. Damn, he was gone. A blush spread on my cheeks as I took in the state of the bed with its tangled sheets and no doubt sticky stains hidden amongst the rumpled cotton, but even in my sated state, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of disappointment that Nathan was absent.

Reaching across I touched his pillow and found it completely cold, indicating that he had probably been gone for most of the night. Even with all the orgasms he’d given me last night, I would have happily accepted more if I’d woken up and found him next to me, I thought, giggling naughtily.

Biting my lip in satisfaction, I rolled back over and pondered the fact that Nathan had left me sometime in the night and returned to his own room, which was to be expected given our arrangement I suppose, it was hardly like he was my boyfriend was it? More like my sex toy really, or perhaps I was his sex toy … with a giggle I decided that I didn’t care who was whose sex toy as long as the action continued in the same way as last night.

Rising from the bed I was about to go directly to the shower when I remembered Nathan’s rule about it being my job to clear up the mess we made during sex, so I turned back to the rumpled bed and quickly striped it, piling the sheets by the door to sort out later. Then I showered and dressed in a simple cotton shirt and knee length skirt before getting myself ridiculously nervous about the idea of seeing Nathan. What would it be like today? Would he talk to me or simply disappear into his office and ignore me? All the other weekends that I’d been here I’d been blindfolded so Nathan had sort of been obliged to stay with me, but today was different, like a new start to our time together.

Clicking my tongue I gave myself a sharp talking to, I never let men intimidate me in the business world so I damn well wouldn’t let Nathaniel Jackson intimidate me here. Raising my chin, I plucked up my courage and headed out the door to find breakfast, or Nathan, which ever I came across first.

As I approached the kitchen, my nose suddenly locked onto the delicious scent of bacon hanging in the air and my nervousness was forgotten as my stomach gave an embarrassingly loud grumble of approval. Gosh, I hadn’t realised how ravenous I was, although given just how much sex I’d had last night it was hardly surprising really, I’d probably burned a week’s worth of calories in one go. Making my way down the corridor towards the kitchen the smell grew stronger and my mouth started watering with hunger almost to the point of drooling.

Unfortunately, my drooling only got worse when I actually entered Nathan’s stunningly stylish kitchen and my gaze fell upon the man himself.

Oh – my – good – lord.

How the frigging hell had I managed to forget how bloody stunning he was? The beauty of the kitchen paled into insignificance when compared to its owner. Dressed in just a pale blue T-shirt and loose jeans, with bare feet and his hair damp from a shower, Nathan was as casual as I’d ever seen him, but just as breath-taking. Casual definitely suited him, I decided as I slumped against a wall to observe him properly. Mind you, I loved the way he looked in his superbly tailored three-piece suits too.

Fanning my flushed face with my hand I tried to calm my breathing; I was basically panting like an overheated dog. Luckily for me, Nathan was busy at the cooker with his back to me and hadn’t noticed me having a mini meltdown in the corner of the room.

By the time he turned to pick up a box of eggs from the counter, I had pretty much got myself under control, which was lucky because Nathan appeared to be rather shocked by my presence and stopped his cooking to stand staring at me.

‘Hi,’ I murmured, thankful for the support of the wall behind me as Nathan’s inscrutable blue gaze continued to bore into me. Well, more specifically he was looking somewhere near my cheek bones, Nathan had rarely made direct eye contact with me last night, and after his statement about disliking it I doubted he ever would.

‘Good morning, Stella.’ I watched as Nathan’s stare ran briefly over me before settling on the leather collar around my neck. I’d taken it off to shower, but when I’d glimpsed it on the dresser as I’d dried myself I’d luckily remembered to put it on again afterwards. I was glad I had now, Nathan wasn’t smiling as such, but from the way his gaze lingered there and heated I could tell he was pleased that I was wearing it.

‘I didn’t hear you come in,’ he murmured, his accusing tone almost made me feel a need to apologise for my apparently stealthy entry, but thankfully he changed the subject by indicating to the frying pan with a nod of his chin. ‘Hungry?’

I nodded briskly, suddenly so hungry that I was seriously tempted to pinch a rasher of bacon straight from the pan. A smile began to break on my lips as I imagined what Nathan’s response would be if I did exactly that, but my thoughts were stopped as he placed down the spatula with a bang and turned to face me crossing his arms across his chest.

‘We need to readdress your habit of nodding Stella. It is not an acceptable method of communication for me and frankly I find it extremely disrespectful,’ he snapped irritably.

! He sounded livid and my eyes immediately shot from the sizzling bacon up to his face. Foreboding didn’t even get close to describing Nathan’s expression, and I gulped nervously. Yep. He was mad. ‘Uh … sorry.’ I was tempted to add a ‘Sir’ on to try and soothe him further, but in the stark light of the kitchen, it didn’t quite seem right somehow.

‘The next time you nod at me I will punish you, Stella. Do you understand?’ He threatened in a low voice, but the implications of Nathan’s words somehow sent a thrill through me. What exactly would he do to me if I nodded? Was I ready to find out?

Thinking of the act of nodding very nearly made me do it in response to his demand and I had to mentally slap myself back to attention before finally finding my voice. ‘Yes, I understand.’

Giving a curt nod of his own, he seemed appeased for the time being. ‘Good, come and wash your hands before breakfast.’ Wandering over to his side I took a second to inhale his delicious scent and then watched in fascination as Nathan proceeded to give his hands such a thorough scrub it would rival a top heart surgeon.

Handing me a nailbrush, he stood and watched me intently as I also washed my hands, even making me re-do my left one because apparently I’d missed a bit. Wow, he definitely had a thing for cleanliness, didn’t he? Not that I was going to say anything after my earlier telling off, no, my plan was to stay quiet this morning and let him take the lead with our new arrangement, but it would certainly be interesting to see how the day panned out.

BOOK: Out of the Darkness (Untwisted #2)
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