Read Sparks Online

Authors: Talia Carmichael

Sparks (11 page)

BOOK: Sparks
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“Behave.” Simon smacked Hector on the arm.

“Now what fun would that be?” Hector pulled Simon against his side, nuzzling his neck.

“So, Bernie. You’ve joined the need-a-room club.” Malik smirked, rocking back on his heels.

“Come on.” Tomas gripped Bernie’s hand and led him to the kitchen, then out to the back deck.

Tomas led him to the rail, away from the window. He crowded Bernie into the corner then leaned against the wall.


“It’s n—”

“And don’t say nothing,” Tomas warned.

Bernie crossed his arms over his chest. He pursed his lips and moved his mouth around.

“Trying to distract me by being cute won’t work.” Tomas bit his bottom lip.

“I’m not cute.”

“You are. And sexy,” Tomas said softly.

Bernie smiled, a warm feeling filling him. His smile faded as Tomas continued.

“And prickly. Moody and stubborn. C—”

He put his finger over Tomas’s lips. “You could have stopped after sexy.”

Tomas kissed his finger, removing it from his lips. “True, but then you wouldn’t know all the things I find I enjoy about you.”

“Only you would find prickly, moody, and stubborn enjoyable.”

“It works for me. Talk to me,” Tomas said.

Bernie took a breath and said, “I thought when you told Harper not to tell anyone that you wanted to keep us a secret. That you were ashamed of me.”

He lowered his eyes. Tomas raised his chin.

“I’d never be ashamed of you.”

“I know it was stupid,” Bernie whispered.

“I mean it when I say I want to see where this takes us. Look at me, Bernie.”

Bernie followed his request. Tomas’s brown eyes were warm and intense. He pulled Bernie into his arms.

“I already know what I want. I want you.” Tomas’s voice lowered. “I love you, Bernie.”

Bernie gulped, then said shakily, “You can’t. We just got together.”

Tomas scoffed. “Sexually. But we’ve been practically dating for over a year. By the Rodriguez family standards, we should already be married and living with each other. We’re moving the slow route.”

Tomas winked. Bernie laughed, and then leaned his head against his chest.

“We don’t even know each other. There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”

“I’m looking forward to finding out,” Tomas assured him.

Bernie studied him. There was a surety in his face.

“I can’t say it back. I don’t know if I ever can,” Bernie admitted.

“You will. I’m patient and can wait until you can.” He used that same sure tone.

“You and patience don’t go together.” Bernie pursed his lip.

“True. How about, I’ll try to be patient. And you try to believe me when I say something,” Tomas said.

Bernie ran his teeth over his bottom lip, then said, “I’ll try.” He put his fingers over Tomas’s lips when he opened his mouth. “And if I doubt something, I’ll talk to you.”

“Christ, do we have to talk about our feelings and shit?” Tomas mumbled under his fingers.

“Yep. That’s what a relationship is all about. And that’s what we’re having.” Bernie removed his finger and hugged him, laughing.

Contentment filled him. They were in a relationship.

“For you, kid, I’ll talk feelings and crap.” Tomas sounded put-upon.

“Not a kid.”

“Habit, honey
Te amo
.” Tomas’s voice was hoarse and deep.

Bernie recognized the Spanish phrase for “I love you.” He had heard it used among the Rodriguez clan. It spoke of the deep love they had for each other. He knew it was Tomas’s way of showing him how serious he was.

“Why’d you wait to tell me this when we’re in your brother’s house?” Bernie groaned, grinding his hips against Tomas’s.

“Must be crazy. I’ll rectify that.” Tomas cupped his ass, pulling him against his jeans-clad cock.

Bernie whimpered. Tomas shifted and lifted him up, putting him over his shoulder. Bernie flailed.

“Whoa. Be still. Don’t want you to fall.” Tomas kept a steady hold on him and strode around the side of the house.

“Tomas, where are you taking me?” Bernie grunted.

“Home,” Tomas said.

“What about the game?”

“Screw the game. I want you.”

“I want you too. But I can walk,” Bernie pointed out.

“Not fast enough,” Tomas said.

What are you doing to Bernie?” Miguel called.

“Let Robert explain it to you,” Alex said, laughing.

,” Robert hissed.

“What? If he has to ask, then you’re doing something wrong,” Alex said.

The men hooted.

Bernie heard the sound of a door opening. Tomas put him on the seat and buckled him in. Bernie looked out the truck window. The poker crew was all standing on the porch, watching them. Bernie lowered his head, blushing furiously. Tomas ignored them and got in the Avalanche. He started the truck. A knock on the window caught Bernie’s attention. Alex was smiling at him. He lowered the glass. Alex leaned into the window.

