Read Royal Line Online

Authors: Sean Michael

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

Royal Line (5 page)

BOOK: Royal Line
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He spread his legs wide, tilting his hips, begging for Phoenix to take him, to mark him deep inside, now.

It was fucking insane. Crazy. But utterly necessary.

"Come on!" God, he was begging for it.

Phoenix moved and buried that perfect cock in his ass. The burn was fucking fantastic and he felt it all the way to his fucking toes. Phoenix drove into him, the pressure filling him to the top. He dug both heels into Phoenix's ass, adding his strength to the mix.

It was pure male fucking, not a bit of tentative touch or stress, just pure rutting.

Phoenix's mouth at his throat made him throb. Phoenix wasn't quiet, moaning and growling against his skin until he felt like screaming. He yowled right back, the two of them filling the room with amazing noises.

Phoenix's cock bashed against his gland, over and over, making his eyes cross.

"Phoenix. Phoenix." Again and again he chanted Phoenix's name.

"Mate. Tight. So tight."

"Mate." He couldn't be. But the word was true--he was.

Phoenix bared his teeth, bit him again. "Yes."

He bucked, eager to take Phoenix in deeper.

They moved together like they were made for this, for fucking. For each other.

He could feel his orgasm approaching, getting closer with every thrust.

"Soon. Soon, Grio."

Nodding, he pushed his ass up, into the thrusts. Phoenix grabbed his cock, started pulling, hard and steady.

"Mate!" He cried out the word, his whole body tightening.

Phoenix worked him like a master, jacking him hard. He went wild, writhing and bucking beneath Phoenix, offering his control and himself to his mate. Everything narrowed down to his pleasure, to the feeling of Phoenix's cock hitting his gland, and that hand around his prick.

"Yes. Yes. Yes!" He screamed, come pouring out of him.

Phoenix's thrusts slowed, then one spunk-covered hand lifted and was licked clean. Grio's whole body went tight around Phoenix's cock, this low, needy moan coming from him.

Phoenix kept moving, undulating inside him, slow and easy. His prick stayed hard, his hips still pushing, meeting each movement. He clawed at Phoenix's back, bringing him down so their mouths could meet. Phoenix fed him one heady sound after another, pushing them into his lips. He drummed on Phoenix's ass with his heels.

He thought that Phoenix chuckled at him, deep and low. He growled back--he wanted Phoenix to come, to mark him deep inside so no one could deny this. Not even him. Maybe especially not him.

Growling, he bit at Phoenix's lower lip. "Do it!"

"Bossy!" Phoenix slowed even more.

Groaning, he lay back and panted, his ass clenching and releasing around Phoenix's cock. He loved how that made Phoenix grunt and finally begin to take him.

"Yes." Hissing, he nodded and began rocking up into Phoenix's thrusts again.

It felt so good, the way Phoenix filled him up, stretched him. He grabbed at Phoenix's ass, trying to get him to speed again. Phoenix moaned, deep in his chest, the sound echoing all about him. He grabbed one of Phoenix's nipples, twisting it, trying to send Phoenix over the edge.

His lover roared, head thrown back, throat working. He did it again, then did the other one. The fat, heavy cock swelled, stretched him impossibly.

"Come," he demanded.

"Yes..." Spunk sprayed inside him, filling him, marking him. He squeezed tight around Phoenix's cock.

His mate. Marked and taken. The council couldn't fight this.

He held Phoenix tightly, both of them panting like steam trains.

"I... Wow, huh?" Phoenix sounded like how he felt.

Grio's attempt at words was just as incoherent. "Fuck, yeah. That was... You are... Yeah."

They actually chuckled a bit, laughing together.

"This was a much better idea than talking." Grio was rather proud of himself for getting the words out this time.


He punched Phoenix in the arm. "Butthead."

"Yep." Phoenix winked, thrusting again.

"Fuck!" He arched, bucking up against Phoenix.

Phoenix's laughter vibrated inside him.

"Making me crazy."

"Is that a challenge?" Oh, tease!

Growling, he tried to flip them, but Phoenix was stronger than he looked.

"Try harder," Phoenix suggested.

His eyes narrowed and he let himself go limp, trying to get Phoenix to let his guard down. Phoenix landed on him, heavier than he looked. Wrapping his arms around the man, he pushed up hard. Phoenix's eyes flashed, the joy at the play evident. Grio did it again, shifting them slightly this time, Phoenix's prick moving inside him, making him moan.

