Read Seven Scarlet Tales Online

Authors: Justine Elyot

Tags: #Book - Erotica Anthology

Seven Scarlet Tales (13 page)

BOOK: Seven Scarlet Tales
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‘And our Lucy,’ said Richard. ‘A rose between two thorns.’

Her mind almost blew with the force of their two gazes. It was what she had wanted and dreaded, finally happening.

‘Thanks for the lift,’ said Rob, looking out at the rainy dark again. ‘Filthy night for it.’

‘I’ve seen worse,’ said Richard, starting the engine.

Rob made a face at Lucy, as if to say, I knew he would be like this.

‘You must be hungry,’ she said. ‘We’ve a casserole keeping warm in the oven for you. And the owner left us a couple of bottles of wine.’

‘Nice one.’

They rode on in silence for a while, through the single lit street of the tiny town and out into the darkness, rainswept shapes of hills and trees their only view.

‘She’s not wearing knickers,’ said Richard suddenly.

Lucy’s heart contracted.

Rob swallowed. ‘Oh?’

‘I made her take them off to meet you. Seems a waste if you don’t, you know …’

Rob looked at Lucy, who looked at Richard.

‘Do you mind if we do?’

‘Kiss her,’ said Richard. ‘Do what you want to do with her.’

Lucy turned back to Rob.

He took her by the chin. ‘Did you start without me, you two?’ he asked softly.

Lucy shook her head. ‘We waited for you.’

He smiled, and then tilted her mouth into a long, wet kiss. His cheeks and chin were still damp from the rain, and his skin was so cold. But she felt it warm against hers, quickly, and soon all of that was forgotten, locked outside of their embrace.

His long, chilly fingers tapped a path from her knee upwards, finding the heat and shelter of her skirt, delving underneath and massaging her thigh.

Lucy hoped Richard was keeping his eye on the road, and yet she also hoped he was watching, seeing how obedient she was to his will. She had wondered, over and over, how her lovers would feel about seeing her with another man. That Richard had initiated the first opportunity was wonderful to her, a huge weight off her mind. She was grateful and she was accordingly more permissive with Rob than she might otherwise have been, letting him do anything and everything he wanted to her.

She spread her thighs wide and laid her head back, accepting the rude probing of his tongue inside her mouth. Soon enough it was mirrored by the ruder probing of his fingers. He kneaded between her pussy lips with his knuckles, grinding them in her moist slit, bumping over her swollen clitoris.

She began to make deep, throaty sounds of encouragement.

‘She likes that,’ said Richard. An indicator clicked. ‘She likes a good fingering in the car. I should know.’

Yes, you should, thought Lucy, thinking back to that afternoon in the passenger seat of his Mercedes, her skirt rucked up and tights around her knees while he steered single-handedly, reaching over to massage her clit every time they stopped at a set of lights. They had both been strung up with erotic anticipation of her birching.

And now what were they strung up with? The possibilities seemed endless to Lucy as Rob kept his mouth firmly on hers and began to thrust slowly inside her with three juiced fingers. She let her bare bottom squirm against the leather, although it was starting to stick to it.

‘How wet is she?’ asked Richard, negotiating a hairpin bend.

Rob broke the kiss just enough to gasp, ‘Fucking soaking,’ before resuming.

Lucy jolted her pelvis forwards, moaning with satisfaction when Rob’s thumb circled her clit. His hand was all over her, owning her pleasure, while Richard drove implacably onwards, a witness to her brazen lust.

The rain lashed on the windscreen and the engine purred along with her own voice.

‘Make her come,’ said Richard. ‘Make her come all over your fingers.’

The words precipitated the flood. Lucy bucked and mewled under Rob’s domineering mouth and hands, the vibrations from the engine adding to the intensity of it all.

‘She loved that,’ said Richard, his voice scratchy, as if caught on something sharp.

‘Mm,’ agreed Rob, holding Lucy close, stroking her hair. ‘She always does. Don’t you, kitten?’

Lucy rubbed the crown of her head into his chest, the way she had earned that nickname in the first place. She shut her eyes and let the feeling of satiety seep into her bones. The weekend had begun. And it was going to be incredible.

When a lurch and a jolt and a sudden ending of the lovely low-slung vibrations sent her into a tizz, Lucy realised that she had dozed off.

They were back at the cottage, parked in the paved yard, by the chicken coops. The rain still menaced the vehicle from all sides. Both Richard and Rob looked at her, indulgently amused.

