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Authors: Don Easton

Tags: #Mystery & Detective, #General, #Suspense, #Fiction, #Police Procedural, #Crime

Samurai Code (31 page)

BOOK: Samurai Code
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Da Khlot whispered once more into his cellphone before putting it down. Seconds later, the walls shook from hands slapping and banging on the walls and doors on the far side of the room. Sounds and vibrations made by men running and commands being screamed by the police added to the din.

Da Khlot saw his chance when Jack’s towering shadow came into view, brushing his back against the wall in front of him. He did not give Jack the opportunity to move away. He lunged forward, his knife making a crisp sound as the tip sliced through the rice paper and deep into Jack’s neck.

Da Khot heard the sound of the vertebrae as he twisted the knife before withdrawing it. The head nodded and rolled to one side and the body went limp as Da Khlot smashed through the wall, grabbing Jack by the hair while stabbing deep into the side of his neck and slashing outwards, severing the jugular. His momentum caused all three men to fall to the floor.

Screaming from across the room announced the arrival of a squad of police officers. Da Khlot looked at Jack’s face … awash in blood. It was the first time Da Khlot had truly smiled since he was eleven years old.

He obeyed the police command to drop his knife and stand with his hands in the air. He was not concerned.
The Shaman will look after me. Everything would be okay. He is, after all, The Shaman.

It was not until Jack stood up that Da Khlot stepped back in horror. He stared down at The Shaman, who lay gasping and gurgling as his severed jugular sprayed blood onto Da Khlot’s pant legs.

Da Khlot’s brain tried to unscramble the unfathomable.
It … it is not possible! The Westerner’s shadow … I saw it
. Da Khlot trembled as he stared down at his master, whose twitching lips and one bulging eye expressed a silent terror as he died.


It was late the following Friday afternoon when Rose was summoned to Assistant Commissioner Isaac’s office. He waited until she sat comfortably in the chair in front of his desk before asking, “How are Corporal Taggart and Constable Secord doing?”

“Remarkably well, sir, considering the trauma they both went through,” replied Rose. “They took the week off, but both said they would be in on Monday. It seems a little premature to me. Jack also has to schedule some appointments with a cosmetic surgeon in regard to a slice taken out of his nostril.”

“Have they seen the Force psychologist yet?”

“Scheduled for Monday afternoon.”

“He may decide that they’re not ready to return to duty yet.”

Rose smiled to herself and said, “I suspect he will decide whatever Jack wants him to decide. Laura, too, quite likely.”


Rose shrugged and said, “Meaning they’re both good operators. They’re good at controlling situations and people to produce the results they want.”

Isaac nodded in agreement and said, “What you said does support a theory I have about what happened leading up to Fukushima’s murder.”

“A theory?” replied Rose. “I have read the report our LO sent from the Japanese police. It seemed pretty thorough to me. One of Fukushima’s bodyguards tried to kill Jack, but instead stabbed his boss to death.”

“Yes, and when the bodyguard made that mistake, Corporal Taggart was present.”

“Jack was not to blame! His presence was just coincidental to the mistake the bodyguard made.”

“Coincidental? Coincidence? Where have I heard those words before?”

“Sir, it
a coincidence. The bodyguard has already confessed to the Japanese police.”

“I am aware of that,” replied Isaac. “Several Japanese police officers actually witnessed the murder as they entered the room. Although they were so appalled and shocked at seeing Lee’s severed head and body, along with Fukushima getting his throat slashed, that I understand they were in a state of confusion as to exactly what was taking place and by who.”

“They did see it, though,” replied Rose. “There was no doubt that the bodyguard murdered Fukushima. He confessed to everything, including giving a detailed account of the murder here.”

“The murder of the homeless person in the park,” said Isaac, nodding his head.

“Sir, his name was Melvin Montgomery,” noted Rose.

Isaac looked curiously at Rose and asked, “Sounds like you have a personal interest?”

“No,” replied Rose. “It just sounds more decent giving him a name.”
God, I’m glad Jack isn’t here. He’d never let me forget it.

“I agree,” replied Isaac. “In any event, the Japanese police found a video of Melvin Montgomery’s murder in a safe in one of Fukushima’s estates in Tokyo. It clearly shows Lee as the murderer. They also found a host of other files showing who was being bribed around the world and for how much. It included one of their higher-ranking police officers. They were able to prove it was the same officer who called Fukushima to tell him who Corporal Taggart and Constable Secord really were, and of the impending arrests.”

