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Authors: Crissy Smith

Pack Alpha (20 page)

BOOK: Pack Alpha
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“Oh,” she said stupidly. Now she remembered her last one-night stand that she’d had before she’d gone to Texas. Before she’d met Gage.

“Oh?” he repeated.

“What do you want me to say?” she asked. “He’s a guy I fucked, one time He meant nothing to me then and even less now that I met you.”

He narrowed his eyes.

“You knew I had a past before we got together,” she said. If this was going to be a problem they needed to discuss things before she picked up her life and moved to Texas.

“Yes,” he agreed before he blew out a breath. “I did but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

“Seriously, Gage?” she challenged. “We came here to move my stuff to your house, to be with your Pack, and you’re jealous?”

“I’m not jealous,” he snapped.

Marissa wasn’t going to even respond to that lie. She merely lifted her eyebrows.

“Fine!” He threw his hands up in the air. “I’m jealous! I’m fucking pissed because no one should have ever touched you but me. You’re mine!”

The thrill that went through her at his claim shouldn’t have been there but it was. She loved the fact that Gage was so possessive of her.

“I am,” she agreed.

Gage’s shoulder slumped. Marissa walked over to him until she was pressing her breasts to his chest. He gripped her hips and pulled her even tighter.

“I love you, Gage. I might have given my body to Chad or other people but you are the one that I gave my heart to,” she said, cupping his face.

He’d started to growl at the mention of other men but when she’d finished he laid his forehead to hers. “I’m not sorry that I love you as much as I do. But I am sorry that I yelled.”

She laughed. “It’s okay. I kind of like it when you’re jealous.”

Gage snorted. “Oh yeah?”

Marissa brushed her lips to his before pushing into him. Gage responded by wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her up. She gasped but the sound was swallowed by Gage as he plunged his tongue into her mouth. Marissa dug her nails into his shoulders right before her back landed on the couch. Gage covered her body with her legs on either side of his. She lifted her hips to drag against his erection. She loved how hard he was for her.

“Gage,” she panted.

“Mine,” he declared with a growl. “I’ll show you that you belong to me then I’m taking you home to

“Yes,” she hissed, still rocking. “That’s what I want.”

He attacked her neck with his lips and teeth. The tiny bites reminded her that Gage was powerful but careful with her. She pushed at the hem of his T-shirt to try to get at his naked back.

“Please,” she begged when he pulled back.

Gage grabbed his shirt and tugged it over his head before he did the same to hers. His hands were warm when he cupped her breasts and she could feel the heat through the silk material of her bra. Her entire body was on fire and she needed him to claim her.

Marissa pushed up and reached around her back to unclasp the garment while Gage continued to knead her flesh. Next she yanked on the button of his jeans. “Naked, I need you naked.”

He swatted her hands away and stood then pulled his jeans down his legs. Gage had to stop so he could toe off his shoes and socks. She had a great view of his ass when he bent over. She couldn’t resist. Marissa leaned forward and took a gentle bite of his ass.

Gage yelped, spinning around. “You did not just do that.”

“I think I did,” she corrected. “It’s such a fine ass.”

He tried to look stern but the curve of his lips told her that she’d amused him. Gage trailed his fingers down her arm and she shivered. Just a slight touch and he could command her to do anything. Marissa was a slave to him and if he ever wanted to hurt her she’d given him more power than anyone else in her life.

“I would never hurt you,” he murmured.

She had no idea how he could read her like he did. “You are the only one who can.”

“I won’t,” he promised.

He finished undressing her and she laid passive while he did, just watching as he concentrated on getting her naked. When she was bared and trembling on the couch, he leaned over her. Marissa was done letting him take care of her. It was time to show him that they were in this together.

She launched herself up from the couch then tackled him to the floor. He grunted but made sure that he took the brunt of the fall. As she straddled his waist she grinned at him.

“I don’t know why I thought you were just going to let me have my way with you,” he teased.

“Me either,” she replied.

“So now that you have me, what are you going to do?” he asked.

