Rediscovering Peace (Military Love Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Rediscovering Peace (Military Love Book 1)
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Suddenly he reached out and wiped something off the side of my mouth with his thumb. Again with the electric surge through my body when he touched me. Our eyes locked and my breath hitched. I could see the longing in his eyes and I almost willed him to kiss me. His face came closer to mine and his lips brushed over mine slightly. I closed my eyes and was about to let it happen when he pulled back.

“Sorry, you had powdered sugar on your face. Should we head back?”

What the fuck just happened? I almost kissed a guy who was married. Yes, he wasn’t happy but that didn’t change the fact that he was indeed married. Shit. I needed to get myself together or this would end badly.

We got in the truck and drove to my apartment in awkward silence.

“Well, that was fun. Thank you,” I said and turned to open my door when he reached for my arm.

“Faith, wait!”

“What?” I snapped. I wasn’t going to lie – it hurt when he pulled back. I knew it was for the better but I had really wanted to kiss him. I sounded like a child that had gotten his lollipop taken away.

“I am sorry, Faith. I shouldn’t have almost kissed you. I am married and I really don’t want to put you in that predicament. I wish I wasn’t married because trust me, I would fight with every ounce of my being to make you mine. I can see the walls you’re building around yourself and I want nothing more than to break them down and show you that you’re worth loving. But I can’t. I wish I could ask you to wait for me, except I know I have no right to.”

“You don’t have to be sorry. I know you’re married and we shouldn’t have even let it get that far. And there’s no fighting for me, I don’t do relationships. I have fuck buddies. That’s it.”

I saw the shock on his face turn into anger. What was he angry about?

“Goodnight, Seth.”

I was almost at my door when he grabbed my arm and turned me around. I looked down to the floor.

“Look at me, Faith.”

I looked at him.

“You deserve more than just being somebody’s fuck buddy. I don’t know you well but I can already tell that you are beautiful inside and out. You deserve to be worshiped and loved. Any guy would be lucky to have you.”

Tears welled up in my eyes at his words. How was it possible for him to get to me like this? I shouldn’t let him see me like this. His hands came up to wipe my tears away.

“Don’t cry, baby. A beautiful girl like you shouldn’t cry,” he said and lowered his lips to mine. This time he didn’t pull back and I didn’t have the strength to fight him. I wanted him to kiss me. I opened my mouth and allowed him entrance. Our tongues tangled in a slow kiss and quickly grew wild. I could feel the moisture between my legs and I knew I was going to regret what I was about to do, but I couldn’t help it. I needed to be close to him. I broke away from the kiss and fidgeted with the door lock until he reached for my keys and opened the door for me. I grabbed his hand and pulled him in behind me.

Fortunately, everyone was either asleep or not home. I pulled him to my room and locked my door behind us. I saw the lust in his eyes and knew he wanted me just as much as I wanted him. I would think about the consequences later, for now I needed to feel him inside me.

I walked up to him and kissed him. He picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around him while I ran my hands through his hair. He walked us to my bed and sat down with me straddling him.

“Are you sure, Faith? I don’t want you to do something you will regret.”

“Shut up and take my clothes off. I want this, Seth. I have wanted this from the minute I laid eyes on you. For tonight I will pretend you’re not married and that there’s a chance that we will find our way back to each other at one point in the future.”

He nodded and started unbuttoning my blouse. When he reached the last button he slid it off my arms and reached around to unclasp my red lace bra. Thank heavens I decided to wear sexy underwear. I saw my bra flying across the room. He lowered his head to my breast and sucked one of my nipples into his hot mouth. I arched my back at the feeling of him licking and sucking me. I could come on the spot I was so turned on. I reached down and pulled his shirt over his head and finally got to admire the huge phoenix that covered his chest and ran halfway down his arm. It was impressive and beautiful. And oh my God his body. I had never seen a guy with an eight pack but there it was sitting right there in front of me. I couldn’t wait to lick every single muscle and abs of his. He was so damn sexy. I stood up and slowly slid my skirt down my body till I was standing in front of him with only my red thong on.

He looked my body up and down and I saw the admiration in his eyes.

“You’re stunning, Faith. How did I get so lucky to end up with you here tonight?”

I put my finger on his mouth. “No more talking. I need to feel you inside of me.”

He stood up and took his pants off and if the bulge in his boxers was any indication – he was packing. I swallowed when he pulled off his boxers too and I was greeted with his impressive length. He was already hard for me. I couldn’t wait to find out what he felt like. I crawled onto my bed and waved him over to join me. He followed suit hovering over me. He kept his weight off me tenderly kissing my neck and down my body. He kissed, licked and sucked every inch of my body and when I thought I couldn’t take much more I felt his breath at my entrance.

“I hope you’re not too fond of these,” he said as he tugged on my thong and ripped them off me. Hot. As. Hell. I was quickly distracted when his mouth brushed over my clit. He dipped his tongue in and out of me and my orgasm built up quickly.

“I can feel you are close.” Looking up at me, he pushed two fingers in my wet opening and that was when I lost it. I cried out his name as wave after wave rolls through me. It takes me a few seconds to catch my breath. That was the most intense orgasm I have ever had. Hot damn.

I heard the tearing of a foil package and saw Seth rolling on a condom. Positioning himself at my entrance he continued to tease me. I was about ready to beg him to fuck me when he slowly entered me.

