Read Seductive Guest Online

Authors: E. L. Todd

Seductive Guest (3 page)

BOOK: Seductive Guest
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“So, you were just going to nail me then never talk to me again?”

I couldn’t keep it back. I was going to explode. “Pigs don’t turn me on.”

Her jaw dropped and her eyes were about to pop. “You fucking—”

“Wow, I can actually understand what you’re saying since you don’t have a meatball in your mouth.”


I walked away before she could screech louder in my ears. I kept going and heard her footsteps behind me. She could scream at me all she wanted but I’d have to head somewhere where she couldn’t hear me, like the subway.

Then she swatted me hard with her purse. She hit me in the side and the back. It felt like a slab of bricks. “Jackass.”

I cringed and balled my hands into fists. Anger started to shake my body but I found the strength to keep going. I’d never hit a woman in my life but that sounded appetizing at the moment.

“Go to hell!”

I got out of the building and waved down a cab.

She continued to beat me senseless with her purse. It didn’t hurt but it was incredibly annoying, like a chicken constantly pecking your ankles.

The cab pulled over and I threw myself inside. I shut the door and locked it before she could come at me again. “Just drive,” I said to the driver. My apartment was a few blocks away and I preferred to walk. But I needed to get away from his psycho.

Theresa started to beat her purse on the window.

“What the hell is she doing?” the driver asked.

“I don’t fucking know. Just drive.”


I was about to walk out of the apartment and pick up my client before attending the charity event when there was a knock on my door. “Come in.”

Jett entered the apartment. “So, how’d it go?”

I just glared at him.

“Uh…not well I take it?” He cringed slightly.

“She was a pig.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Like…she wanted to jump your bones?”

“No.” I adjusted my tie. “As in, she ate like a damn hog.”

“Oh…” He gave me an apologetic look. “But she was cute, right?”

“She was fucking annoying. That mouth of hers never seemed to close. Then she beat me to death with her purse.”

“What did you say?”

I continued to glare at him. “That she was a pig.”

“Well…maybe that was why.”

I clenched my fists. “I’m this close to bashing your skull in.”

He raised his hands in surrender. “Hey…she was cute. That’s all that mattered.”

I walked out the door. “I need to head out. I’m working.”

He stepped out with me. “Where are you guys headed tonight?”

“Charity event.”

“That should be fun.” He was trying too hard to be nice.

“I still hate you, asshole.”

He followed on my heel. “I’ll make it up to you, alright? I’ll find a smoking hot babe that knows her way around a fork.”

“I’m good. I can get my own dates.”

“Dude, I didn’t know she would be a terror,” he said. “I would never do that to you.”

I headed to the sidewalk. “We’ll talk about this later. I have to go.”

“Love you, man.”

I turned around and gave him the bird.


Could I really hire some guy to be my fake boyfriend? No matter how I looked at the situation, it made me pathetic. That was the ugly truth about it. But I kept pondering it, knowing I was willing to do everything and anything for the man I was unnaturally obsessed with.

It was a Friday night, and Nathan was still in the office past five. I remained at my desk so I could assist him if he needed anything. Having constant proximity made my heart race at all times of the day. I lived for the moments when he left his office and talked to me personally. I got to stare into his dreamy face and imagine how our kids would look.

Totally pathetic.

My work was finished so I tapped a pen against my desk and discreetly stared through the glass windows of his office. Nathan was on the phone, staring out the window and to the city below his feet.

I wondered whom he was talking to. Probably a lady friend. I hated the fact he was so promiscuous but had never showed any interest in me. I was an attractive woman, wasn’t I? He never thought about being with me?

Nathan hung up then rose from his desk.

I turned back to my computer quickly and pretended to be working.

Then he opened the doors and came toward my desk.

My heart raced a million miles an hour like it always did when I knew he was coming my way. I tried to act casual but I feared it wasn’t coming off right. I turned toward him like I just noticed him. “Do you need anything, Nathan?”

He put his hands in his pockets. “Do you have plans tonight?”

Did he really just ask me that? Oh my god, was he asking me out.
It was a Friday night and he didn’t have anything on his schedule. My heart was about to burst from my chest. I’d been waiting for this moment forever. “No, not at all. I have absolutely no plans. I’m free as a bird. My schedule is wide open.” I said everything so quickly and the words tumbled out of my mouth almost incoherently. I cleared my throat. “I mean, I don’t have any plans.” My cheeks felt warm when I realized I made a total idiot out of myself.

