Read Santa Wishes Online

Authors: Amber Kell

Santa Wishes (2 page)

BOOK: Santa Wishes
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“I just bet you do.” Gregory laughed.

Tre’s kiss took him by surprise. The man’s mouth was starting to become a familiar addiction. Gregory could easily live on the taste of sugar, cinnamon and hot male.

“Mmm,” he murmured against Tre’s lips.

A soft ding caused Tre to pull away.

“Last batch, babe,” Tre gave him a sweet grin that such a sexy man shouldn’t be able to pull off.

“It better be,” Gregory muttered under his breath. He wanted to get it on like those cookie reindeer.

Tre pulled a cookie sheet out of the oven and set it on the burners. “I’ll give them a minute before I put them on the cooling rack.”

“They smell good.” Once he was certain Tre was clear of anything that might burn him, Gregory pounced.

Wrapping his arms around Tre, he pulled the taller man toward him and away from the stove. “Let’s take this back to the bedroom.” He nipped Tre’s bottom lip and stepped away. Grabbing Tre’s hand, he pulled him back toward the doorway.

But just then the doorbell rang and rang. Gregory released Tre’s hand. “Your doorbell plays jingle bells?”

Tre blushed. “I like the holidays.”

Gregory shook his head. “Where are my clothes?”

Tre gave him a wicked grin. I washed them. I put them in the dryer before I went to bed last night. They should be ready.”

“Why did you wash my clothes?”

Tre shook his head. “You really don’t remember anything, do you? You ran into some guy and he spilled his drink on you. I didn’t think you wanted to smell like a distillery so I washed them for you.”

“Aren’t you all kinds of handy? I’m sure that deserves a reward.”

Banging sounded on the door. Someone was getting impatient.

Gregory couldn’t prevent a spurt of pride at the thought he was able to distract the gorgeous man before him.

“I’d better go see who that is. Why don’t you get dressed, honey?”

“You’re going to answer the door in your boxers?”

Tre laughed. “If you’ve ever seen one of my magazine ads you’d know I’ve worn a lot less on a billboard. The dryer is over there.” He pointed to a door Gregory hadn’t noticed before.

“Thanks.” Turning, Gregory hurried out of the room.

The laundry room was small but tidy. Gregory retrieved his clothes and dressed quickly. Entering the other room, he came to an abrupt halt.

Tre stood in the middle of the room with two other men who looked identical to Tre.

Oh, yum.

“Well, I see why you were late answering the door.” One look-alike Tre said, folding his arms.

“Yeah, he’s really pretty,” the other not-Tre said raking Gregory with his hot gaze.

Gregory glared at Tre. “I thought you said they were both interested in women?”

The one who called Gregory pretty glared at Tre. “My brother has a selective memory. I’m bisexual.”

Tre crossed his arms. “Since when?”

“Since you bring home men that look like that. I’m Deuce.” The flirty one introduced himself.

Gregory shook his head and looked at the third brother. “I assume you’re Uno?”

The man shook his head. “No, I’m Jack.”


Jack smiled. “When you’re the original, you don’t need a number.”

Jack went down under a pile of his other two brothers with a soft, “Omph.”

Gregory tried to resist the path to the gutter his mind dragged him toward. But with three sexy men wrestling, one who still only wore his underwear. Really what gay guy could resist such a hot fantasy?

Dancer saved Gregory from the awkward moment by jumping up and down and barking at the brothers until they stopped writhing on the ground.

Gregory palmed his cock, trying to get it to behave. Three sets of blue eyes turned toward him. “What? I’m only human.”

Tre laughed and pulled himself out of the pile. Walking over to Gregory, he wrapped him in a cocoon of hot male flesh, yanking a moan out of Gregory.

He gasped as Tre found the sensitive spot beneath his ear with soft lips and a puff of warm breath. Tre palmed Gregory’s erection.

“Stop doing that unless you’re going to share him,” Deuce grumbled.

Tre lifted his hands and lips away from Gregory, causing him to whimper from the loss. Dancer jumped up at him as if trying to get his attention.

Gregory petted the ugly mop. “It’s just not the same, dude.”

Tre trailed a hand across Gregory’s back. “Sorry, hon, I promise to seduce you later.”

“I’m gonna hold you to that.” He wasn’t going to pout. He wasn’t. He settled for giving Tre’s amused brothers a death glare. Sadly, it only earned him chuckles.

