Read Roping the Wind Online

Authors: Kate Pearce

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Fiction

Roping the Wind (27 page)

BOOK: Roping the Wind
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She woke to the sound of thunder and then realized Jay was snoring in her ear. She kissed the underside of his prickly jaw and he turned his head away from her, revealing the leather ties from her wrists on the pillow beside him. Helen sat up and eyed her sleeping cowboy. Maybe it was time to turn the tables.
Jay blinked as Helen’s hair drifted over his face. He tried to blow it out of his eyes, tried to use his hand. Shit, what had happened to his hand? He couldn’t move it closer to his face.
His eyes snapped open as Helen’s fingers closed around his ankle. She’d moved her weight off him but he still couldn’t use his hands or his legs.
‘What the hell are you doing?’
She had the nerve to turn around and smile at him. ‘Tying you up.’
He pulled hard on the leather belt that constricted his wrists and realized he was hog-tied to the bed, arms above his head and legs spread wide. His cock responded with enthusiasm. ‘Turn me loose, Helen.’
She shook her head, her hair catching his oversensitive cock. ‘I’ve always wanted to try this. It seemed like the perfect opportunity.’ She touched the leather around his ankle, the leather he’d used to tie her wrists earlier. ‘I hope my knots hold. I wish I’d brought the leather cuffs with me.’
He continued to glare at her and struggle against his bonds. The leather bit into his wrists. ‘I’m supposed to be the one in charge of the sex, not you.’ He groaned as she bent her head and licked the tip of his already straining shaft.
‘That’s OK. Tell me what you want me to do to you.’
He tensed as she slid a pillow under his butt, raising his hips and groin so that he had a clear view of what was going on. She knelt between his outstretched thighs, a picture of cool innocence.
‘I want you to let me go.’
She sucked the first inch of his cock into her mouth, swirled her tongue over the slit and penetrated it with tiny stabbing licks.
When she lifted her head, he struggled not to whimper. She raised her eyebrows. ‘Not talking, Jay? That’s not like you.’
‘Hell, you don’t talk much either when I’ve got you over my knee.’
‘Exactly. That’s because I don’t want you to stop, and really, Jay –’ she cupped his balls in her hand ‘– you don’t want me to stop either, do you?’
He groaned as she lowered her head, took his balls into her mouth and swirled them around her tongue like the finest cognac. His cock throbbed and pre-come trickled down the sides. He tried to move his hips forward but had no leverage, had to rely on her mouth to find the right angle for him and, boy, did she know how to find his sweet spot.
When she sat back, he couldn’t speak, couldn’t even look at her because she knew how much he enjoyed her mouth on him. No chance to run away from her now – not that he wanted to. No way he’d let her down and spoil her game.
‘I want it all in your mouth next time.’
‘Are you talking to me?’
He pretended to look around. ‘Yeah, I don’t see anyone else here.’
She crawled forward on all fours until her breasts brushed his chest. ‘If you want me to be nice, you’d better say please.’
He held her gaze, felt his wet cock slide against her stomach. ‘And what if I don’t want you to be nice?’
‘Then I suppose I’ll just have to please myself.’
She cupped her breasts and brought them close to his lips, just out of reach of his tongue. He groaned as she touched her nipples until they were two hard points. God, he wanted them in his mouth so bad. She straddled his hips and sank down onto his stomach, her sex rubbing against his rough hair in a sensual slippery glide.
His hands fisted as she continued to touch herself, her eyes hazed with lust, her scent overwhelming him. He held his breath as she slid one hand down over her belly and knelt up, fingers buried in her mound. He could see the swell of her clit now as she worked herself.
‘Helen, “please” touch me.’
She opened her eyes and stared at him as if she’d forgotten he lay tied to the bed beneath her. ‘Not yet.’
He watched, enthralled, as she fingered her breast and sex faster and faster, until he could hear the sucking sound of her juices and see the flush of her skin as she climaxed. She leant into him, kissed him hard as she collapsed and writhed against his belly. She bit down on his lower lip as another wave hit her. He even enjoyed the slight stab of pain and the taste of his blood.
