See You in My Dreams: Speed, Book 1 (6 page)

BOOK: See You in My Dreams: Speed, Book 1
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Her heart pounded deafeningly in her ears, and when his finger, wet from her juices, breeched her ass, gently, tenderly, she exploded. Exquisite pleasure tore through her, fast and sharp, leaving her shaken to her core and gasping in its wake.

Minutes passed before she drifted back to earth, before she languidly opened her eyes and stared into the molten gaze of the man who’d taken her to such incredible heights.

He was there. He was real. He wasn’t some fantasy she’d dreamed up.

“You’re beautiful, Sophie Rose.” His voice was rough and so damn sexy it ignited a fresh spark of lust in her loins.

He leaned in to kiss her, and she tasted herself on his breath. Even as his mouth consumed, his hand was back between her legs, rubbing, caressing, arousing.

She bucked when he touched her over-sensitized clit, but he simply swallowed her halfhearted moans of protest and continued to stroke. His lips sipped from hers, his tongue tantalized her senses, and his hand continued to delight.

“What are you doing to me?” Sophie drew back for air, and then echoed his question from earlier. “What have you done to me?”

“Nothing more than you’re doing to me.” He claimed her mouth once again.

She was totally consumed by him. His fresh, woodsy aftershave tickled her nose, while his labored breath echoed through her ears. The smooth, male flesh beneath her hands covered the steel-hard strength of his muscles below. And still his fingers strummed her pussy, playing her like a fine-tuned instrument.

Playing her like he’d been playing her for years. It was as if he knew every pleasure point in her body. Knew exactly where to touch, and how she liked to be touched.

His thumb on her clit seduced, aroused and teased until Sophie writhed on the bed, begging for more.

“Relax, sweetheart,” Nathan instructed, and Sophie stilled her desperate movements. Anticipation buzzed through her belly. She shook helplessly beneath him. Her pussy, so satisfied just a few short minutes ago now pulsed with need, with hunger.

“I could watch you like this all day,” he whispered then groaned. “You’re driving me crazy.”

He should talk. “Nathan, I…I need more. Need…you.” She needed the ultimate proof this was not a dream.

“Me?” His smile was sinful. “Or my cock?”

Sophie stared into his lust-filled face, licked her lips. “Both!”

“Don’t move,” he growled. “Not even an inch.”

Move? Who had the energy? Although she did find the strength to cry out in dismay as Nathan pulled away from her.

“Shhh, sweetheart.” He stretched over to the bedside table. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Something rustled nearby. She heard a tearing sound and then a low growl.

Ah. Condom.

Thank God one of them had the presence of mind to think about protection, because she hadn’t. She never had in her dreams either.

The bed shifted as Nathan repositioned himself. He lay above her, supporting himself on his forearms. His thighs pressed between hers, his feet pushing her legs open farther. She let him take the lead. Let him lean in and graze her lips with his. Let him swallow her answering moan of delight. Let him press the rock-hard weight of his chest against her swollen, achy breasts and introduce the tip of his condom-covered cock to her pulsing, pleasured pussy lips.

When he fed the length of his engorged dick to her, she could lie still no longer.

There was no denying the reality of this situation. The exquisite ecstasy of having an honest-to-God, flesh-and-blood cock inside. Dream symbolisms and explanations be damned. This was bliss.

Desire licked at her inner walls, and she arched her back and ground her hips into his, inviting him in deeper. God, he felt like heaven. And so very, very familiar. His erection was long and hard. It tortured her oversensitive pussy as he pulled out and then thrust back into her.

She had no idea whose groan filled the air, but it was low and infused with a desperate cry of hunger.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders and clung to him as he filled her and then withdrew. As he drove into her, she pushed up and twisted her hips first this way and then that, wrenching a growl of pleasure from him.

Sophie clenched the walls of her pussy tight, gripping him inside, slowing down his desperate thrusts—just like she’d done in her dream. It had driven him crazy.

His reaction was no different now. Nathan groaned and drove into her harder, compensating for the added tightness. A sheen of sweat covered his face and forehead.

Then he shifted minutely, changing the angle of penetration.

