Rewriting Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC #1) (22 page)

BOOK: Rewriting Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC #1)
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He stands up and begins to laugh, but cuts it off abruptly.

Reaching down, he tears off my bra, then reaches for my panties. Once I’m completely naked, he leers at me. “You’re going to take great pleasure in me shoving my dick so far up that pussy of yours that it will come out of your mouth. And you know why you’re going to do that? Because you’re nothing but a fucking whore.” He ends his rant by spitting in my face like I did that night I left him on the floor of the bar.

He reaches down and starts to unbuckle his pants. I don’t turn away or shed another tear. If this is going to happen, I won’t give him the thrill of hearing me cry or scream. And when it’s all done, I’ll pick myself up again and make him pay.

Suddenly, the door flies open and Zane is standing in the doorway. He came for me. Even after everything I’ve put him through, he still came. I’m so happy I can’t help the grin that takes over my face.

It takes only seconds for Zane to have the bar guy on the floor. He stands over him with a gun, ready to kill for me.

“Wait,” I say. Zane must see the pleading in my eyes, because he puts his gun away. He ties the guy’s hands and feet with zip ties.
Where did he get those?
Then he comes over to me to make sure I’m okay.

Untying me, he runs his hands over every inch of my skin. “Are you hurt, Baby Girl?”

I reach up and take his face in my hands. “I’m fine, Zane. Thanks to you.” I lean in and give him a kiss. I catch a brief look of surprise before he clears his face of all emotion. I know that is his way of putting everything aside so he can get the job done.

“Here, put this on.” He takes his shirt off, and hands it to me. Thank God, because I don’t want to have to kill this guy while I'm naked. He doesn’t deserve a show before going to hell.

Once I have his shirt on, I walk up to Zane, who is standing in front of the bar guy. If looks could kill, the guy would already be dead, but luckily for me they don’t, because I want to be the one to make him pay.

I reach for Zane’s gun, but his hand stops me. I don’t argue or even pull my hand back, I only look into his eyes and let him see how much I need this. Zane finally releases my hand and allows me to take the gun.

Not sparing any time to think about what I’m going to do, I turn toward the sick fuck cowering on the floor. I aim at his left leg and shoot without hesitation. He screams, and it is music to my ears.

I move to the other leg and shoot. Then I point the gun at his dick. I let him think about where I’m going to shoot him next and it doesn’t take him long before he’s a blubbering mess, begging me to let him go. But I do to him as was done to me—once by the college guy four years ago and now with this guy—I don’t have mercy for him. I shoot, then turn around to head out the door. “Let him bleed out.”

Zane doesn’t argue. He closes the door and makes sure the guy can’t get away. We must be somewhere secluded, but he still doesn’t take any chances.

He makes a call to have someone come clean up the mess and walks over to me, taking my hand. With a soft kiss to my lips, he pulls me toward his bike. “Let’s get you home, Baby Girl.”









Chapter 23



When I walk into my house, I’m still wearing nothing but Zane’s shirt. It was a little awkward riding on his bike with no panties or pants, but I managed.

I strip and head right into the bathroom. I need to wash this day off my skin so I can be done with it all.

I try not to think of the events from the last couple of hours, but when I’m under the spray, memories from years ago, mixed in with what happened tonight, hit me with full force. First the guy from the bar walking in and running his hands over my body, then Nick from years ago holding me down and forcing himself inside me. Then it goes back to the bar guy calling me a whore, then to Nick saying that I wanted what he did to me—that I asked for what he did. That I liked it.

My head starts to spin from all the memories. I drop to the floor of the shower, pull my knees up to my chest, and start rocking back and forth. I need to get these thoughts out of my head, build up my walls again so I don’t have to relive those moments. I feel weak right now and I can’t let that happen—I’ve worked too hard to get to where I am. Weak girls get hurt because they can’t handle what destiny throws at them. I need to be strong, powerful, and unbreakable. Destiny can kiss my ass—I’m taking over, writing my own story.

Suddenly the shower curtain is pushed aside and before I can even blink, Zane is sitting behind me, holding me close to him. He didn't take his clothes off before getting in with me, but he either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care. “Shh, it’s okay, Baby Girl. I got you. I’m here. I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.”

And I break; I can’t hold on any longer. Tears from years of being too strong and hurting release and mix with the water of the shower.

“Let it out, I’m right here. I’ll never leave you again, Baby Girl. I love you.”

I don’t know how long we stay like that—him holding me while I cry years’ worth of tears—until he stands me up and tenderly washes my hair and body. There is nothing sexual about it; I’ve never had anyone take care of me this way.

