Pumped in the Woods

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Authors: M.L. Patricks

Tags: #threesome, #group sex, #public sex, #blow job, #casual sex, #huge cock, #big dick, #huge dick, #huge penis, #camping sex

BOOK: Pumped in the Woods
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Pumped in the Woods

M.L. Patricks


Published by M.L. Patricks at Smashwords

Copyright 2013 M.L. Patricks

Warning: This story is for mature audiences
only; 18 years of age or older. It contains adult language, and
strong sexual content. 

Author's note: All characters depicted in
this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

Cover Image Copyright Kletr, 2013.. Used
under license from Shutterstock.com

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Dicey Affairs, Volume XXIII: Pumped in the

Me and four of my coworkers decided to go
camping in the mountains for the weekend. It was me, my buddy Ken,
and three girls from reception. We all met up at my place, and
carpooled together in my SUV to the campground. It took about to
drive to the national park where were camping. We were all thrilled
to get out of the city for a couple of days, and we were looking
forward to having a great time together.

The three girls were Allison, Chloe, and
Ariana. They were all recent college graduates, in their early
20's. Allison was 22 years old, and about 5'3". She had a
curvaceous, hourglass figure; D-Cup breasts, trim waist, and a
thick, round ass. She had blue eyes, and straight, long blonde
hair, that draped down to her breasts. She was wearing glasses for
the camping trip, but she usually wears contacts. She decided to
wear a light-blue summer dress, the only covered half of her
thighs, and sandals.

Chloe was 23 years old, and about 5'6". She
was thin, with C-Cup breasts. She had brown eyes, and straight,
shoulder-length dark brown hair. She spent a lot of time at the
gym, and it showed. Her ass was very round, but it was quite firm.
I imagined it would smack loudly if I had the chance to spank her.
Chloe was wearing pink running shorts that stretched tightly around
her curvaceous ass, a white tank-top that showed her nipples,
sandals, and black sunglasses.

Ariana was 22 years old, and about 5'2". She
was thin, but her breasts and ass were especially squishy for her
small frame. She had shoulder length, curly black hair, and light
green eyes. She had a very positive attitude, and she was always in
a cheery mood. Ariana wore short denim shorts, a green t-shirt, and
blue slip-on shoes.

The five of us arrived at the campsite in the
early evening on Friday. We parked my SUV, and hauled our camping
equipment to our secluded campsite, which was surrounded by tall
pine trees. Ken and I pitched a two-man tent for us to use, and
then set up a separate large tent for the girls' on the opposite
site of the campfire pit. Then we got a campfire started, set out
some chairs around the campfire, and started pouring drinks.

"This was a great idea!" Ariana said, as she
took the first sip of her drink.

"Yes it was." Chloe agreed.

"It's good to be away from the office,
finally." I said.

"Yea, amen to that." Ken chimed in.

Allison jumped out of her chair and stepped
over the picnic table behind her chair. She switched on a stereo,
and some club-style dance music began playing. Chloe and Ariana
climbed out of their chairs as well, and all three girls started
dancing together. Chloe squatted halfway down and started popping
out her round ass, shaking the edges of her pink running

"Can't beat the view." Ken said to me,

"Sure can't." I replied.

"Hey, let's all do some shots!" Chloe

"Sure!" I replied.

Chloe lined up five shot glasses and filled
them with vodka. Allison and Ariana each took one, and Chloe walked
two shot glasses over to Ken and I.

"Thanks." I said.

"Yep." Chloe said, grinning.

"To...." Chloe said, looking around at all of
us, "Getting wild!"

"To getting wild!" We all echoed in unison,
as we slammed down our shots.

The girls continued dancing for awhile, while
Ken and I drank our drinks and watched them. The girls appeared to
be getting drunk.

"I dare you!" I overhead Allison say to

Without a word, Chloe bundled up her white
tank top from her waist and pulled it over her head. Allison and
Ariana both stopped dancing, watching in disbelief. Then all three
girls started laughing together. Still laughing, Chloe reached
behind her back and unbuckled her bra and tossed it on the ground.
Allison and Ariana began laughing with Chloe again. Chloe's breasts
bounced freely as she continued to dance, dropping and popping her
ass out.

I was wearing comfortable running shorts, and
my penis started to become erect. I crossed my legs to hide my
erection. I looked back over at the girls, and they had lined up
three shots for themselves. This time they each took one, looked at
each other, and then unceremoniously slammed them down without a
toast. They danced together for a little while longer, but then
Allison lost her balance and almost fell over. That's when they
decided to come back to the campfire and sit back down in their

"So, what have you guys been doing?" Ariana
asked Ken and I.

"Just hangin' out. Watching you girls dance."
I replied, smiling.

Chloe was still topless, and I was having a
hard time not staring at her breasts. My stare was quite obvious,
and Chloe blurted out, "See something you like?" Then she started
laughing to herself.

I laughed nervously, and replied, "Yes."

Chloe looked down at my bulging crotch,
smiled, and said, "I can tell. I see something I like too."

Ariana and Allison laughed at Chloe's remark,
and after a moment, Chloe started laughing again with them.

"Well, I think I'm off to bed for tonight."
Ken said.

"I think we're gonna crash too." Ariana

"Yea." Allison said.