I gasped at the feel of him. He was huge but it felt so good. My eyes were on him as he slowly pulled out and pushed back in. Watching me I felt like he could look straight into my soul. I didn’t ever want this moment to end. He picked up his pace and soon I forgot everything around me and got lost in everything that was Seth. Sex had always been just sex. But this, it was something more. I couldn’t put my finger on it. I felt the familiar build up and knew I was close.

“God, you feel so good, Faith. I can feel you clenching around me. I won’t able to hold it back much longer. Come for me, sweetheart.”

I fell apart at his words, and he cried out my name as he came too. I felt him shuddering above me and I couldn’t help but smile. Rolling of me he walked to the bathroom to dispense of the condom. After he returned to the bedroom, he crawled back in bed with me and I curled up on his chest. I fell asleep in his arms. For the first time in my life, I felt like I was home. I was safe.

When I woke up the next morning I reached next to me to find the bed empty. I jumped out of bed throwing on my robe. I looked everywhere but he was gone. Of course he was. He only wanted a quick fuck.

I couldn’t believe I fell for it. For the remainder of the day I locked myself in my room and vowed to myself that I would never allow these kinds of feelings to surface again. Men are assholes. And I would be damned if I ever fell in love.

Chapter 10


Braden and I were back together and I couldn’t have been happier. I know I had been a bitch to him, and I really didn’t know how I deserved to have him back in my life. But I wouldn’t question it. He was so understandable in my grief about Oliver’s death and I was grateful for that. The last couple of weeks definitely hadn’t been easy on both of us yet he stuck by my side when other guys would’ve run. I guess in this relationship I was the one always running. I didn’t know why I kept pushing Braden away. I knew now, in my heart, that I was done running. Braden and I belonged together. As much as I tried to fight it in the beginning I knew he was my forever. I couldn’t wait to see what the future held for us

I was at work when I got a text from Faith asking me to meet her for lunch. I hadn’t really seen her around much so of course I agreed. I really wanted to know what was going on with her. She was distancing herself from me, and I was scared she would fall back into old habits. Even Caige was noticing it and he was usually pretty dense when it came to these things. He was a guy, after all. I was starting to think it had something to do with Seth. Braden had told me the night before that Seth was constantly lost in thought and not paying attention to anything around him. I really hoped my gut feeling was wrong and it was something else that bothered her. I had seen the looks the two of them exchanged at the bar. It was the same way Braden and I looked at each other. Unfortunately though, Seth was married. I didn’t care that he wasn’t happy. I didn’t support cheating especially after being on the receiving end of it. His wife may be a bitch, but I wouldn’t wish that heartbreak on my worst enemy.

Lunch time came and I walked to the deli around the corner where I was meeting Faith. It was a beautiful summer day so I chose to sit outside and wait for her. After about five minutes, I saw her car pull up. She got out and walked towards me. She was wearing a black pant suit and her hair was falling off her shoulders in beautiful curls. If I batted for the other team I would definitely fall for Faith. She would never admit it but I knew how insecure she was and after what she had gone through in her past I couldn’t say I blamed her. My heart broke for her every time I thought about the day she finally opened up to me. She had looked so broken, and I hoped to God I would never see her like that. She deserved happiness and I knew she would find it eventually. She just needed to learn to open her heart to the possibility.

“Hey, girlfriend. How are you?” She greets me while sitting down in the chair across from me.

“I am great. Just super busy with this damn vodka campaign. How about you? I thought things slowed down at work and I would get to see you more now?” I asked her.

“Yeah they are slow. But I’ve been spending a lot of time with Jordan.”

Wait Jordan? This wasn’t what I had expected. I knew he was her “fuck buddy” as she likes to call him but she never spent that much time with him before. She must have seen the questioning look on my face because she starts laughing.

“I can see the wheels turning in your head. Well... The other night I went to Jordan to, you know, release some steam. He sat me down and told me he couldn’t just be my fuck buddy anymore. He said he was feeling more for me. I was dumbfounded and didn’t know what to say. But then I thought about it and thought I’d give it a shot. Jordan’s a nice guy and he’s amazing in bed.”

“So you’re telling me you and Jordan are a thing now? Like Faith has a boyfriend??”

The smile she flashed at me didn’t quite reach her eyes. There was something she wasn’t telling me. I had always been able to tell when Faith was keeping secrets from me. I knew she hated it, but at the same time, that was what had made her open up to me in the first place.

“Yes. Yes, I have a boyfriend. Weird, right? He’s coming over for dinner tonight and I would love for all of you to meet him.”

“Of course. But Faith, tell me one thing. Are you happy?”

I see her face drop and I know then that she’s anything but.

I am happy. Jordan’s a good guy and that’s exactly what I need.”

She wasn’t telling the truth but pushing her for answers wouldn’t bring me anywhere either. I had to let her come to me when she was ready. Faith wouldn’t let anyone pressure her into talking ever, it had always been on her terms and I could handle that. I would be there when she decided to come to me. For now I would let her keep up the façade.

We said our goodbyes when it was time to head back to the office and I was curious to see how she would act around Jordan. As long as I had known her she never dated anyone. I understood her reasoning and I really hoped this is what she wanted.

BOOK: Rediscovering Peace (Military Love Book 1)
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