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Authors: Cheryl Dragon

Tags: #Romance

Red Hot Party (11 page)

BOOK: Red Hot Party
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“Get up here.” He reached for her.

Instead she slipped an ice cube into her mouth and, slowly, swallowed his cock.

Ham lifted and pulled back. Hot and cold mixed, randomly hitting the tip or side of his cock. “Hell. That’s insane.”

She took his hand from her hair and put it on her ass. Without a second thought, Ham took her hint and smacked her rear. Her moan only made the melting cube rattle against him. But Ham kept up his efforts until one cheek was pink and the ice was gone.

“I’m so in love with your kinky mind.” Shane kissed her and grabbed an ice cube.

Ham watched Shane give Bruce the same treatment Lolly had dished out. Bruce moaned. Their woman was gifted in creativity and caring.

“Get up here and ride.” Ham reached into a box on the end table and found condoms and lube. They’d started stashing supplies everywhere because Lolly wasn’t a woman to be kept waiting.

She grabbed an ice cube and slid it inside her pussy as he put on the condom. Ham had never felt so hard but pulled her down on him carefully to get the feel of ice in her hot pussy. What could it hurt? It’d melt fast.

He didn’t fuck her deeply, instead he played it shallow to enjoy the sensation. Lolly moaned non-stop along with Bruce.

“Yes, damn it.” Bruce stood and put on protection.

Shane pressed his chest the couch cushions, ass arched for Bruce’s cock. Bruce rubbed the lube, and Ham handed Lolly an cube. Without hesitation, she pressed the narrow ended ice to his ass, and it slid in.

“This is so good!” Shane groaned.

Bruce filled Shane’s ass and pulled out. Ham tugged Lolly in for a kiss and grabbed another cube. He rubbed it over her breasts then sucked them. Lolly rode Ham harder. The cold in her was gone so she’d melted it totally. Fucking her fully, Ham moved the ice cube to her clit and rubbed it over.

Her orgasm sent those lush hips snapping on his lap, and Ham watched her. The more she tightened on him, the closer Ham got. When she grabbed an ice cube and rubbed it over her pink ass, Ham came is blast of ecstasy.

They kissed for a minute, and she took a handful of melting cubes and rubbed them to Bruce’s sac and ass and let them slide down Shane. Bruce went into overdrive, fucking Shane harder and harder until the men came in unison with grunting and strangled cries.

Bruce pulled Lolly to him and kissed her. “You are brilliant.”

“She’ll fit in perfectly at the party in three days.” Ham squeezed her ass.

Lolly moaned and arched her back. “Really. You’re not teasing?”

“Nope, Alex and Monty are going out of town for the weekend. You’re more than invited. You’re in Cassie’s wedding. It’ll be hot, but you might want to go over the rules.”

“Rules?” Lolly asked.

“Sure, no means no. You don’t have to participate or even get naked. But you can’t tell anyone about the party who doesn’t know.” Bruce and Shane shifted positions and sat on the couch.

“Okay.” Lolly shrugged and stretched out along their three laps.

“And our rules.” Ham tickled her feet.

She kicked him playfully. “Our rules?”

“We have to decide what we do and don’t do. So we don’t ruin a good thing.” Shane twirled her nipples in his fingers.

“Oh, okay. Meaning what we’ll do in front others?” Lolly’s face communicated her blissful state.

Ham pinched her ass. “Not just that. The parties are open. You can approach anyone, and anyone can approach you. So do you want to have this an open or a closed group?”

She sat and eyed him. “You think there’s a chance in hell I’d let any of you three screw another woman?”

“See, that’s the rule. None of us screw any other guys, either.” Ham held up a finger at her, too.

“Like three aren’t enough?” She rolled her eyes. “And no spanking any other women either, no matter how much they beg.”

Ham smiled. “Wouldn’t dream of it. You’re plenty. Can I spank you in front others?”

Her face went red. “No, that’s private. Just sex. The four of us can have sex. Okay?”

“Fine with me.” Bruce kissed Shane.

“And keep it straight with me, okay? I don’t want to freak out my brother.” Ham rubbed her feet gently.

“I think we can control ourselves for one night.” Shane kissed Ham.

The heat returned, and Ham realized he hadn’t spanked Shane in a while. He pulled Shane tight.

“I think we should get some of that private stuff out of our system tonight.” Ham led the way to the bedroom. The rest followed eagerly.

* * * *

It felt just like a house warming or cocktail party. Lolly mingled with people from town and couldn’t really believe that in a matter of minutes people would be having sex all over the big old house Cassie and her men lived in. Tonight, it was just Cassie her and fiancé, Ham’s brother Dominic, since Monty and Alex were out of town.

“Doing okay?” Cassie asked.

Lolly nodded. “I think so. We have our ground rules. I just didn’t expect this many people would be here. I know I saw it before, but it was so fast and such a shock. Now, it’s real, and maybe, I won’t be good at it.”

“If Ham’s happiness is any indication, you’ll be great. Don’t worry about it. Watch other people, and you’ll see it’s not about putting on a show unless you want to. Jessica and her guys like to do a fancy position or something impressive. But they’re unique. Just be prepared for a little applause.”

“I’m not going to do anything impressive to get noticed.” Lolly looked around and spotted Ham talking with his brother and her other two guys.

Cassie smiled. “They like to encourage newbies.”

Lolly wasn’t sure if that was good or bad. “I can’t come back a lot. Alex would lose his mind.”

“That’s true. But we don’t always have to be the ones hosting and then Alex doesn’t have the home court advantage. Maybe he’s not invited. Just a thought. Excuse me.” Cassie headed over to greet more guests.

