Rockstar Rivals: First Time Gay Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Rockstar Rivals: First Time Gay Romance
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Chapter Ten




Mark was not in such a good mood any more.  He was going to have to have a talk with his brother, because this just wasn't okay.  This time, Mark was very sure that he hadn't done anything to Gavin that Gavin hadn't been eager and desperate for.

Though maybe he was wrong.  Maybe Gavin was just happy for the chance to get away from Mark.  It had all happened so quickly, Mark couldn't be sure.

He did see Gavin struggle free of Drake, though, and that made him smile a little.  Part of him could have wondered if this thing that was developing between the two of them was just the fact that Gavin loved Crossroads so much.  In that case, maybe he would be happy to with any of them.

Since when, exactly, had Mark started to consider 'being with' Gavin?  He'd probably give the poor boy a heart attack if he suggested something like that, and it wasn't usually Mark's style, either.

Everyone in both bands, caught up in the drama of it, watched as Gavin made his way over to Mark.  Once he realized where Gavin was headed, Mark reached out, snagging the smaller man neatly and depositing him right in his lap.

He could have worried that he'd read the situation wrong, but he didn't need to.  Gavin gave a contented little sigh and settled that firm, round little ass of his right against Mark's lap, where his thick cock was starting to swell to full hardness once more.  Gavin seemed to feel it, and he rubbed more determinedly against it, which didn't help.

“Mmm, hey,” Gavin murmured, wrapping his arms around Mark in a confiding, trusting sort of way that felt far too good. 

“Hey, sexy,” Mark said back, hearing his voice turn into a sort of low growl.  That happened when he got really, really turned on, which Gavin seemed to do to him effortlessly.  “Do you mind if your band sees me kiss you?”

He really wanted to kiss him, but after what had happened already, he didn't want to push things.  He'd messed up enough.  If he was going to do this, he was going to have to know that Gavin wanted everything that happened.

Mark saw Gavin think about it.  He saw him glance over his shoulder at the other men in the limo, all of whom were watching.  Liam, too, of course, but he didn't seem like he'd step in unless Gavin seemed unhappy somehow.

It was sort of funny, really.  Liam was Mark's brother, but he was acting way more protective of Gavin.  Of course, who needed more protection?  He supposed it made sense, and his brother might be sort of boring and dull and he loved to shame Mark for being kinky, but he was a good guy.

Looking at Gavin, Mark had to wonder what he was thinking about.  What was it like to be obviously attracted to guys, but have never had the chance to explore that?  Mark hadn't been that inexperienced in more than a decade, he honestly couldn't remember.

“No.  I don't mind.”  Gavin proved it, too, by leaning forward, pressing his lips against Mark's, shifting so that he was straddling him and pressed right up against him, his tongue flickering into Mark's mouth in a way that made him moan and clutch Gavin close.

Gavin was moaning, too, in a very quiet, intimate way that Mark knew he was the only one who would be able to hear.  While they kissed, Mark rested his hand between their two bodies, rubbing at the thick, hard bulge he could feel in Gavin's tight pants.  “You're fucking sexy as hell, you know that?” he whispered fiercely, because it was true.  Gavin drove him insane.

Mark was gazing right into Gavin's eyes, and he smirked a little when he saw the boy blush.  It was so beautiful, and looking at him, it was hard to believe that he'd ever thought that his innocence could be an act.

“Mark, someone might see,” Gavin whispered, cheeks still flushed red.  His hand rested on Mark's wrist, but it seemed like he was trying to keep Mark's hand right where it was rather than that he was trying to pull him away.

Mark gave a little smirk, the kind that he knew drove Gavin insane.  He'd seen it in the younger man's eyes, and he knew very well what he was doing.

“Yeah,” he agreed, and kept on tracing his fingers over the younger man's gorgeous cock, kissing him again and again.  He could feel Gavin's body in his arms, hot and desperate and needy, he could feel the front of Gavin's jeans get damp as that thick cock leaked precome for him.

When their kiss broke, Gavin looked at Mark with those huge, melting dark eyes, so full of desire.  Desire that Mark had put there.

“I don't want to go to the party,” Gavin admitted, gazing at Mark.