"We can't go again, our cocks will be raw." Phoenix's words had him chuckling.

Pushing again, he managed to roll them this time. Phoenix's prick slid out of him, and suddenly he could pounce, holding Phoenix down. "Got you!"

Phoenix chuffed, batting at him, then rolling away. It was a purely feline motion within a human body. Grio lay there, watching Phoenix move, rumbling softly. His mate was the most glorious tiger of them all.

Phoenix moved in close and rubbed their cheeks together. He closed his eyes, breathed in deeply as Phoenix marked him again.

"I don't understand this, but I know it's right." Phoenix rubbed their cheeks together again.

"It is. Not everyone is going to like it." But they could go fuck themselves. This was undeniable.

"Why not? We're consenting adults."

Grio snorted. "You're royalty, Phoenix. I'm just...a foot soldier."

"I'm a dirt poor TA living on ramen noodles and coffee."

That had him grinning. "Okay. That makes you the front man, and me the money. They pay me very well to be a foot soldier."

"You think they'd pay for me to jack off in a cup?"

"I think they'll try to convince you that it's your princely duty to do it for free first. I'd hold out for the payment. I bet they'd pay a lot for royal spunk."

Just yesterday he never would have dreamed of suggesting something like that. But yesterday he never would have dreamed that he'd be mates with a royal, either. He liked this bucking the trend thing.

"Hey, a poor crazy grad student needs a way to bring in the cash."

"I told you, I've got money. We'll be fine with or without your sperm."

"Too bad I'm not a biology student."


"Well, I could focus on cats. It's precious little help, being an English major."

"You do what you want." He growled the words out. He would take care of Phoenix, get him whatever he needed to be happy.

Phoenix was his mate and his prince.

Phoenix was his.


Chapter 4


"I have to go back to work, mate." Phoenix had claimed to have a terrible virus for a week, but it was enough. He had to go back.

Grio sighed and rolled over, looking at him with those almost golden, brown, soulful eyes. "I have to check in, too. Let them know I found you."

"So tell them. Tell them you found me and I'm keeping you." He might be bugnuts crazy and a tiger, but he wasn't a loser.

"You think that will work?" Grio moved closer to him. "I'm not so sure they'll let me keep you."

That wasn't what he'd said, though. He would be keeping Grio.

"Excuse me? I am not a fucking object. They'll be decent or I won't play nice." He wrinkled his nose. He wasn't playing.

Grio was smiling at him--grinning. "You really are a royal."

He nodded. "I will not put up with bullshit." This being royal shit had to be good for something, right?

"Maybe I should let
talk to Headquarters."

"Sure." He wasn't scared. Well, okay, he was but he wasn't letting on.

"I'll Skype them and bring you in if I need to." It looked like Grio was honestly worried about this call.

"It will be okay. I swear."

Grio nodded. "It doesn't matter if it isn't. You're my mate."

That was what he wanted to hear. "We'll figure it out."

"We will." Grio pulled on a pair of jeans and headed out of the bedroom. "Come on. Laptop is downstairs."

"Okay. Uh. Clothes?" The ones he'd been wearing were in tatters--he'd seen them. And he hadn't exactly worn any since then. Fur was very good at keeping a body warm.

"There's sweats in the top drawer of the dresser." Grio's voice got fainter as he moved farther away.

"Thanks." He found a pair of sweats, a shirt. He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to get ready.

"Nix?" Grio called up to him. "Come on, mate."

"My hair is a mess."

"We'll put a hat on you, cover it all up. I'm starting the call."

Oh, that was a good idea. His mate was pretty practical. Phoenix shoved his hair in a knitted hat and joined Grio just as he made the connection.

"Boss. Hey."

"Grio. It doesn't usually take this long for you to check in with us." The words were clipped, very prim-sounding.

"Yeah, well. I'm checking in now."

Phoenix found himself growling, rumbling deep in his chest. The guy on the screen was older, with short gray hair and a scar across his face.

"So? Did you find Lamoure?" asked Grio's boss.

"I did. We're at the safe house. Learning what he needs to know."

"I need you to bring him in."

"That's not standard op." Grio's back stiffened.

"Finding a royal isn't standard either, though, now is it? Bring him in."

