Read Seduced by Two Online

Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Erotica, #Fantasy

Seduced by Two (3 page)

BOOK: Seduced by Two
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Wicked, decadent pleasure coursed through her body and she became an elemental creature of sensation.

Jensen held her hips, pinning her lower body to the bed, while Tanner cupped her face in his hands. Her hands lifted to Tanner’s shoulders, trying to draw him closer. He wouldn’t budge, and as Jensen brought her closer and closer to orgasm with his flickering tongue, Tanner slowed his kiss until she thought she might have to claw him to get him to give her what she wanted, which was faster and harder.

They’d done this before. They were good at it. And they expected her to lie back and let them take her.

But she wanted more.

She pushed Tanner away so she could look into his eyes. His expression showed his sudden fear that they’d pushed her too far.

Too turned-on to speak, she reached instead for Tanner’s cock and tried to show him what she wanted. She pumped him with long, smooth strokes then wrapped her hands around the base and tugged.

Tanner’s expression went sharp as he picked up on her signal. “I’m safe,” he whispered. “We both are but let me get a condom.”

She knew they were both physically safe. She’d seen no hint of disease in their auras.

“You don’t need it. I’m clean.” And her magic would take care of any infection. “Come here, Tanner. I want to suck you.”

If her hands had excited him, her words inflamed him. She swore she felt the temperature in the room rise by ten degrees and the energy tripled. Her
slipped away from her tight control for the briefest second and both men groaned as that power reached out to them, wanting to draw off their energy.

Gods, what she wouldn’t give to be able to let it loose. She knew from experience that that power would make their orgasm amazing.

But these men were
. They wouldn’t understand, would have questions she couldn’t answer.

So with a concentrated effort, she dragged that power back under control, tucked it away.

And put her lips around Tanner’s long, thick cock.

She drew on his warm, hard flesh, swirling her tongue around the tip before taking him deeper.

Held on the tip of orgasm by Jensen’s mouth, knowing she held Tanner on the edge of his own, Nica felt consumed. At the precipice.

And when her body broke with the scrape of Jensen’s teeth across her most sensitive flesh, she made sure she took Tanner with her.

He came with a shout as her own climax still racked her body. She barely noticed that Jensen had shifted, her mouth still milking Tanner’s pulsing cock.

But then another cock lodged at the entrance to her sex and Jensen thrust all the way to the hilt and started to fuck her hard and fast.

Tanner pulled away, allowing her to cry out, but his mouth moved to her breasts, sucking first one then the other hard nub into his mouth.

Still sensitized by her first orgasm, she tipped into another one, this one making her back bow as Jensen came with a rough groan.

As she lay gasping, Tanner flopped onto the bed next to her and hugged her close, his arm just under her breasts.

After several seconds, she opened her eyes to find Jensen on his haunches, their bodies still connected. His gaze locked with hers as he slowly pulled out.

He’d sheathed himself with a condom. She hadn’t even noticed. Faint disappointment fluttered through her, even though she understood his reasons.

She couldn’t exactly tell them she’d checked them magically and found them disease-free, now could she?


His hand smoothed over her belly to run gentle fingers over her chin. Then he moved to the side and stood.

“I’ll be right back.”

She smiled, glanced at Tanner’s arm pinning her to the bed. “I’m not going anywhere. Not yet.”

“Damn straight.” Tanner’s muffled response made her smile widen and Jensen bent to kiss her. Hard. Hot.

“Do you want anything? Something to drink?”

She shook her head. “Just…hurry back.”

She didn’t want to waste a minute of their time tonight. She wanted more of both of them.

* * * * *

Jensen headed to the kitchen for a bottle of water, stifling the urge to whistle like a fool.

He didn’t whistle, not after mind-blowing sex.

Typically, he fell asleep after sex, pissing off his partner in the process, but Tanner was usually there to soothe any ruffled feathers.

Now he felt exhilarated.

Hell, he felt happy. And he hadn’t felt like this in a damn long time.

At the fridge, he pulled out a bottle of water and finished half of it in one gulp. He’d considered a shot of tequila but didn’t want to dilute the natural high.

