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Authors: Jordan Summers

Phantom Warriors: Talon (8 page)

BOOK: Phantom Warriors: Talon
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Talon was waiting for Lynn when she puled herself up and over the Canyon’s rim. She flopped onto her back, panting from the exertion. The crunch of loose rock caught her attention and she whipped her head around.

“What are you…how did you?” She sat up and glanced over the side. No way had he beat her up here. She’d had ropes. He was free-climbing and he darn sure hadn’t passed her. The warning bels that had gone off earlier now chimed like Big Ben in her head.

“It’s time,” Talon said, not answering her question.

Lynn slowly climbed to her feet. “Time for what?”

“Have you ever dreamed of flying?” he asked, instead.

“Sure, hasn’t everyone?” she said, not liking the direction this conversation was taking.

“What if I told you that you could fly without the use of a plane?” he said.

Lynn paused. “I’d say you were crazy.”

Talon didn’t respond.

The pain in her back increased, doubling her over at the waist.

“What’s happening?” she gasped, twisting and turning to try to get a better look at her shoulder blades. Fat tears weled in Lynn’s eyes, then spiled down her cheeks. “Did you drug my water or something?” The thought terrified her, but she didn’t know what else could be causing so much pain.

* * * * *


Talon flinched at the accusation. He’d never drug his mate. If she weren’t in agony, he’d explain as much, but he didn’t think Lynn was up to listening to reasoning at present.

Every cry that ripped from her throat shredded his soul. If he could take it away, he’d gladly do so, but there was no avoiding this part of the transformation. It mattered not that Lynn was a human.

Even Phantom Warriors experienced this growing up.

“I’m sorry,” he said, meaning every word. “The first time is painful, but it does get easier.”

Lynn glared at him. “The first time for what? You’d better start explaining what you’ve done to me.”

“I can’t. You wouldn’t believe,” he said, hoping that the process hurried up. Talon couldn’t stand to see her like this, especialy knowing that he was the cause.

She took a step toward him and swayed on her feet. “Why would you do this to me?”

“It was the only way to know for sure.” Talon had been dreading this since he’d found Lynn. How could he explain that he was from another world without convincing her that he was mad?

He couldn’t. Already she believed the worst. “Words are inadequate. I think it’s time to show you the truth.” He walked toward her.

* * * * *


Lynn tried to stop him. “Don’t touch me.” She was afraid if he did, she’d crumble. Or do something realy stupid like let him hold her. God, somehow Talon had turned her into one of those simpering heroines that were too stupid to live.

He stopped a few feet away, watching her like she was a dancing amoeba under a microscope lens. “I can help you, but I must get closer to do so,” he said patiently.

Lynn vowed to kick his perfect butt, when she was feeling better. Until then, could she trust him to come closer? Fire sliced down her back, taking the choice out of her hands. She screamed.

“I don’t care what you have to do. Fix it! Fix it now!” Talon took a deep breath and approached. He gently slipped his arm around her shoulders and held her tight. “I’m sorry, but this
is the only way,” he murmured, placing a kiss on her temple a second before he flung them both over the side of the Canyon rim.

Rocks raced past her head, blurring into a swirl of orange and beige, as they plunged toward the Canyon floor. Lynn went through shock, heartbreak, and terror al within a span of a second as she realized they were about to die. How could she have been so stupid?

The pain searing her back exploded, ripping her shirt in the process. One second she was faling, the next Lynn found herself gliding over the Colorado River, her body supported by a set of massive wings. It wasn’t possible. She blinked and looked again.

Yet, the wings remained, protruding from her back.

It took her another minute to realize she was no longer looking at
back, unless she’d somehow sprouted black feathers. Was it possible she’d hit the Canyon wal and died? Or maybe she was stil dying? That would explain the odd halucination.

Lynn hadn’t lied when she’d told Talon that she’d dreamed of flying, but none of those dreams involved growing wings and gaining feathers.

She looked around for Talon, but didn’t immediately spot him.

Lynn searched the Canyon floor, expecting to see his body lying amongst the rocks. The thought made her chest clench. Even though he’d pushed her off the cliff, she didn’t want to see him like that.

Not Talon. He was too vibrant, too alive.

