Read Reclaiming the Wolf (Cascade Shifters Book 1) Online

Authors: Jessie Donovan


Reclaiming the Wolf (Cascade Shifters Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Reclaiming the Wolf (Cascade Shifters Book 1)
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He sent a quick reply to Trin to let her know he was on his way, and then Sy walked over to Kaya’s team and said, “There’s news about the infected wolf-shifters and we’re needed inside.”

Probably because of Kaya’s earlier order, they merely nodded and motioned for him to lead the way. He guided them through the “safe” corridors of the mountain used to keep visitors separated from the clan. Once they reached the quarantine viewing room, Sy punched the code into the keypad and the door opened to reveal Kaya, Kian, and Trinity standing in front of a two-way mirror.

They all turned their heads over their shoulders, but it was Kaya who met his gaze first. Even from across the room, the deep brown of her eyes held a guarded look, which he knew meant she was trying to hide strong emotions.

However, unlike when they were younger, Kaya was a leader now, and he knew from working with his brother over the years that a clan leader needed to keep a cool, collected facade no matter how awful something might be. In that instant, he realized that while Kian had Trinity to listen to his true thoughts or to hold him through another death in the clan, Kaya might have no one. Years of holding in her emotions had to be taking a toll on her.

For all he knew, she might be lonely and hurting.

His cougar growled at that thought. They could help her. Why was Sy fighting it?

Not now
, he told his cat
They could fight about it later.

Sy headed toward the empty spot next to his brother at the observation window and looked down. He watched as two of DarkStalker’s researchers took samples from the dead wolf-shifter, who was still in wolf form. He’d seen his fair share of death while stationed in Iraq, but this particular sight made him uneasy. If they weren’t careful, that shifter could easily be Kaya or any of her people.

Sy decided to get more information about the wolf-shifter instead of dwelling on what he might not be able to change. He asked, “What did the wolf-shifter ultimately die of?”

His brother answered, “A combination of dehydration and a secondary infection, both a result of the virus. If the cycle repeats with the new wolf-shifter pup, then we have a week to either find the source and demand a cure, or come up with a cure of our own.”

He turned toward his brother. “So which is it going to be?”

Kian motioned for them to move away from the two-way mirror and everyone in the room sat down around the simple table. Kian looked to Kaya. Once she nodded, his brother said, “DarkStalker and GreyFire are teaming up to tackle both. Our clan will reach out to the bears for permission to go onto their land and search all of the nearby mountains for other infected wolf-shifters.” Kian looked to Kaya. “You tell him the rest.”

Sy moved his gaze to Kaya, who still had an unreadable expression. “My researchers will continue working on a cure and a possible vaccine. Thanks to Kian, they’ll have access to any of the cougar-shifters who’ve interacted with the purple-eyed wolves to study their immunity. As for finding the source, Kian has agreed to watch over both clans while you and I try to find out who is using Human Purity as a cover.”

Jonathan the wolf-shifter interjected, “Not alone, surely. As a shifter clan leader, you’ll have a target on your back as soon as you step foot in any of the populated human areas.”

Kaya gave her clan member a piercing stare. “I don’t mind you questioning me, but first, listen to the entire plan before you raise any objections.” Her clan member put his hands up in apology and she continued. “The cougars employ humans in most of their DS Engineering locations. While none of their shifters can manage the sites full-time due to the law, Sy and some of his colleagues take one or two week-long trips to check up on things. Sy is due to visit one of their locations in the next few days.”

Sylas put it all together. “I’m supposed to visit the IT and software engineer division in Seattle this week. They might be able to tell us where or what company encrypted the flash drive, and maybe even a ballpark location if they can find out the original IP address.”

Kaya looked at him and nodded. “Exactly. I have faith in my researchers, but I want to cover every possible solution. If we find out where it originated from, they mostly likely will have a cure in case the virus mutates and starts to infect humans or domestic dogs.”

Sy frowned. “But why exactly are you coming with me?”

She gave him a look like it should be obvious. “Because my clan doesn’t trust yours. While Kian and I are hoping to change that over time, it will take some convincing. However, if we find something useful, I can simply pick up a phone, call my clan, and tell my wolves what to do and they’ll listen.”

His brother leaned forward on the table. “Can you handle it, Sylas?”

Kian was really asking him if he could handle working with the woman despite their less-than-happy history.

Well, at least this way he’d have a chance to ask Kaya some questions and get some answers about what had really happened between them.

The hard part would be telling his dick to calm the fuck down.

Still, this was for the benefit of his clan. He could find a way to manage. “Yes, but how are we going to explain her presence? Some of the interns at that location are from DarkStalker and live in the same apartment building as the one I use when I’m in Seattle. If they come upon us, they’ll scent she’s a wolf straightaway.”

Trinity leaned on the table and slowly smiled. “Kaya’s going to pretend you two made up and she’s your girlfriend again.”

Sy blinked before looking to Kaya. “Really?”

She shrugged. “I would do far worse to protect my clan. Besides, it’s the best chance we have at making this work.”




Chapter Six




A few hours later, Kaya slid into the passenger seat of Sy’s SUV, buckled her seatbelt, and tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach.

She had done a good job of hiding her emotions earlier, both when talking with Kian and in the observation room overlooking the dead wolf-shifter, but spending the next how many days posing as Sy’s girlfriend made her nervous. She hadn’t lied to Kian; she could do it. However, since shifters were very tactile, affectionate beings, Kaya wasn’t sure how she was going to react to Sy caressing her cheek or pulling her close against his side in the presence of others, with his heat and scent surrounding her. Or, even worse, if he decided to nuzzle her neck and start making the human equivalent of a purr.