“I could take care of that for you,” Deuce offered.

“And I could be a twin instead of a triplet.” Tre countered. “I found him and brought him home. Go get your own Christmas wish. He didn’t even know who I was.” He ended with a smug smile.

Jack and Deuce turned to look at Gregory. “Seriously?” Deuce asked.

Gregory motioned to his faded jeans and soft t-shirt. “Do I look like the type of person who reads fashion magazines?”

Jack smirked. “Don’t watch commercials or look at billboards either?”

Gregory shrugged. “All you gorgeous guys look alike.” He examined the brothers. There were minute differences but he doubted he’d necessarily see them in print. “And sometimes you really look alike.”

“Leave my man alone and come help me decorate the cookies,” Tre said.

“He’s not your man; you’ve only known him one night,” Deuce protested. “He’s still a free agent.”

“Do you often poach men in your brother’s living room?” Gregory asked dryly. Deuce was a little too full of himself. He lacked the sweetness beneath Tre’s sexy exterior.

Jack patted him on the back in commiseration. “Do you maybe have a pretty sister?”

Gregory laughed. “Yes, but somehow I don’t think I want to introduce her to you. You have player written all over you.”

“You can check me for writing any time,” Deuce offered.

“Ow,” Deuce rubbed the back of his head and glared at Tre. “That wasn’t nice.”

“I warned you against flirting with him,” Tre growled and it wasn’t playful.

“Okay, okay. No poaching cute guys in brother’s living room. You don’t have to get violent.” Deuce winked at Gregory as he scooted out of his brother’s reach.

Gregory smiled at their antics. He didn’t have any brothers but he could tell the triplets were close. He could also see that the three of them had holiday plans and he was getting in the way.

“Well, Tre, I’ve got to get going. It’s been fun and all.” He awkwardly started backing away from the three sets of eyes staring at him with all the interest of suddenly finding an alien in their midst.

Tre crossed his arms and frowned at Gregory, an expression surprisingly shared by his brothers. “Where do you think you’re going?”

Gregory shrugged. “It’s obvious you three have some plans for Christmas.” He waved a hand to encompass the slightly pornographic cookies.

“We didn’t come to scare you off, Gregory,” Jack said. “I can’t tell you how long it’s been since my brother had a decent date.”

“I don’t know that I was such a decent date,” Gregory laughed.

“You were perfectly well behaved, maybe even overly so.” Tre left his position by the cookies to approach him. He stopped barely a foot away. Sliding his right hand down Gregory’s cheek in an oddly gentle gesture, Tre smiled at him. “Come on, honey, don’t I get to keep you until Christmas? It’s not kind to give a gift and then take it back before it’s properly unwrapped.”

“He might have other plans, Tre,” Jack warned.

His sister had gone out of town to meet her boyfriend’s family so Gregory didn’t truly have much to do. He had considered taking a few friends up on their offers to join them for Christmas dinner but hadn’t made any concrete plans.

Tre slipped his arms around Gregory, pulling him in close. “What do you say? We throw one hell of a party and I can introduce everyone to my hot new boyfriend.”

Gregory laughed. He was the least hot guy in the room and for once he didn’t mind. “What are you having besides questionable cookies?”

Jack laughed. “Don’t worry, we’re having the real stuff catered. A girl I’m dating runs an catering company.”

Deuce nodded. “Why she’s dating Jack, we just don’t know.”

Jack shoved him.


With the urging of Tre’s brothers, Gregory stayed. It turned out the party was a bigger deal than he initially thought. He’d imagined crashing a small party with a few friends. Instead, apparently it was an exclusive event at a posh resort to raise money for underprivileged kids.

“This is a great idea.” Gregory currently was feeling rather underprivileged so understood these kids. His last paycheck had gone the way of bills and rent and unless the economy turned around, his job prospects weren’t looking very good. His degree in marketing had gotten him a foothold at an advertising agency. Unfortunately, the company let him go after a big client decided to go in a different direction.

The cookies were purely a joke between the brothers that they gave out to friends at their smaller party later.

When the limo pulled up to take them to the party, Gregory felt like a fairytale prince. Especially since Tre insisted on letting him wear one of his designer suits. Apparently he’d gotten it a while ago from a designer who’d sent him the wrong size. Gregory couldn’t pronounce the name of the designer but that didn’t stop him from enjoying the outfit.