“Since Bernie doesn’t have a brother, I’m taking on that role. Treat him right, Tomas, or you’ll answer to me.” Alex’s tone was hard.

Bernie looked at him in surprise. Alex’s face matched his tone.

“I plan on treating him right,” Tomas replied.

“Good.” Alex nodded.

He stepped back. Bernie clutched Alex’s arm. Alex smiled at him gently and patted his hand. Bernie squeezed his arm, then let go. Alex loped back to the rest of the men. Tomas pulled out. Bernie bit his lip.

You should tell them.

The truck stopping caught his attention. Tomas got out and came quickly to his side. He opened the door and yanked him out. Bernie ran to keep up with his quick strides. Tomas impatiently searched his pockets and took out his key. He unlocked the door and jerked Bernie inside. Tomas hustled him to the bedroom. He undressed him, his hands seeming to be all over him. Bernie laughed breathlessly. Tomas pushed him back onto the bed, then stripped off his clothes. Bernie licked his lips as each piece of clothing came off that delectable butterscotch skin. Tomas leaned over and kissed him. Bernie scrambled backward until his head touched the pillow. Tomas moved away briefly, then came back.

Tomas lifted Bernie’s legs, and slick fingers rubbed along his crease. Bernie arched into them as Tomas readied him with efficient fingers. Tomas moved back, and then a sheathed, blunt head pushed against Bernie’s hole. Bernie spread, gripping Tomas’s back, and Tomas’s muscles flexed under his fingers. Tomas pushed in; Bernie gasped at the first penetration of Tomas’s hard cock. Tomas moved in slow, measured strokes. Moaning, Bernie clamped his legs around Tomas’s hips. He moved his hands down Tomas’s back to his ass. Jerking, he pulled Tomas deeper. Tomas kept up his rhythm, not increasing. Bernie thrashed his head on the pillow.

“Just like this, honey.” Tomas’s voice seemed to vibrate through him.

Tomas changed the angle of his thrust. With each glide of his cock, the head of his shaft rubbed against the sensitive bunch of nerves. Bernie’s balls drew up, and his cock belched out pre-cum. He whimpered.

Te amo
, Bernie,” Tomas grunted.

Bernie groaned loudly as his cock pulsed with his release. He clenched around Tomas, who roared as he came with Bernie. Tomas stroked in and out, and then he collapsed against Bernie. Bernie breathed harshly while Tomas’s chest heaved. He flopped onto the bed beside Bernie. Bernie removed the condom from Tomas’s soft shaft, tied it off, and threw it in the wastebasket by the bed. Bernie snuggled against him, stroking along his chest. Tomas laced his fingers with Bernie’s, raising them to his lips. He kissed them, then put them back on his chest. Bernie pulled the covers over them.

“You’re a special man, Tomas Rodriguez.”

“Back at you, kid.”

Bernie poked him in the side. “Not a kid.”

“Habit, honey. No poking, except the pleasurable kind.” Tomas laughed, tickling Bernie.

Laughing, Bernie tried to get away. Tomas held him effortlessly, pinning him to the bed.



frowned as they bypassed Bacchus Sloan. He looked at Tomas, who was driving.

“I thought we were going dancing.”

“We are, but we have to go to the hospital first.”

“Why? Is someone sick?”

“Nope. We’re getting tested. Want to do away with the rubbers.”

Bernie worried his lip. It was a big step. They had only been sleeping together for a little over a week.

“Talk to me, kid.”

“Not a kid.” It lacked its usual fire.

“Habit, honey. If you don’t want to get tested, we don’t have to,” Tomas offered.

Bernie glanced at him. Tomas looked calm and unaffected, but Bernie looked at the flexing of his jaw. It was working, which meant Tomas was biting the inside of his cheek. He did that when he acted like something didn’t bother him. Bernie was startled as he realized he knew such a thing. He smiled. Even if he didn’t consciously realize it, he had been studying Tomas’s mannerisms. As Tomas pointed out, he did know lots of things about this complex man. Tomas might come across as a bossy asshole, but he was anything but. The decision after that was obvious.

“I’ll hold your hand, since you’re afraid of needles,” Bernie said.

“Fine. And I’ll make sure you don’t pass out at the sight of blood.” Tomas smirked.

Bernie stuck out his tongue. Tomas laughed and pulled into the hospital parking lot. They got out and went in. In moments, they were in the elevator. When it got to the correct floor, Tomas guided him out. Bernie rolled his eyes when he saw the name on the office door. Tomas opened it, and his steps stalled.