“The LO told me the Japanese police are very upset,” replied Rose. “Bribery is relatively rare amongst their department. To have a situation develop that nearly cost the lives of two foreigners is extremely embarrassing for them.”

“Yes, I understand they wish to formally apologize to both Corporal Taggart and Constable Secord,” said Isaac. “I have even heard talk that the Japanese ambassador wishes to present them each with a samurai sword as a token of their appreciation.”

“That’s nice to hear, although from a psychological point of view, I’m not sure if the sight of a samurai sword would speed up their recovery.”

“Good point,” mused Isaac.

“However, given the extraordinary circumstances and extreme danger Jack and Laura both faced, it was only through sheer courage and presence of mind that they survived. Naturally, I’ll be recommending them both for Commendation as well.”

Isaac stared at Rose silently for a moment, before leaning forward and saying, “First, perhaps you could ease my mind about something.”


“It is the circumstances leading up Fukushima’s murder that have me slightly confused,” said Isaac. “Fukushima was a small man, was he not?”

“I guess so,” replied Rose. “Jack was able to control him. Mind you, it takes the fight out of someone to have their eyeball popped out with a fork.”

“Yes, which adds to my theory,” said Isaac. “You are aware that Corporal Taggart used a sleeper hold on Lee earlier to make it look like he was dead?”

“Yes, sir,” sighed Rose. “And I know members have been forbidden to use such holds since an incident years ago where a man died trying to swallow a bundle of heroin while being choked. But what choice did Jack have? Surely you don’t plan to reprimand him over —”

“No, the use of the sleeper hold … on Lee … does not concern me. Can you explain to me why someone of Corporal Taggart’s stature, size, and training, with his arm wrapped around the throat of a small man who had lost his eye, was unable to control him?”

“I don’t understand what you mean,” said Rose. “He did control him up until the bodyguard smashed through the wall and stabbed him in the fracas that followed.”

“Yes, and according to the eyewitness reports,” continued Isaac, “at that time Corporal Taggart was no longer holding Fukushima from behind. He was crouched in front of him and holding him up high by the front of his kimono. One police officer even thought Fukushima may have been unconscious at the time, but opened his remaining good eye when he was stabbed.”

Rose stared silently as her brain replayed the scenario of what she now realized had happened.

“The Japanese police did not figure it out,” said Isaac, “although they should have, with the other clues they were left with.”

“Other clues, sir?”

“They found the results of a polygraph test that Corporal Taggart took. They are extremely impressed with his ability to deceive the polygraph operator who worked for Fukushima. Particularly where he convinced the polygraph operator that he had lied to the police, hidden the body of a murder victim, and … let’s see … what were the exact words … yes, fooled the polygraph operator into believing he had ‘orchestrated or committed murder.’”

“Sounds like he owes our polygraph operator a debt of gratitude prepping him enough to save his butt,” replied Rose. “I’ll tell him he should buy Larry Killaly a drink.”

“Is that what you believe saved him?” asked Isaac.

Rose paused, wondering how to respond.

“Exactly. Glad to see you decided not to lie to me.” Isaac leaned forward, lowering his voice and said, “You know Corporal Taggart’s history. Could he have really been telling the truth?”

“Fukushima was an extremely dangerous man,” said Rose, quietly. “Statements indicate he not only threatened Jack and Laura, but their families, as well.”

“I am aware of that,” sighed Isaac. “So I have a proposition. How would it be if I keep my suspicions to myself and you forget about recommending them for Commendation?”

A tiny smile crossed Rose’s lips and she said, “Agreed. Knowing Jack and Laura, they aren’t the type who would care.”

“Good, I would have great difficulty in presenting it to him and pretending to be a fool.”

As Rose stood to leave she said, “Sir, the Japanese police said Fukushima had an army of over fifteen thousand strong scattered around the globe. If you were in the same circumstances as Jack and you heard the threats Fukushima made regarding your family, what would you have done to save yourself or your loved ones?”

“I certainly wouldn’t do what you are suggesting,” replied Isaac.


“Forget about telling Corporal Taggart to buy our polygraph operator a drink. Larry Killaly doesn’t drink.”

Rose grinned all the way back to her office.


