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Authors: Anita Cox

Saving Grace (4 page)

BOOK: Saving Grace
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Tiffany helped Grace carry food and drinks to her room then brought her a tablet of paper to make notes.

“God, thanks Tiffany. I don’t know how I could have gotten through any of this without you. You’ve been a great help.” She looked down at her friend, her bright white smile accentuated her dark exotic skin. It made her envious, she couldn’t even seem to obtain a decent tan.

She flapped her hand at Grace as if to wave her off. “Get your reading done. If you need anything, just let me know. I start college next week thanks to you.”

With a wink and a smirk, Grace said, “Go show them what a Lycan woman can do with an education.”

Tiffany nodded and closed the door behind her as she left.

She cracked open the book she’d started. After an hour of reading, she finally gotten to the history of her bloodline. The last Lycan king was her great-grandfather and he turned out to be a real bastard. He used his powers during battle to force Lycan opponents to shift to their weaker, human form to humiliate and defeat them with ease. He’d been oppressive and forced the packs to pay him high taxes.

No wonder my parents declined to take their position.

Her great-grandfather was killed by his second wife after he attempted a cleansing of the pack—killing off any Lycan with tainted blood, blood that had mixed with Fae, humans or shifters of another breed.

Turned out his second wife was part Fae and she didn’t take kindly to her kin being murdered.

After the scandal, the royalty stepped down in shame. Packs split off and the rule of the monarchy died. The magic bestowed on her bloodline remained, despite their loss of rule.

She took notes of every gift and how they were used.

“It’s nice to see you taking your studies seriously.” Her body jerked at the unexpected voice.


“Ouch. Shit!” Her body hit the floor so hard it caused her visitor to take a step forward in surprise.

The voice startled Grace so much, she’d fallen backward off of the bed.

The deathly tone caused her wolf to jump to attention and Grace caught her reflection in the mirror. Though she was in human form, her eyes glowed violet. “Who are you?”

She looked at the man standing in front of her. He looked like he belonged in a crypt. His pale face, old and sunken, dark eyes encased by dark circles…emotionless, flat and staring back at her.

“Are you alright?”

Goose pimples covered her arms at the sound of his eerie voice. He was wearing a black dress shirt, black pants and black boots that looked too heavy for his thin legs.

“You can call me Gustav. I had a witch put a spell on the book so I would know when you reached the truth about your family.” His smile displayed his fangs.

Her heart leaped into her throat. Her limbs vibrated as adrenaline soared through her veins. Every molecule of her being was on high alert.

“How’d you get in here?” She tried to remain calm. Jeffrey mentioned his surprise at the vamps not having made an appearance.
Well here he is!

His lips turned upward into a creepy smile. “Those books you’re reading would be mine. As to how I appeared in your room? That will be covered in this book.” He held out his hands and the brown book Grace had yet to touch flew off her dresser and onto his hands.

Grace’s jaw hit the floor. “No way.”

The vampire saw himself in the mirror. “Oh my. I really do need to eat.”

Grace gulped.
Dammit. Eat what, exactly?

Gustav gave a slow, eerie laugh. “Don’t worry. Princess is not on the menu. I’ll be back momentarily.”

The vampire disappeared into thin air and the book flew back to her dresser.

Should I run? Should I scream? Should I shift? What the fuck do I do?

A knock at Grace’s bedroom door made her yelp.

“Um, come in.”

Roman opened the door. “Grace, we have visitors.” He took a deep breath. “And you need to brace yourself to meet another supernatural.”

“I, uh, just did.” She looked around the room. “Unless I’ve lost my mind.”

Roman rolled his eyes. “No, they can apparate.”


“They can appear out of thin air. It’s cool once it stops scaring the shit out of you. Come on.” He held the door open and waited for her.

Grace latched on to Roman’s hand. “Don’t let go. Please. Don’t let go.”

He leaned into her. “Never,” he whispered.

Grace followed him to the patio, then out to the fire pit. Colin was the lone wolf standing by the fire. He was surrounded by five other figures all dressed in black. All solemn. All very creepy.

“I’m sorry to have startled you, Princess.”

Grace thought her eyes must have deceived her. The man had thickened out and looked younger. Gustav still looked creepy, but not like crypt material.

“Ah. You’ve noticed.” He smiled. “Venison is not my favorite, but it’ll suffice.” Using his index finger, he wiped away the drip of blood rolling down his chin.

“Our guests are excited to meet you, Grace.” Colin held out his arm. “Please have a seat.”

Grace stood frozen for a moment, staring at Gustav who lost decades in a manner of seconds. When Roman’s warm hand made contact with the small of her back, it broke her brief moment of fear. She relaxed as his heat radiated through her body and then she took a seat.

“She’s not frightened of us?”

Grace’s gaze shot toward the tall woman who spoke. She had bleach blonde hair that was in a braid past her hip. Unwilling to be spoke about, she replied. “I’m not afraid, no. Startled? Maybe. Shocked? A little. But actually, I’m a little curious.” Grace gazed at the woman. Something about her seemed very familiar, which Grace knew had to be impossible. This was the first time she’d ever met a vampire.

The woman’s mouth turned up in a smile that made Grace’s neck hairs stand on end. “Katarina.” She held out her hand.

Grace stood and shook hands with the female vampire. Her hand was cool to the touch.

“What can we do for you?” Roman interrupted.

“Nothing, Lycan. We’re here to meet the Princess, to see what she’s learned, if anything.” Gustav finally eased onto a stump.

“You mean about the history, my royal status, or about my particular gifts?” she asked as she glanced back and forth between Gustav and Katarina. Time for fear was over, she had to be strong. She had to show them she had a voice.

Katarina clapped her hands. “Marvelous. She’s like her great-grandmother reincarnate. Magnificent!”

