Read Rebel Soul Online

Authors: Kate Kessler

Rebel Soul (13 page)

BOOK: Rebel Soul
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Wed 27th June


If they can use reverse phycology on me I can use it on them, Emily decided as she pretended to like dong dishes. Singing and humming various music as she picked up a plate to dry it. Her phone vibrated. You want to go on another, run with me today? The message from Billy read. “Yes” she whispered and threw down the dishtowel, sitting the plate on the counter. To hell with this, she thought.

Hell Yeah, she sent back, then quickly to her room, threw on a pair of pink shorts and a belly shirt, then she ran to the porch to watch for Billy.

Meet me by the road. Ed's afraid to pull into the yard LOL, Billy text. Laughing she text back ok but tell Ed cluck, cluck. You chicken she thought, still laughing as she stood up.

     She walked down toward the road, looking back a few times to see if anyone was watching. No one had said anything to her about Billy for a couple of days but she knew it was just a matter of time. She was being bold right now, to bold, and she knew it.

     Billy arrived at the end of the road at the same time as her, and she laughed at the site of Ed. He was almost setting in the floor board, ducking. Billy opened his door and jumped out to let her into the driver’s side of the truck, pinching her butt as she crawled across the seat, and she felt her cheeks blush.

"Well if it ant Emily Canton again, I guess we are in for a ride today" Ed almost laughed as he began sitting up.

"What do you mean by that Ed?" she laughed.

"Billy here acted crazy as hell last time he brought you along," he laughed. "You two bring out the worst in each other. Man here we go again." Emily looked at Ed amused laughing. Billy laughed with her as he put the truck in gear and spun out, throwing dust in the air.

"Tennessee Bound baby, yeah" he shouted as Emily laughed dancing to the music playing on the radio.

      Billy put the pedal down driving faster. As Emily sang  , to the music “whoo yeah Baby" Billy sang with her as they looked at each either smiling, swaying to the music and singing as Billy’s hand rubbed her leg.

"Jesus" Ed said as he lit a joint, I'm going to have to get drunk and high to be with you to."

“Pass that over here, you have to share" Emily laughed as he passed the joint and opened a jar of blackberry shine. Billy looked toward the laughing, moving his fingers up and down Emily’s leg.

"Shit you almost missed that curve Billy, get your mind off her legs, dam you trying to kill us,” Ed shouted.

"But I didn't miss it did I Ed, Whoo hoo," They raced all the way to the Tennessee line and then some. Passing cars and taking curves at high speeds. Emily felt her stomach drop out the bottom as they hit hills at high speeds, then back down the hills even faster. Emily laughed, she trusted Billy in every way, and felt like she was a part of him and him apart of her.

They pulled in to deliver the shine and the routine was the same, Billy leaving Ed with Emily in the truck as he went in the house with the shine.

She felt Ed’s glare as soon as Billy entered the house. "What the hell is wrong with you two?" Ed spouted. “You’re both going to get killed somehow. I don't understand why Emily, why you started seeing him again? Man you two are dangerous together,” he shook his head and looked out the window away from her, then continued. “And that’s the least of your problems, your brothers are the biggest problem.” He narrowed his eyes looking at her again. “That night we picked Billy up from your house, he had four guns pointing at his head. Four guns Emily.” He held up four fingers at her as he spoke. “Break it off for good Emily Canton.”

"Ed," she looked into his eyes. “Billy and I love each other. We can't and won't live without each other. Don’t you see that?” she ask, “Don't you see we are one and the same, soul mates, and if Billy dies I will die. So it really doesn't matter, we are going to die together. No matter if it's today, or hundred years from now. So don't hold your breath." she smiled at Ed, "We are not breaking up, we may seem a little crazy together, but just maybe our crazy families have done that to us, Ed."

Billy opened the truck door and got in smiling, “I love you babe” he kissed her. “Yeah” He shouted.

"I love you to Billy Johnson." She smiled at Billy then glared at Ed.

"Let’s go shopping Baby, yes-s-s-s" he yelled.

"What the hell?" Ed looked Billy’s way and ask. Emily and Billy both laughed, As Billy put in a CD and (Gun and Roses) started blaring from the speakers, and he lit a joint, ("Talk to me softly baby.") Billy sang looking at Emily, ("Don't you cry, Whoo Hoo") Emily was singing with him, and Ed decided to sing with them. "Who-o-o" they all yelled, "awesome yeah" Emily shouted. ("Please remember baby,) laughing (“how I felt inside,") they sang.

Billy pulled into a shopping center and parked close to the front. "Let’s go try on some clothes baby."

"What the Hell are we doing Billy?" Ed ask.

"Shopping Ed" He laughed, answering him, and whistled the tune of (Patience) as they walked to the door, his arms around Emily’s shoulders. She looked at Billy his confidence, his handsomeness, she melted with his love.

