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Authors: Donna Grant

Prince of Desire (5 page)

BOOK: Prince of Desire
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Even her hands wanted more of him as they roamed over his thick chest, wide shoulders, and into his dark, silky hair. When his tongue swept into her mouth, she sighed as a rush of pure passion and excitement ran through her.

In that moment of such exquisite pleasure, she would have promised him anything.

Lucian knew he couldn't continue to kiss her and remain in control. He was still amazed to find he wanted her as much as he did, yet “want” was mild compared to how he truly felt.
He ached, he hungered.
And only Isabelle would be able to ease him.

Just touching her was enough for him to realize what kind of future they could have.
Her beauty was just one part of it.
He felt the passion within her, waiting to be released.
She was stubborn but kind, stalwart but sympathetic.

The fear that had taken root in him months ago when he thought to never find his mate began to loosen.
The longer he kissed her, the more he knew he couldn’t live without her.
He…needed her.

Not just because of the stupid curse.
Because she was the other half of him, the part he hadn’t realized he was missing until he’d found her.
He couldn’t explain it, could barely comprehend it himself.
There was no denying it.

He ended the kiss and inwardly smiled when he heard her groan in irritation.
With his hands, he smoothed back the tendrils of hair that had come loose of the braid and tilted her head up to him.

“I know you felt what I did,” he said.

She licked her swollen lips, nearly sending him to his knees with need.
“Oh, aye.
I felt it.”

Lucian tried to control his ragged breathing. “Then you also feel the connection between us.”

He held his breath as she cocked her head at his words.

For several heartbeats, she didn't speak. He feared he had gone too far, said too much too soon and had lost her forever. But it wasn't just the fear of losing his home and sending the kingdom into nothingness, it was not being able to be with Isabelle as well. Though he was just getting to know her, already he felt as if he had known her his entire life.

When she stepped out of his arms, he clenched his jaw to keep silent and let her think. It wasn't in his nature to have patience, but more was at stake than just what he wanted.

“I do feel something,” she finally said.

He sighed in relief but saw the look of doubt on her face that told him she was far from convinced. How could he tell her that once they had found each other, they would forever yearn for the other, only to be whole together?
He’d wanted to tell her that after they reached his kingdom, but he might have to tell her sooner.

She walked around the small kitchen, rubbing her neck. “I don't know who you are.
Your likes and dislikes.
What meal is your favorite?
What are your vices?
There are too many unknowns for me to agree to go with you tomorrow.
I need time.”

“Time isna something I have.” After a deep breath, he sank into a chair at the table and folded his hands over his stomach as he regarded her.
It was time.
She needed to know everything. “Then I will tell you. All of it.”

“Really?” she asked, her brows raised.
She took the chair opposite him. “Then, begin. Please.”

“I am a prince of my kingdom, Drahcir.”

Her lips flattened, and she shook her head. “Aye, you said that name a moment ago.
I've never heard of it. I thought you said you were from the Ben Nevis Mountains.”

“I am. You’ve never heard of my kingdom because it’s hidden from the world.”

“By a forest or something?”

It’s a special place, Isabelle, a place that can no’ be opened for just anyone.
What makes it special is the people who reside within the gates of the kingdom. If the other kings, lords, and mercenaries find my home, the kingdom will be overrun with the worst kinds of people.”

“And your people will be driven out, leaving Drahcir to the very people you are hiding from,” she finished.

“Not hiding exactly,” he said. “The kingdom has been in existence for centuries. It wasn't hidden on purpose.
At one time, Drahcir was visited by people all over the world despite its location making it difficult to get to.
Now, that is what keeps it hidden.”

“Why did people stop visiting your kingdom?
Was there a plague?”

“Drahcir simply vanished one day.
Or that’s what everyone believed.”

There is much more to your story, aye?”

“My family, the Sinclairs, have always led the kingdom. However, there was one of us that went too far.”

“Which king did he anger?”

Lucian swallowed and glanced away. “Not a king. A princess.”

She leaned forward eagerly. “Don't keep me waiting. I love a good tale.”

“She was a princess of the Fae.”

Isabelle rolled her eyes, not wanting to be taken in by the jest.
She chuckled, realizing belatedly that Lucian hadn't joined her.
Her smile faded as her stomach feel to her feet at the look of sincerity in his eyes. “A Fae?”

“Aye,” he said earnestly. “They do exist.”

This was too much to believe.
First, a hidden kingdom, and now the Fae. But, no matter how much she told herself to rise and demand he leave, she couldn't. Everything about him intrigued her, but the tale, as fanciful as her best daydreams, urged her to discover more.

After a moment, Lucian continued. “The princess and my ancestor fell in love, or so the Fae thought. In truth, my ancestor merely dabbled to see if he could.”

“Not a very noble gesture.”

He had no idea of the consequences of his actions until afterwards. Once the princess discovered his treachery, she cursed our kingdom from then until the day this world no longer exists.”

Isabelle found her gaze riveted on Lucian and the sadness in his eyes. Even if she didn't believe him, he did believe it.

Every word.

“And the curse?” she asked. “What is it?”