He knew Tanner was feeling the same.

Sure, some people considered them perverts or degenerates when they discovered they shared their women. Not that they went out and told the world how they lived their lives. Still, some women, after the first rush of excitement wore off, started to ask questions.

The most common—“Do you secretly want each other?”

That one always gave him the creeps.

Fuck, no, he didn’t want to do his brother. That was just wrong on so many levels.

There was nothing perverted about his feelings for his brother. He loved Tanner but not in any fucked-up, sexual way.

All right, maybe they were perverted in the fact that he felt absolutely no jealousy with Tanner. And sure, watching his brother fuck a woman they both wanted made him hot. Just not for his brother.

Tanner always joked that psychologists would have a field day with them.

Jensen never wanted to have someone pick into his brain like that. Growing up, their lives had been a struggle, to say the least. But they’d come through. They’d stuck together. Hell, they actually liked each other, enough that they ran a business together and lived in the same house.

And no, they didn’t share the same room.

Christ, people were sick.

He and Tanner just knew each other, knew their strengths and weaknesses. They knew what they liked, the type of woman who turned them on. Usually, it was the same woman.

They worked so damn well as a team, some women actually begged them for more.

Of course, after a while, those women decided they weren’t up to the hassle of dealing with two men in their life at the same time.

Most wanted to keep Tanner.

He, on the other hand, was more of a project.

So what did Nica think?

As he gulped down the rest of the water, he realized it was the first time he’d thought about what their partner was thinking afterward.

There was something about Nica. She was different, on some level he hadn’t quite figured out yet.

Grabbing two more water bottles from the fridge, he started to head back to the bedroom but heard a noise from the front room, something out of place.

A song, he realized. Coming from Nica’s purse. Probably her phone.

A quick look at the clock on the fireplace mantel told him it was nearly three a.m. Who’d be calling her this late?

He grabbed her purse and headed back to the room.

Stopping in the doorway, he leaned against the frame. Nica and Tanner hadn’t moved.

His brother’s long body lay sprawled over half of the king-size bed, his eyes closed, head on the pillows facing Nica.

She lay on her back in the middle of the bed, one arm above her head, naked from the waist up. Her beautiful breasts quivered with each breath, her hair spread over her shoulders and chest like dark ribbons.

He knew how soft her hair was, how good her skin smelled.

She was gorgeous. Why had he ever thought she wasn’t?

As he stood there, watching her breathe, the ringing in her purse started again.

With a short indrawn breath, Nica opened her eyes just as he moved toward the bed. Hell, if she caught him standing there staring, she’d probably think he was being creepy.

“This is the second time it rang,” he said as she sat up, pushing her hair behind her shoulders. She didn’t seem at all uncomfortable with his nudity or hers as she reached for her bag.

But her expression showed worry when she pulled the phone out and looked at the number.

She immediately slid it open. “Tira, what’s up? Is something wrong?”

Jensen’s gaze narrowed at the worry in Nica’s tone and Tanner propped his head on one hand to listen.

“Are you sure?” Nica said. “They said my name?”

She paused, listening, and Jensen moved closer to the bed, resting his hands on the footboard.

“Yeah, I think you’re right.” She flashed a look at Jensen then at Tanner. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

She closed the phone. “I’m afraid I need to get home. Something’s come up.”

“At three in the morning?”

Jensen wanted to take the bite out of his words the second they left his mouth. Still, he couldn’t help but wonder what the hell was going on at three in the morning that she needed to take care of.

Yes, he knew great sex didn’t entitle him or Tanner to her secrets.

He just didn’t like that hint of fear in her voice. It made him want to pull her against him and tell her he’d take care of it for her.

“Is there a problem?” Tanner asked although he was already shoving off the bed and reaching for his clothes. “Is there something we can do to help?”

Jensen shook his head as Tanner, once again, knew exactly what to say to put a smile on a woman’s face. Nica flashed Tanner that smile as she slid out of bed, still not making any move to cover her beautiful body.

