Read Secret Liaisons Online

Authors: Shelia M. Goss

Tags: #Writer;Producer;Hollywood;Love;Romance

Secret Liaisons (17 page)

BOOK: Secret Liaisons
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Chapter Forty-Seven

The next few days flew by. The couple got reacquainted with one another and got back into their normal routine. Mona handed Terrance his morning coffee. He placed it on the desk in front of him.

“Our new assistant will be here shortly.”

Mona sat on Terrance's lap. “Oh, she's ours now?” he asked.

“Yes. She will be working for you and me. That way I can keep an eye on her. I know how easy it is to get a crush on a boss. Especially one that's as handsome as you.”

“You must be working on a raise.”

“If what I feel poking at me is any indication, I think I already did.” Mona kissed him.

The door opened.

Terrance moaned. “Dang. We got company. I knew I should have told you to lock the door.”

Mona stood and straightened her skirt. “I'll take care of this. You take care of that.” She pointed at his erection poking through his pants.

He shifted in his seat and tried to think of something to get his erection to go down.

The sound of his cell phone with his mom's special ring tone playing did the trick. He'd been avoiding her calls for the last two days. He answered because he didn't need his mom dropping by.

“Yes, mom.”

“That is not the proper way to answer your phone. I know I raised you better,” Sara snapped.

“Mom, what is it? I don't have time to argue with you.”

“I just wanted to see how you were doing. I miss our daily talks.”

“I told you if you were going to be saying anything negative about Mona that we would have to keep our distance until you're able to.”

“You're going to allow some woman to come between us?” Sara asked.

“Mom. You'll always be my mother. But Mona is my woman.”

“Are you sure about that? What about the good doctor?” Sara asked.

“I have to go.” Terrance ended the call in the middle of their conversation.

Terrance didn't want to think about Garrett and Mona together but his mom had a point. Mona needed to make a decision and Terrance hoped for his sake, she chose him.

Terrance and Mona left the club. They stopped by Mona's house first so she could pack some clothes and then later they drove to his.

Once they were inside, Terrance convinced Mona to take a shower with him. They took turns washing each other's backs. The hot, soapy water flowed down Mona's back. Terrance planted kisses following the trail. He kissed the softness of her buttocks. He turned her around to face him. While on his knees, he took her into his mouth and pleasured her until she climaxed.

Terrance needed to be inside of Mona. Mona leaned against the shower wall. Terrance stood behind her and entered her from the back. Their bodies rocked in unison as they held on to the wall for support. Terrance kissed the back of Mona's neck. The intensity of his desire increased as he called out Mona's name feeling pure ecstasy.

Once out of the shower, they got in his bed and watched classic movies until they both drifted off to sleep. Terrance prepared breakfast in bed. He frowned when he heard Mona in a heated discussion. She wasn't curled under the covers like he left her. Instead, her legs were dangling to the side as she spoke on her cell phone.

She looked at him. Terrance carried the tray and sat it next to her on the bed. She ended her conversation. “Baby you didn't have to make breakfast. You should have waked me.”

Terrance ignored her comment and said, “Who was that on the phone?”

“My sister. Her call is what woke me. I decided to stop avoiding her.”

“Sounds like you two were arguing.”

“We were. But we got things straight now. Everything is ok.”

“Are you sure?” Terrance asked. “Because I can tell you're tense by the sound of your voice.”

“Feed me and I'll be all better.”

Terrance and Mona took turns feeding each other fruit. Terrance dipped the last strawberry in whipped cream. He put one end of the strawberry in his mouth and the other end with the whipped cream in Mona's. They ate the strawberry until their lips touched. Terrance dipped his tongue in and out of Mona's mouth.

It was a Saturday morning and neither had plans. They spent the majority of the day cuddled in bed watching and critiquing movies on TV. It was around four in the afternoon and neither had put on any clothes.

Terrance's doorbell rang. He went and looked out the window. He didn't recognize the silver SUV Range Rover parked near Mona's car.

“Let me go see who this is. I'll be right back.”

Terrance put on some boxers and a pair of jogging pants. He grabbed a white t-shirt and put it on as he was walking down the stairs.

The doorbell rang again. Terrance looked out the peephole. His mom and Reverend Hamilton stood on the other side. He unlocked the door and opened it. .

“Mama. Reverend Hamilton,” Terrance said, greeting them each with a hug or handshake.

“I've been calling you all day. William and I were out so we decided to stop by. This thing between us has gone on too long so I'm here in peace,” Sara blurted out.

Terrance didn't like beefing with his mom and wanted to make amends but now was not the time.

“You shouldn't have dropped by without speaking with me first. I could have been out of town or something,” Terrance said.