“Great,” he said. “I’m supposed to attend this charity event tonight. I had a date but she canceled on me. Would you like to go with me?”

So, it wasn’t a date. But he still asked me to accompany him. He could have called one of his regular bimbos but he didn’t. He asked me. Did that mean anything? It did, right? Maybe it was a date. “I’d love to,” I said with a little too much enthusiasm.

“Lovely,” he said. “Can I pick you up in an hour?”

“I’ll be ready,” I blurted.

“I’ll see you then.” He nodded then walked back into his office.

Oh my god, I was going out with Nathan. I had to bolt out of that office and head home. I needed to get ready and look my finest. I snatched my purse and practically ran out.


When Nathan knocked on my door I almost screamed.

I wore a tight black dress and straightened my hair. I had a matching black clutch to go with the ensemble. I thought I cleaned up pretty good. Hopefully, he thought the same thing.

I opened the door with a ridiculous smile in my face. My cheeks were unnaturally high, and my face actually hurt from the effort. I tried to get my lips to sag but it didn’t work. It looked like I just had a session of Botox. “Hi, Nathan…”

“Hey, Meadow. You look great.”

“Thanks.” I touched my hair like a nervous schoolgirl. I stepped out and shut the door behind me.

Nathan just stood there like he was waiting for something.

Did he want me to hug him? Was I missing something?

He rubbed the back of his neck while he looked at me. “Are you going to lock the door?”

. “Yeah, totally.” Why did I have to make such an idiot out of myself?

Nathan and I walked out of the building and I was disappointed that he didn’t wrap his arm around my waist or grab my hand. It was a stupid thing to expect but I couldn’t help but feel let down.

Nathan’s driver took us across town to the hotel. Nathan stayed on his side of the car, looking out the window as the city lights passed. One hand rested on his thigh, and his Rolex caught the light from the street. He didn’t make conversation with me. It was like I didn’t exist.

I tried not to stare at him and looked straight ahead. My fingers fidgeted with my clutch and I silently convinced myself that the night just started. Things could take a drastic turn—and hopefully it did.

When we left the car, Nathan put his arm around my waist.

The innocent touch felt magical. I purposely moved closer into him, wanting to feel that hard body against mine. His cologne smelled wonderful, and I wished the scent could be stained on my sheets.

Nathan guided me around as he mingled with people. I was the woman on his arm, and whether I was actually his date or not, it felt exhilarating. I was in a position I’d wanted to be in forever. Every time he went out with a woman, I watched the girl enviously. She had no idea just how lucky she was, to have the attention of the most amazing man in the world.

And now it was my turn to feel that way.

After he talked to a few people, he turned to me. “I’m sorry if this is a little boring.”

“It’s not,” I said quickly. “I’m having a great time.”

He gave me a slight smile, accompanied with a smoldering look in his eyes. “You’re an easy date.”

So, I was a date?  Or was I reading too much into it?

He kept his arm around me. “Can I get you a drink?”


“Okay. I’ll be right back.” He leaned toward me. “Don’t go anywhere.”

“I won’t.” My voice came out weak and shaky because I was so excited. Goose bumps emerged up and down my arms. My knees felt like Jello.

He walked away from me and headed to the bar.

I stayed in the same spot, floating on a cloud. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Something was happening between us. He invited me to this charity event when he could have invited anyone else, and he just flirted with me.
Was this really happening? Was I getting my chance?

I stared at his back and noted the nice muscles of his ass. He had a wide set of shoulders and narrow hips. He legs were long and lean. I’d seen him in his work out clothes before and it was a treat for the eyes. I stared at him longingly as he approached the bar and ordered a drink.

I was the luckiest girl on the planet.

While he was waiting, a blonde approached the open space beside him. She wore a maroon dress that was tight everywhere. Her hair was big and soft. And even from this distance I could tell she was beautiful.

Nathan glanced at her then faced forward again.

Then the blonde said something to him.

He turned her way, a smile on his lips.

I’d seen that smile enough times to know what it meant.

He was into her.

Then they fell into a deep conversation. Judging the way he moved closer to her, he was interested in what she had to offer. She tilted her head back and laughed. She even pressed her hand against his chest.

