Read Playing the Game Online

Authors: JL Paul

Tags: #romance love baseball reality show singing sports romance family drama contemporary romance

Playing the Game (23 page)

BOOK: Playing the Game
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No.” Her answer was short
and simple but it stabbed my heart as if it were a twelve inch
blade. All I could do was stare out the window and urge the traffic
to move faster.

When we arrived at the hospital, we raced to
the nurses’ station behind the glass of the emergency room.

I’m here to see Jess
Rivers,” I announced. “I’m his girlfriend, Aubrey

You and every other
red-blooded female in the county,” the gruff nurse

But I didn’t have time for her rudeness. For
all I knew Jess was dying and I needed to be with him. “Look, his
parents are in Florida. Has anyone even called them?”

I don’t know,” the nurse
responded. She sighed at my hard face. I wasn’t going to back down.
“I’ll go ask Mr. Rivers if he’ll see you. What was your name

He’s awake?” I gasped,
heart jumping an inch.

He might be,” the nurse
responded. “Now, if you want me to find out if you’re allowed to
see him then you need to tell me your name.”

Aubrey Quinn.”

She scribbled my name on a piece of paper
and scooted around the desk. When she disappeared down a hall, I
craned my neck to see where she’d gone. Kendra grabbed my hand and
gave it a squeeze.

He must be awake if she’s
asking if you can go back there,” Kendra said with a flicker of a
smile. Her smile slipped as she glanced around the reception area.
“I don’t see any of the guys. Maybe they went back already. I know
the game is over.”

The nurse returned a couple minutes later
and frowned. She pointed at Kendra. “What’s your name?”

Kendra Browning,” she

The nurse consulted a piece of paper and
nodded. “You two can go up to the west wing waiting room on the
third floor. Mr. Rivers’ teammates are up there.”

Kendra thanked her as I scrambled for the
elevator. I punched the button three or four times as I waited for
the doors to open. As soon as they did, Kendra shoved me inside and
pushed the number three. We were silent as the elevator car
whirred, carrying us up to our destination. The doors opened,
Kendra stepped out, read the signs, and dragged me in the right

Three players lounged against the wall
outside of the waiting room and my heart fell again. Did they not
know anything? It’d been hours since the collision. Certainly Jess
would be awake by now.

Kendra,” Troy breathed as
he greeted her with a kiss. I had to turn my head. “Aubrey, he’s

I whipped my head around, slack-jawed. “He

Yeah,” Troy grinned. “He
was cussing like a … well… like Jess because he was in pain but
he’s fine. They took him down for an MRI or something though I told
the doctor Jess’s skull was too thick to crack.”

He could joke all he wanted but I wouldn’t
relax until I saw Jess with my own eyes. “His arm?”

Troy cringed. “I don’t know. They had it in
a sling and Jess said they took x-rays but he didn’t know much else
yet.” He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “They don’t
think it’s broken.”

I deflated as I closed my eyes. I sent up a
tiny prayer that it wouldn’t end his career. “How bad?”

I don’t know,” Troy said,
his eyes sympathetic. He slid his hand around my shoulders, giving
me a squeeze. I appreciated it but it brought no comfort. I just
wanted to see Jess.

A few of the guys tried to offer me their
seats but I refused. I couldn’t sit. I wanted to stand watch in the
hall even though I had no clue what room Jess would be taken to
after his tests.

Finally, two giggling nurses sashayed their
way to the waiting area to deliver the news Jess had been returned
to his room.

Come on, Aubrey,” Troy
said, placing a hand on the small of my back. “I’ll take you to

I nodded as our heels clattered off the
white tile floor. I didn’t pay any attention to the bright artwork
on the walls or the open doors of the patient rooms. I just allowed
Troy to steer me.

He stopped in front of a closed door,
rapping his knuckles on the wood. He peered inside. “Dude, I have a
visitor for you.”

