Special Agent: Austin (5 page)

BOOK: Special Agent: Austin
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Austin glared at his brother, a round-eyed Hope at his side. “Stop trying to undermine me, Jaydan.”

Shaking his head, Jaydan said, “Not a chance. This work is not for you.”

He held his arms out wide. “How do you know that? You don’t know me. Other than Gunner’s wedding a few months ago, we hadn’t seen each other in twelve years.”

Jaydan blinked and pulled back his head. He held up a finger to make a point. “You know, you’re right. I don’t. Forget I said anything.” Grabbing Hope’s hand, he turned to go. She looked back at Austin over her shoulder, her brow wrinkled in worry.

His shoulders slumped. Shit. He’d just gotten Jaydan back. He didn’t want to lose him again.

He let out a sigh. “Hope, can you give us a minute?”

Jaydan stopped in his tracks, his huge back stiff. Hope kissed his cheek. “I’ll be right around the corner.”

Nodding, Jaydan turned back to Austin and crossed his arms over his chest. He wasn’t going to make this easy.

“Jaydan, is it so wrong of me to want to work with you?”

He held out his hands, palm up. “Not at all. If you want to work in physical training or with the medical team, I’m game.”

Hands on hips, Austin released a deep breath through his nose. “And, if I want to work in the field?”

He pointed at his chest with his thumb. “That’s my job.”

“You’re part of a team, Jaydan. I want to be a part of it, too.”

“Forget it. It’s not hap-”


Austin tensed at the sound of anguish in Belle’s voice. He ran for her room, panic gripping his heart in a fist. “I will make D.I.R.E., brother,” he said, rushing past him. “You might as well get used to the idea.”

Chapter Four

elle pointed her gun at the man hunched beside the refrigerator, a bullet hole in his stomach. He taunted her between admonishments to his daughter, the little three-year-old showing more courage than her father by fighting Belle with her fists.

Bullets flew. Belle’s foot caught on a table chair. The little girl fell back against the torn linoleum, her father’s scream echoing off the walls of the filthy kitchen. Blood pooled beneath her blonde head, forming a crimson halo at her crown. A sacrificial angel, she lay still, lifeless as her father’s pained cries - bellows of sheer agony - resounded in Belle’s ears.

She knelt at the little girl’s side, head bent in grieving homage. Self-hatred slithered over her skin, striking at the serum with deadly tenacity. The smell of metal tickled Belle’s nose as she watched the color drain from the child’s face. So full of life just seconds before, the girl lay a talisman of Belle’s life, a piercing shock of Belle’s contribution to the world.

No peace could ever come in the presence of such evil.

Lifting the gun slowly, Belle held the barrel at her own temple, her finger tightening on the trigger…


Groaning aloud, she sat up in bed and shook her head, trying to clear it. She’d gone through enough experiments in her life to know when she’d been given some form of
to knock her out. The drug screwed up her mind and body, and took her weeks to get back her focus.

At least, it did when she was taking the serum. The Madam gave it to her and her sisters to weaken their consciences and stifle their sympathy so they could carry out their hits. It had been a part of their training regimen since they were children, sold to them as a necessity in order to rid the world of those who opposed their goal of a perfect, peaceful world.

“Sleeping Beauty has risen.”

Austin stood beside the bed, his back to the night sky outside the window. His jaw was thick with dark stubble, his white shirt unbuttoned to the middle of his chest. With his hands in his pockets, he looked cool, confident… and
mother butler
, damned sexy. Memories assailed her of him lying on top of her, kissing her like they had no tomorrow, his finger deep inside her...

She squirmed on the bed. “What did they give me?”

Shrugging, he sat beside her. “I don’t know. How are you feeling?”

“Groggy.” She pressed the heel of her hand to her forehead and winced.

He pulled away her hand. “You have a nasty bruise. Do you remember what happened?”

She remembered and couldn’t believe it. She’d fought plenty of men, most weak - both physically and mentally. Austin proved different on both counts.

“Yes.” She looked down at her drab hospital gown partially concealed by his tuxedo jacket. “Where are my things?”

He nodded at the closet next to the bed. “In there. Interesting tampon case.”