Grace cleared her throat. “You, uh, knew my great-grandmother?”

“Lila was a fantastic and powerful Lycan Queen. Vampires and Lycans were not exactly on friendly terms back then, but Lila was fearless. She met with me frequently and sought my counsel. Fearless!” She stuck her chin up in the air.

If Grace didn’t know any better, she’d swear the look on Katarina’s face was complete and total admiration…and maybe a little longing.

“Were you lovers?” Grace asked, remaining glued to the stump and safely next to Roman.

“Grace!” Colin shot out of his seat like a gun went off.

Katarina held up her hand. “Stand down, Alpha.” She walked around the fire and squatted in front of Grace. “You have her emerald green eyes, her beautiful strong cheek bones and her full lips.” She was so close Grace could feel her breath on her lips when she spoke.

Grace remained where she was, thinking the vampire was trying to intimidate her. If she leaned back, she’d fall off the log, a scene she did not care to repeat. She was a Lycan. She was strong. She was not going to back down, even if her heart beat was nearly deafening.

Katarina’s face a mere inch from her own. Then, their lips made contact for a brief moment. “Ah, but you do not taste as sweet.”

Grace’s heart thundered in her chest.
What the fuck? Why did she kiss me?
Grace’s mind was numb. She thought this had been some sort of challenge. That was not the case, clearly. A kiss is hardly a sign of aggression but…why?

Roman turned to Katarina. “That was uncalled for.”

She merely laughed in response.

“What on earth would possess you to ask that question?” Roman whispered.

Grace looked at Gustav. “Is this part of the secret?”

He shook his head.

She turned to Roman. “Back then, though Lycans and Vampires were mortal enemies, they’d often take to screwing each other. It was the only type of safe sex Lycans could have back then that wouldn’t resort in children, because they didn’t know life was only created during the heat. Lycan males were often aroused at the temperature difference and the Vampires loved the Lycans’ stamina.”

“And sometimes, they killed each other afterward,” Gustav studied the backs of his fingers. “It was such a bloody mess back then.”

“As Alpha,” Colin said turning to Gustav, “I’d like to know why there are secrets about our people that I’m not privy to.”

“Because they’re not your secrets. They’re Grace’s.” Katarina’s gaze locked on her.

Uncomfortable at Katarina’s stare-down, she stood and moved toward the fire. “I’m just learning about some abilities I have, Colin. These are secrets that were passed down from generation to generation. Because I have no generation to fill me in, I think our guests felt obliged to fill in the gaps.”

Gustav nodded toward Colin. “Your princess’ arrival has been prophesized. She is to unite the people—all of us. So it is our duty to educate her in our world, and the royal world since she has no living relatives to do this for her.”

Grace glanced at Roman. “And when my mate takes in my blood, he’ll receive the gifts as if he was pureblooded Lycan royalty himself.”

“And her knowledge, and the knowledge of her ancestors. It comes with the blood.” Gustav floated off his stump, though he remained seated. “A gift normally reserved for our kind.”

“Blood memories? I thought that was a myth?” Colin rubbed his neck. “So anyone who drinks her blood gets her memories?”

“Hardly. Only her bonded mate.” Gustav floated over so he was face to face with Grace.

“What kind of abilities?” Roman asked.

“Wait!” Grace interrupted. “Why don’t I have these memories?”

Katarina laughed. The sound was a high-pitched shrill, and made the Lycans cringe. “Silly pup! You don’t get to know yet. You’ve denied being a Lycan until recently. The memories will be strongest after you are bonded. And while you may have taken a roll in the hay, I see no mark on either one of you.” She turned to Grace. “My darling, you will have them. They will come…in time.”

Roman tightened his jaw and nodded. “Fair enough,” he said through gritted teeth.

“Have you spoken with your wolf?”
Gustav’s voice was now in Grace’s head.

“Yes,” she said aloud, her skin crawling with yet another voice floating around inside her head. As hard as she tried to fight it, she gave an obvious shudder.

“And I’m uncomfortable with you in our head!”
Grace’s wolf growled.

“Simmer down, she-wolf. This is the only private conversation we can have.”

In her peripheral, Grace noticed as Roman flinched briefly, then relaxed.

“The Lycan male, Roman, do you intend to be mated with him?”
He circled behind her.

She took a deep breath to calm her nerves, then turned on her heel and calmly made her way back to Roman’s side.
It’s a little early for that, Gustav. Right now I’m learning what it means to be me. I need to be a whole me before I become part of a pair.

“Excellent,” Gustav said bringing the tips of his fingers together.

Colin glanced at Roman, then at Grace. She wondered if he knew what had just happened.

“Beware, she-wolf. The others are looking for you. While they have no idea what you can do, there are enough old tales for them to know you’re valuable.” Katarina looped her arm in Gustav’s. “They
come for you.”

This time, Grace was comforted by her wolf’s voice. “
Don’t worry, Grace. I’ll keep us safe.”

“We are prepared,” Roman stood and folded his arms over his chest. “We have amped up our security detail at night.”

breached your perimeter unseen.” Katarina’s bold remark was challenging to Colin’s position as Alpha.

Grace grabbed Roman’s hand and squeezed.

“Yes, but we haven’t been cross with vampires in ages. You’re always welcomed on our land.” Colin bowed his head slightly. “You’ve always been gracious hosts as well.”

Hosts? They party down with the vampires?

Gustav looked at Grace and smiled.

“Okay, vampire. Out of my head.” Grace rolled her eyes. Gustav seemed to enjoy this game of telepathic chess a bit too much for her liking. Her mind wasn’t a game board.

He flashed his fangy grin at her. “What a splendid idea. Friday evening, at sundown, come to the castle. We haven’t had a gathering in quite some time. You can meet my progeny.”

BOOK: Saving Grace
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