Gregory stifled his laughter over his change of circumstances as the limo traveled the five miles from Tre’s place to the resort. It might only be one night but he was going to enjoy himself. Deuce got out first and leaned in to assist Gregory out of the limo. He accepted Deuce’s help, not that he really needed it, but he thought it would be rude to ignore the other man.

Deuce pulled him through the limo door and safely onto the sidewalk, only to tuck Gregory’s hand around his arm. The flash of the camera blinded Gregory briefly as he futilely tried to regain his hand.

“Come on smile, honey, it’s for the children,” Deuce grinned at the cameras.

Gregory jolted as Tre wrapped an arm around his waist on the opposite side from Duece. With a quick yank Tre freed Gregory from his brother’s hold. “Miss me?”

Laughing, Gregory watched Deuce glare at his brother. “Immensely.”

“Come on, Tre, you know I don’t have a date. Have a heart and share yours.”

Tre smirked. “The only reason you don’t have a date is because you wanted to keep your options open.”

Deuce shrugged. “A guy likes to be flexible.”

Gregory nodded. “Yoga helps.”

Tre stumbled as they walked. Only his hold on Gregory prevented him from falling. “You do yoga?”

Gregory gave Tre his best seductive smile. A little rusty but if the model’s expression was any measure it still worked. “I’ve been doing yoga for years. Keeps my muscles all bendy.”

“Deuce!” Gregory shouted.

Too late.

His eyes glued on Gregory, the model walked straight into a pillar.

“Ouch!” Deuce said. Cameras flashed as he stepped away from the abusive building with a red mark on his forehead.

Jack joined them and threw back his head, laughing. “Instant karma, dude!”

Deuce glared at his brother and rejoined everyone, keeping a careful distance from Gregory.

Turning his head, Gregory hid his smile.

Tre dipped his head down and whispered in his ear. “Deuce can be an ass but he’s harmless.”

Gregory nodded. Deuce was kind of a goofball but Gregory didn’t sense any real malice in the man. He suspected the gorgeous model just liked to be the center of attention and poking at his brother at the same time was just icing on the cake.

Entering a room with three gorgeous models gave Gregory’s ego a much-needed boost. Tre might have only invited him because he felt sorry Gregory was spending the holidays alone but he was going to enjoy every moment.

He genuinely liked the triplets. They were funny, gorgeous and treated him like one of their own. Well, Tre treated him like he was a hot piece of ass but truly he liked that in the guy.

Heads turned as they walked through the door. All eyes followed them as they passed through the crowd and waved at people they passed. They didn’t stop, or even even talk until they reached the buffet table and a pretty woman in a chef’s coat. Her eyes lit up when she saw Jack.

“Hi, honey,” Jack greeted her. He kissed her on each cheek before taking her hand and introducing her to Gregory.

“Charlotte, I want to introduce you to Tre’s new man, Gregory. Gregory, this is my sweet Charlotte.”

She blushed bright red and rolled her eyes at Gregory, he was immediately charmed.

“Gregory Brown, nice to meet you.” He didn’t correct the fact that he wasn’t technically Tre’s man. It was hard to deny it when the model had his arm around Gregory and was smiling like the cat who'd eaten the canary.

“Charlotte Vance.” They shook hands like conspirators exchanging knowing glances. Until the name stuck in Gregory’s head.

“I’ve heard of you. You have that catering company on Trenton Avenue.”

“That’s right.” Gregory got a wide smile. “What do you do?”

With a sigh, he gave a shrug. “I used to be in marketing but was laid off two weeks ago. I’m currently job hunting. Well, except tonight. Tonight I’m going to party and maybe get lucky.” He shot a coy look at Tre only to have the model tighten his grip.

“You are definitely going to get lucky and it’d best be with me.” No sign of humor lived in Tre’s eyes. The man definitely didn’t take any teasing when it came to Gregory getting laid by anyone else.

“Trust me, honey, you are definitely at the top of the list.”

The smile returned. “Good, then we can just tear my name off and burn the rest of it.”

Before Gregory could comment, Tre kissed him with a single-minded focus. Moaning, Gregory melted against the taller man. When he was finally released, he leaned against Tre for support.

Licking his lips, he nodded. “Definitely a one man list.”

Tre’s smile was smug but Gregory let him get away with it.

A throat clearing had him turning his attention back to Charlotte. The woman’s amused look made him blush.

BOOK: Santa Wishes
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