Read Red Hot Rose Boxed Set Online

Authors: Kandi Kayne

Tags: #erotic romance

Red Hot Rose Boxed Set (18 page)

BOOK: Red Hot Rose Boxed Set
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I backed my rear-end up in my urgency, trying to force him in farther.
But he resisted.

“You need to wait,” he said, sounding angry and making me that much wetter because of it.
“I have something I want to show you.”

My mind raced with the implications.
Just do it!
Put it in,

“Oh, I will.
Don’t you worry about that,” he said.
He sounded like he had a secret.

And then I felt a moist finger on my most private of places.
The hole no one had ever gotten near.

“No!” I said, moving forward, flattening my pelvis into the mattress and cutting off his access.
The heat of my ardor banked considerably.

“Yes!” he said, just as forcefully, grabbing my hips and lifting them strongly.
“Stay there,” he growled, slapping my ass enough to make it sting.
And just like that, the heat was back like it had never left.

I gritted my teeth and thought about saying no, but my libido was in charge at the moment; and the truth was, for the split second that he’d touched me there with that wet thumb of his, I’d felt something that was a little too close to amazing to ignore.
And that slap on the ass had only made me want it more.
I found myself hoping he’d do it again.
I trusted him, and with that trust came total abandon.
No fear.
Just a deep desire to feel everything he wanted to give me.

I trembled with anticipation as I waited for the game to begin again, my ass cheeks in the air, my entire back-zone exposed for him to do with what he wanted.
The juices he’d brought to the surface of my pussy actually dripped down to the bed below me.

He massaged my ass cheeks, spreading them apart with each squeeze of my flesh.
Just that alone could have sent me close to the edge, but I knew there was no way he was stopping there.
His aggressive attitude and absolute confidence would never be satisfied with a little tease and a massage.
I moaned with pleasure.

One of his hands left my rear end, and I felt his cock head, cool from being exposed to the air, come to my folds again, moving around, wetting itself and warming up once more.
He used one hand to guide it to me while the other alternated between lightly slapping my rear and squeezing it sensually, his fingers getting so close to my folds it was maddening.
I wanted him everywhere at once, and I also didn’t want him to stop what he was doing.
I wished for two of him to be here with me.

I thought he was just going to give me the tip again, tease me, but he unexpectedly slid his cock in all the way, giving me the longest, smoothest stroke I’d ever gotten in my entire life.
I cried out with the fullness it brought, the feeling of submission I was enduring, loving every minute of it.
My hands grasped the sheets on either side of me, my arms stretching out as far as they’d go.
I was reveling in it all, surrendering fully, and not giving a single thought to the aftermath.

He pulled out ever-so slowly, pausing just at the moment I expected him to disengage.
And then his thumb was on my back door again, just sliding in slippery wetness over its edges, as he once again moved his cock inside my pussy, every vein of its surface bumping along the edge of my hole.

The sensation of having my two entrances massaged at the same time was mind-blowing.
Sounds began coming out of my mouth that were more animal than human, and my lower back ached with the stress I was placing on it, arching as hard as I could, pulsing back against him, begging him silently,
Go in, go in, fuck me, fuck me harder!

He picked up his pace, stroking me long and deep, hitting into me hard enough as he came against me to make his balls swing up and hit my mound.
It was just enough to tap my clit and make me want to scream with unmet desire.
I wanted him to put his finger in my rear while he pounded my other hole, and was ready to beg him to do it when he read my mind.

It was too much.
His thumb going inside me with just its tip and his huge cock filling me and stretching me while it massaged me inside, made my brain short circuit and my body lose control.
I screamed with the passion, like a wild animal, bucking against him with everything I had so I could take more and more and more of him.
I knew then why some girls would have sex with two guys at the same time.
Two cocks.
One for the front, one for the back.
Oh my god.

I was completely unprepared for his next move.
His dick slid out of my pussy and entered my rear, as he swung his hand under me and pressed it against my clit.
I shrieked with the instant orgasm that rocked my body.
Surprise and rage and love and every emotion I was capable at having swirled around inside of me, all at the same time.
I’d never expected to like something like this.
Never in a million years.

He slammed into my ass, stroking several times until he blasted his cum into me,
yelling loud enough to make my ears ring.
In the small recesses of my mind I was thinking this should be hurting, but all I wanted was more.
I was almost angry when he quickly pulled out and wiped himself off on the sheet.
But that thought was shoved out of my mind immediately when he finished rocking his orgasm off back in my pussy.

I pulsed back against him over and over, slamming my sensitive parts into his pelvis, taking anything he was willing to give me, dizzy, disoriented, aching in strange places, and floating on some weird cloud of wild ecstasy.
The second round of orgasm pulsations took me to another level altogether.
He’d lost his load but remained hard somehow.
I had no time to contemplate this miracle as I rode his fingers and his rod to a place I’d never been and never wanted to leave.
Until it was just too much.