“No, it’s nothing earth-shattering. Just…something Tira and I need to handle. I’m sorry to make you—”

“No sorry needed,” Tanner cut in. “Just let me get dressed and I’ll give you a ride home.”

As Nica came around the side of the bed, Jensen stepped in front of her. “There’s a bathroom there,” he pointed to the door along the wall. “I’ll get your clothes for you.”

Her smiled dimmed just the slightest bit but she nodded as she said thanks and headed for the bathroom.

Shaking his head over his uncharacteristic caveman impression, Jensen went back to the living room to gather their clothes. When he returned, she stepped from the bathroom.

Tanner was nowhere to be seen.

“I didn’t mean to pry.” He handed over her clothes. “You just seemed…worried.”

Nodding, she took her clothes and started to shimmy into them. And Jensen had to turn away and slip back into his pants before she noticed his erection.

“I’m sure it’s nothing. Just Tira being careful. But we’ve had some, uh, disturbing phone calls lately and she doesn’t like staying alone.”

She was lying. Jensen was a pretty good judge of people and she was lying about something.

Again, none of his business.

And no, he still didn’t like the fact that she didn’t want to tell him.

Damn, he was an idiot.

More so, because he was going to ride along with her and Tanner. Just to make sure she didn’t need their help.

* * * * *

Tanner ran upstairs to get a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt and came back to find Jensen and Nica dressed and standing by the front door, waiting for him.

They stood silently, Nica fiddling with something in her purse while Jensen stared at her.

Jensen was worried and Tanner couldn’t say he blamed him.

Tanner had picked up on the undertone of Jensen and Nica’s conversation at the bar. She’d been looking for an escape tonight. That’s why she’d been there.

Whether she’d been searching for sexual oblivion or not, she’d certainly been looking for something to take her mind off her troubles. And now it seemed trouble had found her.

Or was she having that post-sex stress some women had after going to bed with two brothers. Some were okay in the moment but once their brain started to kick in after an orgasm, guilt jumped in with both feet.

He really hoped Nica didn’t feel guilty. Tanner didn’t do guilt. Pleasure was good for the soul. Didn’t matter where you got it as long as you didn’t hurt anyone.

Nica hadn’t shown any signs of guilt but now, with her head bent over her purse, he had to wonder.

Then again, maybe he was reading too much into the situation.

Tanner looked at Jensen again and caught his brother’s eye. Jensen nodded. He wanted Tanner to find out what was going on because Tanner was good at getting women to talk. Jensen typically let Tanner do most of the talking because Jensen believed he sucked at it. Which Tanner always thought was a cop-out.

Still, Nica looked seriously worried, though she tried to hide it behind a smile when she looked up at him.

“You know, you don’t have to run me home. I can call for a taxi.”

Jensen was right. She was scared.

Tanner gave her his brightest smile. “No problem, sweetheart. We’ll get going right now. You live in the city, right? Have you had much trouble there?”

She shook her head. “No, no trouble. Our neighborhood is pretty quiet most of the time.”

Tanner opened the door and waved her through, Jensen close on her heels. Jensen took the lead to the car after Tanner locked the front door, Nica between them.

The warm night air seemed to dampen any and all sound but that probably had more to do with it being after three a.m. Tanner heard no car noise, no noise of any kind. Their neighborhood rolled up its sidewalks by ten o’clock most nights so that wasn’t unusual.

But the man who stepped from between two parked cars in front of the house next door… He made Tanner reach for Nica just as Jensen stepped in front of her, shielding her from view.

Why? Hell if Tanner knew. He just knew whatever this guy wanted, it wasn’t good.

“Hello, Niccola. I hope you don’t mind me showing up like this but you left me little choice.”

Tanner felt Nica freeze behind him but she spoke without any hint of fear. “I thought I was clear the first time we spoke. I have no interest in working for you.”

The man came closer and—holy hell, he was built like a brick shithouse. Muscled from shiny, shaved head to shit-kickers-clad toe. Someone sent to do someone else’s dirty work.

“Jensen, take Nica back to the house.” Tanner never took his gaze away from the behemoth who kept moving closer.

BOOK: Seduced by Two
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