A cry sounded to her right. Lynn swung around and saw a large raptor coming straight for her.
The name whispered in her mind, even though logic told her it wasn’t possible.

Yet, even in this other form, Lynn would recognize him anywhere. And she did. He was her missing bird. The bird she’d spotted in the Canyon two days ago. Had it realy only been two days? It seemed like a lifetime ago. She also recognized him from the

Lynn watched him soar over the Canyon rim and circle above her before dipping close. She opened her mouth to speak, but the only thing that came out was a piercing screech.

Just relax and think about flying
, Talon’s sexy voice floated into her head.

You have a lot of explaining to do, buddy,
she sent the thought back, hoping he received it.
You owe me that much after
the stunt you just pulled.
Lynn had so many questions. How had this happened? Where had he come from? How long could they remain airborne? She needed answers, but knew the questions could wait until they got back onto firm ground.

For now, she’d do as Talon suggested. She flapped her wings hard, then caught the first of many thermals, alowing her to glide over the Grand Canyon for miles. Despite her fear and anger over being deceived, this was the first time in Lynn’s life that she felt light as a feather and totaly free. The woman in her rejoiced, while the scientist took copious amounts of mental notes.

She watched mice scurry along the rough terrain, seeking refuge as they passed by overhead. The wind was warm against her feathers, even though she knew it should feel cool given the temp.

Talon circled her, enticing her to play. Lynn managed to hold onto her ‘mad’ for another three loops, then gave up and enjoyed herself. They soared together, dipping close, then puling out, wings barely brushing in the process.

In human form, that touch would’ve sent heat searing through her. But in her current avian state—okay, maybe it was the same, but Lynn wasn’t about to admit as much. Despite the thril of flying, she
stil mad at him or maybe she was in shock. That would explain her odd acceptance of the situation.

Sure, explaining that he was some kind of birdman might’ve been difficult. And if she were being honest with herself, Lynn realized she might not have immediately believed him. Okay, so she wouldn’t have believed Talon at al. She’d have actualy thought he was insane, if he’d come right out and said something when they’d first met. But none of that justified lying to her. He could’ve eased her into the truth had he wanted, but instead, he’d given her non-answers caged in cryptic phrases.

Lynn’s heart began to pound when she thought about the unprotected sex. Was that why she’d turned into a bird? Oh my god! She tumbled from the sky, beak over wing. Before she hit the ground, Talon grabbed her with his sharp claws and puled up.

No, not claws…

Maniacal laughter bubbled up inside her, but the only sound that came out was another loud squawk. This couldn’t be happened.

The command boomed inside her head a second before Talon released her.

Lynn flapped her wings and aimed for the rim of the Canyon.

She landed hard, sending up a spray of rock. Not bad for her first time, she thought in her
opinion. Before she could move, Talon was on top of her, pinning her to the ground.

You are mine,
he growled in her head, then held her with his beak and entered her.

It was an odd sensation, not nearly as pleasurable, but strangely enticing given the primitive nature of their sudden joining.

Stil, sense memory kicked in and her body responded to his savage touch. The mating in this form didn’t take long. A few wing flaps and a swish of her tail and it was over.

Talon hopped off her back. As Lynn watched, his shape shimmered and morphed. Feathers were absorbed inside his skin, along with the massive wings that had sprouted from his body. His beak compressed, leaving a sharp nose behind. The process left him panting, covered in sweat—and naked. Lynn glanced down and squawked. Talon was stil sporting a massive hard on.

Heat enveloped her. This time there was no pain, only an odd stretching and puling sensation. When it was done, Lynn found herself lying on her back, her body trembling. She wiggled her hands and felt her fingers move.

Talon’s gaze heated as it swept over her body. Despite her resolve to get answers, Lynn felt her sex growing moist as he stepped closer. His hand glided from her foot to her knee and Talon licked his lips. He hesitated, waiting, watching. Lynn wasn’t sure what he was looking for, but he must’ve fount it because he parted her rounded thighs with one finger and moved between them.

He didn’t speak. Instead, Talon lowered his head and swiped his tongue along her aching seam. He groaned on contact. “You have every right to be mad at me, but please, I need this. I

The admission came with such raw hunger that Lynn couldn’t say no. She also couldn’t say yes, so she just nodded.

