Ride Hard (Condemned Angels MC Series #2) (5 page)

BOOK: Ride Hard (Condemned Angels MC Series #2)
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She held onto the pole while getting to a standing position, she did a series of acrobatic swings. Holding her arms perpendicular to the pole, Nicole straightened out her arms while hooking one of her heels around the bar up over her head. She dropped upside down and downward, almost to the floor. Nicole untangled herself and she slowly crawled up to me on her hands and knees. Coming over to me like she was ready, ready for me to take her.

I grabbed her by the upper arms and brought her to my lap, Nicole immediately straddled me, and it felt like fucking home between her thighs. And fuck, she teased me with those fucking hips. I gripped her hips through her skintight shorts. I knew she could feel what she was doing to me, she felt the bulge in my jeans as she grinded her eager pussy onto me. The song ended and she was out of breath, her hair sticking to the side of her mouth. She moved it away with her finger and looked up into my eyes with that look. I know that look, and I’ve seen it many times before, the look of desire. That same look in her eyes when she told me to take her, take her virginity.

Instinctively, I pulled her further into my lap, so that her hot core was flush against my abdomen. Her small hands braced on my shoulders. Nic’s small gasps encouraged me to go further,as she hasn’t protested yet- and she better not either if she knows what’s fucking good for her. My hands traveled up her back and gripped the nape of her neck. I pulled her face down to mine. I snaked my tongue out to lick her mouth, and Nicole held onto my jawline, while she placed two fingers on my lips.

“I think the poles are good.” I felt her warm breath on my face.

“I’d say so, baby.” She lowered her lips to mine, over her fingers. I felt the edge of her lips graze mine, driving me fucking wild. Gripping her hair, I pulled her face to mine and I kissed the shit out of her mouth. I wasn’t taking it slow with her, it has been years since I had her under me, and I needed her there, now! I flipped Nicole underneath me on the couch; her legs falling open, which allowed me to rest my weight on her. My fingers and palms felt their way around her tight body. I thumbed her shorts, right at the crease of her ass.  Sneaking my fingers in there, I came in contact with her damn panties. Pushing them aside, I brushed my fingers over her anxious cunt. A throaty moan left her lips. Teasing her entrance with the tips of my fingers, her hips rocked upwards, my girl’s eager pussy. Just when I thought I had Nicole where I wanted her, was I ever fuckin’ wrong.

“Jeremy…I can’t, we can’t.” Nicole quickly pushed off my chest and struggled to get out from underneath me.

“What are you fucking talking about Nic? This isn’t the first time it’s happened.” I sat back on the couch, and cocked my eyebrow at her.

“I know it isn’t. And you damn well know how that ended up.” Nicole gave me a glare as she adjusted her shorts and stood up. Goddamn, she looked good.

“That was for-fucking-ever ago, Nic. When are you going to grow up? Get past that shit, it’s in the fucking past, okay?” I yelled at her.

“Have you forgotten what you told me?” Her blue eyes went sad.

“No.” I ran my hand through my hair, and then I cupped my chin as I rested my elbows on the tops of my knees. I sat on the couch and watched her face and neck blush. Of course I haven’t forgotten that shit. I told her I fucking loved her, and I still do.

She stood above me with her hands crossed in front of her, waiting for me to say something else, but this conversation was fucking over. Nicole grabbed her purse and I pushed off the couch to stand.

I adjusted my dick, getting ready for blue balls, and followed her as she locked up the studio.



Good Lord! I thought to myself as I waited for Jeremy to come out to his truck. The warm summer sun didn’t help with cooling me down any. That was too close. I heard the lock pop up in the truck doors. I promised myself years ago that I would never feel like that for him again. After he hurt me. How can I fucking put that shit on the backburner? I damn near forgot all that shit, as I was about to spring my pussy on him like a damn moth to a flame! I went to reach for the handle but felt him behind me.

“It’s a little higher than the last time you were in here.” I felt his warm breath move the tiny hairs on the back of my neck. A shiver ran down my spine. Really, body? Who shivers in the summer? I felt Jeremy gently grip my hips, hauling my ass up into the cabin. His large hand palmed my ass.

“Is that necessary?” I looked over my shoulder, down at his gorgeous face.

“Was that private dance really necessary?” I felt my heart plummet into my stomach. Embarrassed, I quickly grabbed the handle and went to slam the door shut on him, but he stopped it.  Before he could say something, we heard a rumble of bikes in the distance, which were getting closer by the second. I unbuckled my seatbelt, hand on the “oh shit” handle, ready to jump down, when Jeremy put his palm up to stop me.

“Jer-” He cut me off, as he listened to the revving pipes. His brows knitted together, and he seemed confused.

“Shh.” He put his finger to his mouth. Right as a bike crew came barreling down the street of my studio, Jeremy quickly swung my legs around the front of the seat and slammed the truck door shut.

I watched from inside the dark tinted glass as five bikers pulled up to Jeremy, all of them were wearing Devil’s MC cuts. Oh fuck. I went to scramble to help him, but Jeremy shot a half look over his shoulder, which told me to stay the fuck put.

The one who got off his bike first was quite good looking. Tall, shaggy ear-length blonde hair that was slicked back; his leather cut showed off his incredible arms and tattooed sleeves. Who was this?

“Jeremy Moretti.” He threw his cigarette butt to the side as he walked up to Jeremy.

“Jax.” Jeremy took his stance by my side of the truck, folding his arms in front of him. I backed further toward the center console as I saw the man eyeing the truck. Holding my breath, hoping that these tinted windows were dark enough. I felt as though he could see right through to me.  “Can I help you? You’re a little far from home, aren’t you, boys?” Jeremy asked as he released his arms and put his hands into his front pockets.