He’d found her serum. Now D.I.R.E. had that, too. Could she have screwed this up any more? She’d already missed her check in, which meant she had less than twenty-four hours before one of her sisters showed up to take her place. She had to figure out some way to get a message to the Madam.

Frowning, she lifted her chin. “Why were you going through my things?”

“I wanted to be prepared next time you jumped me. I didn’t want you whipping out a tampon that extended into a light saber or something.”

Well, she did have a lipstick tube that stretched into a small whip.

“As it is, I have four stitches in my leg.”

“Poor baby,” she said, twisting a curl around her finger. “Want me to kiss it and make it better?”

His face sobered. “I want you to tell me about your dream.”

Terror seized her heart like a dunk in cold water. She willed her lungs to breathe, her body trembling. “How did you know?”

He pulled his tuxedo jacket tighter around her, his brow etched with concern. “You cried in your sleep.”

Austin’s words brought it all back to life. The blood, the screams, the innocence lost…

Bile rose in her throat. She covered her mouth with her hand. Eyes wide, Austin grabbed the trash can and held it by the side of the bed. She emptied her stomach as his fingers filtered through her curls, brushing them back from her face.

“It’s okay, Sweetpea. It isn’t real…”

But, it was real - every frightening detail. It would never leave her, never give her a moment’s peace.

Laying back in the bed, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. A calm settled over her. At least now, she knew an end was in sight.

Austin nudged her with a glass of cold water. “Here, drink this.”

Her eyes fluttered open. There was something devastatingly attractive about a strong man like Austin showing such tender care. Every minute, his actions seemed to prove the Madam’s ideals wrong. He must be unique… or the Madam dishonest. Belle had never encountered anything so soothing and humbling as his thoughtful ministrations. Yet, according to the Madam, her vision was the only way to peace.

Belle had found a new road.

Austin kissed her forehead. “Better?”

Nodding, she looked down at her lap. “I don’t want to talk about the dream, Austin.”

His low, solemn voice made her want to cry all over again. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned, Belle, it won’t go away until you do something about it.”

Looking up, she studied his handsome face. He seemed to be the only thing, the only person that could make her forget. In the few moments they’d had together, she’d never thought about the hit. Not once.

She wished things could be different for her. For them.

Pulling a phone from his pocket, he sat beside her again and held up a photo of Teague Hamilton. A child prodigy, she was the key to Dr. Capri’s success with the cloning program. Though the Matheson’s had used Dr. Capri’s experience, Teague was the true brilliance behind the entire genetic enhancement platform, her new ideas fruit for Capri’s extensive knowledge. As a result, she held a position of respect among the farm inhabitants.

“Do you know her?” he said.

She gave him a one-shouldered shrug. “Maybe. Maybe not.”

Shaking his head in frustration, he showed her a photo of Cyrus Matheson, currently locked up by D.I.R.E. in a yet-to-be-discovered location. Another reason why the Madam was on a tear.

A sudden thought hit her. D.I.R.E. was using him to get to her. She’d become vulnerable in their eyes. One of, if not
greatest sin she could make in her position.

Then again, they’d chosen well. She would do just about anything for Austin Rose.

She tapped a finger against her mouth. “I’m not quite sure if I recognize him or not. I can’t recall.”

Austin let out a deep sigh. “Belle, you need to cooperate.”

Cocking her head, she gave him a get-real frown. “Why? What’s in it for me? Either way, D.I.R.E. won’t let me go.”

“You don’t know that. If you
guilty of something besides assaulting me, you’d get a lighter sentence if you cooperate.”

She pulled back her head. “Assaulting you? You’re the one that tried to stop

Pointing at her, he said, “You struck first.”

Belle leaned in his face. “
Because you were trying to stop me

He growled low in his throat. “Ugh, forget it. I’m done here.” Rising from the bed, he took his fragrant jacket with him.

A sudden, overwhelming sadness threatened to choke her. She swallowed it down with the remaining bile. “What about you?” Her voice came out a weak, shaky mess.

He turned to look over his shoulder. “What about me?”

She couldn’t believe she was really doing this. “What if I said I wanted you in exchange for information?”

His brows lowered into a frown. “Me?”

She lifted her chin and spoke in a clear voice, even though her insides felt like a jumble of raw nerves. “Yes… for a night.”

