Read Satisfaction Guaranteed Online

Authors: Charlene Teglia

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

Satisfaction Guaranteed (7 page)

BOOK: Satisfaction Guaranteed
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"Exciting." She smiled at him. "Like maybe there's an exciting side to me. Maybe I'm not just a person who sells insurance and makes the numbers and gets the paperwork in on time. Nobody would believe it."

"Nobody?" Chase tilted his head to study her face. "Aren't there any friends in your life who know the real you?"

"Well, yes. The one who told me about the Capture Agency in the first place. And you know, I really think it surprised her that I wanted to do this." Probably because the real her wasn't this exciting, abandoned, wanton woman, naked and greedy for pleasure. Rachel pushed the thought away and nestled into Chase, turning her face into the column of his throat so she could breathe in his scent and lose herself in the fantasy.

"Lots of people like sex. Lots of people enjoy adding a few variations to the traditional tried and true." Chase wrapped his arms around her, one hand moving up to toy
with her hair while the other moved lower to stroke the curve of her ass. "Why should it surprise anybody that you wanted to enjoy your sexuality?"

"Well. You know. Lifetime member of the button-up club, conservative professional image." Rachel shrugged.

"I'm conservative."

Rachel laughed outright. "You spanked me. You cuffed me to your bed and licked whipped cream off my, er—"

"Pussy," Chase supplied helpfully.

"Pussy." She said it almost defiantly and felt an inner rush of glee at using the explicit word.

"Yes, I did. You taste delicious, by the way. But that doesn't mean I'm not conservative." He pressed her body closer to his, and Rachel felt his cock twitch against her belly. Hmm, it seemed his recovery time was pretty fast. "Men like to pursue and capture. A lot of men like to be in charge, to be dominating. In today's world, it's not exactly politically correct to have those tendencies outside of the bedroom, but in bed, I think it's an expression of a natural instinct to conquer."

"You can conquer me." Rachel sighed against his bare skin and kissed the pulse point at the base of his throat. "I never imagined it could be such a turn-on."

"Think you can take more?" Chase cupped her butt with both hands to hold her steady and thrust his cock against the smooth skin of her belly in rhythmic strokes, demonstrating exactly what he wanted her to take.

"I'm your helpless captive." Rachel lifted her head to flutter her eyelashes at him. "You have me naked. Whatever are you planning to do with that enormous erection?"

"Use it on you." He gave her a heated look. "Now that we've taken the edge off, I think we can make the next time last a little longer."

"You think?" Rachel burrowed into him and ran her tongue down the line of his shoulder, liking the salty taste of him.

"Like the taste of me?" Chase asked her.


He brought his hands up to her shoulders and pushed down. "Let's see if you do. Get on your knees and suck my cock. Show me how much you like the taste of me in your mouth. If you convince me you love it, I'll fuck you again."

All the air left her body. It was a good thing he wanted her to kneel because her legs collapsed and she dropped, struck down by lust and sheer incredulity that a man so raw and sexual, so in command of himself, had chosen to capture boring Rachel Law.

Except he doesn't think you're boring
, she reminded herself. He thought she was sexy, so she felt sexy. He thought she was adventurous, and desirable, and he wanted her mouth on him before he took her again.

Just the thought of having him in her mouth excited her. The further thought of experiencing every inch of that impressive hard-on between her legs, penetrating her, made her suck in air and wheeze.

"Rachel? All right down there?" His hands tangled in her hair and rubbed at the base of her skull.

"Fine," she gasped. "It just hits me once in a while and I have to take it in. You want me."

"Hell, yes, I want you." He pulled her head closer to his cock. "Now put your mouth on me. Wrap your lips around
my cock and suck me like I'm your favorite candy. I want you to eat me up until my balls are bursting with the need to come. And then I'm going to fuck you. I'm going to pump your pussy so full of come, you can't hold it all and it spills out."

"Chase." She shuddered as he fed her his cock.

