Read Serenity's Dream Online

Authors: Brita Addams

Tags: #Romance

Serenity's Dream (7 page)

BOOK: Serenity's Dream
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was then pinned into a knot on top of her head.

When Marjorie finished, she bid Serenity a good afternoon and left her alone.

Her cunny thrummed, her arse tingled. Whatever Lucien had in mind for her, she was


She slipped from her chamber and made her way to the room down the hall. Her

feet fairly flew over the soft carpeting.

Serenity knocked on Lucien's door and heard him bid her enter. When she

opened the door, she found the room dimly lit. Candlelight from the sconces danced on

the sunshine-yellow walls in strange, slow shadows. The large, tastefully appointed

space included a sitting area in front of the white marble fireplace and a large bed with

an iron bedstead. Simple, crisp white bedding lay neatly in place.

Lucien sat ramrod straight in the middle of the room, his shirtsleeves rolled up to

his elbows and one leg crossed over the other. His large, muscled arms and broad

shoulders looked formidable, breathtaking. Her legs became weak, and she had an

intense wish to run to him.

His eyes fixed on her with a dark, enigmatic gaze. "From this moment on, you

are completely under my control. You shall be happy when I am happy. Your

spankings will teach you about yourself and your sexuality. They will make it possible

for you to surrender your body to me completely. You will do anything for me because

I ask it of you. When you learn to relax into whatever pain I impose, and allow your

body to live for that pain and the subsequent pleasure, you shall truly discover who

you are. You shall be able to derive exquisite pleasure out of our life together. I shall

instruct you along the way, teaching you things about yourself you have no idea of at

the moment."

Her tears fell freely; small whimpers became convulsive sobs.

Lucien approached her, helping her to undress, slowly, sensually, stopping to

caress and fondle her at his will. Then he circled her, looking her up and down,

touching as he walked.

"You have a beautiful body. I like your firm, high breasts and slim hips. Your

nipples are delectable." He licked first one then the other.

Serenity moaned and dropped her head back. He teased her nipples with his

fingers until she screamed for mercy.

"Your bottom is firm, yet supple, perfect for what I most enjoy doing to it. What a

lovely red color." He skimmed his hand over her warm cheeks.

As she stood naked before him, devoid of any of her usual coverings, she felt

much like a vulnerable child. Though as fraught with need as she ever could remember,

she kept her hands folded in front of her, in an attempt to cover her shaved mons.

"Serenity, this session won't be an easy one. It will involve more than a


He led her to a strange looking bench. The thickly padded top was curved into a

crescent shape, upon which she was to lie on her stomach. When she was in place,

Lucien restrained her wrists and ankles in a spread-eagle position and secured her

waist with a supple strip of leather. He didn't speak again but went about his work.

Lucien spanked her with his hand. He took his time, swiping from the tender

round underside. Her buttocks burned with each strike. Serenity gave a low, approving

moan each time he touched her, her heart beating a grateful tattoo.

"You are pinking nicely," he observed as he walked to a walnut armoire. Once

opened, it displayed numerous implements used in spankings and punishments as well

as the erotic games she assumed went on at the Sapphire Club.

He showed her a riding crop and flicked it lightly across her already reddened

cheeks, not inflicting pain, but continuing her warm up. He was light-handed, almost


He explored her cheeks and the small anal pucker. Her mind reeled with the

sensations. As he teased her, she raised her bottom. "You want attention there, I see."

"Oh, yes, please."

He walked to the armoire and opened a drawer. She was unable to see what it

was he took out, for he put whatever it was behind his back. She heard the familiar

sound of a cover being unscrewed from a container and then felt his finger at her anus,

rubbing cream around the pucker. Then he delved in, slowly, wiggling his finger. Soon

he added another finger and began to pump her, driving her mad with the burning

sensation, which, as her body adjusted, soon became pleasurable. She moaned loudly,

at which point he removed his fingers altogether.

The void was unbearable. Within a moment, she felt something cold at her rear

entrance. "Relax, my dear, and it will go in better. I am preparing you. You must relax."

He flicked her bottom with the riding crop in admonishment. She attempted to

concentrate on releasing those tight muscles as he requested. He was pressing at the

entrance with the object, which was considerably larger in circumference than even his

two fingers. She felt the intense burn as it slipped past the pucker and rested just inside.

"That's it. Now allow your body to accustom itself to the size."

"What is it?"

"It is a phallus. I shall have you hold it inside you during your spankings as I

desire. It and the lash will aid you in focusing on your arse and on nothing else."

His hand patted her gently. Soon he was pushing the phallus in deeper. She

groaned and cried out, but he did not heed her. He was gentle, but firmly pushed the

phallus to the hilt, filling her with pain and pleasure.

"Soon I will have my cock in your arse."

She felt the thickness of the marble prick and her muscles contracting around it.

There was a strong urge to expel it, but as she involuntarily tried, he kept his hand

firmly on the end.

"You must hold it for me. Keep it in place, until I take it out. Submit to it,

Serenity." His voice was like a warm blanket.

Her buttocks quaked with the strain, but soon she did indeed relax, absorbing

the pain into her body. She learned the pain lessened as she resisted the urge to fight.

Soon she settled into the phallus's presence, rather enjoying the feeling of fullness.

Without warning, he gave her a swat with the crop, followed by several more.

They stung, but did not hurt as she expected. "Very good, my dear," he said in a deep,

resonating tone. She smiled tearfully, pleased at what she'd endured.

She felt a wooden object upon her and braced for what was to come. He started

lightly, eliciting gasps and a cry from her with each strike.

"Breathe deeply, exhale upon impact." He continued and increased the severity.