Her nervousness morphed into something much hotter as she remembered how it had felt to feel Sy’s skin next to hers when they’d been naked and tangled in bed sheets.

The driver’s side door opened and Kaya barely prevented herself from jumping. Sy tossed a duffel bag into the back and sat down in the driver’s seat. She expected him to start the car, but instead, he turned toward her and said, “Are you sure you want to do this? We can find another way.”

His doubting her quickly washed away her sexy thoughts of Sy’s skin. “Of course I can do this. The safety of my entire clan is at stake.”

He sighed. “I know, but I was hoping you had changed your mind.”

She studied his face. “Why? You’re hiding something from me. If we’re to work together, I need to know what it is in case it could jeopardize our investigation.”

His gaze flicked up to hers. “Who says I’m hiding anything?”

“I can explain how I know you‘re hiding something, but I won’t bother unless you promise to answer my question after I do.” He nodded and motioned his hand for her to continue. She decided to hold nothing back. After turning a little toward him, she said, “You were angry and dickish to me earlier, and now you’re all sighs and politeness. Something happened between you stomping off to babysit my wolf-shifters and you sliding into this car. What was it?”

His eyes turned fierce. “Do you really want to know, Kaya? Because I promise you won’t like it.”

“You haven’t truly known me in over a decade. I can take anything you throw my way, so just spit it out already. The longer you hesitate, the less time we have in the city.”

He turned in his seat to better face her, and the look of anger and something else she couldn’t define in his eyes knocked the wind out of her. She felt the heat of his gaze in places she didn’t want to think about.

Her mind might dislike him, but her body very much wanted to get friendly again.

She was a grown adult, for fuck’s sake.

She forced herself to pay attention to his words as he said, “While we might’ve been apart for more than a decade, I’ve seen Kian work for years as DarkStalker’s clan leader, so I understand you better than you think.”

“Kian? What does he have to do with anything?”

“Kian puts up with all kinds of shit and grief to keep the clan together. Hell, we nearly lost him after his leg was shattered by a wild, insane bear-shifter a little over four months ago. But no matter what he goes through or what he has to do to keep the clan together, he always has Trinity.

“It was Trin who brought him back from his bouts of self-pity after the bear attack. She also acts as his confident and—never tell her I said this—as his own personal cheerleader. If things go wrong, he can talk with or fuck my sister-in-law and spring right back. Without her, he would break.” He leaned in a few inches. “But today, I realized you have no one. You take on all the responsibilities of your clan and brave whatever needs to be braved with no one to cuddle, talk to, or let alone fuck, at the end of the day. It must be incredibly lonely. Am I right?”

For a second, she could do nothing but stare at him.

Sylas Murray had definitely changed from the cocky teenage boy she’d known. Instead of cheating at a game to claim a kiss or quick fuck, he could easily deconstruct her role and the reasons behind her self-imposed isolation, and do it in less than a day.

The boy had become a man, and to be honest, she wasn’t sure what to make of it. Hell, the more she talked with him, the more she started to believe she didn’t know him at all anymore.

And that could be very, very dangerous. If she wasn’t careful, she could slip and start to fall for this more mature version of him, a version who might be her equal.

She cleared her throat and managed to say, “You expect me to believe you got all of that from a few hours in my company?”

He leaned even closer, but Kaya maintained her position. She would not retreat from him. “Yes, but that’s not the only reason for my behavior. Do you want to know what else changed?”

Her heart rate ticked up. Her voice was low when she asked, “What?”

He raised a hand and traced a finger down her cheek. His touch was rough and warm, and she barely resisted shivering. Somewhere in her mind she knew she should push him away. Yet a part of her yearned for a male’s touch, and her touch-starved wolf howled inside her head at finally getting it.

Whatever she’d done over the years to convince herself she was no longer attracted to Sylas Murray vanished.

As she battled the need to either touch him in return or to bolt from the car, Sy’s voice was low and husky, demanding her attention as he said, “I decided to stop fighting my attraction to you.”

Kaya couldn’t help but say, “What?”

He moved his finger from her cheek to her ear. As he traced the outer edges, his touch heated her whole body, making her pussy ache. Out of nowhere, she imagined what it would feel like to have his hard, long cock pound into her from behind as she bent over the hood of the car, and wetness rushed straight to her core.

Sy might’ve done many things wrong when he was younger, but even then, he’d known how rough and hard she liked it. No one after had come close to reading her needs, especially after she’d become clan leader. All of the wolves had been afraid of upsetting her, which had resulted in them treating her like some goddamn porcelain doll who would break at the first sign of strength.

But never Sy. Oh, that man knew just how rough to be without hurting her.

Kaya swallowed.
This was bad, very bad. If she didn’t do something, she’d be jumping him in no time flat.

Sy moved to her ear and his breath was hot against her skin as he whispered, “I can smell that you’re attracted to me too. How about a quick fuck, with no strings attached, to ease both of our tension? We’ll both be more productive once this burning need to fuck each other like rabbits is out of the way.”

Damn the man and his nose. But as much as she didn’t want to admit it, he was right—getting the tension out of the way would allow them to work more efficiently. Or, so she told herself.

Trinity’s words came back to her.
You should just fuck him and see what happens.

She hesitated a second before realizing she had earned this. They could afford to delay their departure by half an hour. Especially since she’d been tired of the porcelain treatment and had given up trying to have sex with anyone inside her clan. Sy was willing, and despite however he might’ve changed over the last decade, she doubted he was any less thrilling when naked.

If anything, he was probably better.

It was time for Kaya to start taking care of herself; an orgasm or two might relieve some of her worry and stress about what might happen to her clan. That way she could give one-hundred and ten percent toward tracking down the source.

BOOK: Reclaiming the Wolf (Cascade Shifters Book 1)
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