She traced her way around his rounded head with the tip of her tongue first, then closed her lips around his warm, smooth flesh and sucked him as far into her mouth as she could take him. He tasted so elementally male. A hint of musk, a tang of salt on her tongue. She rolled her tongue around his member, licking at him, sucking, nibbling, drawing him in and out of her mouth, kissing the sensitive tip of his head.

Rachel ran her tongue over the small slit that seeped salty pre-come and lapped it up, feeling drunk on him, starved for him. Starved for
. Whatever this feeling was, she was hungry for it, for him, and she showed him just how much with her mouth and lips and tongue.

"Stop." Chase urged her head up, using his hold in her hair to pull her away. She let his cock slide out of her mouth and stood, waiting for him to direct her.

"Spread your legs." Rachel complied, shifting her feet apart shoulder width. Chase palmed her sex, testing her, groaning when he found her slick and ready. He plunged a finger into her, and she let her head fall back, panting, as he thrust it in and out. "You are so wet. So hot. You sucked me so good, Rachel. Maybe next time I'll spill myself down your throat and let you swallow every last drop."

"Mmm." Rachel ran her tongue along her lower lip. "Now?"

"No." He added a second finger to the one buried inside her, stretching her open. "Not now. Now I want this." His penetrating fingers twisted and found the spot deep inside her that made her gasp and writhe.

"Chase." She grabbed for him, needing support as the world spun out of control.

He withdrew his fingers and turned her, giving her a sharp slap on the ass. "On the bed, hands and knees. Now, Rachel."

She practically fell into position, feeling awkward and urgent and so very aware of him right behind her. She felt his hands grip her hips, his cock nestling against her bare ass, riding between the twin globes. "Do you want me to get a condom, Rachel?"

"No." The word burst out of her, and she pushed her hips back toward him, arching her back to offer her sex. "You said you wanted to pump me full of come. Do it, Chase. We both had to do the testing, I'm on the pill. I want to feel you inside me, just you, and when you come I want to take it all."

His hands tightened on her hips, and she felt his cock pull back, nudge against her opening, then press forward until the head rode inside her. "Be sure."

"I'm sure." Rachel squeezed her inner muscles, gripping his head as if to keep him from withdrawing.

"Then take this." Chase drove into her, hard and fast and deep, until she felt him at the opening of her womb. Her flesh stretched around him, yielding for him, taking the full length of him inside her, and Rachel closed her eyes at the sensation of being so thoroughly filled.

The universe shrank down to a bubble inhabited only
by the two of them, the rhythmic slap of flesh meeting, the intense physical awareness of Chase that made pleasure almost too much to bear. His hands on her, his body behind hers, rocking into her again and again.

Rachel made a soft sound and laid her cheek against the bedspread as she half collapsed, her chest touching the bed as she rested there, back arched and butt upraised, being taken so completely that it made every other experience she'd had seem unreal. Unimportant.

"Time to change position." Chase withdrew, and before she could protest the loss, he rolled her onto her back and lowered himself onto her. "I want to look into your eyes while I have you."

She swallowed. Her mouth had gone dry, and her eyes felt heavy and swollen. "I'll try to keep them open."

He pulled her arms above her head and pinned her wrists with his hands as he positioned himself and thrust into her again. The slick folds of her vulva gave way to his invasion, welcoming him.

"Rachel." He scraped his teeth over the curve of her lower lip. "If you could only see how you look right now. Your face flushed, your eyes half-lidded. Your nipples so hard and tight. Your legs open for me, taking me. You look like a woman surrendering to pleasure, on the edge of orgasm. Absolutely beautiful."

"You look different, too." Rachel lifted her head to kiss him. Their lips met and clung, then slid apart. "You look like you left civilization with your suit."

"I don't feel very civilized right now." He held her down as he continued to thrust into her. "Put your legs around me."

She shifted under him and did as he asked. The slight
change in angle opened her more fully to him and made his penetration even deeper. "Chase."