Her buttocks burned, sending licks of flame throughout her body with each

strike. He paused in between strikes and slipped his hand between her legs. Her clitoris

ached for his touch, which he provided. He circled and evoked shudders from Serenity,

then smacked her again.

"You're wet."

"Mmm," she moaned.

Her cries left her shaken. He allowed her to voice the pain and pleasure she was


"Scream if you must," he told her.

The pain exploded, riding her nerve endings to distraction. Her concentration

focused on the throbbing of her hindquarters and on the man delivering such delicious


"Your bottom is a beautiful deep crimson," he whispered into her ear, his warm

breath somehow comforting.

She panted as he changed implements. To finish this spanking, he used his hand

once again, slapping lighter and lighter, patting and fondling. Serenity sobbed,

shrieked, and howled. Lucien spoke soothing words as he tapped the phallus and

fingered her cleft. Her body was very aware of his touch, which she wanted, and so

much more.

Serenity felt emotions she'd no idea she was capable of feeling. Elation, joy,

satisfaction. Lucien released her restraints and helped her up. He carried her to the bed

and put her on his lap. Her buttocks stung and burned gloriously against the linen

fabric of his breeches. He held her and encouraged her to cry until she had nothing left.

"You will understand your tears are good. Your true submission will come when

you approach me and ask to be spanked. When you select the method and desire the

thrashing, then I shall know you have given yourself and surrendered yourself to my

will. I am looking for righteous submission from you."

Serenity sniffled and snuggled closer to Lucien's chest. He patted her like she

was a favored child. His fingers absently tapped the phallus. He toyed with her clit,

raising her sexual tension to an unbearable level.

"Oh, please," she pled.

"What is it you want?"

"I think you know."

"No, I don't. Clairvoyance is not one of my many talents." Lucien continued to

tease her, inserting two fingers inside her sheath, arousing her, all the while resisting

her entreaties."

"I need you. Please. I need . . . ."

He set her down on the floor and stood. "Bend over the side of the bed."

When she was in position, he took hold of the phallus and began to fuck her with

it, bringing it to the point of withdrawal and then pushing back in, simulating the act

she so desperately wished him to perform. He manipulated her clit, sending fire

shooting through her limbs until she came, her screams of pleasure reverberating off the

yellow silk-covered walls.

"I want your cock in my arse," Serenity cried.

He continued to fuck her with the phallus, but resisted her plea.

"Not yet. Here, let me ease you."

With his finger circling her clitoris, he brought her to climax again, ultimately

leaving her exhausted. Then he opened the placket of his breeches and positioned his

body behind her. Immediately, she moved toward him, attempting to coax him into

entering her anally.

"Lucien, I want you in my arse. Please."

"I know, my dear, but you are not ready for that. I am larger than this phallus,

and I must prepare you. Soon, I promise."

"I need you."

He easily slid into her warm, moist cleft and began stroking.

"Oh, my God, yes, yes."

She moaned when he began stroking her with the phallus in the same rhythm.

She tensed, balancing on her toes as the pleasure consumed her once again. His strokes

became deeper, harder, more punctuated as he abandoned the phallus, and his release

came upon him. Seconds later, Serenity's muscles tightened around his cock, and she

lost herself in yet another glorious orgasm.

* * * * *

Serenity had lain in Lucien's arms for some time, ruminating upon what had just

transpired between them. The spanking had been glorious, almost religious. With each

slap of the paddle or his hand, she felt a part of her heart being given over to him. It

was an amazing feeling, one she'd never experienced, even with Winsor.

She suddenly felt a tremendous feeling of loss as Lucien carefully removed the

phallus. She groaned her disapproval, but for naught, as he'd already taken himself off

the bed. He went to the washstand and began to cleanse the marble.

"When will I be ready?" she asked.

"Only when I determine you are and not a moment before."

"Ready? I am ready."

"My dear, I say you are not."

"But, the feel of the phallus was amazing. It did not hurt after the first few


"It is not as large as I am, Serenity. I need to prepare you gradually for my cock."

She gave him a mock pout. "I shall defer to your judgment."

"Yes, you shall. In all things." He winked at her playfully. "Would you like to join

me in the club this evening?"

"What would I do there?"

"Much as I do, I suppose. I greet and make sure things are going as they should.

We could look into some of the public rooms, and you could get an idea of the things I

have told you about. I can introduce you to the members, as well."

Serenity thought about how her life had changed so dramatically, from a rather

rural existence in Nottinghamshire to one steeped in eroticism. With barely a thought,

she knew she wished to join Lucien, that evening and every one that followed. "Yes, I

would very much like to join you."

"Good," he said with a smile. He came back to bed and held her for nearly an

hour. They talked of her experience under his paddle and of the club and what she

might expect. She marveled at his intelligence and wondered how she'd survived the

last ten years, when there had been Lucien Damrill somewhere in the world, waiting for

her to come back into his life. She only wished she'd come back now for more than his

protection and to use his home as a refuge against the ravings of Martyn Thorndyke,

the Earl of Chetwood.

She wouldn't think of that now. She would much rather turn her thoughts to the

man who was presently teasing her nipple with his finger.

"What are you smiling about, little one? I should think you'd be too sore to


"I rather enjoy the soreness."

"That's a very nice revelation, because I suspect you shall be sore quite a bit."

"I certainly hope so, for you promised as much."

They laughed together, a peaceful, knowing laugh that said more than words


* * * * *

The large reception room held no less than one hundred people, all seeking the

erotic thrills of the flesh. Lucien did not leave Serenity's side, or was it the other way

BOOK: Serenity's Dream
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