They were still standing near the front door.

“Have you eaten? If not, get dressed. William and I can treat you to dinner.”

“I'm fine.”

Sara started walking towards the living room with Reverend Hamilton right behind her. Terrance had no choice but to follow behind her as well.

“Your house always looks clean when I come by. I'm glad of that,” Sara noted on the way to the living room.

“Mom, I have a cleaning service come in once a week, so it should.”

“Nice house you have here son,” Reverend Hamilton stated.

“Thanks. Mom helped me with the decorations.” Terrance hoped him giving her props would ease the tension between the two of them.

Sara and Reverend Hamilton sat on the sofa.

Terrance needed to figure out his next move. Should he appease his mom on the sofa or go check on Mona who was in his bed?

Chapter Forty-Eight

It was taking Terrance too long to come back up the stairs. Curiosity got the best of Mona so she sent him a text message. She heard his phone beep. She looked and saw his phone on the nightstand.

Not wanting to wait much longer for Terrance to return, Mona got out of bed and went to the closet and removed her overnight bag. She retrieved a pair of jeans and a shirt. She wasn't concerned about ironing them at this point. Instead, she found a hair tie and pulled her hair back in a ponytail.

She slipped on a pair of flats and headed down the stairs. She ran right into Terrance.

“Baby, I was coming back.”

“Who was at the door?” Mona asked.

“Ugh nobody.”

“If it was nobody why are you looking behind your shoulder?”

“Well, what had happened was,” Terrance stuttered.

Terrance tried to lead her back upstairs. Mona wouldn't bulge.

“Terrance, if you don't tell me who was at the door, you and I are going to have some problems.” Mona didn't blink. She placed her hand on her hip and tilted her head to the side.

“It's my mom.”

“Your mom.”

Terrance tried to hush her.

“What is your mother doing here?” Mona asked.

“She's here with her fiancé. They're in the living room.”

“I don't feel like seeing her. Can't you get rid of her?” Mona asked.

“I tried. She insists on us talking.”

“Maybe I should leave. I'm in a peaceful place and don't feel like any drama.” Mona turned around.

Terrance grabbed her arm. “No, don't go. We'd planned on spending the weekend together. My mom being here doesn't change that.”

“I'll be upstairs.” Mona removed Terrance's hand from her arm and headed back to his room.

Terrance followed behind her. “I think the only way to resolve things with my mother is to have you there by my side. She needs to see us together. You're important to me. And she's important to me.”

Mona paused on the stairway. “Fine. But I'm telling you now, if she starts getting disrespectful, you need to stop her. I shouldn't have to say anything to her because she's your mom, not mine.”

“Understood. Now can we turn your frown into a smile?” Terrance asked.

Mona continued to pout. “I'll think about it.”

“Please.” Terrance began tickling Mona.

Mona couldn't control herself and started laughing.

Terrance laughed. “That's more like it.”

Mona followed Terrance to the living room. She took a few deep breathes before entering.

Sara and Reverend Hamilton were talking but stopped when they entered.

Reverend Hamilton stood and shook Mona's hand. Sara looked away and acted like Mona wasn't there.

Mona spoke, “Hello Sara.”

Sara looked at Mona with venom in her eyes. “It's Mrs. Beckham. Didn't your parents teach you some manners?”

“Yes. They taught me to respect those who respect me.”

Terrance tugged on Mona's arm. “Let's sit.”

Mona sat in the love seat next to Terrance. They were all now seated across from one another.

The tension between the two women could be cut with a knife. Terrance cleared his throat.

“Would anyone like something to drink?” Terrance asked, looking from one person to the next.

“None for me,” Sara responded.

“I'm fine.” Mona crossed her arms and leaned back in the chair.

Reverend Hamilton said, “I'll take a glass of juice if you have any.”

“I sure do. Mona, do you want to help me out in the kitchen.”

Mona didn't look at Terrance. “Why don't you show the Reverend around while you get his drink? Your mom and I will be just fine.”

Terrance looked as if he didn't want to. He stood longer than he should have but eventually said, “Come on Reverend Hamilton.”

Mona watched them leave. Sara held a magazine and pretended to be looking at it. Mona laughed because the magazine was upside down so she knew she wasn't really reading it.

“Sara, I mean, Mrs. Beckham. I'm glad we're alone so we can talk. Woman to woman.”

Sara grunted but didn't say anything.

“You don't have to speak, just listen. I love your son. Your son loves me. I will never do anything to hurt Terrance. He means the world to me and I plan to show him each and every day. You've raised an amazing son.”

Sara threw the magazine down on the table. “You don't have to tell me about my son. I know everything there is to know about him. What I don't know is you? Who are your people? Why were you working as his assistant? If you're so intelligent and independent you wouldn't need Terrance.”