* * * * *


Her taste exploded on his tongue. With one swipe, Talon savored her heat, her anger, and her passion. There was no denying that she was mad at him. She wouldn’t be his mate if she weren’t.

But there was also no denying her need for him...her want. Talon felt it in every touch, every taste. Lynn may not realize it yet, but they were
for each other.

Though they’d only known each other for a couple of days, she was as familiar to him as his other form. He knew her fears, her hopes, her wishes—along with her darkest desires. And she knew his, if she only chose to look. Talon was determined to spend a lifetime fulfiling Lynn’s fantasies. But for now, he simply had to have her.

He placed his lips over her engorged flesh and slowly circled it with his tongue, before gently sucking it between his teeth. Lynn’s back arched off the ground and her body shuddered. She sank her fingers into his hair and puled him closer, burying his nose in her satiny curls.

Her thighs trembled against his shoulders as Talon licked his way down, then plunged his tongue inside of her. She mewed, her hard nipples stabbing skyward as he plundered her depths.

He cupped her breasts, roling her nipples between his fingers and thumbs. She gasped, then moaned, begging incoherently as she sped toward completion.

The sounds she made sent a arrow of need threw Talon, driving straight for his heart. Lynn was everything he’d ever imagined, but hadn’t dared to wish for. He’d cherish her above al others, including himself and his Wing Clan brothers.

He continued to drink from her bounty, alowing his fingers to take over, teasing her. He circled the sensitive bundle of nerves, until her hips began to rock and her muscles tightened. She was close. So close.

Juices spiled from her channel, running down his chin. Talon licked them away as his body grew tighter with need. His actions took on a newfound urgency. He pinched her nubbin, then began to worry it once more with his teeth. Lynn gasped. Before she could relax, Talon shoved two fingers deep inside her, then slowly puled them back out, only to return once more.

Between the steady glide in and out and the suction he applied, it didn’t take long for Lynn to spiral over the edge. She came with a wild cry and a shuddering breath. Talon continued to ride out those ripples until the last one faded. As soon as it did, he grasped his cock and entered her in one long, hard stroke.

Their eyes met and held. An unspoken understanding passed between them, then he began to move. His hips roled, shafting her deep, then deeper stil as his cock kissed her cervix. She was so tight. So hot. And so incredibly wet. If this were his last moment in life, Talon knew he’d die a very happy warrior thanks to this amazing woman.

* * * * *

Lynn couldn’t seem to catch her breath. She wanted to look away, but Talon held her trapped within his gaze. And what she saw floating in his eyes scared her more than being tossed off the cliff. The emotions were raw, new, and beyond intense. Lynn had spent her whole life searching for a man who’d look at her that way and now that she’d found him, she wasn’t at al sure what to do with him.

It didn’t help that Talon wasn’t exactly a normal ‘man’. His hard muscles glided over her chest, scraping her nipples. Lynn bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out in sheer ecstasy. Oh sure, he felt like a man. As if to prove it, he thrust hard, driving his massive cock straight to her soul.

But real men didn’t change into large raptors and fly.

Lynn reached up and grabbed the back of his head, her fingers brushing through the dark satiny strands of hair. She puled him down, using his ears as leverage, until their lips fused in a searing kiss. Tongues met, retreated, then met again in a tangle of desire.

He tasted so good. Felt so good inside her. Like he was made for her body. And her body alone.

Talon’s steady thrusts lost their rhythm as she clasped her thighs against his hips. Lynn released his head and trailed her hands over his smooth back, then sank her nails into his sides. Every muscle in his body tightened. A second later, he grunted and she felt the warmth of his release inside of her.

No panic this time. Even the anger had subsided, leaving only peace behind and an odd contentment Lynn had never felt before.

They laid there for a few more heartbeats, each trying to catch their breath. Talon recovered first. He roled off her and stood, then held out his hand to help her up. His eyes closed and a second later a strange skin-tight material appeared on his body.

“I think I deserve to know the truth now,” she said, as awe warred with fear. Technology like that shouldn’t exist. Didn’t exist.

His lips thinned, then he nodded. “Indeed, you do, but we don’t have much time. I am being summoned back.”

BOOK: Phantom Warriors: Talon
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