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Authors: Ryan Field

Ricky's Business (21 page)

BOOK: Ricky's Business
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legs were spread wide and Ricky was sitting between them, leaning against Chad’s chest and


playing with the fuzzy hair on his thighs. “What are you talking about?” He was touching Chad


very gently, hoping to arouse him again without being too obvious. Rocco had gone out for a run


and they were all alone in the apartment.


Chad reached down to adjust his dick so it would point up instead of sideways. “I said


that if we get our friends together for just one night, we could make a fortune. I know what I’m


talking about.”


Ricky ran his fingertips up and down Chad’s leg and thought for a moment. “I don’t want


to get into any more trouble than I’m already in,” he said. “I’ve already done enough damage.


What you want to do is illegal.” He felt Chad’s erection pulsing against his back.


“We could make enough money in one night to cover the repair costs to your father’s car


and no one will ever find out,” Chad said. His voice grew softer, the way it always did when he


was becoming seriously aroused.


Ricky stared at the way the muscles in Chad’s calves rounded. He was sitting too far back


to reach them, but he imagining how they would feel against his tongue. Chad was all man, and


Ricky wanted to taste every inch of him. “Are you serious about this?” Chad did have a point.


Ricky needed money for his father’s car. “Very serious,” Chad said. “We could organize it together. We can make a small fortune.


I’ve been watching how Carson does it for a while now. And I won’t treat the employees like he


treats them. I’ll give them all respect.”


“Do you know enough women?” Ricky thought this was an important question. Most of


his friends who would be potential clients were straight guys and they wouldn’t be interested in


men. They didn’t even know Ricky and Leyland were gay.


“I know plenty of
women who would be interested,” Chad said. “They’d be


thrilled to get out of the city for one night and work in a clean place like your house.”


My house
?” This made Ricky’s left eye twitch.


“We have to have a place big enough for an operation like this.”


Chad bent his leg at the knee and Ricky leaned forward to kiss it. Though he loved every


inch of Chad’s body, there was something about Chad’s strong masculine legs that made Ricky


go lightheaded. Even though they hadn’t stopped making love since he’d arrived, Ricky was


ready to fall down on his knees all over again. He licked Chad’s leg and ran his cheek alongside


his knee. He closed his eyes and made a humming sound under his breath that resembled a cat




Chad lifted his other leg and rested it on Ricky’s lap. He pressed his large foot between


Ricky’s legs, twisted it sideways, and said, “We can make a lot of money. And it’s only one




Ricky reached for Chad’s foot and massaged it with both hands. A minute after that, he


pushed Chad’s legs forward, rose to his knees, and turned on his stomach so he could face Chad.


He looked into Chad’s eyes with a serious expression, then reached between Chad’s legs and


pulled his dick and balls out of his boxer shorts at the same time. Chad’s head fell back on the arm of the leather sofa and he spread his legs wider. When


Ricky went down so he could suck him off, Chad grabbed the back of Ricky’s head and pushed


it up and down. When he pushed down, Ricky took him to the back of his throat without gagging


or showing any signs of discomfort. Ricky was amazed at how much he could take. When Chad


pulled Ricky’s head back, he stopped in just enough time that Ricky’s lips were still wrapped


about the head.


They knew Rocco could walk in on them at any minute, so Ricky sucked harder and


faster than normal this time. Without removing Chad’s cock from Ricky’s mouth, Chad sat up


and turned so he could rest against the back of the sofa in an upright position and place his feet


on the floor. Ricky moved with care, sucking the entire time, and wound up on the floor between


the glass coffee table and the sofa. In less than five minutes, Chad’s upper body bolted forward


and his face turned red. Then his legs opened wider and he grabbed the arm of the sofa. “Yeah,”


he said. “Fuck yeah. I’m close, Ricky.”


Ricky looked up and stopped sucking. His eyes opened wide and he nodded, giving Chad


permission to come in his mouth.


Chad caressed the top of his head and said, “Don’t stop. I’m almost there.”


When Chad climaxed this time, Ricky went all the way down on his dick. With his lips


against Chad’s dark pubic hair and Chad poking the back of his throat, Ricky placed his tongue


on the bottom of Chad’s shaft and sucked even harder. Ricky felt dangerous and naughty and


started jacking his own dick. The more Ricky let down his defenses and insecurities, the sloppier


he sucked and the more aroused he became. By the time Ricky climaxed, he was still sucking


with such ferocity he felt the orgasm in his tongue and the sides of his face. Ricky hated to let go. Half the fun for him was sucking on Chad’s dick until it went


flaccid inside his mouth and he knew he’d drained it dry. Chad didn’t complain. He just sat back,


sighed, and closed his eyes.


But they both forgot about Rocco, and when Rocco bolted through the door and walked


into the living room and caught Ricky on his knees with Chad’s dick in his mouth, he stopped in


his tracks and smiled. He grabbed his crotch and said, “I’m next, Ricky, baby.”


Ricky released Chad and lifted his head. He remained on his knees. He wouldn’t have


minded crawling across the room and sucking Rocco off, too. It was the least he could do for


letting him spend the night there.


But Chad jumped up from the sofa and put his dick back into his underwear. Then he


pointed to the bedroom door and said, “Go take your fucking shower, bud.” He clenched his fists


and squared his shoulders. “I’m serious. Get the fuck out of here.”


Rocco’s hands went up in surrender, and he laughed. “It’s cool. I was just joking.” Then


he headed off to the bedroom so he could take a shower and get dressed.


When Rocco was gone, Chad helped Ricky to his feet and put his arms around him. “I’m


sorry about that guy,” he said. “I’m sorry if he insulted you. He has no manners at all. He’s just a


big slob.”