It hurt to watch him flirt with her when I was waiting for him to come back to me. But I knew he would walk away once the drinks were ready. I scanned the crowd while I waited, not wanting to torture myself by watching him flirt away. When minutes passed, I turned back to Nathan. Two glasses of wine were sitting next to him. And the blonde had her own drink.

He kept talking to her.

I started to feel awkward standing in the crowd not talking to anyone. People glanced at me as they passed, watching me stand there alone. I even got a few glares from the high women of society. I wish I had a drink in my hand just so I had something to do. I’d become so awkward that I pulled out my phone and pretended to be doing something. Then I glanced up, hoping Nathan was coming this way.

He wasn’t.

Nathan had his arm around her waist and he was whispering something in her ear.

I was forgotten.

Completely and utterly.

I was so stupid for ever thinking this was something more than a work function. He only invited me because it was a last minute event. And as soon as he found someone better he ditched me.

I was so stupid.

Tears burned my eyes and I hated the fact they formed at all. It only increased my self-loathing. I was too good for this. So why didn’t I just move on and forget about Nathan? He was a jerk anyway.

My words didn’t make me feel better. I turned on my heels and immediately went for the bathroom. As I walked, I brushed shoulders with a brunette.

“God, I drank too much. I’m going to throw up.” She practically ran to the bathroom.

A guy came up behind her, clearly wanting to check that she was okay. “You need me to take you home?” he asked in a deep voice.

“No, it’s okay.” She got to the door first and blocked it, taking a break before she entered.

The guy turned around and spotted me.

At some point, my tears reached the brim of my eyes and spilled over. My cheeks were wet and I automatically wiped away the moisture, like it would make it seem like I wasn’t crying at all.

The man stared at me, his blue eyes darkening in pity. He was tall, over six feet and his suit fit him to a T. He had wide shoulders that could lift a mountain. His expansive chest led to narrow hips. His face was the most appealing. He had breathtaking eyes, the kind you saw in film. They glowed by their own light, scaring away all the shadows. He had nice cheekbones, thin lips, and his face was slightly scruffy from not shaving.

He was one of the best looking men I’d ever seen.

I came back to my thoughts when I realized I stopped walking. I needed to get away from everyone, from everything. I sniffed then tried to get around him.

“Are you okay?” His deep voice came into my ear. It was soft and gentle, but possessed command and strength. He continued to stand in my path, like a mountain blocking a stream.

“No…” I tried to move past him.

“How about I call you a cab?”

“How about you just move out of my way?” I hissed.

He didn’t react in any noticeable way. If he was mad at my harsh words he didn’t show it. He stepped away without another word.

I ran into the stall and wiped my eyes with toilet paper. I heard his date throwing up in the stall next to mine. She would clearly be in there for a while. I sat on the lid of the toilet seat and thought about Nathan, who had no idea I was crying in the bathroom. And what was worse, he wouldn’t care if he knew.

I couldn’t finish this night. I couldn’t go back to Nathan and pretend everything was okay. And I had a feeling he preferred to spend the rest of the evening with the blonde woman anyway.

I finally stopped crying and left the bathroom.

The beautiful man was still there, leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. He turned to me when he noticed me. “Feeling better?”

Why was he talking to me? Why did he care? He didn’t know me
. “I guess…”

“How’s my date?”

“Still puking.”

He sighed. “She’ll be a while…”

He didn’t seem to care about his girlfriend. He was a jerk just like Nathan. “Maybe you should go in there…”

“She’ll come out when she’s ready,” he said. “How about you? Can I call you a cab?”

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I fidgeted with my clutch while I stood there.

“Do you have a terrible date?” he asked.

“Something like that,” I whispered.

“Did he hurt you?” His voice suddenly turned cold. “Because I’ll break his neck if you’d like.”

“No, it’s okay.” My voice came out quiet.

“Then what’s up?”

Why was I talking to this total stranger? “I’m in love with my boss. He invited me to this event because his date bailed on him. I don’t know why…but I thought it might be a date. He flirted with me for a little bit. But then he…ditched me for some other girl he met at the bar.” I ran my fingers through my hair, feeling stupid.

The guy continued to stare at me with his piercing gaze. “He’s a dick.”

BOOK: Seductive Guest
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