Mona shifted in her seat. She clenched her hands near her side and exhaled before responding. “You want to know who my people are? Well let me tell you. I come from a family of hard workers. My father worked two jobs to support his family. My mom was a stay at home mother who took care of her three children and husband. My family's not poor but neither are they rich. My parents made sure we lived in a stable home and we had all the love and care we needed. I could have easily stayed in Texas and went to a college there but because I've always had the desire to be a screenwriter, I decided to attend the University of California and got a full scholarship because of my 4.0 grade point average.”

Mona discussed her upbringing and what led her to this stage of her life.

Sara seemed to be on information overload. She held her hand out as if motioning to stop Mona. “Fine. I misjudged you, but I still don't know if you're the right person for my son.”

“Shouldn't Terrance be the one to decide if I'm right for him? I understand he's your son, but he's not a little boy any more. He's a grown man and he's more than capable of making his own decisions.”

Terrance and the reverend returned to the room. Terrance asked, “You two alright?”

“We're fine,” Mona said. She looked at Sara and Sara looked at her.

Chapter Forty-Nine

Terrance looked at each woman. Mona seemed fine. His mother seemed anxious. She kept fidgeting with his magazine.

“Sara, Terrance told me I could come sit on set with him one day. That'll be exciting. I've always wanted to see how movies were made.”

Sara kept her eyes looking downward. “That's good dear. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself.”

“Terrance also shared with me that Ms. Mona here wrote this screenplay and one of the networks has commissioned our boy.” Reverend Hamilton looked at Terrance. “Yes, son, I consider you my boy.” He then looked at Sara and continued, “Terrance will be producing the show and Mona will be the head writer since it's her idea.”

Sara looked at Mona. “So have you got everything you've dreamed of?”

“Yes, ma'am. I'm not going to take all of the credit. Terrance and my friend Charlotte presented the idea to the network so if it wasn't for those two, I would still be searching for someone to produce my stuff. The beauty of it all is that Terrance,” Mona squeezed his hand, “and I will be working together.”

Sara looked at Terrance. “When were you going to tell me? I heard about the deal on TV.”

“Mom, you should know by now that I try to keep my business life and personal life separate.”

Sara looked at Mona. “I can't tell.”

“Don't go there,” Terrance interrupted her.

Mona interjected, “Terrance, your mom has a point. Our lives have intermingled. We are in a relationship and we're working together. So as hard as you've tried to keep it separate, it's a mix.”

Terrance chuckled. “I guess it is. Mom, I stand corrected. Now that you know, I hope you will stop tripping about Mona.”

“Mona and I have come to an understanding,” Sara said. She looked at Mona. “Haven't we?”

Mona smiled. “Yes, we have.”

Terrance sighed out loud. “Good. Now, why don't Mona and I go change and then I will treat you and Reverend Hamilton to dinner.”

“Dear, can we get a rain check? And as far as Sunday dinner, some of the members are taking us out to eat so we'll have to cancel our Sunday dinner.”

“No problem. I'm sure Mona and I can handle our own Sunday dinner,” Terrance assured her.

Sara stood and Reverend Hamilton did the same. “Well, son, thanks for your hospitality but we should be going. I want to beat some of the traffic,” Reverend Hamilton said.

“The next time you want to come this way, let me send a ride for you,” Terrance suggested.

“No. That's a waste of money,” Sara said.

“Mom. I can't take it with me so I might as well spend it on someone I love.”

Terrance hugged Sara.

“Enjoy the rest of your day,” Mona stood and said.

“You too,” Sara responded.

Terrance and Mona walked his mom and the reverend to the front door. Sara hugged Terrance and whispered, “I love you.”

“I love you too, mom.”

She kissed him on the cheek and walked out. The Reverend shook Terrance's hand. “Take care.”

Terrance wrapped his arm around Mona's waist and watched them get in the car. He waited until they pulled off before closing the door.

He turned Mona towards him. “What did you say to her to change her attitude?”

“Let's just say, she understands I love you and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.”

“I'm glad to hear. Which leaves me to ask? When do you want to leave to see your parents?”

“I still haven't decided if I want to go.”

“Come on, baby. I'm sure you miss your family. Besides, if we're going to be together your folks need to meet the man their daughter is crazy about.”

“I said I love you. Never said I was crazy about you.” Mona teased.

“You don't have to say it. I know these things. Now where were we before we got interrupted?”

Terrance gathered Mona in his arms, carried her to his room and laid her on the bed. They started off with a kiss and ended with their naked bodies intertwined under the covers.

BOOK: Secret Liaisons
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