They strolled into the first store by the door, like they owned the place, and searched the racks for clothes. “How about this Billy?” Emily ask Billy holding a short dress up for him to see.

“Try it on Baby.” He winked at her.

They each picked out several outfits to try on. Ed held off a little but soon grabbed his self a couple and strolled to the dressing room.

Then took turns trying on clothes, as they twisted and turned for each other showing off. They were having a good time together laughing, caught up in the moment of the day. “I love it.” She laughed as Billy came out of the dressing room, with a pair of baggy jeans on. “Sharp baby” she laughed.

“Your turn” her caught her gaze and smiled.

Emily tried on several outfits, Billy and Ed both shaking their heads no, with each one. “Why?" she asked shrugging her shoulders.

Billy’s eyes lit up as he handed her a cute short purple dress. Her eyes widen as she gazed at the beautiful expensive dress, and she liked it. It was gorgeous.

She carried it into the dressing room, and tried it on. A perfect fit, she loved it and walked out of the dressing room. Emily knew she looked good and the expressions on both Ed and Billy’s faces confirmed it to her as she turned around, showing off and modeling for them. She turned her back to them and ran her hand over her hip, turning her head slightly to see the expression on Billy’s face.

“Oh yeah Baby,” They both shook their heads yes. “Wow," Billy smile as he walked up to her and kissed her. “You look good baby.” Now change then head on to the truck baby and start it. He handed her the keys “Get ready to drive like Hell."

She smiled "How do you know I can drive like hell?" Then poked him in the stomach, playfully.

"I just know Baby,” he whispered in her ear, his lips curved a little.

She changed quickly then walked out of the store. She could see Billy and Ed over by the jewelry, Billy looked up at her and smiled then back down at the jewelry in the display case. Her nerves stiffened throughout her baby but the excitement mingled with the liquor and pot, made her bold and she felt as if she was invisible to all as she, quickly walked to the truck and stuck the keys in the ignition.

The motor roared in her ears as it started easily, then she drove up to the door, just as Bill and Ed ran out, she reached across the seat, slung open the door and floored it out of the parking lot. As they Ed behind Billy had to run with the truck to get in.

"What the hell Billy?" Ed yelled. “What the hell” he was freaking out but Emily remained calm keeping her eyes glued to the road and the traffic around her. She weaved around cars till she seen a road sign reading scenic route. Then turned quickly off the busy turned main road. The road was curvy and headed down the mountain. She felt the adrenalin inside as she drove fast taking the winding curves like she had drove the road millions of times. She glanced at the speedometer it was reaching close to a hundred, the red line drifting back and forth, bouncing, as the truck sped on.

"Whoo drive Baby," Billy yelled as she felt his hand touch her leg and his fingers gently roam messaging her.

"Leave her leg alone Billy and let her drive. I saw blue lights back there. Shit man," Ed shouted.

Blue lights, Emily thought am I being chased by cops. She didn’t ask though and kept her mind on the road. The road ahead that was flying at her fast.

“I see a turn off up a head Emily pull into it.” Billy whispered n her ear, his breath hot, her adrenaline still pumping sent waves of heat through her veins.

Emily swung the truck into the dirt road, throwing dirt everywhere, she could feel the tires spinning but kept the truck under control. Then slowed the truck.

“Pull on up always Baby" Billy pointed forward as he spoke. She felt out of breath as if she had been running instead of driving. She drove up the road a ways, then Billy told her to stop.

"Wow sick driving Emily. That cop was right behind us and you left him in the dirt, I don't think he even got close enough to get the tag number, what a rush." Ed yelled, as he ran his hand through his hair and Billy laughed.

"There was a cop behind us, really? Emily ask.

"Hell yeah," Billy and Ed said at the same time.

"You’re kidding, I heard you say something about blue lights, but was he behind us the whole time?" she laughed as they watched the cop pass the road. “Wow I had no ideal," they all laughed.

"Guys are all our runs going to be like this from now on?" Emily heard Ed ask, but Billy’s hot kiss’s had her mind in other places and she wished Ed would go away. "If they are please give me some warning next time." She heard him speak again.

"Aw you like the suspense Ed." Billy spoke as she felt his hot breath on her neck.

“Jesus” Ed spoke again and she heard the truck door slam, as Billy’s kisses increased as she had never felt them before.

“What a rush Baby, you are amazing,” Billy whispered n her ear. His breath hot, the heat still rushing through her veins.

“And your hot to Baby,” he whispered. The rush of the day had spurred emotions in her. Emotions she didn’t know could ever exist. She wanted him at that moment, “Billy” she whispered. The words feel out of her mouth.

“Yes baby,” he asked as he gently ran his fingers down her back.

“I need you, Billy” The words came again, she couldn’t think, couldn’t restrain herself.