Sophie lost herself to the intense sensation of Nathan’s lovemaking. The friction of his cock against her walls, the utter satisfaction of being filled by him, stretched by him, it was all too much. She could not stem the flow of her orgasm as it once again overwhelmed her. Her inner walls clamped down around Nathan’s shaft, and wild waves of release shook her body.

She cried out his name at the exact second he stilled in her arms. And then he too gave himself over to the sheer rapture of their joining. Together they climaxed, and Nathan seemed just as lost in the embrace, and the fulfillment, as Sophie was.

Chapter Four

“Holy moly,” Sophie said after an indeterminate amount of time had passed.

“Holy moly,” Nathan repeated with a chuckle. He lay spent on the bed with Sophie nestled in his arms beside him. Her head was tucked into his shoulder, her soft, rounded breast nestled against his chest, and her gently flared hip pressed into his waist. Her one arm was trapped between their bodies, the other lay on his belly.

Usually after sex, Nathan couldn’t sit still. He needed to get up and do something. Anything. After one of his dreams, when his thoughts were troubled and his heart lonely, he played the piano. It was the only thing that soothed his restlessness.

Right now there was nothing Nathan wanted to do more than lie where he was, holding Sophie as close as he could get her.

Even that wasn’t close enough.

His loneliness, restlessness and troubled thoughts were absent—just as he’d suspected they would be with Sophie. He’d been right to follow his instincts. Right to wait here for her.

For the first time in forever, Nathan felt sated, replete and content.

He should probably thank his brothers for this. They’d convinced him that seeing her again was a good thing.

Rather than laughing at him when he’d told them about his dreams and about meeting Sophie, they’d been most assertive about him getting together with her.

“You can be a real fuckwit at times, Nath,” Zachary had said. “You meet a woman you’ve been dreaming about for ten years and you run away? What kind of a pussy are you?”

Seth, ever the family dreamer, was less aggressive. “There’s a definite sense of fate in meeting her, don’t you think? Almost like it was meant to be.”

Luke, the band manager—and so much a part of the brothers’ lives, he might as well have been born a Pace himself—had reminded them what their grandmother would have done in the situation. “Edna would have smacked the back of your head for walking away.”

“Luke’s right,” Zachary’d agreed, then offered as an afterthought, “I’d be happy to smack you in her place.”

Nathan had declined his brother’s offer and resolved to see Sophie again. Not that he’d needed very much convincing. He’d already known he couldn’t stay away.

And then last night he’d dreamed again. A dream so hot and erotic he’d woken up in the middle of a powerful orgasm and found it impossible to go back to sleep. The dream played over and over in his head, haunting him. It had been different from the other ones he’d had. More…real. Perhaps because in this dream, he’d seen more than his lover’s eyes. He’d seen her face as well.

And her face had been Sophie’s.

Strangely enough, the minute Nathan decided to see her again, he remembered an age-old lullaby his grandmother used to sing to him. He hadn’t thought about the song for a while. Now he couldn’t stop.


When day is done and night has come,

You’ll see it in your dreams.

Eyes of fire, heart’s desire

You’ll know just what it means.


Truthfully, he had no idea what it meant, and he hadn’t thought about it in years, but since the minute he’d made up his mind to be with Sophie, he hadn’t stopped hearing it.

He tightened his arms, drawing her nearer, and smiled into her hair. The scent of bottled pine filled his nose.

“Where d’ya learn to do that thing?”

“What thing?” she asked sleepily.

“That neat little twist and tightening, first this way and then that.” Even as he asked, his cock stirred. Christ, the move had nearly blown his mind. Forget his mind, he’d nearly blown his load—prematurely. He’d fucking loved it. As much as he had when she’d done it in his dream the night before.

It was her turn to laugh, a sexy, devilish laugh that tugged at his balls. “You know what they say. Practice makes perfect.”

Nathan tried to laugh, but the sound died in his throat as jealousy slammed him in the chest. The idea of Sophie with anyone else made him want to hurt someone. Badly.

What the fuck?

He strove to lighten his mood. “Don’t tell me. You got all your practice on other guests you’ve walked in on.”

“Oh yes.” Her smile didn’t falter. “I make it a habit to practice on all those unexpected walk-ins.”

Nathan grimaced at the thought.

