Read Shifted Temptations Online

Authors: C.E. Black

Shifted Temptations (13 page)

BOOK: Shifted Temptations
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“No we had ‘no strings’ sex.”

You can keep telling yourself that if you want, but as messed up as it was, it was still a relationship. Even though we might have started out wanting no strings, that wasn’t what we got.”

I put down my fork and looked at Sam. Her eyes were bright
with challenge and if what I was trying to say wasn’t so important, I would have laughed. Not with humor, but sheer happiness of talking with her again, of seeing her react with emotion.

With you, Sam, it could never be just sex.”

I tried telling her with my eyes what my words meant, while she just looked a little dazed. My gaze lowered to her parted lips. I wanted so bad
ly to kiss her, to hold her, show her how good we could be again, but I couldn’t, not yet. I turned away, picking up my water and taking a large gulp.

Sorry, let’s just drop it for now.”

For now?”

I smiled at her naiveté. Did she think I would never bring up our relationship again? She was seriously wrong. I was only getting started.

“So when’s the due date?”

June first.”

Wow, she was due in less than
three months. The timing made sense, but it was hard to tell by how small Sam was. Her belly wasn’t as large as I thought it would have been at almost eight months along.

I nodded then asked what I’d been building my courage to ask her since the day I saw her at the hospital.

She looked over at me, her forehead creased
. It took her only a minute before she understood what I was asking and she looked down, not meeting my eyes.

“I’m really sorry, Alex. It’s just that you and Jordan made it perfectly clear that a baby was out of the question. You both we
re quite adamant and I knew you would be angry.”

“But why say you were going to have an abortion? Did you just change your mind?”

She looked up at me, her eyes wet with unshed tears. “No, I didn’t change my mind. I never even considered terminating this pregnancy.”

I still didn’t understand
. “Then why tell us that?”

“There i
s no excuse, Alex. It was wrong. I know that now, but that day when the three of us were arguing...I just wanted to end our relationship...association...” She shook her head, “Or whatever it was.”

“Then Jordan accused me of trying to trap you guys. I knew it was
said mostly in anger, but when I saw the same doubt on your face, I just...snapped. I wanted you gone and I decided that was the best way to get you to leave.”

My mouth opened, but I had no clue what to say. I felt like the total shit that I was. I got where she was coming from. She shouldn’t have lied and I could see she regretted that
decision, but I understood. That last day, when we had that nasty argument, was a horrible day. Jordan handled the situation badly and I didn’t handle it all.

“I’m sorry, Sam. If it’s any consolation, I never really believed you had planned the pregnancy. I was shocked at what was happening and
I didn’t know what to think. I will tell you this...I have never thought of you as that type of person. You are not deceitful.”

“But, I lied about the baby.”

“Yes, but I think you thought you were doing what was best for you at the time.”

A smile graced her trembling lips and my heart ached with love for her. I wished I could tell her, but t
he time was not right yet.

“Thank you,” she said soft

I nodded and d
ecided it was time for a subject change.

“What are you reading?”

Barely blinking at the sudden switch, she shrugged. “Nothing really.”

“What’s it about?”

Sam’s cheeks flushed pink and she turned away, hiding her face by taking a sip of water. Chuckling, I reached over and playfully pulled on her hair.

Come on, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. I think all books are great. They’re fun, a fantasy, a great way to escape. Just because it’s a romance doesn’t mean anything other than you like romance.”

She was silent for few moments while she ate. I ate some more as well, giving her time. I could tell she was a little embarrassed to be talking about a romance novel, but the most important part was that she was actually having a conversation with me. Knowing a little more about her curiosity with shifters was an added bonus.

“Well, it’s a paranormal romance about a guy who can turn into a wolf,” she finally said, looking up at me cautiously.

A werewolf?”



He meets this woman, well, he saves her from a gang in a back alley and she sees him shift. He kidnaps her so she won’t tell and she gets pissed.”

I chewed thinking over what she said. Kidnapping was drastic, but I
could see how it was feasible.

What happens next?”

She blushed,
but shrugged as if it was no big deal. “They have sex.”

I put my plate down on the bed beside me, giving her more of my attention. “
Then what?”

She shook her head. “
I don’t know. I haven’t gotten that far yet.”

“Let me see?”

She gave me the book and I opened it to the page she had dog-eared. After reading only two paragraphs my head jerk up.


Give that back,” Sam said reaching for the book, her eyes narrowed.

I could tell she was trying not to laugh and as much as I wanted to, I didn’t play with her.
I gave the book back to her with a smile.

That was pretty hot, kind of like reading porn.”

“Hey!” She slapped
me on the arm with the book. “I thought you wouldn’t make fun.”

Rubbing my arm in mock
pain, I laughed. “I’m not, I love porn.”

You like porn?”

Well yeah, most guys do.”

Do you watch it a lot?”

She was beginning to sound
concerned and I grinned. She was so sweet sometimes.

Eh, no.” I stopped laughing and brought my face a little closer to hers, looking her in the eye. “I’d much rather have the real thing.”


Her breath fluttered against my lips and what started out playful began turning serious. I ached to touch her and I could not hold out any longer.