‘Better now, Snoring Beauty?’ asked Richard. ‘That orgasm must have taken it out of you.’

Her hairline prickled with embarrassment. She had acted shamelessly, in front of him. She snuck a sidelong glance at Rob, who had taken off his seatbelt.

‘How long was I asleep?’

‘Not long. Not long enough for my hard-on to go down, anyway,’ said Rob.

Richard reached over and sprung the catch on her seatbelt, releasing her.

‘Take off that dress,’ he said. ‘Then get on your knees and suck him.’

She widened her eyes at Rob, who grinned and nodded.

‘Fair’s fair,’ he said laconically. Then he looked over at Richard and frowned a little. ‘I’ve never done this in front of another bloke.’

‘Don’t be shy,’ said Richard. ‘I have. She can do me first, if you prefer. Whatever you’re comfortable with.’

‘Oh.’ Rob sounded surprised and considered this for a moment. ‘Right. No, it’s fine. I’ll go first. If that’s all right with you?’

‘Of course. Be my guest.’

‘No, nobody’s the host here and nobody’s the guest,’ said Rob, slightly combative.

‘Sorry, you’re right, just a figure of speech,’ said Richard with effortless smoothness. ‘We’re all equal.’

‘Two of you are more equal than others,’ pointed out Lucy.

‘True.’ Rob smirked, the moment’s ruffling ironed out flat by the gathering storm of his arousal. ‘In which case, get on your knees and use your mouth.’

Lucy took a deep breath and pulled her dress over her head.

Richard snapped on the overhead light so that, in the streaming windscreen, she saw the reflection of her pale, naked body, her breasts high and jaunty with big, prominent nipples.

She didn’t want to look at herself, so she dropped quickly
to her knees. The rubber mats on the footwell were clean and dry, at least. She pushed her breasts between Rob’s blue-jeaned legs and reached up for his fly. He stroked her cheek.

‘I’m hard for you,’ he whispered.

Richard said nothing, but his presence was more potent than any words could have been. He was there, the watcher, judging her on her performance.

She unbuttoned the jeans then let Rob ease them over his hips to make it easier for her to lower the elasticated waistband of his boxers. Yes, he was hard for her, yes. His cock stood upright, straining for her attention, glistening at the tip.

She shuffled forwards and held on to his thighs for purchase, licking up the shaft.

Rob took her wrist and moved one of her hands to his testicles. She held them, squeezing and caressing, while she prepared her lips to stretch.

Rob had no need to be shy of showing the other man his equipment. He was a good length and thickness, possibly a little shorter than the older man, but not noticeably so. His erection pointed, straight and wide, to his navel.

Lucy positioned her mouth over the tip and began to lower herself along the shaft.

‘Mmm.’ She couldn’t resist a little low-down moan as she felt him stretch her jaw.

Rob put one hand in her hair while the other squeezed her breasts.

‘Wonderful little cocksucker,’ said Richard approvingly. ‘She gives it her all.’

Everything was quiet after that, save the rain and the slow sucking and licking sounds of Lucy servicing her master’s cock with her mouth.

‘Stop,’ said Richard, after about three minutes.

Rob made an inarticulate sound of disagreement but Lucy, conditioned to obey, unsealed her lips and looked up at Richard, trying to focus her eyes.

‘What the fuck?’ said Rob, when he could form words.

‘No, I don’t mean stop entirely,’ said Richard. ‘It’s just occurred to me that she could get on the seat between us and suck you from there. Then I could play with her.’ He patted the leather space. ‘Up on the seat, slut, and get back to work.’

He spoke again to Rob while Lucy arranged herself as ordered and resumed her sucking.

‘I’m sorry it seems as if I’m giving all the orders. Once we’re back in the house, perhaps you could take over. What do you think? Take turns? Or come up with some other way of playing this?’

‘Uh – maybe discuss – over dinner,’ panted Rob.

Richard chuckled. ‘You’re right. Now isn’t the best time.’

Lucy, bent over, cramming as much of Rob’s cock between her teeth as she could, flinched a little when Richard’s thick fingers pulled her pussy lips wide from behind.

‘This busy little pussy is going to get a lot of attention this weekend,’ he said, pushing a forefinger up inside her. He moved it backwards and forwards, getting it nice and slippery, before withdrawing it and tracing it upwards, into the furrow of her bottom. He found her tight back passage and gave it a sharp, squirmy jab.

‘And so is this,’ he promised.