Mark smiled a little.

“Mmm.  Where do you want to go then, baby?”  That last word just slipped in there, and he saw the surprise in Gavin's eyes, but pleasure, too.  Just testing things out, Mark squeezed that gorgeous, thick cock, hard enough to be a little bit painful.

Gavin just moaned again, in that sexy, breathless way that made Mark feel like the king of the whole world.

“I don't care.  Anywhere where I can be alone with you,” the young man breathed, his cock throbbing in Mark's grip.

Hah.  Take that, Liam.  That was a pretty damn clear statement of interest, and it had come from Gavin.  He couldn't help but grin.

“You sure about that?”  After all, Mark could be a dangerous man and no one knew that so well as Gavin did now.

Mark felt Gavin press down even more firmly against his thick cock, like he was deliberately teasing him.  Deliberately trying to get him worked up.  Honestly, it didn't take very much at this point.  Gavin seemed to be able to do it effortlessly.

“I'm sure,” Gavin breathed, and then frowned as he looked around the limo.  They were apart from the rest of the men, sure, but it wasn't really a very private setting.  The party would just be more of the same.  “They'll notice if we go off together, though.”

Mark smirked a little.  Yes, they'd notice, but no one in Crossroads would be even a little bit surprised.  Disapproving, maybe, because of Mark's reputation, but it wouldn't shock a single one of them for even a second.

“I don't mind,” he said honestly, and then looked into Gavin's eyes, his hand still resting on that perfect cock.  God, he wanted to see it again, wanted to touch it, bare skin to bare skin.  Would Gavin, virgin that he was, even consider letting him do that?  “Do you?”

Suddenly, a smirk came over Gavin's face.  The limo pulled up at the hotel, and to Mark's dismay, Gavin was up and out of his lap, leaving him to try to adjust his cock, to be a little less obvious about how aroused he was. 

“Okay, Mark and I are going to work on some … Music stuff.”  Nice cover, kid.  That was going to convince no one, but who really cared?  Except Gavin, of course, who didn't seem to understand that he could have said anything or nothing.  Gavin's sex life was none of his band's business.

Still, Mark smirked as he got out of the limo.  He couldn't help but be pleased that Gavin had thought of this all on his own.  Maybe he wasn't alone in what he was feeling.  Maybe the younger man felt some sort of link, even through all the bullshit that had happened.

“Yeah, see you guys in the morning,” Mark said, still smirking.  He met his brother's eyes as he put an arm around Gavin's waist, pulling his small, slender body close against him.  Liam didn't look happy, but no one could argue that Gavin didn't want to be there.  He was flushed and aroused, but smiling.

Despite that, Liam still gave Mark a warning look.  In that look, he reminded him of all the things he'd said.  Hurting Gavin, who was their honored guest on this tour, could mess everything up, not just for Mark but for the rest of the band, too.  There was more on the line than just Mark's heart, here.

Mark shrugged, then turned back to Gavin.  He had no idea what they would even do that night.  Gavin was a virgin with guys, that was abundantly clear.  What could Mark expect?  He had no idea, but that didn't mean he had the slightest intention of turning it down.

At this point, he'd take what he could get.

“My room this time?” Gavin asked, and Mark smiled and nodded before leading them into the hotel.

He turned to Gavin once they were in the elevator.  He was intending to say something, maybe to ask where the young man's limits were.  Things that he should have been thinking about more before, but better late than never, right?

Before he could say a single word, though, Gavin was flinging himself at him.  Mark, big as he was, found himself pressed against the wall of the elevator.  Gavin's body pinned his to the mirrored wall, and then the younger man's lips found his with a ferocity that utterly delighted him.

There was dominance there, too.  Mark had noticed that Gavin liked to be hurt, Gavin had even admitted as much, but it seemed that he wasn't just into that.  Mark couldn't have been more thrilled about this, though he cautioned himself to go slowly.

Not that Gavin seemed that interested in doing that.  He kissed Mark roughly, and his hand slipped down to cup Mark's thick, hot cock through his jeans, his tongue pressing between Mark's lips boldly.