We step out of the shower and he wordlessly rubs the towel over me, then carries me to my room, lays me on the bed, and pulls the covers over me. Then, he quickly takes off his wet clothes, dries himself off, and slides in beside me. We stare at each other, not saying anything, but speaking with our eyes. I’m telling him that I love him and showing him what it means that he was there for me when I needed him. He’s telling me that he’s here to stay, that he loves me and will do anything to protect me. I think this is the most important conversation in my life, and there are no words spoken.

Leaning over, he kisses me softly, barely brushing his lips against mine. Before long, I deepen the kiss, which has him rolling us over so that he is cradled between my legs. Without breaking the connection our lips share, he enters me slowly. He’s now
me how he feels by making sweet, slow love to me.

Arching into him, I break the kiss, tipping my head back on a moan. It feels so good to have him inside me again, like he was made for me. Speeding up only slightly, he kisses down my neck to my breasts. I can feel my orgasm coming up fast and there is nothing I can do to slow it down. “Oh fuck, Zane, I’m gonna come,” I groan.

Releasing my nipple, he kisses his way back up to my lips. He looks into my eyes while he continues thrusting in and out of my pussy, bringing me right to the edge. “I love you, Baby Girl…forever,” he whispers, and that’s all it takes to make me fall over the edge and scream out his name.

Zane silences my screams with his mouth, moving faster, and comes inside me after a few more thrusts. Feeling his hot come hitting my cervix causes another mini-orgasm to tear through me. With my pussy milking his cock from the aftershocks of my orgasm, he moans into my mouth.

He pulls out of me, walks into the bathroom, and returns with a warm wash cloth. After cleaning me up gently, he tosses it to the floor and slides back under the covers. Rolling us over so my back is to his front, he strokes my arm and holds me tight against him.

I don’t know how long we lay like this, not talking, but as I’m almost asleep, Zane whispers, “Will you tell me about what happened to you four years ago?”

His question surprises me and has me quiet for so long he reaches up to my shoulder and turns me to face him.

Staring into his eyes, I know this is something we need to talk about; it’s something he needs to know. Hopefully after I tell him, we can both move on and together we can help each other heal. “After I left that party you took me to, I drove to the dorm and tried to get ahold of you. I was so scared and didn’t know what to do. I don’t want to go into detail about what he did, but let’s just say that he hurt me in more ways than one. I think the things he said afterwards were the worst part of it all.” I look away, thinking back to that night.

Zane waits patiently until I’m ready to continue, knowing that this is something he can’t push me on. “When he was done and I curled up into a ball crying, he stood over me and told me that I wanted it, that I had asked for it.” Zane growls, but I don’t stop. “I knew he was wrong and that what happened was something that he did to me, not that I was ‘asking’ for it. But after I got your message, I was hurt and all alone, and before I knew it, I was back at my grandmother's house. When I got there, I went right to her room and lay on her bed with her picture. I think I just wanted to be close to someone who would understand. But I got no answers, only pain. I don’t know what I thought I would get, I mean, I knew she was gone, but I don’t know—I had to be there, I guess.”

I roll over onto my back, needing a little distance before I can continue.

“After laying there for a couple of hours, I knew I couldn’t stay there. The only way for me to get past everything was to leave. I had no one, but I was angry, and determined that I would make it without anyone, especially you. But the most important thing of all—I wasn’t going to let what happened to me dictate how I lived. So I packed up what little I couldn’t leave behind and I drove.” I take a deep breath before continuing. The hard part was pretty much over now I had to tell him the rest.

“I didn’t even know where I was going, I just kept driving until I couldn’t drive anymore. I wound up here and figured this was a good as spot as any to start my life over. I found Sinners Ink and met Mack and Louie, rented the apartment and started working for them. I stopped using the name Danielle and only answered to Dani because I didn’t want anything to do with that weak girl who lost everything and everyone that ever mattered to her.”

Zane tries to speak, but I know what he is going to say, so I stop him. “I know that I didn’t have anything to do with most of the people leaving me and what happened to me that night, but that’s how I felt. My mother died, my father left me because he didn’t want me. Zeke died, then Gram, and then I felt like I was a burden to you too, and that’s why you said what you did that night and ultimately, I lost you. So yeah, I didn’t want to be weak…I couldn’t.”

Turning back over so I can look at him again, I continue. “That’s how I got on with my life—I built walls. I made myself into a person who did everything herself and only depended on certain people, and even then, not to a point where I wouldn’t be able to go on if they left me too—because I thought eventually they would; everyone else had,” I say quietly.

“I started training with Toby, thinking that if I were stronger, I would be able to protect myself from bad things happening. I worked hard and lived my life the way I wanted. Everything I have today isn’t because of luck or something that ‘destiny’ threw my way. I worked hard for what I have—through blood, sweat, tears, and changing myself. I have what I have because of what I did back then, and what I continue to do now.” I say this with pride, happy with the way I turned out.