She moaned over the head of Rob’s cock, and he echoed in response.

‘Keep it up,’ he urged. ‘Suck harder.’ He began to thrust into her throat, his fist tugging at her hair.

She bore down on him, feeling Richard’s fingers press harder and harder on her clit, until Rob made an incoherent exclamation and flooded her throat with salty creaminess.

‘She knows how to give a proper welcome,’ said Richard approvingly.

He withdrew his fingers from her pussy.

Lucy knelt up, groggy and disorientated, seeing her naked body in the windscreen.

Richard placed his hands on her hips.

‘I think it’s my turn now,’ he said.

With her position reversed, Lucy treated Richard to a slower, more stately version of fellatio while Rob flicked at her clit and speared her with his fingers.

‘Open her up,’ growled Richard, his fingers plucking and pinching at the back of Lucy’s neck. ‘Take what you want from her.’

Rob used the length of his fingers to rub and slither back and forth between Lucy’s pussy lips. Nobody seemed shy any more, or awkward at the strangeness of the situation. The heat hung around them, enveloping them in a magic sex world that admitted of no other thoughts.

Lucy gorged on Richard’s cock just as much as she devoured the sensation of two pairs of hands on her, grabbing her breasts, slapping her bum, filling her pussy. She wriggled back on Rob’s busy fingers as she took Richard deeper and deeper down her throat, possessed by her sexuality.

When she came, Richard pulled sharply out of her mouth and let warm streams of ejaculate decorate her breasts. Some of it got on to her neck and chin.

‘Leave it there,’ ordered Richard.

At her rear, Rob kissed and nipped at her bum cheeks, his fingers still plunged deep.

Richard took his phone and photographed her, kneeling like that, dripping with come while Rob worked behind her.

‘I want lots of pictures of this weekend,’ said Richard, to Rob, who had risen from his worship of Lucy’s bottom. ‘One of us can take them while the other is occupied with Lucy. She’s going to get more attention than she can handle, and I want it on record.’

‘Sure,’ said Rob. He helped Lucy back into a sitting position. ‘Are you sure you’re ready for this?’

Lucy shook her head.

‘Not any more.’

They made her walk barefoot and naked through the mud and rain to the cottage while they hefted Rob’s bags from the boot.

Flashes behind her were more likely to be from cameras than lightning.

The rain washed away the spunk, but she was caked in mud splashes up to her knees by the time she arrived on the cottage porch, shivering and soaked.

Richard wrapped her in a dog blanket and carried her into the cottage.

‘Food’s warming in the oven,’ he called to Rob behind him. ‘I’m going to get this one bathed.’

Lucy lay up to her chin in the bathwater and watched Richard, who was watching her.

‘Are you scared to go back down?’ she wondered aloud.

‘Scared?’ Richard curled his lip.

‘Yeah. How do you make small talk with the man who doms your submissive? It’s not exactly the kind of thing the advice manuals cover.’

‘Well, you might be right,’ admitted Richard. ‘I’d rather we were all together as much as possible. You provide a focus.
We both like being cruel to you. Apart from that, what do we have to discuss?’

‘Do you know many other doms?’ Lucy reached out for a towel, which Richard passed to her.

‘No,’ he said after a pause. ‘I don’t.’

‘You could talk about that. Wouldn’t it be a relief? I’d love to meet another submissive and talk about it without feeling like a freakshow. I mean, I know lots online, but to have an actual conversation, over a couple of drinks? I think it’d be special.’

‘Women are more interested in that kind of thing,’ said Richard dismissively. ‘I don’t need a social aspect to my kink.’

‘You’re the strong, silent type,’ said Lucy, leaning back against Richard as he rubbed her dry. ‘It’s a pity, in a way. I think Rob would like to talk about it. I think that would mean a lot to him, actually.’

‘Do you?’

Richard pulled the towel off her and began to apply body lotion, generously, and with particular attention to her breasts and bottom.

‘Yes, because I think he has some funny ideas about what you have to be like to be a dom. And you are it. You are the man who defines dom-ness, in his imagination. Powerful, older, rich, good suits, all that. I think he’s worried he doesn’t measure up. But, you know, he does. I try to tell him that a good dom can look like anyone, come from anywhere, have any job. But he finds it hard.’

Lucy sighed.

‘You think he feels threatened by me?’ Richard paused with a handful of lotion, arching an eyebrow.

‘Of course he does.’

BOOK: Seven Scarlet Tales
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