Marissa rocked forward so his cock brushed against her clit. “I think I can figure it out.” She gripped his erection and pumped him several times.

Gage bowed up, pressing his cock into her hold. “Yes!”

“Not yet,” she said then released him.


Gage lifted his arms but she shook her head before grasping his wrists and holding them down.

Marissa slid down his legs until she was kneeling at cock level. She retook him in her hand but this time as she jacked him she lowered her mouth to the tip. Gage was still trying to push his cock deeper but she raised her head each time he attempted to push into her mouth.

He was growling and groaning, and Marissa knew she held all the power at that moment. Gage could force her to do whatever he wanted but she was safe with him. Instead, she was allowed to torture and tease.

When she was certain he couldn’t take anymore before he lost his mind, Marissa went down and sucked him hard.

“Fuck!” he yelled while canting his hips.

She held the base of his cock then bobbed her head up and down until Gage was pleading with her. With her free hand cupping his balls, she could tell he was close to coming. Only when he was on the edge did she let go of him.

“No!” He almost screamed it.

Marissa didn’t tease him anymore. She climbed on top of his lap and positioned his cock at the entrance of her pussy.

“I can’t,” he panted out. “I’m too close.”

That was what she wanted, though. Marissa nodded at him while lowering herself down. He could take control now.

As soon as he was fully buried inside her, Gage flipped them over with his cock still deep. He started to thrust wildly. Marissa grabbed at any part of him that she could reach. Each powerful plunge of his sent them sliding across the floor, claiming her.

Gage might be close but so was she.

“Gage!” she yelled, climaxing.

“Love you,” he said over and over until his strokes became erratic and he was coming.

The blood rushing in her ears was all she could hear and Marissa couldn’t really see as her vision blurred.

“I can’t feel my toes,” Gage muttered, collapsing on top of her.

She grunted when his weight came down on her.

“We’re going to have to get up eventually,” he said, his mouth against her neck. “But I can’t move.”

Now that the passion had cooled, Marissa was finding the position they were in to be pretty damn uncomfortable. She wiggled under him. The floor was hard and cold.

Gage groaned. “Stop moving,” he bitched.

“Can’t,” she said. “You should be on the bottom.”

With a heavy sigh, Gage rolled off of her. That at least made breathing a little easier. “You need to help me up,” she said. She turned her head to peer at him.

Gage blinked at her. “No, you help me up.”

They laugh together. Finally Marissa managed to turn over and push herself onto her hands and knees. Gage eyed her with a smirk.

“Don’t get any ideas,” she demanded. “We are not going to have another round on the floor.”

“I guess we could try to make it to the bed,” he replied, smiling.

“Pack.” She pointed a finger at him. “We need to pack so you can take me home.”

He reached out and traced his thumb over her bottom lip. “I like the sound of that.”

Marissa shook her head. Even after hot passion Gage always reverted back to sweet and kind. She climbed to her feet then held up a hand to help him. Gage gripped her as she pulled so he stood right in front of her.

She peered up at him, once again shocked at the changes in her life. When she’d left her apartment she’d been certain that she would come back, alone and sad. It hadn’t been easy to get the nerve to visit her sister but thank God she had.

In her wildest dreams she hadn’t ever thought that she would have a shifter in her condo helping her pack to move to a shifter territory. Marissa froze in place.

Dreams… She whirled around. The dream she’d had about the dominant wolf reminded her of Gage. She narrowed her eyes as he strolled around her apartment, glancing at her books and other mementos. She didn’t have a lot but what she had filled her place with had meaning to her.

“What?” he asked, facing her.

No way.
There was just no way she’d dreamed about Gage before she’d met him. She was probably just remembering the wolf like him since her feelings were so strong.

Marissa smiled. “Nothing. Just admiring the view.”

“Okay.” He shrugged at her. “Should we start with your clothes?”

“Yeah,” she agreed.

If she had enough clothes to get through until her other belongings arrived it should be fine. She already had the bag that she’d taken with her along with her laptop, iPod, and her other small stuff. The movers could take care of the bigger items. They would even box up what she wanted them to.