, my hand shook as I reached out, hoping she wouldn’t stop me. She didn’t and I ran my fingers through her soft hair. I watched the strands slide between my fingers, completely dazed that I was actually touching her like that.

Our eyes met and I could tell she was hesitant, but she
had not said stop yet. I leaned in slowly until our lips barely brushed. Hers parted on a gasp and I took advantage, running my tongue lightly over her bottom lip. She tasted a little of garlic and her own sweet flavor.

I brought up my other hand, cupping her face, never taking my eyes
off hers as I nibbled lightly. With a breathy sigh she closed her eyes and kissed me back, teasing my tongue with hers.

I broke away, placing small kisses down her chin and onto her neck. Burying my nose right
behind her ear, I breathed deep of her sexy scent. It was the wrong thing to do. Her scent had my control slipping and next thing I knew, I was plundering her mouth, licking, sucking, nibbling until I felt her small hand against my chest.

first, I thought she was just as hungry for me as I was for her, but then I realized she was pushing at my chest not pulling me closer. Breaking the kiss, I held her face gently as we both caught our breath.

Alex, we can’t,” Sam pleaded.

I watched her confused eyes begin to glisten with the first sign of tears and I let her go.

Standing up, I gathered the dinner dishes, feeling the need to leave quickly. I would never force Sam to do anything she didn’t want to do, but I knew if I pushed, I could have had her naked and writhing beneath me in no time. My self-control was still seriously lacking, but I knew it would be the wrong thing to do in that moment. She wasn’t ready.

“I’m sorry
Alex, but that was a mistake, and we can’t do it again.”

I didn’t respond. She was wrong. It was
not a mistake and we would be doing it again, soon, but again, she was not ready. I finished gathering the dishes and the tray without saying anything.

I walked to the door without turning back. If I looked at her, I would rush back over and pull her into my arms
, whether she was ready or not.

“Get some rest,” I said and left the room.




~ 14 ~




Crouching low, I made my way across the yard, quickly and silently
, until I reached the small metal shed. I lowered myself, belly to the ground, paws in front of me and waited. I was watching the small, yellow, wood framed house situated about a hundred yards away.

Intel had reason to believe it
was where Alexander James Wright Sr. and his cronies were stashing an ass load of drugs, ready for shipment. It had taken them long enough, more than three months. It had been more difficult than believed to get someone inside, but more proof was needed. My job tonight was to get in and confirm, without calling attention to myself.

It was dark inside most of the house, only the
kitchen light was on. Knowing the resident was a shifter and could see just fine in the dark, I figured it was too early for bedtime.

then, the kitchen curtain twitched. I ducked down lower, hiding in the tall grass. There was no way they could see me. In the shadow of the shed, it was completely dark.

A face peered through the window, glanced around the dark yard before disappearing again. So far so good, I thought. They were exactly who Intel said they were.

Scenting the air, I found nothing suspicious so I sprinted across the yard. Once I hidden in the shadow of the house, I shifted back into human form.

Stooping low, I lifted a piece of siding that had been subtlety marked. Reaching into the hole
, I pulled out a dark bundle. One of our informants had stashed the clothes days before.

Unraveling the bundle, I found a semi-automatic. Putting it aside,
I dressed quickly, but left behind the gun. The scent would have given it away. My claws were my best weapon anyway.

Walking up the path, I took a cursory glance of the messy yard. The grass was knee high and brown. The bushes were overgrown and misshapen. The house itself wasn’t in bad shape, but it could have used a good paint
job. What used to be a sunny yellow was now dull and flaking off in patches.

I rapped my knuckles against the dirty white door three times
. When no one answered, I stood my ground. I knew they were home. They were looking through the peephole. I could hear them breathing. I gave my best, most friendly smile and waited patiently. It wouldn’t take long to be recognized.

As predicted, the lock was disengaged instantly and the door swung open.
My smile wanted to slip at the sight of the woman before me, but I held on to it as if my life depended on it.

Last time I had seen Layla she was flat on her back, legs spread welcoming as I pumped into her. She was hot and curvy, with long blonde hair and legs that went on forever. She
had been fast and fun with a bubbly personality.

The woman standing in front of me looked physically close to the same girl. Her blonde hair was shorter
and her figure was just as stunning, but it was her eyes that were most different.

Layla’s blue eyes
were not sparkling with laughter like I remembered. She looked tired and a little wary. The years hadn’t been too bad on her. She looked like she took care of herself, but I had a feeling she was not as happy as she used to be.

My, my, is that Jordan Hunt? What are you doing here?”

I was pleased that her voice was
the same, slightly husky and full of sensuality. Her smile was big, yet she looked around me warily. She knew I wasn’t supposed to come back to Wilde Mountain. I just hoped she wouldn’t sound out the alarms before I could finish my job for the night.

“Hi, Layla. How have you been?”

“Just fine, hun, but come in before someone sees you.”

Layla led me in, closing and locking the door behind me
, I noticed. After pushing me toward the couch she asked if I wanted a drink. I nodded yes and she strode off to the kitchen making sure her ass swayed in an enticing way. I smirked, same old Layla, I thought and took the opportunity to sniff around.

BOOK: Shifted Temptations
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