I couldn’t hear a response as Troy shoved me
through the door and closed it behind me.

Geez, Aubrey. What are
you doing here?” Jess whined.

I stood frozen, rooted to the floor. His
long, lean frame rested on the propped pillows, his lower half
covered with a sheet. A white bandage was stuck to his left temple
and his arm was nestled in a sling.

My lip trembled as my eyes searched his body
for evidence of any other injuries. I could see nothing but as I
had no medical degree, I couldn’t be sure.

The tears dripped down my cheeks but I
hardly noticed them. I just stood like an idiot and stared.

Oh, hell. Come here,” he

I ran to the bed and sank
to the edge – the right and uninjured side. My head fell to his
chest as I sobbed into his hospital gown. His right hand stroked my
hair, making me feel more like a horrible fraud as I allowed
to comfort

I’m fine, Aubrey,” he
cooed. “Didn’t even break my arm, though I’m likely out for the
season. And no head injuries. They’ll let me out of here in the

With a sniff, I nodded, lifting my head. I
swiped at my tears. “It looked so awful on TV.”

Yeah it didn’t feel too
wonderful, either,” he smirked. I wanted to punch him for
belittling the entire thing, but I was too happy to see him awake
and, for the most part, okay. “You didn’t have to fly all the way
out here. I was going to call you once they put me in a

You said if I needed you
to just fly out,” I reminded him.

He sighed heavily. “I said
if you needed me to
fly you out here.” He brushed a strand of hair
out of my face. “But I guess I’m glad you’re here.”

I giggled, a little too hysterically
probably. “So what happens now?”

He shrugged and winced making my heart jump
to my throat. “I guess I fly home and see my doctor. The season’s
almost over, anyway, so if they put me on the DL, I won’t miss

His voice held a trace of anger and I placed
a hand on his chest. I wanted to calm him, comfort him somehow, but
I wasn’t sure what to do. His eyes met mine and the disappointment
was there. It tore at my already exhausted heart so I leaned in to
kiss him. He deepened it much too inappropriately, considering
where we were, but I didn’t care. Relief had washed through me and
I was just too grateful that he was well enough to kiss me at

Finally he broke the kiss and I smiled a
little at how ragged his breathing was. He cupped my cheek.

You know, you can stay
with me tonight but I don’t think I want you to.”

Why not?” I demanded. A
prickle of anger poked my spine.

Because I don’t think
you’ll be very comfortable in that chair and you’re too shy to
sleep in this bed with me,” he said, matter-of-factly.

Oh,” I said, taken aback.
“I want to stay. That chair reclines. I’ll be fine.”

His eyes narrowed as his lips curled on one
side. “Don’t be a coward – sleep in the bed with me.”

I don’t think they’ll
allow it,” I said.

He snorted. “What are they are going to do,
kick me out?”

Jess,” I groaned as the
tears welled in my eyes again.

Don’t start with the
water works,” he ordered, his eyes flashing. “Scoot up here by me
and tell me about all this college stuff.”

I already told you on the
phone,” I said. Nevertheless, I did as he ordered and snuggled into
his uninjured side. I rambled away as he held me with his good arm
until Troy and a couple others peeked in the door.

He invited them in, grinning as they razzed
him while I stayed silent by his side. He took their ribbing in
stride and insulted each of them in turn. I caught Kendra’s eye and
we both smiled a little, probably thinking the same thing. I didn’t
think I’d ever understand men’s need to insult each other in jest.
But they enjoyed it and it lifted Jess’s spirits so I couldn’t

Finally, an older nurse bustled into the
room, shooing the guys out. Jess squeezed my shoulder and winked at
the nurse. “I won’t be needing that sponge bath, Berta. My woman’s
here now.”