Sophie must have sensed his jealousy because she lifted her head and looked up at him. “Relax, Max.” She grinned and tweaked his nipple. “You’re the first guest I’ve walked in on.”

“And your last, I hope.” Jesus. Where did that come from? He had no right to demand anything from a woman he’d met just the day before. Even if she did seem to soothe his soul and fill the emptiness in his heart.

“If all the guests who stay here do to me what you just did, then I’d have to start walking in on them at least once a day. Twice, if they’re as talented with their hands as you are.”

“Does that mean you’d walk in on me again? Perhaps voluntarily this time?”

“Honestly?” The laughter vanished from her voice. “I’d walk in on you every day if I could.” She caressed his nipple until it constricted into an aching bead on his chest.

“If I lived here, I’d make sure I was here every day just so that you could walk in on me.”
In fact, I’d never want you to leave.

She rolled over, so she now lay flush against him. “We sound like a couple of lovesick fools.” She laughed. “Tell you what. You don’t live here, and I can’t walk in on you every day. We only have now. So let’s make today count. Whaddya say? Another round to make up for all the time we’re not going to have together?”

He grinned up at her. “After the last round, it’s going to take me a little while to, uh, get back up.”

“Not too long, I hope?” Sophie worried her lip with her teeth. “I need to get home and finish an assignment.”

“And I have to work.” Nathan frowned, suddenly very aware of their limited time. He had to meet the band to practice. They’d be busy ’til the early hours of the morning.

He checked the bedside clock. “It’s almost one o’clock.” He grinned wolfishly. “Which leaves me with one free hour. Plenty of time to rebuild my stamina.”

A mischievous grin touched her lips. “One hour, huh?” She leaned down and traced her tongue around his left nipple.

He groaned at the exquisite touch. “D-do that…again.”

She did, only she didn’t stop at tracing. Sophie drew the surface of her warm, moist tongue over his tight nipple until hot sparks of lust shot through his stomach.

“Mmm, that’s good.” The sensation tingled from his chest to his balls. His cock stirred.

Sophie turned her attention to his right nipple. She licked and nibbled and sucked and bit until he could not hold himself still. He squirmed beneath her on the bed, molding his hands to her butt and squeezing.

He sat up, taking her with him. When she raised her head to complain, he sealed his lips over hers and kissed her until he was dizzy from lack of oxygen.

Fuck. He’d never grown dizzy from a kiss. No woman had ever made him lightheaded. But then no woman had ever looked at him the way Sophie looked at him, with eyes as arousing as a siren’s and as familiar as his own.

Eyes of fire, heart’s desire…

Nathan shook his head and broke the kiss.

“Sophie Rose?”

“Mmm?” Her lips were swollen, her eyes closed and her head tipped back, with her hair sweeping over her shoulders.

“I leave in two days.” She looked so ridiculously sexy, he could hardly put three words together. “Do you think you could arrange to walk in on me accidentally tomorrow?”

Her eyelids fluttered open. “I…I’m not sure.”

Not the answer he wanted. Not by a long shot. “Drop by after work. You’ll be here anyway. We can spend the afternoon together.”

She shook her head. “Tomorrow’s Saturday. I have the weekends off.”

His disappointment was crushing. “You said you’d drop in on me every day if you could.”

being the key word.” She nibbled her lower lip. “My assignment is big enough that I have to work on it tomorrow too. Can I think about your invitation?”

He nodded, his heart inexplicably sitting in his throat. Fuck, he’d never had to ask twice before. Come to think of it, he’d never wanted to ask twice before. “Course you can.” He eyed her full lower lip, hungered for it. “What’s the assignment on?”

“Psychology. An in-depth comparison of behavioral therapy and psychoanalysis.”

Nathan raised an eyebrow. “There’s a difference between the two?”

She grinned. “Just a little.”

Her sarcasm made him smile. “You studying psych, or something more general?”

“Post-grad degree in psych.”

Sounded impressive. “That must take a lot of time. When do you study if you’re working?”

“I have to make the time.” She shrugged. “It’s not easy. There never seems to be enough hours in the day, but it helps that I’m doing a part-time course through correspondence. It just means I have to be really disciplined. Hence my hesitation in coming back here tomorrow.”

BOOK: See You in My Dreams: Speed, Book 1
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