Not much surprised Mark, not when it came to sex.  But he gasped at Gavin's dominance, but then let out a soft growl of a moan.  He could remember what Gavin had said about wanting to track him down and spank him, just like he'd done to Gavin.  Maybe that hadn't been as playfully teasing as Mark had thought.

Gavin's fingers traced over Mark's dick, rubbing at it through his pants.  Mark was no virgin himself, but he felt like he could come all over himself, just from the light action he was getting.  Gavin was way, way too good at this for a virgin, and yet Mark believed that he was one.

“You do want me,” Gavin said, and his tone was full of wonder.  Like he'd somehow believed it was possible that Mark didn't.

“Of course I do,” Mark growled back.  That was the whole problem.  He wanted to hate this man, but that had slowly been undermined until all he wanted, all he needed, was him.  How could Gavin not know that?

Mark reached around, gripping Gavin by that unbelievably sexy little ass, hauling him tightly against him so that Gavin's hand was trapped between them.  Gavin's body was hot against him, the young man's eyes dilated with pleasure and desire, and even trapped as he was, Mark felt powerful.  No matter what else there was between them, there was desire.  For now, maybe that was enough.

Gavin took Mark's lower lip between his, sucking on it lightly, and then Mark felt the sting of teeth.  His cock was going to explode in his pants, this little brat was far too good at what he was doing to him.

“God, let this be your floor,” Mark whispered as the elevator door slid open.


Chapter Eleven




Gavin didn't know what had come over him.  He'd never been this bold before.  He tended to be a cautious person, and where he was from, making out with another guy anywhere anyone else could see you tended to be a really horrible idea.

He felt like he was flying.  Doing reckless things, just out of desire.  It was freeing, in a very real way, and deeply exhilarating.  When had he gone so utterly insane?  He didn’t know, but he liked it. Maybe his friends would kick him out of his own band.  Maybe his parents would disown him.  Right then, it didn't seem to matter to him.

Gavin led the way to his room, achingly aware of his own body, and of Mark's, too, right behind him.  He'd never dared to act like this before, even on the rare occasions that another man had seemed to be interested in him.

The young man got to his door, and felt Mark so close behind him that he could actually feel the heat coming off of the other man’s body.  He groaned softly as he slid the key into the reader, but it was hard to focus when Mark ran his hand down Gavin's back, resting possessively on his ass, still slightly sore from the previous night.

“You know,” the older man's voice was thoughtful, but deep and aroused, too.  Gavin was starting to be able to hear it in his voice.  “I'm kind of honored.  Everything you did with me was the first time for you.”

Gavin smiled, then gasped when that firm, strong, huge hand came down onto his ass.  He swayed back against the bigger man as he finally managed to get the key into the lock and the door to his hotel room swung open.  The hotel room that he'd been so sure he would be sleeping in alone that night.

“Never had the chance, not where I'm from,” Gavin said, turning to look at Mark as the hotel room door closed.  “Not the sort of thing that happens in Columbia too often.  Or not out in the open, at least.”

Predictably, Mark just smirked.  Gavin sighed softly.  The older man didn't give a shit about what he had to say.  Whatever was happening between them, Mark wasn't interested in him in anything other than a sexual way, and the man probably still hated him, on top of that.

“Well, now you're a rock star.  You can get away with whatever,” Mark purred, walking over to stand right up close to Gavin.  He reached around, gripping Gavin's ass, using that grip to pull the younger man closer to him.  “You sore, cowboy?”

Gavin smirked up into his face, though he knew that Mark would feel his throbbing cock even through their clothing.  Just Mark touching him was enough for that, it seemed.

“Nah.  Not sore enough.”  He looked up at him, letting himself be a little flirtatious in a way that still felt deeply thrilling to him.  “You didn't hit me very much last time.”

Mark looked down at him, gray eyes filled with disbelief.

“I hit you hard enough to get kicked off my own bus,” he growled, and Gavin winced.  Damn it, he hadn't meant to bring that up again.  Things had been going so well.  Mark had barely been hostile at all.

“I didn't mean it like that.  It's just that it was so quick.”  He'd been trying to flirt.  Clearly, he was pretty clumsy at it, but he didn't have a lot of practice with men at all.  Certainly not in trying to figure out how to ask for what he wanted so badly.