“You got me Baby forever.” He told her.










Thurs.28th June


"Like, like, like, Emily set at her laptop and looked at the pictures she had uploaded of her and Billy, from their day at the river. She laughed at the picture someone had taken of her jumping from the rope into the deep, cold, river. After a while, she decided to get ready for the day and walked to her closet, then remembered the dress she had gotten the day before. It was laying on the dresser, she picked it up and hugged it remembering excitement that went with obtaining the dress and decided to wear it. With the dress on, she stared at her image in the mirror, it looked good. She nodded her head n agreement of herself then walked downstairs.

"You missed breakfast Emily." Her Mom told her as she stepped off the stairway. She could tell without looking at her, she was upset.

"I know," Emily told her, “Why didn’t Dad ask me to go to town with him.” She wouldn’t have went but felt a little hurt he didn’t ask.

"He’s upset with you. Where were you all day yesterday?"

Questions, questions, questions, Emily thought without saying anything.

"Well Emily?" Her Mom ask, and stared at her "and where did you get that dress?"

Emily laughed, "I stole it from a store in Tennessee." She continued laughing and walked into the kitchen fixing herself a bowl of cereal. Judy was right on her heels and if matters couldn’t get any worst, Ricky walked through the back door.

"Emily what’s got into you?" Her Mom wasn’t letting up. God Mom stop, she thought.

"What’s going on?” Ricky ask, as Emily gave him a stay out of this look.

"What happened with getting a job this summer Emily? What’s your problem and were has your priorities gone?" Judy continued. Emily could see Ricky looking at her like he knew something.

"I decided not to take the job Mom. I told you I went to Tennessee yesterday."

"Emily you didn't go to Tennessee, and steal that dress." Judy almost laughed. Emily could see Ricky, his mouth twisted. What did he know?

"Is that why the cops was over at the Johnsons this morning? Did you guys make a shine run to Tennessee and do something stupid while you were there?" he ask, his hands on hips.

"The cops was at Billy's this morning!" Oh, shit, Emily exclaimed, she felt a moment of panic and ran to the bathroom with her phone.

"Why was the cops there?" she send the text quickly, as her stomach fluttered with fright.

"No worry, Baby, my Dad told them they must be mistaken the truck hadn't moved in weeks." She hadn’t realized she was holding breath till she found herself breathing again.

"Wow that was exciting yesterday," she sent back with a smiled.

"LOL, I love you babe. Going to see a friend of mine and get a tattoo today you want to ride." Interesting she thought, I want one hum.

"Hell yeah." Emily forgot about her cereal and went to the front porch to wait on Billy. Ricky followed her out. “Were are you going Emily?” She turned to look into his stare.

"With Billy, why, you going to tell me I can’t?" She looked at Ricky, he shook his head and started to say something to her then closed his mouth back as he turned and went back in the house. Good Ricky that’s what I thought.

Her face lit up when she saw him, as he drove up in his mustang. She loved that car. She loved Billy more. He brought meaning to her life. She felt like, he made her feel whole. She didn't care what anybody said, and it didn't matter anymore. Her and Billy would live or die together.

She ran and got in the car with him. “I love you baby,” Billy said as he kissed her in the driveway. It didn't matter to them anymore if anybody else was around or not. Their relationship now open to the world they would face it together.

"I love you to, yeah" she smiled at him as they took off down the road.

Emily took a joint out of the glove box and lit it." You think I can get a tattoo also?” What will, I get, she wondered.

"I don't see why not,” he glazed at her grinning, “This guy is a friend of my dad’s. He does the tattoos in his house, I think he will give you one.” He shrugged his shoulders, “I’m paying him in pot and shine, and I’ve got a little extra in the trunk. Get one on your ass baby." They both laughed, Emily loved his energy, his lively way of talking, always happy.

"That dress looks good on you by the way," he leaned over and kissed her, but kept his eyes on the road as he went around a curve.

"I didn't know, I could drive like that wow." She was thinking about the day before and laughed.

He looked at her proudly, "I knew you could, Baby"

They pulled into the driveway of an old rundown shack, way off in the woods, and an old man came out waving at them as they got out of the car. He was friendly as he greeted them both and seemed happy to see them as he extended his hand to shake hers. When he smiled Emily noticed he had lots of missing teeth, but he made her feel comfortable, and at ease in his presence. 

"So what are we getting today Billy?" he opened his mouth and spoke.

"We both want tattoos can you do that for us?" Billy pointed at his self and Emily.