‘Helen, I want my cock inside you. Let me in.’
He bit back an urge to roar as she climbed off him. Out of the corner of his eye he could just see her perfect ass sticking up as she searched the floor. When she got back on the bed, she had her own narrow leather belt in her hand. His mouth went dry as he stared at the soft leather. She crouched between his thighs.
‘What are you going to do with that?’ he managed to croak. She smiled. He guessed he wasn’t fooling her with his bravado.
He dug his heels into the mattress as she slowly wrapped the supple leather around his cock. When she reached the base of his shaft she encircled it with her hand, protecting his balls from the rasp of the metal buckle.
‘Mmm, perfect. Leather and you. My two favorite scents.’
His whole body started to shake as she lowered her head and licked the leather, the point of her tongue clearly visible to his heated gaze. She licked all the way down, stopping to investigate every gap in the binding, every clear drop of pre-come that overflowed his bonds. He wanted to close his eyes against the startling intimacy but found he couldn’t. He had to watch her own him, make him her plaything and make him her slave forever.
He wanted to come more than he wanted to breathe, to explode through the tight leather right into her mouth or all over her, covering her in his seed. But he held on, craving the ultimate satisfaction of climaxing inside her.
Helen glanced up at Jay, felt the fierceness of his stare and his struggle to keep from coming. His breathing was labored, his tight abs flexing as her hair trailed over them. After her little experiment with the leather, his cock seemed to have grown even bigger. She shifted her grip on his cock, saw how tight his balls were against his shaft and let the buckle of the belt drop onto the sheet below.
Carefully she straddled Jay’s narrow hips and positioned his cock at the entrance to her sex. Sweat gleamed on his chest. She inhaled slowly, loving the sensation of his leather-covered shaft as it disappeared inside her. She was wet enough to take the extra width and gloried in the slight roughness of the leather as it spread her swollen engorged flesh.
‘Oh God, Jay, you feel so big.’
Jay’s breath hissed out as she lowered herself until she couldn’t go any further. A climax roared through her, making her quiver and pulse. His cock jerked within her and his body arched like a bow.
‘Helen, I’m gonna come. Shit!’
She reached around to cup his balls, squeezing them against his shaft as he groaned his pleasure and climaxed inside her. Despite the leather binding, his hot come filled her and drove her to another orgasm. She fell forward onto his chest, heard the frantic beating of his heart under her cheek start to slow down.
Her own breathing slowed as she stroked the curve where his shoulder met his neck. He might be the one tied up, but she might as well be. He gave her so much more than the freedom to be herself in bed. He’d given her back herself.
With a groan, she carefully pulled away from him and unwrapped his now flaccid cock. She untied his hands and feet, pausing to kiss his wrists where the leather had bitten into his skin.
With a growl, Jay caught Helen around the waist and rolled until he was on top of her. He spread her legs with his knees and pinned her wrists over her head. He stared down at her, noting the signs of arousal on her face: her flushed cheeks and swollen mouth. She’d tied him to the bed and he still wasn’t able to walk away from her.
He kissed her mouth, taking his time, smoothing the hair away from her face. He didn’t want to let her go, period.
‘We’re not done, honey.’
He winced as his cock thickened and lengthened. He wanted his come in her. He wanted her so full of him that she could never get his scent off, so that every other guy who came within fifty feet of her knew she was taken. With a long satisfied sigh, he slid one hand under her ass and gripped the base of his shaft with the other. He groaned as his cock responded to his touch. It was time to fuck her senseless until he convinced her that she never wanted another man between her legs but him.
Chapter Twenty-one
Helen closed the door of her apartment behind her and surveyed the quiet space. Jay had decided to stay at his apartment and she was glad. Her emotions were too close to the surface to stand much scrutiny. And he demanded honesty from her. She sensed he always would. Tiger strolled over to say hi and wound his way in and out of her legs. Her knees were so weak she almost fell over him. Jay’s last session of lovemaking had almost robbed her of the ability to walk, let alone think.
With a sigh, she set the coffee to brew. Jay’s possessive lovemaking gave her the notion that he wasn’t going away anytime soon. Did she even want him to? She smiled as she recalled the intensity of his gaze as he’d climaxed inside her, the heat of his come at her very center.