“It’s who I am, Zane. It may not have been the right thing, but it’s what I had to do at that time to get past what happened. I hope that you can still love me for who I am now and not who I was, because that girl is gone and I don’t think I can, or even want to get her back.”

I close my eyes, letting him digest everything I’ve said. I know I need to tell him how I feel about him, but I’m too vulnerable right now. I will tell him, but I need to get back to my center first. Everything is still too raw.

After what feels like hours, he takes me in his arms, waiting until I open my eyes and look at him. “Baby Girl, I love you for who you were when we were growing up, how you overcame the trials life put in your way, and who you are today. There is nothing that you could have done or could do now that will ever change the way I feel for you. You are it for me—you’re my Baby Girl. You’re mine and always will be.” Without letting me say anything, he presses his lips to mine in a hard, passionate kiss. It’s exactly what I needed in this moment.

Feeling like I need to get a little control back, I take the kiss to the next level. I push against his shoulders to make him lie back on the bed so I can straddle him. I want to show him how I feel and how much I love that he loves me and takes me for who I am.

I don’t give him any time to think before I’m sinking down onto his hard cock.
Fuck, I love the way he feels inside me.

“Oh fuck, Baby Girl. So fucking tight and wet for me.” He groans as he grabs my hips to take control, but I don’t let him. Grabbing his hands, I pull them over his head and hold them there. Of course I know that if he didn’t really want me to, I wouldn’t be able to, but it makes me feel strong to feel I have the upper hand.

“Do you like that, Zane?” I ask, swiveling my hips around his cock. He closes his eyes and growls, which has me laughing quietly for torturing him. But it’s such sweet torture, and if his moans and groans are anything to go by, he is loving every second of it.

When he opens his eyes, I can see that he is close to losing it, so I don’t have long with him like this. Lifting myself up so only the tip of his cock is inside me, I stop and look into his eyes. I hold his gaze and then slam myself down on him as hard as I can. The power behind it and the pleasure it brings has us both gasping through a moan.

Without giving him time to recover, I lift up again and hold once more. When his eyes lock with mine, I repeat the action of slamming myself onto his cock. The grip I have on his hands is getting harder to hold since he is starting to fight me, but I slide back up once more and thrust myself onto his cock.

He rips his hands away and places them on my hips. He doesn’t make a move to control my movements, but lets me know that he is done with the teasing. But I’m not. Not quite yet. There is one more thing I want to do before I give complete control over to him.

Rising up, I slowly slide down until he is completely buried inside me. I swivel my hips once before pushing myself up one more time. I wait until he is looking at me and finally I say the words I’ve wanted to say for so long. “I love you, Zane.”

Hearing me finally say I love him must take the last thread of self-control he has, because he grabs my hips and flips me over so I’m on my back looking up at him.

He pounds into me relentlessly and I feel my orgasm rise. “I. Fucking. Love. You. Baby. Girl,” he all but growls with each thrust, and I can’t take it anymore. “Come with me, now!” he shouts as I release, coming all over his cock. My orgasm sets him off and I can feel him come inside me.

Thrusting once more before holding himself still, he looks down at me and kisses my lips tenderly. “I love you,” he whispers again.

Rolling us over so he’s still inside me, but I’m lying on his chest, he strokes my back while we catch our breath. Before I fall asleep, I hear him say, “You’re mine, Baby Girl. Forever.”




The next morning, Zane and I take a shower and head to the clubhouse. I know Mack will be worried about what happened yesterday so I want to show him I’m okay. That man has really become a father to me. He is always looking out for me, protecting me, helping me stand on my own two feet, but will also carry me if I admit I can’t do it alone. I really do love him and no matter what our blood says, he will always be my dad.

Before I’ve even taken two steps through the door, I have brothers coming up to ask me what happened.

“Dani, you okay, girl?”

“Princess, you scared us!”

Everyone is speaking at once, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. I smile at them all and hold up my hands to quiet them down. “I’m good guys, I’m good.”

I look up to see Zane watching me. I give him a big smile and turn to the brothers once more. “The sick fuck won’t be bothering me or anyone else ever again.” I catch Toby's eye, and he gives me a look of pride. Damn right that fucker should be proud; he taught me everything I know.

With that, everyone cheers and they usher me to the bar. Prospect Tyler, I think his name is, walks over to us with a bottle of Jack and starts lining up shot glasses. Fuck, it’s like ten in the morning! But we are at a motorcycle clubhouse. I guess if they are awake, they are drinking.

Once all the shot glasses are filled and everyone has theirs, they raise them high in the air. “To Dani—Princess Sinner!” Tom Tom yells. After downing the shots, most of the brothers head back to where they were when we arrived. Only a few stay with us.

BOOK: Rewriting Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC #1)
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