Breathlessly, I begged for it to end.
“Please … Alex … no more …”
His fingers were causing me to spasm now, almost uncomfortably, my clit was so sensitive.
I felt like I was going to wet the bed, I was so out of control.
He could have sent me into another orgasm so easily, but I couldn’t take it.
I needed to stop, to breathe, to die.
I’d never felt so wild, so wanton, so violated in a good way as I did right then.
It had to stop for no other reason than to help me remain sane.

He pulled his hand away and laid his body heavily on top of mine, forcing me flat to the mattress.
I could hear his ragged breathing in my ear and smell the musky sex that enveloped us like a cloud.

“Did you like that?” he whispered, slowly withdrawing his softening member from inside me.

“Like what?” I asked, needing to hear him say it.

“When I fucked you in the ass?”

“Maybe a little,” I admitted, trying to ignore the heat that rose to my cheeks.
I could feel an ache settling in back there, that told me I was probably going to regret my reckless abandon.

He leaned to the side and slapped my right ass cheek gently.
He climbed back onto me, pushing his weight down and causing me to sink into the mattress.
“You loved it,” he growled playfully, nipping the edge of my ear and grinding his soft member into my rear.

“Don’t do it again,” I whispered, the passion fading into embarrassment.

He licked me where he’d just used his teeth, sending shivers over my body.
“I’ll only do it if you beg me,” he whispered.
“It’s not something I do often.”

I smiled at his cockiness at first and the idea that he wasn’t a regular booty pirate, but felt my smile fading fast.
I totally passed out and then got butt-fucked!
Employee of the year award winner!
Tears pricked my eyes as I thought about how I’d already blown the best job I’d never had.
There was no way he was going to want me to run his campaign now.

“Hey,” he said, sounding confused, abandoning the tickling of my ear and neck.
“What’s wrong?”

I sniffed, trying to battle the sobs that were rising up to ruin our morning.
I’m just … I need a shower.”
I tried to leverage myself up to push him off, but he wasn’t to be dissuaded.

He fell to the side and took me with him, forcing me into a spoon-cuddle.
“Tell me why you just went from very happy to sad in two seconds flat.”

I refused to be drawn into an emotional moment with him.
This is just sex!
Don’t complicate things!
Be cool!
Maybe you can still keep the job!
He’s never going to care about you like you want him to, so just move on!

He backed away and pulled on me more, until I was looking up at him.
His frown didn’t look mad; it just looked … concerned.

We just had mind-blowing sex … earth-shattering sex … and now you look like you want to run out of here and never come back.”

I grimaced.
“You’re a mind reader too, eh?”


In addition to being some kind of porn star guy.”

He barked out a laugh so loud and unexpected it made my heart skip a beat.
When he looked back at me, his eyes were shining with what looked suspiciously like happiness.
“Did you just call me a porn-star guy?”

I nodded.

“Does this mean I have to grow one of those awful mustaches?”

“Please don’t,” I said, trying not to smile.
“I’m pretty sure you’ll lose more voters with one of those.”

“Thank God,” he said, leaning down and kissing me tenderly on the nose.
“I look terrible with facial hair.”

I reached up without thinking and stroked the dark shadow growing in on his chin.
“I don’t think so.
I think you look very handsome with it.”

He reached up and took my hand in his, kissing my fingertips very gently.
“You do?” he asked softly.

Tears gathered in my eyes again, and I had to swallow hard to make them and the sobs that wanted to burst out go away.
He was being so sweet and patient with me, and it was such a complete about-face from the hardcore politician businessman I’d first met at the party, it was freaking me out.

“Why so sad, beautiful girl?”

The tears spilled over and my face spasmed with my repressed emotional pain.
“Don’t call me that.
Not like that!”

Beautiful girl?
Like how?
And why not?”

“Because!” I nearly yelled.
“We both know this is going nowhere, and it’s all going to end in crap, so just stop, okay?!”
I was shrieking by the time I got to the end of my thought.
Why is he being so damn nice when he’s just going to dump me later, dammit?!

He raised his eyebrows at me for a few seconds, just watching me.

“Stop looking at me like that,” I demanded, reaching up with a semi-trapped hand to wipe my face.
“I know I’m a freak.
You shouldn’t stare at freaks.
It’s impolite.”

“I’m staring at you because you confuse me, not because you’re a freak.
But I think I understand what’s going on here.”

“You do?
Well, that’s great.
Could you clue me in, then?
Because I have no idea what my problem is.”
Not really, anyway.
Other than the fact that I’ve messed up whatever this is by being a naive ho-bag.
Once again.

“The problem is that you can’t stand the thought of being away from me, now that you’ve realized I’m the best sex you’ve ever had.
So I have an easy solution.”
He rolled off of me and stood next to the side of the bed.

I looked at him, waiting for the inevitable.
The sorry-but-you-have-to-go-because-you’re-getting-too-attached speech.

“You’ll just have to move in with me.
Then you can have it every day and every night.
You won’t have to pine away for me in that little apartment of yours, wondering when you’re going to see me again.”
His smile lit up his face, the room, and my heart.

BOOK: Red Hot Rose Boxed Set
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