Gage stalked across the living room and into her bedroom. He stopped on the threshold. She’d done the room in black and whites with splashes of red. It was contemporary and sexy. At least she thought so.

“You’re in charge of all our decorating,” he said.

Marissa laughed. “I didn’t think there was any room that needed to be decorated.”

He turned to her. “Of course there is. We have to make the house our home. I haven’t changed anything since I took over from my dad. I haven’t really had the time but I also didn’t have a reason to. Now I want to.”

“Yeah?” she asked, pleased. She could already picture a few changes that she wouldn’t mind taking care of. She liked his bedroom but she would think of something to add.

“Plus we need to get your office set up,” he said.

“My office?” she questioned. She walked into the bedroom and opened the blinds so they had a little more light. She could enjoy the view while they worked.

Gage grinned. “We both know you’re going to take the Council up on their offer to help with non-shifters. You’ll need a place to work.”

He was right. Marissa was excited to start helping the Council and other Packs support non-shifters. With Gage’s help she really had something to offer with her experiences.

The room next to my office is the library. I thought we could move the books and furniture into the study. I know you like that room so I thought we could make it a little more comfortable. Also we can knock out the wall between my office and the library. We can make my office bigger and the other we’ll set up for you,” Gage said.

“That’s…” What the hell could she say to that? Gage was willing to knock down walls for her. Change the house that he’d grown up in just to make her happy.

“Pretty great, right?” Gage supplied.

“Yes,” she said while crossing to him. She lifted onto the tip of her toes to kiss him. “Thank you.”

“You don’t ever have to thank me,” he said. “I would do anything for you. We’re a team and I need you by my side.”

“You don’t think that we’re still in danger? After the way the Council spoke I figured it was all over,” Marissa said.

“It is,” Gage assured her. “We’re safe from Brandon and his Pack but that doesn’t mean we won’t run into any other trouble.” He held her hand before he drew her to the bed.

They sat on the edge facing each other.

“What aren’t you saying?” she asked.

“We’ve hidden who and what we are for a long time,” Gage said. “One day our secret is going to get out. My father worried it would be during his reign as Alpha. Luckily that didn’t happen. But I live with the fear that it will be under my time.”

Marissa squeezed his hand. “If it happens I’ll be by your side.”

“That’s all that I want,” he whispered.

She wrapped her arms around his waist as she buried her face into his chest. It didn’t matter what the future held. Marissa knew her place was by his side. They would help the non-shifters and protect the Pack. She was the mate of the Pack Alpha, after all. She had a responsibility to them and to her lover.



Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:





Bloodlines: Bite

Crissy Smith




Chapter One



Away from the bright lights of the Las Vegas strip, Kieran Smith walked down the dark and litter-ridden street in the roughest part of town. Most tourists didn’t see this side of the city but Kieran wasn’t like other tourists. He knew he should be in his hotel room steaming in a hot shower or down in the casino spending some of his hard-earned money, but instead he’d strolled for a few hours until he’d found himself far away from the crowds.

Even though the city was well known for sin, there were still different types of vices. The people who had darker and exclusive ones wouldn’t be found in the middle of crowds wearing Bermuda shorts with long socks and wielding cameras. No, Kieran had to search out what most people hid from.

He wasn’t opposed to sin, necessarily. True he’d spent most of his life protecting those who didn’t even know he or his organization existed. But Kieran truly believed that some sins weren’t so bad. He strongly believed there were different levels of bad because where was the fun in living if you couldn’t enjoy some vices? If he was completely honest with himself, Kieran could admit that he’d left the sanctuary of the safer part of town and was looking for trouble, or more accurately, looking to stop trouble.

He was bored and hadn’t seen enough action in the past few weeks. Not since he’d been put on leave along with his partners after an intense case they’d closed with a pack of wolf shifters. Some discreet questioning to the hotel staff where he was staying and Kieran had found where most of the shifters hung around, the ones who caused problems to be more specific. Kieran figured that if any other supernatural types were around, and why wouldn’t they be, they’d stay in the same area.

BOOK: Pack Alpha
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