Mark's eyes narrowed, and a dangerous, thrilling gleam came into them.

“Do you want me to hurt you more?” he asked, and Gavin flushed, but nodded.  Finally, Mark got it!  Mark smirked, then reached down and tugged Gavin's shirt right off his body, baring his slender, but toned, body.  “It won't be so quick this time,” Mark warned, but Gavin just shook his head.  That was perfect.  That was exactly what he wanted.

Mark's fingers found Gavin's nipples, his thumbs rolling over them to tease them into hard little nubs.  Such a simple thing, but it was enough to have Gavin gasping and clutching onto Mark's strong shoulders, clinging as his knees got weak.

“That was a nice thing you did tonight,” Mark said suddenly.  “It's making it harder for me to hate you.”  He sounded almost resentful about that.  Gavin, however, had no idea what he was talking about, and tried to focus through the arousal long enough to make words form.

“What?” he finally managed.  Not the most intelligent response in the world, but it was something.

Suddenly, Mark pinched at both of his nipples, all at once, and a wave of pain went through Gavin.  He gasped, then moaned, his cock throbbing in his pants which seemed far too small and confining.

“You could have just thanked the crowd and walked off,” Mark growled, watching his face carefully as he rolled Gavin's nipples between his fingers.  “You didn't have to call me out by name or hug me.  It was nice.”

Gavin moaned and his dick twitched, gazing up into those gray eyes, knowing his own were frantic, full of desperate need.  He shrugged.  He'd done what he'd wanted to do, and what was the right thing to do, showing respect for the band that had gotten him where he was.

“You were good tonight,” he murmured, as Mark finally released his aching, throbbing nipples.  Tentatively, he reached out, running his fingers over the bottom of Mark's shirt.  For the first time, it occurred to him to wonder just how far they would go tonight.  How far did he want to go?

The fact was, he had no idea what he was doing, and he wasn't sure he trusted Mark not to make fun of him.  That thought was paralyzing, and he took a deep breath to calm himself down as he hooked his fingers in the bottom of Mark's shirt.

“Oh, Jesus Christ.”  Gavin couldn't help but stare as that shirt came over Mark's head, messing up his golden mane of hair.  The man was gorgeous.  Flat out beautiful, impossibly sexy, to the point where Gavin knew he should stop staring, but he couldn't make himself.  Almost reverently, he ran his hands over the smooth, hot skin of Mark's chest, finding his nipples and teasing them, just as Mark had teased him.

Mark didn't seem to mind the staring, though.  He smiled, a real smile, and glanced down at Gavin's hands on his chest.  Gavin had already noticed that Mark had a healthy ego, and him being unable to tear his eyes away probably just helped that.

“Hey.  How far do you want to go tonight?” Mark asked suddenly, echoing Gavin's thoughts of just a few moments before.

Gavin shrugged, and Mark took him by the hand, tugging him over to the bed.  When Mark put his arm around Gavin and held him close, bare skin against bare skin, he was surprised, but not displeased.

“I don't know.  What's on the table?”  He tried to sound like he knew what he was talking about, but that probably wasn't going to fly.

“You know what guys can do together?  They can touch each other,” Mark's hand came to rest on Gavin's throbbing cock, “Or there's blowjobs, of course.”

Gavin nodded wisely, or tried to, but Mark shook his head.  Gavin got the idea that his act wasn't flying.

“Can't you just spank me again?”  It was funny how that would be less stressful than all these other new things.  Things where Gavin didn't even know where to start.

It was like Mark had just been waiting to be asked.  He growled, that deep, animalistic sound sending thrills through Gavin that made him feel like his whole body was burning.  He felt the older man's body tense, and then heard him speak.

“You gonna tell on me again?” Mark asked, and Gavin didn't hesitate.  He just shook his head.  No, he wouldn't tell.  If he did, this might not happen again.

“Get on your hands and knees, cowboy,” Mark ordered, and Gavin complied.  As he moved, Mark tugged Gavin's pants off, revealing that Gavin wasn't wearing any underwear.  This discovery made Mark even rougher with him, which Gavin was learning meant that he was driving the older man crazy.

