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Authors: Dorothea Benton Frank

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #United States, #Contemporary Fiction, #Sagas

Shem Creek

BOOK: Shem Creek
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Table of Contents
“The self-proclaimed ‘Geechee girl’ once again sets her story in the steamy, salty, sea islands of the Lowcountry, following the literary paths of authors Pat Conroy, Anne Rivers Siddons, and Cassandra King.”
—Savannah Morning News
“Rich in the charms of small-town South Carolina . . . The strong pull of friendship, the leisurely pace of a tiny, waterfront Southern town, and the steady buildup of romance help buoy Frank’s well-drawn, memorable characters in the face of life’s challenges.”
—Publishers Weekly
Meet Linda Breland, single parent of two teenage daughters—one of whom is headed off to college. Between that and the married men, the cold New Jersey winters, her pinched wallet, and her ex-husband who marries a beautiful, successful woman ten years younger than she is—let’s just say, Linda has seen enough to fill a thousand pages. Now, she’s bound for Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, the magical landscape of her ancestors. Welcomed by the help of her advice-dispensing sister and an intriguing ex–investment banker turned restaurant owner, Linda slowly begins to find her way and realize that she too is entitled to a second chance . . .
“Dorothea Benton Frank represent[s] the best of fiction.”
—Greensboro (NC) News & Record
“[An] entertaining, witty author.”
—Winston-Salem Journal
“No one can capture an over-the-top colorful voice better than Frank . . . She injects the story with her trademark quirky voice.”
—The Columbia (SC) State
Acclaim for
“Frank’s warm, lively writing style, fine handle on pacing, and truthful insights about mother-daughter relationships are the highlights of this book.”
—Savannah Morning News
“[Frank] combines evocative descriptions of the place and its culture with rollicking tales of middle-age women making a fresh start in work and love.”
—The Charlotte Observer
Shem Creek
in your possession will be a great excuse to get in one more weekend at the beach.”
—Winston-Salem Journal
“Fans no doubt will love it . . . few can capture an over-the-top colorful voice better than Frank.”
—Lexington Herald-Leader
“This delightful book embraces characters that will not soon be forgotten . . . You’ll enjoy your visit to Shem Creek.”
—The Decatur Daily

Isle of Palms
is as light and gratifying as a sand dollar just washed to shore . . . The author and Anna like to remind folks of the things that matter most: finding inner peace, learning to forgive and cherishing friends who become family.”
—The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
“A fun beach read.”
—The Raleigh News & Observer
“[A] page-turner.”
—St. Petersburg Times
“Dorothea Benton Frank is the bad girl of southern fiction—the bad, bad girl. Her books are funny, sexy, and usually damp with seawater.”
—Pat Conroy
—Orlando Sentinel
“[Frank] defies convention and weaves comically twisted plot lines for each of her characters . . . Fans of
Sullivan’s Island
will not be disappointed . . . Anna’s narration makes
Isle of Palms
stand out.”
—The Florida Times-Union
“Blazingly authentic . . . A rich read.”
—Publishers Weekly
(starred review)
“Hilarious and wise, an up-to-the-minute report on what it is like to be alive and female in the South Carolina Lowcountry today. It contains the funniest sex scene I have ever encountered.”
—Pat Conroy
“Dottie Frank’s take on the South Carolina Lowcountry is tough, tender, achingly real, and very, very funny.
Sullivan’s Island
roars with life.”
—Anne Rivers Siddons
Sullivan’s Island,
southern womanhood has found a new voice, and it is outrageous, hilarious, relentless, and impossible to ignore.”
—John Berendt
“One heck of a beach book . . . Frank keeps you reading compulsively.”
—The Charlotte Observer
“Effortlessly evokes the lush beauty of the South Carolina Lowcountry while exploring the complexities of family relationships . . . Readers will enjoy immersing themselves in the lives of these deftly drawn, heartfelt characters.”
—Publishers Weekly
(starred review)
“Think Terry McMillan meets Rebecca Wells by way of the Deep South and you’ll be barking up the right bayou.”
—The Mirror
Titles by Dorothea Benton Frank
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my great friend
Debra Pietromonaco Zammit
The ripe earth swells,
splitting its skin
into waterways
scattered and winding
in every direction,
releasing winds
that carve the land
to shreds. Where
sun-filled clumps
of spartina, smoothed
into supplicating rows
of bent heads crowd
the edges of Shem Creek,
marsh wrens build
their tiny nests.
As if they are playing
hide and go seek,
porpoises appear
then disappear
below the water.
Fish birds are everywhere
littering the sky:
egrets, herons, and terns,
oyster catchers, pelicans,
gulls diving and turning
through the thick air.
As the creek weaves
through treeless subdivisions,
strip malls, and concrete,
it gathers everything
from oil, soap, and gasoline
to tires and old refrigerators.
Run-off fills the oyster beds
with unpronounceable toxins.
Arsenic and mercury
drift through the water
in invisible clouds,
as if no one will notice.
Beyond the clutter of traffic
seafood restaurants,
hotels, bars, and parking lots,
docked shrimp boats,
bobbing up and down
beside the docks,
wait where the creek
divides oil from water
and opens into the endless sea.
South Carolina Poet Laureate
In the making of a book there are many hands besides those of the author. I would like to thank the following people who gladly picked up the phone, sent information and answered my questions and gave me their support: Tim Mink of Poe’s Tavern on Sullivan’s Island; Dana Beach, Nancy Vinson, and Jane Lareau of the South Carolina Coastal Conservation League; Fred Holland, Ph.D.; Nancy Rhyne of Pawleys Island; Vickie Crafton and Tom Warner of Litchfield Books; Tom Schaefer of Atlanta; Michael F. Nickell and Trisha Boorman of Cypress restaurant in Charleston; Dr. Ian Smith of New York; Nathalie Dupree of Charleston, South Carolina; and Mark Hiebel of the Renaissance Grand Beach Hotel in St. Thomas. Huge thanks to Diane Razzano and Bella Kovtun of Atlantic Express, Staten Island, New York, especially for the cookies!
Special thanks to Mary Allen of Montclair, New Jersey, for resurrecting my computer from its many crashes and to George Zur for his technical expertise on numerous occasions in all areas pertaining to my Web site.
To Marjory Wentworth, South Carolina Poet Laureate, for the creation and use of her exquisite poem “Shem Creek,” I am always and forever in awe of your enormous talent and grateful to the skies for your friendship.
BOOK: Shem Creek
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