Read Savior Online

Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic, #rubenesque, #forced seduction, #analsex, #aliens have two penesis

Savior (12 page)

BOOK: Savior
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The creepy purple Inteli with the long
green hair came and took her wounded arm, studying it. He put
glasses on and got really close to her arm. Opal tried not to wince
as he gently prodded and touched her. After what felt like hours
but must have only been minutes he staggered back.

Goddess, Danickra. Did
you blood exchange?”

Danickra nodded. “Yes I completed the
mating ceremony.”

Olrica grinned and pulled a long thin
pen like thing out of his pocket. He grabbed her good arm and
stabbed the pen down. Opal felt a prick, and she let out a

Danickra growled. “What are you doing,
Olrica? I gave you no right to take blood from my

Olrica laughed and ignored Danickra,
turning to Uvinya and Dannina. “What wonderful creatures these
humans are. The Nanos have taken to her nicely, and as we speak
they are slowly repairing the damage she sustained. She will be
back in peak condition before you know it.”

Opal started to feel woozy as the
needle took too much blood, and she’d already lost a decent amount.
Danickra noticed her distress and took the device out. Olrica took
the long pen-like thing off Danickra and ran to a huge machine at
the side.

Danickra, give her more
of your blood. She needs it, and she’ll heal quicker,” mumbled
Olrica as he fiddled with his machine.

, Opal thought. It looked like she was going to become an
experiment after all if the look in Olrica’s eyes was any

Danickra left her side for a moment
whispering, “I’m going to go clean off all the acid. I will be
right back.”

He was back a moment later, but Opal
barely noticed as she watched the emotions on Olrica’s face,
getting more terrified as his grin widened and his eyes grew
bright. Danickra lifted her and placed her on his lap. Then his
mouth came down on hers, and she tasted the tangy, fruity-wine
liquid she had tried once before.

A clap resonated around the room.
“Danickra, stop. Don’t give her too much. The human has done the
impossible twice.”

Danickra’s mouth left hers, and she
spat the blood from her mouth. Opal turned to see Olrica
practically dancing. “Not only has she adapted to the Nanos, she
also carries your young.”

Holy mother of God,”
Heather gasped.

Opal looked to Danickra to see him
staring at her in wonder. His hand came to her stomach, and he
rubbed it.

Oh no, she had heard correctly. How on
Earth could she be pregnant? She giggled as she realized what she’d
just said. Earth wasn’t close; Opal wasn’t even on it, and she was
knocked up by an alien, who right now was making goo-goo eyes at

This cannot be happening.
I’ve only starting to get used to the fact that I’ve been abducted
by aliens. Horny, controlling, brooding aliens who barely
Opal laughed at herself as she
released she’d just exchanged one lot of men she had no idea about
for a new lot.

I can’t be pregnant. I
barely know Danickra. Sure I’ve been on this ship for over a month,
but all Danickra does is growl, snarl, and have sex with me. I want
children with a man that at least will have a conversation with me
once in a while.”

Opal didn’t realize she’d spoken out
load until the room went quiet, and everyone’s gaze turned to

What? It’s a lot to take
in, and I haven’t even started thinking on the fact that I was fed
blood and have Nanos in my system that are repairing the skin on my
arm that got acid spat onto it by ugly alien creatures that
attacked us. I have a right to be angry and frustrated.”

She went to get off the table, but
Danickra’s arms tighten around her holding her still. “You may not
be happy, but you need to stay still so your arm can heal.” There
was a steel to Danickra’s voice that she hadn’t heard

Opal looked up, and even with his hard
face she could tell she’d hurt Danickra with what she’d

Dannina came over to her side and
patted her leg. “Ah human, Inteli men are not one to hold a
conversation. By the sounds of what you just said that is a
standard Inteli man. Are human men different?”

Opal looked at Heather, who winked at
her. “Yeah, human men talk all the time. They listen to us and do
as we ask. And when you find the right man they’re great
companions. Right, Opal?”

Opal smirked at Heather. Here was her
chance to make some changes. “Yes, Heather’s correct. Human men
bond by talking with their woman. We get to know each other by
telling our likes and dislikes and about our childhood and friends.
We do some shopping, go on dates, and watch movies together. We do
all this before we decide if they’re good enough to be our mate.”
All the Inteli in the room eyed her like she was nuts.

How do they show you they
can protect you?” Do you both hunt for meat? What about a job? Do
they have one?” Uvinya asked.

Heather answered, telling them all
about her world and sugar-coating it all. Opal listened for a while
until the adrenaline wore off, and exhaustion started to make
itself known. She leaned back on Danickra and snuggled the best she
could into him and let the pain take over.


Danickra had listened to Heather even
when Opal passed out from the pain of the wound. She stopped and
asked if they had anything to ease the pain, and he then told
everyone what bad shape the ship was in. The medical bay was
destroyed. The main data computer had taken huge damage, and
Dangolng was doing the best he could to fix it, but they lost all
the information about Earth and the data they had gotten from Opal
and Heather when they bought them on board and scanned them. They’d
lost data on all the planets they charted and explored on their way
to Earth. He was unsure what was safe to give to Opal.

Danickra had left Zinoro and his
brother Wizbe in charge, telling them to do whatever it took to get
them back to Vennous as quickly as possible.