“Every prince and princess of the Drahcir must find their mates and return with them by a designated time. If even one fails, the kingdom will vanish. For all eternity.”

Her heart hammered in her chest as she repeated his words in her head. Mate. Mate. Return to Drahcir. Vanish. Mate.

Slowly, her gaze found his and saw the truth in his eyes. “How do I know what you're saying is the truth?”

“Come here,” he said and held out his hand.

She didn’t hesitate to rise and take his hand. He pulled her around the table onto his lap.
Then he leaned her back until he cradled her head with one hand.

“Know the truth,” he whispered just before his mouth descended on hers.

In his sweet, intoxicating kiss, Isabelle let herself go. She then saw the veracity of his words and their bond, a bond that was forged eons ago, a bond that even death couldn't break.

Her blood heated and pooled between her legs, sending a fire through her. She squeezed her legs together in an attempt to end the growing pressure, but the movement only caused a ripple of delight to lance through her. Her nipples hardened, and her breasts swelled as she wished for his hands to move over her body.

With one touch he’d turned her into a wanton.
She needed his touch, his kiss.
Her body was in a near fever pitch as it craved more of him. And it terrified her, alarmed her.
To want someone so desperately wasn’t normal, was it?

Then she forgot to care as he deepened the kiss.
She wound her arms around his neck and forgot to care about anything other than the man in her arms.
Doubts melted away, worries dissolved.

The only thing that mattered, the only thing that filled her mind and her heart was Lucian.

His hand, splayed on her back, moved to her side, his fingers brushing the underside of her breasts.
Isabelle gasped.
The kiss turned fiery, frantic as desire took them, claimed them.

Her back arched into his hand when he cupped her aching breast.
A moan, deep and low, rumbled through his chest.
She wanted to run her hands over his skin, to feel the steely sinew.
Isabelle pushed his jerkin over one shoulder and jerked at his tunic, pulling it up enough so she could touch him.

His stomach jumped when she laid her palm flat on his abdomen.
Just as expected, his muscles rippled beneath her hand, and suddenly it wasn’t enough to touch.
She wanted to see him.

It took her a moment to realize Lucian had ended the kiss.
Desire had taken her, seized her.
He was massaging her breast while he rubbed his thumb over her hardened nipple.
She squeezed her legs together and cried out from the sheer pleasure of it.

“I want you,” he whispered thickly.
“I want to strip you bare and spend the night loving you.”

“Yes,” she said, hoping, praying he did exactly as he wanted.
He had to cool the fire within her.
It was scorching her with its intensity.

“No’ yet, my Isabelle.”

“Why?” she cried out, then moaned when he pinched her nipple.

“You need to know the rest of the story.”

She didn’t care about the story.
All she cared about was the need Lucian had fanned to life.
She shook her head in answer, and instantly his hand fell away.
Isabelle jerked open her eyes to find him staring at her, desire emanating from him.
He did want her.
The thought made her breath catch.

If he wanted to finish the story and prolong their torture, she knew she couldn’t sway him otherwise.
She was too inexperienced in the ways of men to know how to turn his mind away from the story and on to her.

With her breathing still labored, she finally collected her thoughts and asked, “How did you find me?”

He ran a finger down her cheek, his black gaze intense and heated. “Though the princess cursed us, another Fae took pity and gave each of us a special ability to see our mates.
Mine is seeing your aura. Yours is especially bright.”

She ran her hands through his silky hair, her body shaking from need.
Her heart accelerated when she wiggled and felt his thick, hard arousal. “An aura? What is that exactly?”

“It’s a special light around you, distinct to you alone.”

“And what does it do?”

“Besides showing me who you were? Not much.”
He bent and placed a kiss on her neck.

She sighed at the pleasure of his kiss, and then the feel of his tongue as he tasted her skin. “Then it's worthless.”

“Never,” he murmured and leaned close to her neck. “It brought me to you.”

Just when she thought he would only tease her, his hot tongue snaked out and licked her again, leaving a trail of hot, wet desire across her skin.

Her sex throbbed, and her mind forgot everything but the man before her. She inhaled his exotic scent. No man had ever touched her before, but now she wanted, nay yearned, for Lucian.

She licked her lips and tried to concentrate on their conversation. “So all you had to do was go around looking for a certain aura?”

“Hmm,” he murmured as he nuzzled her skin behind her ear. “Is that no’ enough?”

“More than enough.”

He pulled back to look at her. “Then will you return with me?”

Isabelle saw the worry reflected in the dark depths of his eyes. She cast a glance around her small cottage.
It held many memories, but she didn’t want to grow old with just memories.
She wanted passion and laughter, children and a husband.
“As you said, there is nothing holding me here.”

For a moment she worried if she was doing the right thing, then the desire coursing through her made her remember that no other man had made her feel this…special or wanted before.

He smiled and pulled her against his chest. “I vow you willna regret your decision.”

This time his kiss was possessive, demanding, and erotic. It set her blood afire and singed her with its intensity. Her body cried out for more. One moment she was sitting in his lap, the next they were on her small bed, his delicious weight on top of her.

BOOK: Prince of Desire
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