The idea of hosting had never occurred to her, and Ham had never said anything. First, Lolly needed to see if she liked the feel of letting people watch her and watching others. She’d already made up her mind not to look at Cassie and Dom. Ham’s brother was hot, but she needed to keep some lines firm in her head. But if it were at her house, she’d be in charge of the guest list.

Lolly saw Jessica and her quad of guys seriously scouting their location. The group looked so in tune with each other. It made Lolly feel less odd now that she was here. When Ham, Bruce, and Shane walked over, she felt a flash of tension. It melted as soon as she felt their heat.

“You haven’t bolted yet.” Ham kissed her temple.

“No, call it sibling rivalry, but if Alex gets invited, I want to enjoy one to decide for myself if I like it or not.” She didn’t need to make her sex life public, but knowing the people she could trust with her secret made things much less intimidating. Already, she knew forty or so people who didn’t seem surprised or at all judgmental.

“We don’t have to stay. We can go if you want.” Shane shrugged.

Lolly spotted two women staring at Ham and got the source of the tension. The women whispered and moved closer to Lolly’s group. It was Tanya from the diner.

“We’re not going anywhere. Looks like things are starting.” She saw Dom and Cassie kissing and hands roamed boldly.

Curling her arms around Ham’s neck, she staked her claim and pushed him against the wall so she was between him and any other female. Not to neglect the others, Lolly kissed Bruce and pressed him to Shane’s hard body. The duo was already undressing.

Ham slid Lolly’s dress down and she looked over her shoulder. The stalker girls were gone, and Lolly began unbuttoning Ham’s shirt. The entire room seemed to be in sync as they shifted from chatting to the point of the party. Lolly caught sight of Jessica’s group, and it made her relax. The four hot men kissed each other and their woman. No shame. It could work.

When Lolly looked down, she was naked and she’d unwrapped Ham, as well. Bruce and Shane were naked and making out. Boldly, she slid between them and kissed them both.

“Easy, Lol. Don’t try to compete with Jessica and those guys. They plan, and I think they rehearse.” Shane kissed her neck.

“I’m not competitive. I just like a familiar face at times.” Lolly realized that sounded silly since all the faces were familiar, but Jessica was friendly and not at all surprised Lolly was here. Life wasn’t simple, but when her trio pinned her at the center of their group, she knew it was far richer for having all this love.

“Any ideas what you want to do?” Ham asked.

She nodded and pointed him to the floor. Ham went willingly on his back, head to the crowd. When he rolled on protection, Lolly straddled him confidently. Then she looked up at Shane. “Think you can fill me out?”

Shane leaned down and kissed her before spooning in behind her and, after a little lube and latex, filling her tight ass. Bruce sandwiched Shane, and the group was one. Lolly tensed for a bit as she saw others watching them in various states of sex themselves. But when Shane began moaning in her ear, Lolly knew Bruce was ramming Shane’s rear as if there were no one else in the world.

The rocking set the pace, and Lolly let it lull her into a higher state of arousal. When her pussy squeezed Ham’s erection, demanding action, Lolly worked in time with Shane and Bruce. She didn’t want to go too fast. Was that bad? Good?

Ham squeezed her breasts, and suddenly, it didn’t matter what anyone else thought. All that mattered was her group’s pleasure. When she opened her eyes, Lolly saw Jessica’s group forming a type of sexual pyramid. They were impressive, but Lolly ran her hands over Ham’s hard body. Those other women might want him, but she had him, and he’d never spank and fuck any other woman but her. The odd power and status made her cunt throb around his cock.

“Faster. I’m going to come, you tease.” Ham rubbed her clit.

Lolly’s hips obeyed, and Shane kept in time with her. Bruce clung to Shane, and Lolly heard his orgasm. Shane lost control next, and she felt his release deep. Ham gripped her hips and thrust up again and again while Shane reached around and tapped her clit until Lolly screamed. Ham followed with a shout, and the applause erupted.

Why couldn’t she stay quiet? Lolly panted as the pleasure whirled. Screaming made it so much better, but she’d just drawn attention to herself. Daring to open her eyes, Lolly saw nothing but smiles directed at her. Cassie had warned her.

Then she heard grunts and pants from Jessica’s corner of the room. Lolly stared as the group in a lovely position succumb to sexual release. It was mesmerizing to see them all enjoying each other. Glancing around the room, Lolly saw all sorts of groups and pairings. Some were switching, and some stayed together. She smiled down at Ham. “Thanks. I needed this.”

“We can start our own.” Shane propped his head on her right shoulder.

“Then we can do stuff to Ham,” Bruce whispered over her left shoulder.

“Shh. We’ll talk about this at home. Let’s watch a bit and decide what we want to do next. You guys pick how you want me this round.” She eased off Ham and sat with her back against the wall just taking in the wild side of her sweet small town.

“Not weird?” Ham sat next to her as Bruce and Shane stretched out kissing.

“Not weird at all. Beautiful. ” She rested her head on his shoulder and snuggled to him, wondering what they’d do to her next. Lolly fully intended to make the most of this night. Three men made a relationship more work, but they were a lot of fun to show off as well. Maybe a private party of her own would let them be free and discreet? There was no harm in trying something new. Her men had taught her that.



About the Author



A lover of unusual things, Cheryl Dragon enjoys writing unique stories with sinfully hot erotic romance. Her two favorite settings are Las Vegas and New Orleans…where anything can happen! Cheryl lives in the Chicagoland area with her deaf albino cat. By day she analyzes numbers for a division of a large international conglomerate, which leaves the creative juices free for her erotic romance novels.




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