Olrica cleaned up Heather and took
blood samples. She talked the whole time explaining about Earth
men. Danickra didn’t mind some of the things human men did, but
overall he thought them week and undeserving of the woman they

Uvinya told him to take Opal back to
his room if it survived the attack and let her rest on a soft

Careful not to jolt her, he stood and
walked out of the labs and through the maze of carnage to his room.
He opened the panel, relieved to see his quarters

Going to the bed he laid his precious
bundle down and joined her. Not ready yet to leave her, Danickra
watched her as she slept, amazed at the gift she held within her.
Right there in that moment he promised himself he’d make her want
to be his mate. He’d talk to her and get to know her likes and
dislikes and about her childhood. He tucked some hair behind her
ear and stroked her cheek. He’d be careful with her from now on. No
more sex until the young she carried was born. He would be as meek
as a human male.


Opal awoke to only slight pain, and
the wound on her arm was a lot smaller.

Do you feel any better?
Your arm has closed some.”

The Nanos she could see were working
but slowly.

How did you grow

Startled by his out of
place question it took her a while to answer, and she debated if
she should tell him the real version or a sugar-coated one.
The real one
. It also
should help him not to think of her as fragile.

I lived with my mum until
she died in a car crash when I was eight. She was a good mother. It
was just the two of us. I’m not sure what happened to my father. My
mum never wanted to talk about him. Anyway, when she died I had no
one. Well, a grandmother who was too old to look after me, so they
put me in a foster home.”

What is a foster

A foster home is a place
where another family takes you in for a while and looks after you.
Some are nice places, others not so nice. It’s really luck of the
draw. The government gives the family money, which helps with food
and clothing and so on. I met Heather in the third home I was
placed in. We hated each other at first and fought all the time. It
wasn’t until a day at school one day when I was getting picked on
by some other girls that she came over and stuck up for me. I asked
her later as we walked home why she’d helped me, and she said, “Us
foster kids have got to stay together. We’re all we

Opal smiled as she remembered that day
and hugged Danickra, realizing he was giving her something special.
He was giving her a new family. She touched her stomach and
whispered, “Thank you.”

Danickra’s arms came around her. “I
did not do anything.”

She squeezed him tight. “Yes. Yes you
did.” She placed his hand on her tummy. “You’re making my family

Danickra gently stroked her stomach,
and she felt him kiss her head.

The conversations went like that for
the next couple of weeks. At first while the Nanos did their work
she drifted in and out of consciousness. She caught one discussion
which put her more at ease though.

I need to do more
experiments on her.” She could tell Olrica’s slimy

No. If I catch you near
my mate without my consent, or if I find out you have taken more
blood anything at all I will eliminate you.”

But clan leader, her skin
has done what our did not. The Nanos have regenerated her skin. It
did not do this for our people. I need to find out why. If you
could jus—”

Danickra’s roar for him to get out of
his sight before he killed him just to shut him up had the man
scurrying out.

Opal had slept a lot better after
that. She knew Danickra would never let anything happen to her.
Even after the hurtful words she’d said.

Danickra talked about his childhood,
telling her that they lived in the large trees as the oxygen inside
them was cleaner and more appropriate for their size. She’d laughed
and told him about Ewoks from Star Wars and asked if that was how
it was. He’d pulled her close to him and told her it sort of

She spent the weeks talking about home
and the friends she had. Danickra seemed to listen to everything
she said, even asking questions about certain things like how they
could pollute their world like they were doing and why after so
many centuries they still fought amongst themselves. Opal answered
as best she could, but sometimes as she told him even she didn’t
know why humans did what they did.

As the weeks passed and all Danickra
did was cuddle her at night and talked before bed, she started to
get a new worry. At first she’d thought Danickra wasn’t having sex
with her because she was hurt. When she healed she thought he was
giving her time to recover. After a couple of weeks she tried
propositioning him several times, but every time he maneuvered out
of her embraces and scurried off and she didn’t see a until the
next day.

Did Danickra really like her? Or was
he just happy she got pregnant fast and he didn’t have to make love
to her anymore? Maybe he really didn’t find her attractive and he
was waiting to get home so he didn’t have to deal with her

She knew he got boners over her
because every night they cuddled and talked she could feel his rock
hard cocks against her. Opal didn’t think she could last much
longer. She’d never been so horny in her life.

If Danickra didn’t do something about
her elevated hormones soon she would do more than proposition him
this time, she would cause a huge scene. They were arriving in
Vennous in a day or two, and if she hadn’t found out what was wrong
or slaked her lust, she was taking matters into her own



Opal stared out the window at Vennous.
The planet looked a lot like Earth, with lots of blue and green.
The difference was that there was barely any yellow or brown for
desert or dry areas on the planet, and the trees and plants were
huge. There was also a small planet and one huge grey

Danickra had said that Vennous was
larger than Earth, but the holograms didn’t do the difference
justice. Opal sat in the small eight-seater ship, nine if you
counted the driver, that transferred them planet side. Danickra
who’d barely left her side since the Doomickro attacked, well
except for when she tried to have sex with him, sat on one side of
her, and Heather sat on the other gripping her hand

Danickra told her that she should have
a warm welcome, and a huge celebration would follow when they found
out she grew the next generation. Opal still wasn’t sure how she
felt about that. A baby, an alien baby, well, half would be human
but still. She did like the idea of starting and having her own
family, if Danickra still wanted her.

Heather worried that because she
wasn’t knocked up, as she so delicately put it, that she might not
be welcome. She was scared Salamanda would have to get rid of her.
Opal had reassured Heather that no one was going to get rid of her,
and that being pregnant with an aliens baby wasn’t all it was
cracked up to be.

BOOK: Savior
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