Jack caught the shimmering reflection of the candlelight in Natasha’s eyes as she glanced up and smiled at him from where she sat at their dining-room table. She savoured the last mouthful of peach flambé that Jack had made for dessert, then reached over and held his hand.

“You okay?” she asked.

“I’m not okay,” replied Jack. “I’m great. I love you so much.”

“I think you’re great, too.”

“And?” said Jack.

Natasha smiled and said, “And I love you, too.” She gestured to the open patio doors and said, “A full moon tonight. You know what that’s good for?”


“You are such a beast. No, it’s good for making babies.”

“I thought a full moon was when hospitals were busy delivering babies, not placing the orders.”

“I’m a doctor. Are you questioning me?”


Natasha leaned forward to blow out the candle but stopped. She stared at the faded plastic rose in the crystal vase in the centre of the table and then picked it up, turning it slowly in her fingers. “Maybe we should call our first son Melvin.”

“I was leaning toward Mike or Steve,” replied Jack, “if it’s a girl, I love Brenda.”

“Maybe you’re right. Melvin was one of a kind. He was a real somebody.”


Criminal conduct by informants has often been a cause for serious debate. If criminals could eliminate informants from their midst by testing them to commit a criminal act, or by their refusal to commit such criminal acts as they had prior to being an informant, then criminal organizations would seldom be penetrated.

In September 2006, defence lawyers argued in a British Columbia Supreme Court that the conduct of an RCMP informant by breaking the law constituted an abuse of process. On March 16, 2007, the RCMP won a significant victory in British Columbia Supreme Court when it was ruled that the illegal conduct of a million-dollar police agent did not violate the rights of the accused.

Unfortunately, in British Columbia, on average, criminals committing the same acts and who share a similar criminal history receive a sentence that is approximately three times lower than they would elsewhere in Canada. British Columbia continues to remain a favoured location for criminals to operate from, or, if apprehended in another province, an ideal location to move to for the purpose of pleading guilty in a British Columbia court.

There is a Commission for Public Complaints (CPC) created by Parliament to ensure that complaints made by the public about the conduct of members of the RCMP are examined fairly and impartially. The CPC is not part of the RCMP. The CPC make findings and recommendations aimed at correcting and preventing recurring policing problems. The CPC’s goal is to promote excellence in policing through accountability.

The CPC is a vital part of our democracy. It would greatly benefit society if our judiciary would face the same type of accountability on a national level.

More Jack Taggart Mysteries by Don Easton

Loose Ends

A Jack Taggart Mystery



Jack Taggart, an undercover Mountie, lives in a world where the good guys and the bad guys change places in a heartbeat. Taggart is very good at what he does. Too good to be playing by the rules. The brass decide to assign a new partner to spy on him. Taggart’s new partner discovers a society dependent upon unwritten rules. To break these rules is to lose respect. To lose respect is to lose one’s life.
Loose Ends
is terrifying. It is a tale of violence, corruption, and retribution, but it is also a story of honour and respect.

Above Ground

A Jack Taggart Mystery



For RCMP undercover operative Jack Taggart, the consequences of his actions in
Loose Ends
linger. His deal with Damien, leader of the Satans Wrath motorcycle gang, has put him in a bind and has jeopardized an informant in the gang. Meanwhile, other members of the gang, led by a mysterious figure known only as “The Boss,” have been working to eliminate Taggart by destroying the lives of anyone with connections to him. And if the bad guys aren’t enough of an obstacle, there are problems to be found on the force itself. With Jack’s life and career on the line,
Above Ground
is a tough and gritty follow-up that will more than satisfy readers who were pulled into the dark Vancouver underworld by
Loose Ends.

Angel in the Full Moon

A Jack Taggart Mystery



In this sequel to
Loose Ends
Above Ground
, Jack Taggart continues as an undercover Mountie whose quest for justice takes him from the sunny, tourist-laden beaches of Cuba to the ghettos of Hanoi. His targets deal in human flesh, smuggling unwitting victims for the sex trade. Jack’s personal vendetta for justice is questioned by his partner, until he reveals the secret behind his motivation, exposing the very essence of his soul. This is the world of the undercover operative: a world of lies, treachery, and deception. A world where violence erupts without warning, like a ticking time bomb on a crowded bus. It isn’t a matter of if that bomb will go off — it is a matter of how close you are to it when it does.

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