“Are you ready?” Alejandro brandished an extremely large needle.

“Umm…,” Tomas said, releasing Bernie and backing up.

“Stop frightening Tomas, Alejandro. Come on, Tomas.” Bernie stifled a smile, taking his hand.

Tomas resisted as Bernie tried to urge him forward. Bernie scowled at Alejandro.

“Fine.” Alejandro pouted and put down the needle.

Tomas was stiff as Bernie led him to a chair in front of the desk.

“I’m doing this here so the big baby’s rep doesn’t get damaged. Not like everyone doesn’t know he’s a chicken around needles,” Alejandro said dryly.

“Just get on with it,” Tomas gritted out, sitting stiffly.

Bernie sat in the chair next to him, holding his hand. Alejandro got down to business and took the sample. Bernie turned Tomas’s face to look at him, and he held his hand and his gaze. Tomas’s grip was tight on his as Alejandro touched Bernie’s arm. He looked. Tomas turned Bernie to look at him.

“Eyes on me, kid,” Tomas said.

“Not a kid,” he growled.

“Habit.” Tomas kissed him.

Bernie hummed.

“I’ll take these to the lab. You’ll have results in a few days. I’ve gotta get to surgery. No fucking in my office,” Alejandro said.

Bernie glanced at him, blushing. Alejandro laughed and squeezed his shoulder.

“I’m not worried you would. It’s this Neanderthal who might influence you.” Alejandro smacked Tomas across the back of the head.

Tomas swatted at him. Alejandro moved away and left.

“You sure have them fooled. I wonder what they would think if they knew you were a wildcat in bed,” Tomas mused.

“You can’t tell them,” Bernie said, gasping.

“What’ll you give me so I won’t?” Tomas’s grin was evil.

Bernie partially lowered his eyelids. “I’ll think of something.”

He knew how that drove Tomas crazy. Tomas stood and jerked him up, kissing him hungrily. He lifted Bernie, who locked his legs around Tomas, grinding against him. The sound of the door caught Bernie’s attention.

“Out. Out of my office,” Alejandro said.

Tomas withdrew, sighing. “Party pooper.”

He held Bernie’s hand, leading him to where Alejandro stood by the door.

“Sorry.” Bernie ducked his head, hiding a smile.

“Yeah, like I believe that,” Alejandro replied.

Bernie raised his head.

“You two are a good influence on each other. Well, you are on Tomas, anyway. This troublemaker needs someone to stabilize him. That’s you, Bernie. Good luck.” Alejandro smiled.

“Stop filling his head with my wonderful virtues,” Tomas said.

“See? He loves being trouble.”

Alejandro and Bernie laughed. Tomas tugged him. Bernie waved to Alejandro. In the elevator, he leaned against Tomas.

“Are you trouble?”

“Oh, yeah. I’ll show you on the dance floor,” Tomas whispered.

Bernie couldn’t wait. Fifteen minutes later, Tomas proved how much trouble he was. Their last dance, Bernie had been the aggressor. In this one, Tomas was moving against him with wicked intent. Bernie gulped. He could tell he was in for it. Tomas rolled his hips and brushed his cock against Bernie’s. He slid his leg between Bernie’s and held his ass. They slid against each other, moaning. Bernie placed his arms around Tomas’s neck. Tomas kissed the side of his face.

Te amo
.” Tomas’s breath ghosted against his skin.

Bernie leaned harder against him, and Tomas held him effortlessly.



frowned at the TV. Leaning his head back on the couch, he chewed the inside of his cheek.

“Tomas, are you okay?” Bernie asked, coming into the living room from the kitchen.

He wiped his hands on a dish towel, placed it on the center table, and sat next to Tomas. Bernie stroked his hand over Tomas’s arm.

“Just tired,” Tomas replied.

Tired of waiting to hear ‘I love you’.
Tomas’s heart clenched. He’d said it often over the last month and a half. Never once had Bernie returned the words.

You told him you would be patient.
And he had been. But he felt the need to hear it.

The day after he’d said it for the first time, they had gone to family dinner as a couple. Mami
had hugged Bernie, calling him
while Papi had gripped Bernie’s shoulder. Bernie had flinched and withdrawn from them both as soon as he could. Tomas had seen the hurt on his parents’ faces. Later, he had asked Bernie why he seemed not to like them. Bernie had insisted he did, but that he just wasn’t comfortable with expressing affection. It had sounded false, since he had seen Bernie hug or kiss his brothers, cousins, and their poker crew. Tomas hadn’t pushed, waiting for Bernie to come to him.

BOOK: Sparks
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