"That sounds like a good idea." I added.

We all finished our drinks, put out the
campfire, and then climbed into our tents. I could hear the girls
giggling in their tents, and I could see the light from a
flashlight shining through the wall of their tent.

"Dude, you should go for it with Chloe." Ken

"You think so?" I asked.

"Yea, she's not really that drunk. She just
really wants you." Ken said.

"Huh? Well, I'd be more than happy to give it
to her." I said.

After about 15 minutes, the giggling from the
other tent died down, and I fell asleep. It was very cold at night,
because we were up in the mountains, and I woke up several times
from the cold after I initially fell asleep. Suddenly, I realized
that I needed to piss, so I quietly climbed out of my sleeping bag,
unzipped the tent door and stepped outside. I closed the tent door
behind me, and walked about 30 feet to some bushes and relieved
myself. My penis was freezing in the cold mountain air. As I was
walking back to my tent, I heard a zipper sound coming from the
girls' tent. I looked over, but it was too dark to see what was
going on.

"Psss..." I heard coming from the tent.

I slowly crept over to the tent, to avoid
making loud noises and waking everyone up. When I reached the tent,
I felt a hand reach out and grab the waist of my shorts and pull me
closer. I stepped closer to the tent, and suddenly I felt the front
of my shorts being pulled down, exposing my penis to the frigid
night air. Before I could even shudder from the cold, my penis was
overcome by the warm moisture of a slippery tongue and a pair of
juicy lips. The hand pulled me even closer, pulling my cock inside
the tent. My eyes became adjusted to the moonlight, and I watched
the tent zip back up so that only my cock and balls fit through the
opening. I struggled to keep my balance at first, and then I got my
footing, and stood there and let whichever girl it was, have her
fun with my cock. I tried desperately not to groan, but it was
exceedingly difficult.

I felt a small, soft, hand wrap around my
shaft, providing it with much needed warmth. Then another hand
cupped my balls, and they began to heat up as well. She rested my
cock on her tongue, and gently bobbed her head forward and
backward, stroking me softly. She squeezed my balls, and tickled my
perineum with her fingertips, and began stroking my shaft with her
other hand. Her mouth felt like hot, lubricated silk. It was the
smoothest, most pleasurable sucking I had ever felt. She didn't
suck too hard or too soft; it was the perfect intensity of sucking
and stroking. She tightened the suction around my cock every time
the tip of my penis reached the back of her throat, and slightly
released the pressure as my penis withdrew back toward her lips,
gently caressing my head with her lips.

I felt a some precum drip out of my head, and
I felt her swallow it, and then I heard her moan softly. She must
have got excited at the taste of some precum, because she began
stroking me faster immediately after she swallowed. It felt like I
was going to cum the entire time she was sucking me. My balls were
tingling, and the head of my cock felt like it was going to
explode. Not knowing which girl was sucking my cock was exciting
for me, but at the same time I kind of wanted to know.


The hand that was squeezing my balls let go
and then grabbed onto my shaft. Suddenly, I felt the tip of her
tongue tickling my balls, and she started stroking me with both
hands. She took my balls into her mouth, rested them on her tongue,
and gently caressed them with her tongue. I felt more precum drip
out of my cock, and she began stroking me faster. The warmth of her
mouth felt amazing on my balls, and I felt like I was about to
shoot my load at any moment. She must have felt my cock begin to
spasm, because she removed my balls from her mouth, and wrapped her
lips back around the tip of my penis. She continued stroking my
shaft with both hands while she tongued my head and caressed it
with her lips, making quick, short strokes.

I lost my cool and groaned as my balls began
to tense up. I heard a faint moan from inside the tent, and I felt
a huge load of cum pump from my balls. Less than a second later, a
massive load of cum shot out of my cock, and into her hot, steamy
mouth. She continued sucking and stroking, and I shot another huge
load. I felt one hand release from my shaft and cup my balls. My
balls instantly warmed back up, and it felt like I came a second
time. I shot another load, as big as the first one, and I felt her
slippery tongue slurp at my head. My cock continued to pump a river
of cum into her mouth for what felt like a full minute. When I was
done cumming, I heard her swallow hard. Then she kissed the tip of
my penis, pushed it back outside the tent, and then zipped the tent
door closed. I heard a quiet giggle from inside the tent, as she
laughed to herself. I went back to my tent, climbed back into my
sleeping back, and went back to sleep.

I woke up early the next morning. It's hard
to sleep late when you're in the mountains, because it is so
incredibly cold. The sun also seems to rise way too early. When I
stepped out of the tent, the girls and Ken were already awake, and
were building a campfire. Everyone seemed to be hung over from the
night before.

"Good morning." Chloe said to me.

"Good morning." I replied.

"Hey...." Allison said.

"Hey." I replied. "What's up, Ken?"

"Nothing." Ken replied.

I looked at the girls' faces to see if any of
them were smiling mischievously, but none of them looked
suspicious. That morning I really wanted to know who was
responsible for the most amazing blowjob I ever had, because I
wanted another one! But, I didn't dare ask any of them. We all
spent the day together, hiking around the park, and tossing a
Frisbee around. It was a fun, but fairly uneventful day. That
night, we found ourselves around the campfire again, drinking. The
girls started dancing again, and while they were busy, I asked

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