"I'm not going anywhere." Phoenix bent down, looked into the computer. "I have work to do."

"Ah, Professor Lamoure. We should meet in person. Grio can bring you in."

"No." He wasn't going anywhere. He didn't do that. Hell, Grio had had to kidnap him.

"Let me put it another way. You're coming in." The boss sounded even prissier now.

Phoenix wasn't going to be intimidated, though. He'd spent a lot of years thinking his mother was crazy. He'd be damned if he let anyone walk all over him now that he'd discovered she was right--he was special. Well, he was going to act special, damn it. "I said no."

"Bring him in, Grio."

Grio crossed his arms over his chest. "I can't do that, Nigel."

"I said bring him in! And that's an order."

Grio simply shook his head.

Enough was enough and Phoenix was done. "Look. He's mine and I've got class in the morning. I'm willing to set up a meeting--in public--and we'll do...whatever we need to do, but he's my mate."

The man's jaw dropped. "Mate?" That was definitely a squeak at the end of that word.

Then Nigel's face hardened, mouth thinning into an unflattering line. "I don't think so. Grio, stop this nonsense immediately, put your dick back in your pants and bring Lamoure the fuck in."

"I don't think so." Grio's back was stiff, his face a mask.

"Let me see if I have this whole Saffron Tiger thing down, okay? One, you need me. I don't need you. Two... You know, there's not a two. You need me. I don't need you. Play nice or I don't play. There's no reason this has to be ugly, but you don't give my mate orders. Are we clear?" Man, he was good at this.

The corner of Grio's mouth twitched, then his face settled back into a neutral mask. The so-called boss on the other hand looked like he was turning purple. It was not attractive. He sputtered a moment or two.

"Now, let's arrange a meeting. How's next week for you? I'm free on Tuesday." That would give him a week to deal with life crap and being a tiger at the same time.

Nigel looked at him like he'd lost his mind, but Phoenix just stared right back.

Nigel looked away first. "Fine. Grio can bring you here, he knows the way."

"Oh, I don't think so. The university commons. Right out in public." He was crazy, not stupid. "We'll buy our own coffee."

That purple color was back, but at least the sputtering had stopped. "Very well. Ten A.M.?" Man, if Nigel's voice got any colder, they'd have frostbite, right through the screen.

"That's perfect. Would you like a latte?"

Grio's mask slipped, his mate whipping around to give him an incredulous look. He was having a glorious time, though. It was good being the king.

The boss opened and closed his mouth, looking like he wanted to hit something--probably Phoenix himself. "I would not like a latte! We can pay for our own coffee!"

"Oh. Cool." He waved, smiled, and walked off screen. Okay. Okay, he'd done it.

Nigel hadn't quite given up yet, though. "Grio. You're twice his size. Put a bag over his head and get him here."

"I'm sorry, sir, but I can't do that. He's my mate."

Damn straight--Phoenix gave Grio a double thumbs-up.

"Don't make me fire you," snapped Nigel.

"Okay. I quit." The screen went blank as Grio hit the end button. "Oh, God."

"It'll be okay. It will." He went to Grio, wrapped around him. "Give him a few days and he'll come around."

Relaxing back against him, Grio held onto his arms. "Yeah. He knew you had royal blood and he didn't bother to tell me. That grills my shorts, man."

"I think he was more worried about the whole queer thing." Phoenix knew a lot of people got their panties in a twist over that. Which wasn't his, or Grio's, problem.

"His only problem with queer is it doesn't make babies." Grio rolled his eyes, then looked up at him. "You'd make pretty babies."

"I know how to jack off. Hell, you could help me. I don't get it up for girls."

"I can think of better things to do with it than just jack you off." Grio stood and turned, lifting him up and carrying him toward the stairs.

He rumbled happily, cheek sliding against Grio's, scenting him. He wasn't worried. His mate wouldn't drop him. Not a chance.

Grio ran up the stairs like he weighed nothing. His mate was so strong. Phoenix laughed, head thrown back. This was magic. Insane magic.

Moving into the bedroom, Grio threw him down onto the mattress and stood there, growling down at him.

"Growly poo," he teased, licking his lips and wriggling out of the clothes he'd put on in deference to Grio's boss.

Taking his cue, Grio stripped off his jeans, standing there in all his manly glory. "I'm deciding where to pounce first."

BOOK: Royal Line
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