If he wasn’t careful, his eyes would fall out on the floor. “You want to barter for sex?”

No, she wanted to know what it felt like to lie in a man’s arms, to feel him inside her, to indulge in something so exciting and forbidden it frightened her.

She softened her voice. “I’ve never been with a man before.”

His body deflated. “Cut the crap, Belle. I’m done with it.”

“I’m telling the truth,” she said. “I’m not allowed to dally with the weaker sex.”

Lowering his chin, he stared at her, incredulity lighting his dark eyes. “Allowed?

For a beautiful man, his glare was quite intimidating.

?!” he cried. “Like hell. What kind of sick cult are you involved in?”

How did she explain her life to someone that didn’t see the big picture? “It’s how my sisters and I live.” Her voice dropped to nearly a whisper. “Until you, I’d never met a man I wanted enough to risk losing my life and my family. Now, I have nothing to lose.”

“What do you mean ‘your life’?”

“Now that you’ve turned me over to D.I.R.E., I won’t go to prison. She’ll kill me first.”


The next morning, Austin met Mitchell outside of Belle’s room. Although he’d had to hold her down, they gave her something to make her sleep so he could go back to the hotel to shower and catch some Zzz’s.

His sleep was restless at best, filled with dreams of Belle writhing and moaning beneath him, before she was shot by a dark, hooded figure with a gun. Despite his knowledge of her skills, he felt an overwhelming need to protect her, which was completely screwed up, considering she’d played him over and over again. He’d traveled to San Diego to make D.I.R.E., yet he found himself torn between his life’s goal and a woman that proved wrong for him on every level imaginable.

He arrived at the hospital at four in the morning, toting protein sandwiches and juice. With a fit body like hers, he didn’t think she was prone to donuts and latte. Either way, he wanted to be waiting for her when she woke. He needed to keep the upper hand – and see if she had more dreams. For a woman that didn’t frighten easily, whatever it was had reduced her to vomiting and violent tremors.

Three hours later, she was still asleep. He wished Jaydan was, too. Unfortunately, his brother had decided to play overprotective, micromanager super agent today. After all he’d been through lately, Austin had no doubt he could muster enough strength to beat him senseless.

“Belle said she won’t make it to jail.
kill her first.”

“Who?” Dylan stood beside Teague’s chair, a hand on her back.

“She wouldn’t tell me,” Austin said, as he leaned back against the wall. “Based on what she
say, which was very little, it sounds like she grew up in some kind of cult.”

Mitchell crossed his arms over his chest. “You couldn’t get her to talk?”

Jaydan sneered, hands on hips. “Of course, he couldn’t.”

Austin glared at his brother and clenched his fists. “She’ll talk – if I sleep with her.”

Jaydan’s eyes widened. Austin grimaced and cocked his head.

“Yeah, I thought that would shut you up.” He turned back to Mitchell. “She said her and her sisters weren’t allowed to
with the weaker sex, meaning men.”

Mitchell arched an eyebrow.

Teague’s laughter tinkled in the silent hallway. “I can see the logic.”

Dylan looked down his nose at her. “That baby growing inside you proves I’m far from the weaker sex, Doctor.”

With a laugh of exasperation, she shook her head. “Only you, McCall.” She kissed his hand. “Only you.”

Mitchell said, “So, are you going to sleep with her?”

Austin took a deep breath and released it. Here goes. Some would call it blackmail. Others, a gamble. Still others, going for it. Truth be told, he’d probably sleep with her, anyway. They left some unfinished business on that parking garage pavement. He wouldn’t rest until they settled it.

“If you take me on at the agency, Mitchell, I might be persuaded.”

Austin swallowed hard. Damn, he’d just blackmailed one of the most powerful men in the world, who happened to be the man he wanted to work for - proving he’d officially lost his mind.

His gaze went to Jaydan who shook his head and stared at him with a you-blew-it smirk on his face.

Oh, well. What’s done is done. He could never say he didn’t try.

Mitchell gave him a hard stare. “Why do you want to work for D.I.R.E.?”

All of the frustration of the last few months came rushing to the surface, dousing him in barely restrained anger. He was glad this was going down in front of Jaydan. He should hear it.

BOOK: Special Agent: Austin
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