“I think you know why we are here.” Oh shit. I scrambled for my purse, but then looked up at the glove box. I opened it to find Jeremy’s .45. Yes, thank you, God. I checked the clip and chamber.

“Nope, couldn’t think of a reason why you’re in Condemned Angel’s territory.” Jeremy sounded confident. He wasn’t backing down. My breathing hitched when the remainder of bikers kicked their foot stands and joined Jax’s side. Jax practically ran up to Jeremy.

“Ryder, that’s why I’m fucking here!” Jax shouted in Jeremy’s face, while his fist pounded down on the door, causing me to yelp. Jax’s head snapped up above Jeremy, I slapped my hand over my mouth. Jax went to reach for the passenger door handle, but Jeremy shoved him away. Five men immediately started towards them. Jax motioned for the other men to back down, pulling a gun on Jeremy. He pointed the barrel of the gun at the same spot where he was shot before, the bullet hole still stood out on his cut.

“Looks like you already pissed someone off here.” Jax pointed to the hole.

“I can’t recall if it was before or after your brother was shot in the fucking head.” Jax hit Jeremy across the mouth with his gun. Jeremy tackled him down to the ground. They were scrambling to get on top of one another. Fists flying. Jax had Jeremy down on his back, his white shirt fisted in his hand. Jax was throwing too many blows to Jeremy’s face, and his bad shoulder. Jeremy groaned and called out in pain. Oh fuck! I kicked open the passenger door and before any of the other club members could react I put the barrel of the gun to the back of Jax’s head. He froze.

I kept two hands on the grip, holding my stance. “Back the fuck up, motherfucker!”

Jax’s head fell forward with laughter. “You got a bitch backing you up?”

“No, you got a bitch about to fucking empty an entire clip into your skull. So I suggest you back the fuck off him.” I pressed the gun further into his hair, flush against his skull. Adrenaline was coursing through my veins.

“Alright, alright.” Jax threw up his tattooed hands, and turned around. My breath caught as his handsome face looked down my body. His eyes were stunning. Piercing blue eyes. He winked and blew me a kiss. “Let’s go boys. This one is in heat.” Jax and his boys mounted their bikes. “We will be seeing you real soon, Moretti.” They rode off.  I kept my gun pointed in their direction, until I felt Jeremy’s hand cover mine on top of the gun.

My chest heaved with jagged, uneven breaths.

“Relax, Nic. They’re gone.” He lowered the gun and took it out of my hands. Jeremy put the safety back on, and tucked the .45 into the back waistband of his jeans.

I went to say something, but my mouth wasn’t working. My arms lowered to my sides and I stared down the street where the Devils’ bikes were parked just seconds before. Jeremy turned me towards him by my shoulders, his mood suddenly changing.

“Do you know who the fuck you just threatened?” He roughly shook me, bringing me back to the current moment.

“What? He had you on the fucking ground, I thought he was going to fucking kill you, Jeremy, and that’s all you have to say?” I looked up into his gray eyes. He was pissed.

“That’s the fucking brother of the President of the Devil’s MC, the same President we fucking killed to get Roxy back.” He shouted in my face.

“No fucking shit!” I yelled back at him, gripped his cut and shoved him away.

“You’re either stupid or fucking crazy doing that shit. You should have just stayed your ass in the fucking truck!” He pointed his hand to where the truck sat.

“Well, maybe you should have not been getting your ass beat, then I wouldn’t have had to come out with fucking guns blazin’!”

“You are fucking crazy.” He grabbed my wrist and started to haul me off to his truck.

“Get your fucking hands off me. You should be fucking thanking me, you asshole.” I struggled against him.

“Oh, I’m the asshole now?” he smirked down at me. His bottom lip was already swollen. He spun me around and pushed me backwards so my back hit the passenger side of his truck. I leaned as far away from him as I could.

Before I could protest, Jeremy cupped my face and slammed his mouth down onto mine. I quickly pulled back from him, slapping him straight across his face. Jeremy stood above me, both of our chests heaving. I took a step up to him as he reached down to me, pulling me against him. Our mouths fused together. Jeremy moved against me, pinning me to his hard body. God, his body against mine was what I wanted and needed, so perfect. I opened my mouth to him, my hands groping at his muscular arms, pulling him closer to me. I could taste the blood from his busted lip. I tenderly licked at his swollen bottom lip.

My own groan filled both of our mouths. Good God, if we don’t stop, I am going to strip him naked right here. Wait, hold the fuck up! He isn’t going to get away with this shit. Abruptly, I pulled away from his face and pushed at his chest. He furrowed his thick eyebrows. I quickly turned from him and climbed in his big ass truck. That was kind of hard seeing as my lady bits were screaming at me to go back. Jeremy took a second to himself outside the truck. Adjusting the crotch of his jeans, he cursed, running his hand over his head. He then rounded the truck and drove us back to the clubhouse in silence, in an awkward, thick sexual tension kind of silence. Fucking great.


Fucking twice! Twice she pulls away from me. I won’t fucking play that game with her. I shook my head from side to side, putting a cigarette between my lips.

“What the fuck happened to you?” Chase stood up as soon as I walked into the club.


“Fuck.” Chase walked up to me, “what happened?” 

“What does it fucking look like happened?” I pointed down at the blood on my white shirt.

“Is Nic alright? She looked shaken up when she came and got me.” Chase asked as he took a seat on the leather chair in the corner of my room.

“Yeah. Let’s just fucking drop it for now, okay? I need a clear mind going to Sandpoint tonight- and Nicole definitely won’t fucking help with that shit.”

“Well, thank God, she was there to save your sorry ass.” He chuckled as he patted my shoulder and left my room. Fucker.


BOOK: Ride Hard (Condemned Angels MC Series #2)
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