"Yes. Like that." His voice was rough. The way he held her wasn't gentle, and she didn't want it to be. She wanted to be taken hard, marked, claimed.

"Harder," she whispered as her body wrapped invitingly around his, offering anything he wanted.

"Tell me who you want to fuck you harder."

"Chase." She said his name in a hoarse voice. "I want Chase to fuck me harder."

"Do you want to come now, pretty Rachel?" His voice rasped as he drove into her with increased force.

"Yes. I want to come. Make me come, Chase." Her body was tightening under and around him. She could feel the wave building and building, but release stayed just out of reach.

"I'll make you come so hard, you'll see stars."

Rachel closed her eyes, unable to keep them open any longer. She was falling, drowning in sensation, in need, and Chase was her anchor. He held her, grounded her, and pushed her past the limit of restraint as he took her in hard, demanding strokes. Some internal barrier was battered down and she went liquid under him, feeling the completeness of her surrender. Her body was his to take. She was his to take.

"Chase." She wasn't sure if she actually said his name or only thought it before the pleasure took her like a storm. The intensity stole her breath and seized her muscles, leaving her helpless and unable to move while Chase continued to surge inside her. She felt his shaft grow even more engorged as he started to come, then a hot, liquid rush that
sent her off on another crashing wave of sensation and an orgasm so violent, it was almost painful.

It was so primal, so basic. His body on hers. His seed filling her. His strength holding her, the heat and need between them holding him just as surely. She jerked and twisted underneath him, and he rode her down, bringing them both through the eye of the hurricane and finally coming back to rest together.

Chase stayed on top of Rachel for what seemed like eternity, his body heavy with release. He was still buried in her to his balls, a position he was loath to relinquish. It filled him with satisfaction to have her trapped under his weight after he'd taken her. He'd pumped himself empty into her, both of them wanting the deepest, fullest contact with no barriers between them. Coming inside Rachel was a pleasure all its own.

The way she looked while he took her was another. He didn't think any other man had seen her looking that way. She'd been lost to sensation, lost to the moment, surrendering to him and to her own passion. She'd looked like a goddess. He'd made her look like that. He'd made her come until she couldn't take any more.

And he'd nearly sent her away from the Capture Agency. The thought twisted his gut.

"Chase." His temporary captive stirred under him, and Chase rolled onto his back, taking her with him so their positions reversed, Rachel lying sprawled on top of him. He wrapped his arms around her and stroked her back, liking the feel of her against him and the smooth silk of her skin under his hands. "Is that better?" he asked her.

"Um." She rubbed her cheek against his chest in a lazy caress. "Yes. You were getting heavy."

"I'll move sooner next time." He slid one hand into her hair and toyed with the length.

"No, don't." Her voice was low and drowsy but audible. "I liked it. You feel good lying on me like that. In me. After."

"After I fuck you senseless, I'm in no hurry to go anywhere." His body rocked against hers, and he heard her sigh in response. "We used each other up. That calls for a little recovery time."

"Mmm," she said.

From the boneless sprawl of her body and the sound of her voice, Rachel was on the verge of slipping into sleep. That amused him and charmed him, too. Ms. Urban Professional had transformed into a vixen and now was fully sated and as cuddly as a cat.

He continued to stroke her back in slow, soothing motions. Her breathing deepened and settled into a steady rhythm as she slept in his arms, limp and spent.

It occurred to him that he couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so relaxed. Being at the cabin was always peaceful, but for the first time he wasn't alone in his private retreat. It pleased him to have Rachel here, like a treasure he'd carried off to his lair to hoard with dragonish lust. The image made him smile. Something about her certainly brought out the animal in him.

She shivered in his arms, and Chase realized her skin was cooling after the heat of exertion. He didn't want her to get chilled. He eased back the covers and settled her under
them, tucked them snugly around her, and went to see to the fire.

BOOK: Satisfaction Guaranteed
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