Ricky rested his head on Chad’s chest and smiled. “Don’t get so mad,” he said. “I’m not


interested in anyone else but you.” It was the truth. He wouldn’t have minded sucking Rocco off


that morning. But if he’d had a choice between Chad and any other man, he would have chosen




“You mean that?” Chad asked. He slipped his hand down the olive boxer briefs Ricky


was still wearing and groped Ricky’s ass. Ricky nodded yes and arched his back so Chad could reach the bottom of his ass. Under


the circumstances, he was enjoying this way more than he should have been enjoying it. Not only


was he getting fucked by and sucking off the man of his dreams, but thatman of his dreams was


ready to stand up and fight for him. Oh, it couldn’t get any better than this.


Then Chad said, “It kills me to think about you with a guy like Rocco. He’s an idiot. I


know this sounds crazy, but I think I’m in love with you.”


Ricky blinked. Chad could be so dramatic sometimes.


“I can’t think about anyone but you.”


“I think I’m in love with you, too,” Ricky said. He wasn’t completely sure about it,


actually. But what else could he say?


* * * *


If anyone had mentioned to Ricky he’d be running a brothel in his parent’s home, he


would have laughed in their face. But after Ricky and Chad showered together and dressed, Chad


began making phone calls and arranging everything. Ricky stood there gaping at Chad,


fascinated by how he took control in such an organized way. The milquetoast high school teacher


in charge of Ricky’s entrepreneurial project never explained starting a business this way. He just


stood at a podium and read about what it was like to start a business, without any hands-on


experience, from a thick textbook through his cloudy wire-framed eyeglasses.


In less than fifteen minutes, Chad turned Rocco’s dining table into a makeshift desk.


Then he turned the living room into an office and delegated orders to both Ricky and Rocco. While Chad organized the layout of Ricky’s house, making sure there would be plenty of room


to set up this one-night operation, Ricky and Rocco made a list of everyone they knew.


Ricky called Leyland and explained everything in detail. Ricky told Leyland to go to his


house in case Chad’s friends arrived before they did. And Leyland was only too happy to help


out, knowing he’d receive a nice cut of the profits and another chance to spend time with Rocco.


By the time Chad, Ricky, and Rocco pulled into Ricky’s driveway, it was late afternoon


and there wasn’t much time to spare. They wanted to be there earlier. But after they finished


working in Rocco’s apartment, they had a few stops to make, which included a trip to the bank


where Ricky could cash a few more bonds so they could buy enough twin mattresses to


accommodate their clients. Ricky wasn’t sure about the mattresses. But he relented when Chad


promised him they’d throw the mattresses out the next day and return the entire house to normal.


When Ricky exited the van, there were men carrying mattresses up the front walk and


into the front door. Leyland was standing at the door, wearing a starched white dress shirt and a


huge smile. This sort of affair was right up Leyland’s alley. When he saw Chad, Ricky, and


Rocco following two guys carrying a mattress, he met them on the walk and said, “Things are


moving along very well.” Then he stared down at the bulge in Rocco’s crotch and licked his lips.


“Very well, indeed.”


“Did any of the girls arrive?” Ricky asked. He was carrying his mother’s putto in his


arms, close to his chest. He felt a pull in his stomach when he imagined his mother’s face if she


could see what they were doing to her house.


“They’re all here,” Leyland said. “Where are the guys?” “We only need Rocco,” Chad said. “And Rocco’s twin brother, Jocko, is coming out to


help if we need him. Those two can take care of any guys who might stop by tonight as potential


clients. Most of the clients tonight are going to be interested in women, not men.”


Ricky blinked. “
Rocco and Jocko


Leyland sent Rocco a smile and looked him up and down. “You have a twin brother? Is


he an identical twin?”


Rocco square his shoulders. “Yeah, he’s identical. What about it?”


Leyland continued to stare at Rocco’s pants. He poked Ricky with his elbow and said,


“Oh, I’m looking forward to this now more than ever.”


“Don’t fucking look at
that way,” Rocco said. “If you fucking think you’re getting


anything for free tonight, bitch, you’re fucking crazy. I’m a fucking professional when I’m


working and so is my fucking brother.”


Leyland was a few steps ahead of him. He pulled a fan of twenty-dollar bills out of his


pocket and waved them in Rocco’s face. “Don’t worry. I’m no amateur. I’m fully prepared.”


Then Ricky walked into the living room so he could put his mother’s angel back on the


mantel and Chad went into the kitchen so he could organize the women who had arrived.


Without even realizing it, Ricky and Chad had fallen into distinct roles. Chad was in charge of


finances and management, and Ricky was in charge of marketing and sales. This seemed to work


out well, being as Chad seemed to have less patience with people than Ricky did. While Chad


was working, Chad tended to hand out orders and demands without thinking twice about


anyone’s feelings, where Ricky tended to smile and approach people with a gentle, friendly


attitude. Besides, Ricky knew how to use his computer and work the social networks to attract


clients without arousing any suspicion. So Ricky went up to his room and put the dark jacket that went with his new graduation


suit. He put on a pair of dark glasses with thick black frames and kissed Chad goodbye. Then he


hopped into his mother’s minivan and headed out to line up clients. He went to the diner on


Route 46 first and discreetly told Glen to tell all his buddies on the football team about what they


were doing that night. Glen smiled so wide his upper gums showed. He promised Ricky that his


football buddies would be just as excited as he was and they had plenty of money to spend. Then


Ricky went to get gas at a local gas station where his friend Marty worked. Marty was one of


those artistic emo types, with tons of male friends who wore exaggerated black outfits, and dyed
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