Party of Three (Sunday Night Dinner Club #1 (6 page)

BOOK: Party of Three (Sunday Night Dinner Club #1
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She shivered as cool air hit the sides of her legs.

“Step out of them.” He’d crouched behind her, and now his breath feathered over the back of her thighs. She felt it deep between her legs.

Again, Chelsea did as instructed, kicking the clothes aside.

Spencer stood and must have taken a step back, because air-conditioned air hit the rest of her legs and ass now, the cold making her tremble.

“Undoubtedly—” he hissed out another breath, “—the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

This time, the shiver that hit her had nothing to do with the cool air.

Footsteps signified he’d stepped farther away, then noises and a couple light bangs told her he was doing something…near her desk? She didn’t turn around to look. Instead, she waited in breathless anticipation until he returned.

A light thunk sounded, followed by another. And then rustling and…the rasp of a zip opening?

God, she hoped so.

Something crinkled, like plastic or foil being handled. There was more rustling and then silence.

Footsteps again, lighter this time, and his hands were on her waist, pulling her lower torso towards him, fitting her ass against…against… Dear Lord, was that his cock?

Thick and long, he slipped it lengthwise between her ass cheeks and muttered unintelligibly behind her.

She rocked her hips.

Every time he touched her, she seemed to rock her hips. It was like an impulse she couldn’t stop. But God help her, it felt so good she didn’t want to stop. Especially not with his erection wedged there, caressing her sensitive hole every time she rocked.

If only Levi had held her like this earlier. Naked and wedged against her.

“You feel so damn good, sweetheart.” He moved his hand around to her belly again, but this time, with no obstruction, he kept going, sliding it down until it covered her mound.

And there went the goose bumps again.

He traced a finger over her clit and the seam of her pussy lips before dragging it back up.

Chelsea gasped. Yes, this was what she wanted. All she wanted. From Spencer—and from Levi.

That was it. That was what she needed to tell him. And she tried. She did, but the second she opened her mouth, she lost her breath. Spencer set out again to touch her, slower this time, and when he reached her pussy lips, he slipped his fingertip inside.

Liquid heat spilled from her.

“So wet, babe. So damn sexy.”

Of course she was wet. She had Spencer’s hand on her pussy, and Levi’s kiss embedded in her memory. “Spencer, need to…tell you something.” She broadened her stance, giving him freer access.

“You can tell me anything you want.” He dragged his finger up to her clit. How he found it so unerringly was a mystery, but he zoned straight in and pressed down on it.

And of course, she lost the power to form words again. Chelsea jerked uncontrollably and let out a whimper. That was too darn sensitive. After her wild ride on his lap—in jeans—she wasn’t just sensitive, she was tender too.

As if she’d spoken out loud, the pressure instantly lessened to a light caress that made her see stars. She blinked them away, leaned forward to rest her forehead on the wall—seeing as the muscles in her neck had gone totally lax—and looked down.

Spencer’s arm was molded to her belly, his skin dark against her own paler color. His massive hand hid her almost hairless mound, and she watched, entranced, as it moved in slow, sensual circles, guiding his finger.

She continued to rock her hips, doubling her pleasure as his cock caressed her between her ass cheeks.

Sensitive as she might be, it didn’t stop the animalistic way she responded to his strokes. She felt like one giant exposed nerve ending. Wherever he touched, she responded, jerking to life. And Spencer touched her everywhere. Her pussy, her ass, her stomach, her back, her waist. Her heart.

Oh yeah, he’d burrowed right inside that heart of hers, like his friend had this morning.

Thoughts of Levi made her hotter and a throaty groan slipped from her lips.

“I need you to know you’re safe, sweetheart. I’m wearing a condom.”

Thank God for small miracles. If he pulled back to get protection, leaving her alone for even a second, she’d sob hysterically at the loss of contact.

Now she wasn’t the only one rocking. He was too. But his rhythm messed with hers, sensory overload making her clumsy, and his cock popped out from between her ass cheeks. When he guided it back, it was in a different position, horizontal now and slipping between her legs, sliding over the seam of her pussy.

The front of his thighs were plastered against the back of hers, and the hair of his legs abraded her skin in the sexiest way. His shaft teased her lips and caressed her clit with every upward slide, and tormented her with every downward one.

