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Authors: Donna MacMeans

Redeeming the Rogue

BOOK: Redeeming the Rogue
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Table of Contents
The Seduction of a Duke
“Wonderfully wicked and deliciously sensual,
The Seduction of a Duke
is so hot, just turning the pages may scorch your fingers . . . Donna MacMeans is building a reputation for combining humor in her deliciously wicked historical romances.”

Romance Junkies
“[MacMeans] knows how to make the pages sizzle and play on readers’ fantasies while incorporating intrigue and a solid story into her delectable novels.”

Romantic Times
“Donna MacMeans writes with intelligence and panache. Her books will keep you turning the pages late into the night, with characters that are captivating and plots that are solid and engrossing. I truly love a well-written historical romance, and her books are among the very best. In
The Seduction of a Duke
you’ll find devious villains, believable conflict, and a depth of emotion that will surely make Donna MacMeans an author for your ‘must-have’ list. Don’t miss this one.”

TwoLips Reviews
“A wonderful Victorian romance starring two likable protagonists who fall in love while she applies the courtesan’s diary to their relationship. The story line contains droll double entendres, a staple of Donna MacMeans. With a strong support cast and plenty of wit, subgenre readers will enjoy this intelligent, amusing historical.”

Genre Go Round Reviews
The Trouble with Moonlight
Winner of the
Romantic Times
2008 Reviewers’ Choice Award for Historical Love & Laughter
“MacMeans’s second novel is ingenious, humorous, and intoxicating. Cleverly blending the paranormal with the sensual and suspense with a passionate love story, she fulfills readers’ fantasies.”

Romantic Times
(4½ stars, Top Pick)
“A wonderful historical with a unique paranormal spin on the heroine’s abilities . . .
The Trouble with Moonlight
grabs the reader from the onset and takes her on an unforgettable ride. The real treat for the reader is Ms. MacMeans’s style of writing—smooth, descriptive, and entertaining.”

Affaire de Coeur
(5 stars)
“Take the lively, engaging writing style of Donna MacMeans and combine it with a fresh paranormal twist in a popular historical setting and you’ve got a surefire winner. The characters in
The Trouble with Moonlight
are brought to life by this immensely talented author . . . With enough twists and turns to keep readers turning pages late into the night,
The Trouble with Moonlight
will undoubtedly find its way into hearts and keeper shelves. Definitely recommended.”

TwoLips Reviews
“This is a fun Victorian romance with a touch of fantasy starring a fascinating heroine and a bewitched roguish espionage agent . . . A terrific historical.”

Genre Go Round Reviews
“A titillating, intriguing historical romance. Readers will be spellbound by this unique story . . . Containing humorous dialogue, mystical and interesting characters, and a mysterious plot, this is a great escape novel.”

Romance Junkies
The Education of Mrs. Brimley
“Be ready to laugh and cry. I can’t wait for other books from this author.”
—Karen Harper,
New York Times
bestselling author
“MacMeans writes with grace and wit.”

“A scintillating take on the classic lessons-in-love theme. Her witty dialogue, sexy hero, and delightfully intelligent heroine—who understands the value of a well-rounded education—are sure to garner her a wide readership.”
—Romantic Times
“Oh, what a joy to read! Truly humorous . . . Wonderful writing.”

The Romance Readers Connection
“Both original and charming, the book is a sensual indulgence that reveals a promising new talent in the genre.”

A Romance Review
“A fun and fascinating tale that readers are sure to enjoy . . . Emma and her sensual teacher Nicholas . . . will charm readers with their wit and bring up the temperature with their hot encounters.”

Historical Romance Writers
“Victorian romance fans will enjoy this fun frolic starring two likable protagonists who fall in love while he trains her in the art of love. The droll double entendres make for an intelligent, amusing historical as the student teaches the teacher as much as he does her.”

Genre Go Round Reviews
“A terrific first novel . . . The witty dialogue, steamy situations, and appealing characters combined to form a delightful book.”

Romance Junkies
Berkley Sensation Books by Donna MacMeans
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I don’t think it would be possible to write a novel without the collaboration of many generous and talented individuals. I’d like to take a moment to thank them here.
Thank you to my editor, Cindy Hwang, who suggested the original concept go in a different direction. Thank you to my agent, Cori Deyoe, for her unfailing support. My husband says everyone should have someone like her in their life. I think he’s right.
While I wish to thank the Romance Bandits for their constant support and friendship, I’d like to single out Jeanne Adams, Nancy Northcott, and Cassondra Murray for brainstorming plots with me amid copious wine and chocolate. My thanks as well to wordsmith Jo Robertson, who helped me over some early hurdles, and to my fabulous historical writer–sisters in the MR-Debut loop who kept me pushing forward.
Thank you to my daughter, Jessica, for giving me the nonfiction book that inspired this story, and thanks as well to my son, David, whose enthusiastic support for his crazed mother brought new readers to my stories.
And as always, thanks to my husband for being there through these many, many years.
LOVE SHIMMERED AS BRIGHT AS A BEACON AS HER brother, the Duke of Bedford, exchanged vows with his new American heiress wife. Arianne’s heart lifted. Both of her brothers had found devoted wives who made them happy. She almost laughed. Some might say her work here was done.
“Arianne,” her brother Nicholas called before she could leave the Deerfield Abbey chapel. “William and I need to speak to you before you leave for some distant country.”
She smiled, her penchant for travel well known but perhaps not as well understood. While she had lived at Deerfield Abbey in her childhood, she never considered it home. William’s recent renovations to the abbey failed to rid it of painful memories. Indeed, it was her intention to go to Vienna immediately after her brief stay at the abbey.
BOOK: Redeeming the Rogue
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