Mark grabbed the back of Gavin's neck and pushed it down so that his chest hit the mattress and his ass rose higher up into the air.  It was a humiliating position, so why was his cock throbbing like he could come already, before Mark had even touched him?

Luckily, Mark didn't seem to want to wait any more than Gavin did.  His hand caressed Gavin's ass only briefly.

“Such a fucking sexy, pretty little ass,” he growled, and then his hand rose.  Gavin braced himself, but when that hand fell, it was with enough force to shove his face hard into the mattress so that he could hardly breathe.

Last time, it had been a few smacks, and then Mark had been gone.  This time, there was no hurry.  Gavin closed his eyes, moaning, pushing his ass up toward each blow, only to have his chest forced down again every time.

It hurt.  At first, Gavin thought maybe it hurt too much, that he'd made some sort of mistake.  But as the sounds of the spanking echoed in the air, something changed.  The pain stopped feeling like pain.  Endorphins kicked in, and it started to feel like nothing but pure, exquisite pleasure.

Then, completely unfairly, the spanking stopped. 

“I'm going to really bruise you if I keep going.  You'll be sore for at least a few days,” Mark warned.  But Gavin was far beyond the point of caring. 

“More.  Hurt me more,” he moaned, and groaned in relief when Mark started to do just that, the sound of heavy smacking echoing through the room again.  Gavin whimpered, desperate for it.  Something deeply masochistic had been woken in him.

He had very little warning.  Oh, everything was feeling good.  Incredible, even.  But the orgasm that shook his body came out of nowhere.  He wouldn't have even thought it was possible to come just from being spanked, but as he started to shoot his fluids all over the bed, he learned that it was.  At least for him.

Just like that, while he was still in the depths of his orgasm, his body was turned over.  Mark wrapped his mouth around his spasming cock, and it was the first time that any man had had their mouth there.  That just seemed to make his orgasm go on longer, made him shoot more hot, fresh come into Mark's mouth.

“Shit, sorry.”  Mark kept making Gavin come in these really inappropriate ways.  Ways that Gavin hadn't even thought were possible.  He sat up, looking at Mark, concerned.  Wondering if he were about to get pretty viciously mocked. 

“Oh, don't apologize,” the dominance in Mark's voice, the sheer lust, made Gavin shiver.  He glanced down at the older man, still restrained in his tight jeans, with a spot of dampness where Mark's cock had leaked precome right through the thick fabric.

“That's twice now,” Gavin breathed, reaching out for the button on Mark's jeans.  “You've made me come twice, and I haven't made you come at all.”  That was deeply unfair.

“Gavin, fuck, touch me.”  Oh, God.  Mark was begging.  Begging him.  He had no idea what he was doing, not really, but he couldn't resist that.

So he freed that thick cock from the confines of the denim that had restrained it, and it popped free, huge and thick and swollen, slick with precome.  Tentatively, he reached out, touching it, and Mark gave a strangled little cry and shoved his hips toward Gavin.

There was a lot of power that came with this, Gavin realized, as he wrapped his fingers firmly around him and started to stroke.  The angle felt strange to him.  The only cock he'd touched before now was his own.  But gazing into Mark's eyes, he knew that he was the one making him crazy, and that was potent.

“Come for me, darlin',” he murmured.  His accent wasn't usually that thick, but he was deeply aroused, and feeling more than he really should be.  Mark gave a little shudder, then a low, frantic moan, before he started to pump his hot come all over Gavin's hand.

He couldn't help but be curious.  He'd never tasted come before.  He raised his hand to his lips and licked at it.  The taste made him groan.  Sex and Mark, that's what it tasted like, and he he cleaned his hand of every drop.

“Thank you,” Gavin whispered, and he was really, truly grateful.  Exhausted, he laid down on the bed, and Mark lay down behind him, naked and warm and comfortable.

“Oh, I don't know if you should thank me.”

Those were the last words that Gavin heard before he drifted off to sleep.  They sounded like a warning, probably against getting too close.  But it was too late for that, Gavin knew.

Smiling a little, he let himself drift off into a warm, contented sleep.


BOOK: Rockstar Rivals: First Time Gay Romance
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