“Are we…gonna…use that condom?” The need to feel him inside her, filling her, fucking her, was so intense her inner walls clenched in desperation. “Or are you gonna keep me hanging?”

“Oh, it’ll be used.” His voice was a harsh rasp. “But you have me so fucking turned on, I’m going to last all of a minute when I get inside of you. Thirty seconds, tops.”

Twenty-nine seconds longer than she’d last.

Spencer’s next words sent a fresh bolt of desire shooting through her.

“Your cunt is so fucking hot.” The pressure against her pussy increased. “Your juices are scalding my balls and my fingers.”

Was he speaking dirty to her?

“Can’t wait to fuck you, babe. Can’t wait to feel that gorgeous pussy of yours squeezing my cock.”

Holy smoke
. Her polite and charming accountant had a potty mouth.

Well, didn’t that make her tingle in all the right places?

“Gonna come so hard when I’m finally inside you. Gonna blow like a volcano.”

Chelsea whimpered at the thought. Her nipples tightened and a fresh wave of heat pooled in her pussy.

“Ah, you just got wetter.” He growled behind her. “You like the idea? Like the thought of me shooting my load while I’m inside you?”

Chelsea nodded. “S-so much.”

“It’ll all be for you, Chelsea. Because of you. Every last drop. You’ve got my balls aching and my dick throbbing. Don’t think I’ve ever been this aroused in my life.”

God, how did he expect her to breathe when he spoke like this?

He leaned in, molding his chest to her back, and whispered in her ear. “I’m already dripping with precome.”

She couldn’t bear the teasing a second longer. Couldn’t take another word. Not unless he quit tormenting her and shoved that dripping cock inside her. Her pussy ached with the need to be filled. By him.

“But then so are you. So damn wet. So…damn…hot.”

.” God, was that her voice, that desperate wail?

“What is it, babe?”


“Please, what?”

He knew what. God, he knew. “Please.” It was too hard to say out loud. Not with her breath gone and her entire being focused on her hollow, needy pussy.

“Say it, babe. Say it and it’s yours.”

“Please.” The word was more a sob. “Fuck me.”


And with one skilled thrust, Spencer ended the torment and drove his cock into her, seating himself to the hilt.

Chelsea came. Just exploded around his dick—with images of Spencer and his best friend streaming through her head.

She couldn’t help herself. And she only came harder as he continued with the dirty talk.

“That’s it, babe. Come for me. Squeeze my cock hard. Christ, you look sexy. So fucking good, quivering like that. Makes me wanna come too. Makes me wanna drive into you again and again ’til I can’t hold back another second.”

And then he
driving into her again and again, thrusting deep. He clasped her hips and pushed in and out, hard and fast. Then harder and faster, then even harder, and God knew she’d never been so full, so satisfied, so turned on. Never come so hard, or so long.

When he drove into her one last time before his entire body stiffened and let out a mighty roar, God help her, she peaked again. All over his pulsing cock.

Long, long seconds passed as he spent himself inside her. Long seconds of sheer ecstasy. Long seconds before he released his crushing hold on her hips and his body slackened.

But before she had the chance to catch her breath, before his softening cock had a chance to slip out of her, his hand found her pussy again and he fingered her clit.

Oh, Shit. No. God, please no. Too sensitive. Too tender. Too…too…

Too good! So good. Amazing.

She came again, her muscles clamping down on his cock.

Spencer gasped behind her, his arm stiffened, but he never stopped his assault. Not until the wave of bliss had passed through her. Utterly exhausted, she swatted at his hand.

Too exhausted to hold her weight, her legs gave way beneath her. She began a slow crumple to the floor. Spencer released her, sliding from her body with a muffled oath, and landed in a pile against the wall beside her.

Eons later, when her breath had returned and the last tingles finally subsided, she finally found the strength and energy to talk to Spencer.



Chapter Four


“We have a problem.”

Levi gaped at Spencer standing at his front door in the middle of the night. “And we can’t wait until tomorrow morning to discuss it? A time when I’m not working?”

Not that he was getting any constructive writing done. His head was too damn full of a beautiful, vexing restaurant owner and her desire for not one but two men.