The old man looked at the ground and spit and spit out some tobacco, as if considering it. "My boys here. He can do one while I do the other not a problem just more shine and pot for Me.” He laughed “As long as the little missy here don't tell her folks were she got it. I know who you are by the way." He looked at her and laughed again. "Going to be a story to tell your kids someday. A Canton and a Johnson together, if you live to tell about it that is.” He looked at them all serious. He led them into the house, it was small but well kept, cleaner then the outside. This surprised Emily, very sterile, she thought. “So what do you want?” he ask

Emily decided to get three, a rose on her breast, a heart on her butt and two hearts connected by a chain, with Billy wrote on the chain and a rose inside each heart on her lower back. It was going to take a while but they said they could do it as long as she could stand the pain.

They were both artist, drawing exactly what, Emily and Billy described. It was awesome, Emily though as she watched their hand work on paper, how do they draw like that she though, having never been able to draw a straight line herself. She laughed n her mind.

They drink some shine and smoked a joint before they got started, then each took a pain killer. The boy looked at Emily “Let’s do the smallest one first Emily and make sure you can handle the pain.” He told her. She felt a little nervous at the thought of pain but she was determined she wasn’t going to show it.

“Ok” she told him. And laid down in the chair, they had set up in the kitchen. Her nerves on edge, she gripped herself, ready as the needle touched her skin, it stung yes she will admit that, there would be no denying it. I’ll talk myself through it. She said silently in her mind.

Billy got a heart on his upper arm with Emily wrote on the inside, and they listen to (Bob Dylan) as they drink and smoked pot, while they got there tattoos. A symbol of love for each other, she thought as she turned her head and looked into his eyes. Emily felt like she could hear Billy in his mind, saying the same thing to her. A symbol of our love for each other she thought she heard him say to her. I love you babe.

(Bob Dylan’s "Everybody must get stoned") came on and they all four sang along as the old man and his boys worked on their Tattoos. There symbols of love, she smiled, now completely numb, from the alcohol, pot, or maybe the pain itself she didn’t know.

Once finished it was late already dark out, t had taken hours, Billy walked to the car and got the shine out of the trunk, and paid the man, also giving him a bag of pot.

They walked out on the porch, under the light Billy pulled up her dress,

"Wow Baby that looks good," He said as he looked at the tattoo on her back. "I want to kiss the one on your butt later." He pooched his lips and made a kissing sound.

"Sure thing Billy," she danced a little twirling and flirting with him.

"Let’s go to the river baby." He put his arm around her and led her to the car. She didn’t care how late it was, she didn’t care anything about going home.

"Let’s go," she said and kissed his hand.

"Whoo Hoo, river bound baby."

They headed out to the river, Billy taking curves at speeds Emily had never seen him take them at before. Poison was playing ("Something to believe in") in Billy’s CD player. As they both sang along, loudly.

Dead man’s curve was steadily approaching and Billy wasn’t letting, instead Emily thought that he was driving even faster. She braced herself the fear inside her sending chilling emotions through her body. She didn’t know if she should, shout, scream or just keep quite. Saying something, could cause him to wreak right now and he seemed completely focused on his driving.  Billy hit dead man’s curve at 110 miles per hour, the rear end of the car spun, she grabbed the dashboard holding tight. She didn’t realize she was holding her breath, till they were around the curve and down the road a piece. "Yes-s-s-s Who-o-o-o-o," they both laughed looking back at the curve.

“We made it Baby" Billy yelled as Emily grabbed his face and kissed him on the mouth.

“Did you doubt that we would Billy?” Emily exclaimed. Billy” she laughed excited, “Your crazy, but I love you.”

They spun onto the bridge still flying, turned onto the river rode dodging craters and throwing dirt everywhere, then down into the water and up the falls they went. The crowd at the river cheering them on. “Go man” she heard them shouting.

They loved each other and nothing could stand in their way, Emily thought.  "I love Billy Johnson” Emily stuck her head out the car window and shouted. "Who-o-o-o-o Yeah" One mind, one soul.

They got out at the river and parted a while. Dancing and singing, as the party carried on. Then she seen him, her brother Josh, as he pulled up, then get out of his car, her heart screamed danger as it dropped to her stomach. “Let’s go Billy” she pulled at his arm. He looked toward the road were Emily was pointing. “Ok baby” he said and put his arm around her leading her toward his car. As they passed josh the tension in Emily’s body grew tighter, so tight she though the knot in her stomach might smother her.

“Emily” He nodded his head in her direction and continued walking. Why does this worry her even more she asked herself as the uneasy feeling inside her increased and she wanted to scream, why, why at him.

Billy opened the car door for her and she climbed in, then he got in and started the car. As they pulled out Emily looked at Billy she knew the worry, showed on her face, she felt it.

“I don’t understand, why he’s not said something.” Billy shook his head,

“I don’t either, but that could be a good thing Babe.”

“I don’t think so Billy.” She shook her head.

Billy reached over and patted her leg, “Let’s go let me kiss that tattoo baby.

BOOK: Rebel Soul
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