My cheeks blazed as the
nurse chuckled, swatting his leg playfully. But my heart danced at
his possessive term for me. I
his woman and they’d have to pry me away if they
wanted me to leave. Berta didn't seem at all upset at my current
position so I stayed. We talked quietly while we watched the
replays of the horrible incident on the sports channel and when he
drifted away on a pain med sleep, I finally settled in and allowed
exhaustion to overcome me.


The next few days were horribly miserable.
Jess whined like an overgrown baby and I bit my lip so much it
swelled. I did the best I could for him; waiting on him hand and
foot, escorting him to the doctor, propping his injured arm on
fluffy pillows.

It did little good as he continued to
complain about the minor surgery the doctor wanted him to have; the
rehab he’d have to endure; and missing the last couple games of the

Classes started and I looked forward to the
escape. I’d only signed up for three general classes; English, Math
and a computer class. But it was enough to keep me busy as I delved
back into academics.

Each time I stepped on campus, I hurried to
the bulletin boards, scanning them for apartments I could afford
and jobs I could handle. I couldn’t do searches at home because
Jess whined louder, telling me I didn’t need a job – he’d pay for
whatever I needed. I couldn’t get it through that thick skull of
his that I didn’t want to be taken care of. I wanted to finally be

An idea came to me when I tossed my book bag
in my car and my eyes landed on the business card in the console. I
held the card in my fingers as I debated on whether or not I should
call. He had a small business and I wondered if he could afford to
pay help, but it was worth a shot.


Jon Spitzer welcomed me cheerfully into his
office. His eyes danced in amusement as he already knew why I was

How’s college life?” he

Fine,” I mumbled. “A
little tough. I’ve been out of school for awhile. It’s an

I understand,” he said as
he sat behind his desk. “And now you’re looking for employment, not
a contract?”

Yes,” I said slowly,
words picking up speed. “And I thought about you. I figured maybe
it would ease your mind if I worked here, with you, for awhile.
That way you could see I’m not talking to any other

He smiled, highly entertained, and my cheeks

I understand.” He leaned
forward and studied me carefully. “And I think it’s a great idea. I
already have a secretary but I could use your help with other
things. It would also be a good way for you to learn the ropes
behind the scene and maybe I can talk you into signing

Really?” I asked, hope
growing. “That would be great.”

Sure,” he said, smiling.
“I’m getting busier and busier and I could use an extra set of

I beamed, heart happily thumping. We set my
hours and agreed on a salary. He gave me a short tour of the studio
and a nervous fluttered started in my stomach. It all looked so
complicated and…expensive. Could I handle this? I shook my hair and
set my lips. Yes, I could. I could do this. I had to do this. It
was time to grow up and join the real world.

The tour ended and as I headed for the door,
he stopped me.

Still not ready to sign,

I shook my head with a smile. “Not yet. But
I’m getting closer every day.”

Wonderful,” he said as he
shook my hand and escorted me out.


As I drove to Jess’s house, I wondered how I
would break the news to him. He’d been so withdrawn lately –
pouting over his injury. I was sure he’d be upset that I had a job
but he was going to have to deal with it. He was the one who had
urged me to find myself.

I entered the house quietly, listening for
any sound that would indicate his mood. Pans rattling in the
kitchen alerted me to his whereabouts so I took a deep breath and
joined him.

Hey, sweetheart,” he said
absently as he fiddled with the stove. With a quiet curse, he shut
off the fire. He turned to look at me, strange glimmer in his eyes.
“How was your day?”

Fine,” I said.

He closed the space between us and wrapped
me in an embrace. His lips found mine and I lost my breath. My eyes
fluttered shut as I melted into him, my body craving for his

Good,” he said against my
lips. “I missed you.”

He backed me out of the kitchen and to the
bedroom. I was surprised but not at all disappointed. It’d been
awhile since we’d had any contact other than a brief kiss or

His kisses turned urgent as he fumbled to
remove my clothes, his actions clumsy as his arm was still encased
in a sling. He finally cursed and yanked it off, throwing it to the

BOOK: Playing the Game
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