“Hell, no.” Spencer grimaced. “This can’t wait.” He shoved past Levi and walked into his house. “See, I’ve just had the best sex of my whole life. Seriously. The. Best. Sex. Ever. And guess who she was thinking about the entire time I fucked her?”

Levi sucked in a breath, pushed the door closed and followed Spencer into his lounge room.

Spencer turned to point at him. “You. That’s who.”

He ignored the obvious accusation, zoning in on the important shit. “You slept with Chelsea?” The question made Levi want to punch his best mate in the face.

“No. Sleep would imply that after I fucked her we lay together, closed our eyes and got some rest. But the second I tried, she started talking about you. You, for fuck sake. My balls are still twitching, and she’s telling me how God damn crazy she is about you.”

Oh, they didn’t have a problem. They had two.

The first one being if Spencer mentioned fucking Chelsea one more time, Levi was going to hurt him. Yeah, his mate might be taller than him. Stronger too. But the spare oar to Levi’s kayak was in the garage, and he wasn’t above retrieving and using it to shut Spencer up.

The second problem? “I’m crazy ’bout her too.” Levi’s lips were pursed so tightly he had trouble speaking. “Told you as much last night.”

“Yeah? Well you might have thought about saying something
I made plans to see her tonight.”

“I might have—if I’d known you’d intended to make plans with her.”

“Christ, mate. I’ve been lusting after her for the last year. It’s hardly news to you.”

Spencer had remarked frequently that he found Chelsea appealing. But c’mon. “What guy comments for a year without acting if he truly has feelings for a woman? I thought it was all talk, Spence. Didn’t take you seriously.”

“Yeah?” He scrubbed his hand through his hair. “Apparently not.”

“Apparently, you didn’t take me seriously either when I told you how I felt about her.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. I took you dead seriously. But I wasn’t about to up and break the date because of it.”

Ah. Well, fucking great. Levi had been willing to walk away from Chelsea for Spencer’s sake, but Spence hadn’t afforded him the same respect. Now he no longer regretted that last kiss in the park. The one that had left Chelsea trembling and breathless and him with a dick as hard as steel. He also didn’t regret telling her after their last kiss in the park to make up her mind, fast, because he didn’t plan on hanging around to play second fiddle to his best mate.

Yeah, Levi had been prepared to walk away, but he’d hoped he wouldn’t have to. He’d hoped Chelsea would choose him and let go of her feelings for Spencer.

She obviously hadn’t. Not if Spence had just had the best sex of his entire life with her.

“I would have,” Spence went on to say. “Would have called things off then and there if she’d given me any inkling that she was interested in you. But she didn’t. Not until afterwards anyway. Then suddenly she couldn’t shut up about you.”

Levi collapsed into a couch. “Well, here’s an issue we’ve never had to face before.” Not once in their twenty-year friendship had they ever fought over a woman. Their tastes had always been so different, they’d never needed to. Spencer was a serial monogamist. He tended to pick pretty, intelligent women who, like him, saw long-term commitment as a major bonus.

Levi liked them hot and wild and free. The freer the better. Long as they came without strings, Levi was interested—for a night or so.

Only three women had ever inspired Levi to do the commitment thing. The first had been Zoey, who he’d met in English lit. lectures and hit it off with immediately. They’d been together a year before both had acknowledged that friendship was their real bond, not love. Zoey and Theo had gotten together less than two months later—with Levi’s blessing.

The second had been Emily—the evil bitch who’d convinced Levi he was better off single.

The third was Chelsea.

“I need a drink.” Spencer stalked over to the freestanding bar, threw it open and grabbed the bottle of Glenlivet Levi always kept stocked for him. He didn’t bother with a glass, just opened the full bottle of scotch and took a long sip.

Levi held out his hand. “My turn.”

“You don’t drink scotch.” He took another sip.

“I don’t fall for the same woman as my best mate either. Now hand me the god-damned bottle.”

Spencer passed it over after a third helping.

The drink burned all the way down, but not as hot as the jealousy that gnawed at his gut. “I pretty much hate you right now.”

BOOK: Party of Three (Sunday Night Dinner Club #1
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