Sleeping Arrangements (Silhouette Desire) (21 page)

BOOK: Sleeping Arrangements (Silhouette Desire)
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“Maybe we can put a postscript on the wedding announcement.”

She pictured it and shook her head.

“Baby, you’re going to have write it in lights on that outfield scoreboard to get me out of this one.”

“And I hope they charge you by the letter.”


It was the strangest thing they’d ever seen, most of the thirty-six thousand fans at the Cubs Fourth of July night game agreed among themselves later that summer. During the seventh-inning stretch, right after the mayor led the crowd in singing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame,” a message in blinking white lights scrolled across the scoreboard.

Thank you, Adeline Marie Tyler Spencer, for marrying me. And sincere apologies to Steve Henderson, who is not, in fact, a bigamist.

Everyone remembered that for a very long time. Not the least, Caroline Reed, who claimed to have heard her father whisper the words while resting his cheek against her mother’s belly six months before she was born.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-7698-1


Copyright © 2005 by Amy Jo Albinack

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