He might have been the catalyst for all the emotions recently stirred up, but arguing with him had forced her to face several important issues about how she’d conducted her past relationships. He gave her no quarter, came back at her for every perceived slight and hadn’t flinched when she’d done exactly the same in return. Every time she walked away from him, the pull to return became stronger. She suspected it was the same for him, too.
Her phone rang and she leant across the counter to pick up the receiver.
‘Hi, Helen. You’re home, right?’
‘Of course I am. How else would I be able to pick this up?’
Carol gave a snort of laughter. ‘Get with the program, old lady. You can practically pick up a call on the moon these days. Where’ve you been?’
Helen tucked the phone under her chin and went to investigate the refrigerator. She frowned at the lack of food. ‘At the rodeo.’
‘I didn’t realize you were working today.’
Helen poked a piece of cheese. ‘I wasn’t. I went with Jay. He needed some company.’
‘Don’t tell me he’s riding again.’
‘Nope, just meeting old friends and making contacts for his boot-making business.’
‘Ah, I see. You felt you had to go along to stop him leaping on a horse and ruining all that fine surgical work you did on his knee.’
‘Yeah, right.’ Helen gave up on the cheese and stuck two pieces of bread into the toaster. ‘It was fun.’
‘Fun? Are you sure this is Dr Helen Kinsale I’m talking to?’
‘You’re talking to the new improved version. I want to have fun. I want to remember how I was before I met either of the guys I married. I was an OK person then, wasn’t I?’
There was silence. ‘You were more than OK, Helen. I can’t wait to see that girl I knew again.’
‘Thank you, Carol.’
‘That’s OK, sweetie. Give Tiger and that cowboy of yours a hug from me and come by the shop and tell me all about it as soon as you can.’
Helen hung up and stared at the phone. It wasn’t just fun she wanted back in her life, it was integrity. Who would’ve thought that a washed-up rodeo cowboy would teach her that? She glanced down the hall to the open door of her home office. It was time to repair the damage and start again.
Jay picked up the phone and punched in the number he’d scribbled down from his messages. His body ached from all the sex with Helen but he didn’t care. He’d learnt something valuable and that was worth every twinge. He smiled as he heard Grayson’s deep voice.
‘Hey, Gray, what’s up?’
‘Do you really want to know or are you just being facetious?’
Jay grinned at his brother’s fractious tone. ‘I really want to know.’
‘I’m living in a banged-up trailer waiting for my house to be built and my land is full of fricking construction workers, burst water pipes and mud holes.’
‘Sounds like fun.’
Grayson gave a reluctant laugh. ‘Hell, it will be. I just have to keep telling myself that. Give me a few months and you can come and see for yourself.’
‘I’d like to. Thanks for leaving me your new number.’ Jay shifted his stance. ‘Listen, Beau’s been calling me asking where the hell you are. Do you want me to give him your number?’
‘Not yet. The last thing I want is him coming up here and getting in my face. The way things are at the moment, I’d probably kill him and bury the body in one of these convenient holes.’
‘Understood. I’ll keep stonewalling him then.’
‘Don’t get into too much shit on my behalf. You take enough of your own. How’s the boot-making going and how’s Dr Helen?’
Sensing his brother had said all he had to say about their father, Jay gladly changed the subject.
‘The boot-making is going great. There’s something else I’d like to talk to you about when you get settled.’
‘Shoot. I’m sick of shoveling dirt.’
Jay slid down the side of the kitchen cupboard until his butt hit the floor and stretched out his legs.
‘I’ve been thinking about all the cowboys who can’t afford a handmade pair of boots but still want something different from the stuff that’s available to the general public.’
‘You mean something that’s designed specifically with cowboys in mind?’
‘Yeah. I’m sure there are other companies out there that have products like that but I’d like to think I can produce something better.’
‘You’d need to do some research into what’s available already, but with your inside experience, I don’t see why you couldn’t make a go of it.’
Jay let out his breath. He’d wondered if Grayson would tell him he was nuts.
BOOK: Roping the Wind
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